The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

She sat down on the ground, waiting for the remaining few to wake up. She noticed the girl who had just now woke up, "hey, it's not a dream.. and I have no idea where we're at.. the others are inside already. I'm waiting out here for the others to wake up.'
Oh umm....Hi im Gale but most people call me Red. I got lost in the moment I apologize. I just like seeing new places and people and I just got kind of lost but Hi Baby nice to meet your acquaintance it always nice to meet new energetic people like you.
Kat looked over to her. "Oh, ok, awesome. My name is Katarina most people call me Kat though. My older brother calls me Kit Kat, but that's another story entirely." she said scooting over next to her. 
Kat looked over to Aubrey and elbowed Skylla. "Hey, who's that guy? He looks 'bout ready to kill somebody." she said as he walked toward the mansion.
"Red huh? Weird! You're not red at all!'re an alien hidin' your true self," she winked at him with a grin, "Your secret's safe with me." At his last sentence she placed a hand to her cheek and fake blushed, which was pretty easy when your skins kind of pale, "How flatterin' Mistah Red. You're pretty cool yourself! Anywho, I need to claim a room for myself, wanna come?" She twirled off, and back into the foyer she stared at the surrounding corridors, each one drastically different. That's when she saw it, one filled with a mix of abstract and edgy art, flickered lighting and temptation. That was it.

Off she went down the hall, and flew open a door to a room with a bed, a dresser, and what seemed like endless darkness. She gasped and flew onto the glowing bed, "I love it! It's mine!"
"I think 'bout ready seems ironic, given that we're probably dead," Svrit muttered, trying to wake who he could.

" I don't know about you, but I should be burning on a bench somewhere, not relaxing in the sun."

"Also," he added, shaking a body," the name's Svrit. Nice to meet you, seeing as your stuck in the same situation I am."

He gave up, seeing that nothing could wake them.

"I don't suppose the sleeping beauties will wake up that easily..."
Miki scoffed, hearing Svrit's comment. Sleeping beauties was probably his way of saying women I want to sleep with. And she was not going to be on the sleeping beauties list. She wandered inside, looking around at the beautiful place. "Whoa." Where the only words for it. There were game rooms, and all sorts of places. They even had a room just for her on the top floor. She entered her room and gasped. In the ceiling there was a large glass dome where she could see the sky from. She laid on her plush bed and relaxed in the sun.
Yeah Gale replies to Baby He followes her to the room and smile at her enjoyment. Its nice to see people happy in times like these. She seems like a very unique person just like all of my friends I have made. Gale's mouth transforms into a slight smirk.
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "I really have no clue. He's a man on a mission that's for sure." She shrugged and stood, looking at the others.. "why is it taking them so long to wake up..?" She said worridly, glancing at them all.

@Gabe Drako @Mitheral

(I'm making sure you guys know, what with the whacked up notifications)
Gale walked into his "claimed" room and Closed the door with a Old key and then tied it around his neck. He then turned on a stereo and found a disc and started listening. He then finds a bar close to the door frame from witch he starts doing chin ups hoping to regain some muscle strength.

There was much better things to do, sure. Originally, Aubrey had busted into the mansion with the soul intent of figuring out what the hell was going on, but after a rather intensive search, he found that there was no one to find. The events happening were all too strange; a bunch of people wake up in the same area, in front of the same ominous mansion. He might not have remembered what happened, but that certainly didn't mean that others didn't.

A cigarette burning between his lips, a visibly angered Aubrey stormed out of a room which he had spent the past couple of minutes in. As it seemed, he wasn't going to get answers. So, what could he do? Whine about it? Absolutely not. That didn't stop the fact that he was agitated beyond belief. He walked down the stairs, chucking his cigarette out the front door after reaching the lobby floor. Then, he walked into the living room. He took a particularly long time, looking from left, to right in attempt to fully see his surroundings without taking another step.

"What the #!@$ is going on!?"

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Sighing, Skya stood and began making her way into the mansion, placing her hand on the door, she twisted it and peeked inside, gasping at the amount of space it had. "Just... wow..." then she noticed the guy, the one that was probably the most determined man she had ever seen. "You.. umm hey, I'm Skya." She said awkwardly, still amazed at the events that had occurred.

She swallowed nervously at the man, he was an intimidating figure alright. She couldn't deny though, she was oddly into the guy.

As she talked, she couldn't help but admire the room. This mansion seemed empty? But.. it was so well kept.. it made no sense.
After Babette had thrown herself around in her room, running into walls(and being upset that there were actual walls), she did a nice walk out of the hallway. She admired the bad lighting, and wished she had a mirror to see herself flicker, on and off like a ghost. A ghost who was in limbo and was being whisked away into the underworld, for they had done their deed. She nodded to herself, confirming this thought. She was a ghost whenever she walked through this hall, and before she left, her duty as a ghost was to figure out what that particular deed was...Gosh, being a ghost can be so confusing sometimes. You just forget everything all the time, it's such a hassle.

Wow, that was off track. She kept walking, containing herself from exploding herself with excitement. Exploding? She tilted her head. Exploding...? "Yes exploding!" she whispered to herself, "Why do I keep questioning myself? I guess it's the right time to be questioning things though, isn't it? Oh gosh, I'm so weird, I need to stop that." With furrowed eyebrows she walked through the mansion, without paying attention to much. She had decided the best time to search the place was when she wasn't so distracted, when she came upon the living room and two other human beings. Her large eyes widened, glazing over the red head and the smoking man. She pointed at the two, swirling her finger in circles, lowering her head until she looked gravely serious, "Do you have aaaaaaany idea where we are?" Throwing her head back, she let out a laugh, "'Course ya guys don't! Neither do I! But this house sure is cool 'eh? Cooler than me."

Aubrey took in a deep breath. What was he going to do? Explode on this helpless woman? After all, she was just as trapped as he was. She spoke, but he didn't immediately respond to what she said. Instead, he closed his eyes and hung his head. He placed his right hand on top of his forehead, and his left on his hip.

I wish I could remember shit.

After this momentary action, he brought his hands back down to their appropriate sides and peered over to the female whom had decided that he was the type of guy that could hold down a conversation, and be nice about it. She wasn't wrong, but on the surface she certainly was. He took a second to look her over.


Then the other female made her presence known. And she enjoyed talking. Aubrey didn't enjoy this, so instead of feeding the behavior, he completely ignored it. He simply took a short period of time to peer into her general direction, before looking back at the other female. Then, he turned from the both of them and dragged another cigarette out of his pocket.
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Gale decides to check his wardrobe and it seems to have everything he wears inside of it. Strange. He put on a pair of tight but not too tight jeans a t-shirt with a Pentagram on it and a Striped hoodie and a black beanie. Feels just like home now Gale exclaimed to himself. He then took the key off from around his neck and unlocked the door and walked out into the hall. Gale continued to look around for each time he looks around he seems to find more intrguing features of the mansion.
"My guess its his name," Svrit yawned, strolling into the hall for the first time," that or he's really bad at guessing names."

He walked up to the duo, slightly bored with the empty halls. Though he knew very little about the two, he sensed there was something different about the man before him.

"How's it going," he asked, half-interested," You seem to be the only other thing alive in this hall. What's your story?"
Gale walks up to the group of people to listen to what they are talking about trying not to involve himself in it. He was weirded out by the situation but not enough to stop his intrests from peaking in other people and new places.
She smiled and snorted a laugh still weirded out by the whole situation. "Well. Seems to me that we're in a magical mansion that has no way out" she said grumbling. "Hey Aubrey? How many cigs do you have left? This is starting to take a toll on my fragile mind." She said placing a hand on her forehead.

(By the way, Mitheral has decided to quit the RP ): so should we open to another guy or keep going? I'm up for either, but this RP seems exciting so far.)
Gale walks back to his room silently see as if no conversation of his interest was going on. He lays on his bed with his door open inviting guests
"I got you covered."

Svrit reached into his pockets only to see his cigars were gone as well.

'Can't this place let me keep anything?'

"Forget it," he muttered, " this isn't looking to be my day." Then again, it hadn't been his day for awhile.

"I'm not sure about you," he called," but I'm up for some exploring. Anyone want to tag along? I'd be better than sitting around. Nothing was ever found sitting idly by."

Without waiting he walked on, sure there was some answer to this mysterious predicament.

When it came right down to it, a gathering of people around his personal space was just the cherry on top of the crap-cake. He dragged yet another cigarette from that pack of his, which was dwindling fast. Were there even any convenience stores for him to go and replenish his needs? Chances were, no.

What the hell was Aubrey going to do about marijuana? That was another story. At least for the meanwhile, he had plenty to hold him over. Along with a lighter, he handed the cigarette over to Skye.

"I don't blame you."

"Thank God" taking the cigarette and the lighter, she lit it up, taking a long drag. This was just impossible to believe... handing the lighter back to Aubrey, she decided then and there that she needed to find herself a room. Looked like they would be staying here for awhile.

As most were walking upstairs, she wondered if there was a basement of sorts. There was an attached building to the side, but that was of no interest to her. Opening the basement door, she began her journey downstairs. Arriving she found bedrooms with whole swimming pools attached, ones with personal bars, along with quite a few others. But they was just not her style. Upstairs it was. Climbing up another set of stairs, it seemed it took forever to reach the top. There she found an almost furry looking doorway. She opened it and gasped. It was perfect. She must have been in one of the towers, because this was the sight she saw.


She immediately took off her shoes and practically fell onto the soft carpet, someone could literally sleep on it, and it would be as comfortable as the bed. Standing back up, she rushed to the window and gasped at the elegant view she was met by. It also terrified her. There was nothing. Nothing for miles. You could even see rivers in the distance, but.. no civilization or anything. They was truly stranded.

((I changed my bedroom, I'm updating it with the maps in a bit))
"Is any of this real?" Svrit wondered, pressing his arms against anything and everything" I still can't believe it."

Making his way through the mansion, he noticed many rooms, one of which was sure to belong to him, and as he walked he noticed a pool, kitchen, playroom, etc. By itself, this entire house was paradise.

"But why does it feel so wrong?"

He walked off to where he saw a library, and stopped before entering.

"I'll check it later. There's still more things to explore."

He walked back outside, crossing through archways, and saw something that made his heart leap.

"Flowers, " he whispered, taking in faint amounts of joy," there are flowers here. I've never seen a garden like this before..."
Jason's eyes shot open as he heard the sound of unfamiliar voices around him. He quickly maneuvered to his feet and the head rush of his quick movement brought him right back down on his ass, hard. He looked around him and didn't recognize anything at or any of these people. This had to be a dream or something. While the others talked he kind of hung in the middle of the group not really saying anything but choosing to either make facial expression or gestures to communicate how he was feeling or to agree with the wonderment of the situation they found themselves in. The mansion was definitely like something out of a dream and only further boosted his suspicions that this had to somehow be a dream. He continued to explore realizing as the others said that there seemed to be room for everyone, so he walked silently on trying to figure out where the hell he was and if he had a room or not and where it was located.
Rick lifted one eye, then the other.

He used his peripheral vision to loom around.

Where the hell am I....

In an army style instinct from having been kidnapped by other soldiers in one of their jokes, he commando rolled out of the bed and had himself in a fighting position. It didn't too ridiculous as he had some clothes on, which seemed odd. Why was he in an unknown room in the middle of nowhere? Rick relaxed his stance and scratched his chin in thought.

Last thing he remembered he was in a café sipping some coffee. Ever since he got booted from the army for something that wasn't even his fault, he's been unsure how to lead his life. Then there was a sudden flash and then next thing he knows...he's here.

Rick took a look around, then noticed the pack of cigarettes on the dressing room table. He took one and lit it in his mouth. It was a typical Malboro, which he didn't mind. He noticed the lifting rack in the room as well.

"The fuck, it's like someone's designed this room for me."

He took a drag from the cigarette and rested it between his fingers, then slipped out of the room to see what there was.

((Talk to him we have a clueless ex-serviceman here :P ))
Giggling in excitement, she ran back down the stairs still barefooted and d stopped midway, noticing quite door, she hadn't seen before. Opening it, it revealed what seemed to be the fourth floor by how high it was. Running around she spotted one of the ones who were passed out before. He was buff like Audrey and had short brown hair.

"Hey! And before you ask, we have no idea where we are either. I was just up in my room, it's up in a tower it looks like, and there is quite literally nothing for miles." She explained, feeling better and more calm.

Then it hit her. "You was in that coffee shop! I'm the barista there.. well err, was.. id have to say I'm fired now." She laughed grimly, happy to see another face.

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