The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

"And it looks like the plot has suddenly gotten thicker," Svrit fie, suddenly surprising everyons," how quaint."

Having been on his way to check the dead, he noticed the dispappearance of bodies as quick as day. At first worried that they had been tampered with, his fears were resigned when he saw the woman from earlier and a man, who looked like he could be trusted, walk inside.

'At least that means we're probably the only ones hear.'

"Yo," he called nonchalant," how's it going? Name's Svrit. Pleasure to meet you."

Quietly, he gave a side glance to the others on the couch. The blond seemed okay, no lasting affects from the recent blast. The girl on the floor, though...

Svrit froze. He could feel himself grow weak. He didn't know what to do.

'She's... she's beautiful.'
Tony's head jerks up suddenly, and he takes in a deep breath. He starts to cough. "What the hell happened?! How long have I been out?!" Tony stood up and hobbled to the place where the most people seemed to be, and he found Skylla. "Hey." He waved a hand in the air. "Over here."
The orange-haired girl stared at the other girl's hand warily. "Liana," she announced quietly.

Registering more people in the room, Liana suddenly felt embarrassed... and claustrophobic. She scampered off to a far side of the extravagant living room, watching the others with a hint of anxiety. She tried to count the people - and she knew there weren't many - but she felt caged in and everyone kept moving. Stress slammed hard down on her, seeping into every muscle.

Liana, now entirely conscious and aware, wondered how on Earth she had gotten to be in this place. She remembered only little things. The last thing she remembered was that she was in a large crowd. She held a knife in her hand, pointed straight at her own chest... funny, but she couldn't seem to recall what happened next. She continued to watch the others with a trembling look, like a timid mouse cowering from a group of cats.
Skylla apparently hadn't heard him, so he decided to meet some people. He saw a girl in the corner. She seemed frightened. I don't blame her. He thought, I'm pretty scared myself. He walked up to the girl slowly, to show he was safe. "Hi, I'm Tony." He said softly. "You shouldn't be scared, you know. We are all good people." Tony smiles a warm smile. He always had a good charming skill. "Why are you away from everyone?"
"Crowded," Liana whispered back, falling into her surest sign of being terrified: putting on her blank poker face. She took a step back closer to the wall without really realizing it - a prey's response to an advancing predator. She fought the urge to tremble. Just those few words were not enough to calm her... but maybe they made a little progress. She stared at this new "Tony".

A thought occurred to her - if she didn't act civil, she would be picked out as a misfit in this new crowd. "N-nice to meet you," she added.
Tony nodded. "I understand that you're scared. It's completely okay. I would never make fun of you for anything like that." He put his back on the wall next to the girl. "You're name?" he asked, still keeping a bit quiet.
She felt much more 'cornered' now that Tony was standing within arms' reach of her. She crossed her arms over her chest, grasping her right arm with her left hand. She stared self-consciously straight ahead.

"Liana..." she began to respond quietly, thinking should I say my last name, too? That's proper, right? "...Rice. Nice to-" but she broke off mid-sentence, realizing that she had already said that. She hung her head, hoping that he would not mention that small mistake.
Tony smiled warmly once again. "Well, nice to meet you Liana. You seem tense... do you want me to scoot over?" He asked concerned. He had a friend who was claustrophobic, and it hurt him to see her in a tight space, so he guessed this girl would be the same. But, he didn't want to move if he didn't have to.
Without saying a word, Liana shook her head. She didn't want to attract any weird looks by freaking out about proximity, as uncomfortable as she may feel. Besides, wouldn't it be annoying if someone selfishly forced me to move, even if I asked if they wanted me to? she reasoned mentally.

She slightly turned her head to the side - only slightly. Her gaze travelled over to where Tony rested. She didn't mean to stare, but she couldn't help but watch.
Tony saw the look in the girl's eyes. He knew that inside she wanted him to move, but didn't want to come off as rude or something. He slid a bit down the wall, giving the girl more space. He noticed her stare. His smile got even bigger. "What? Is there something on my face?"
The relieved feeling Liana felt at first as he moved away was quickly crushed as he called her on her stare. "No," she whispered quickly, averting her eyes. Social encounters, she tsked mentally, thinking the phrase as if she were cussing. She wished she had something with her to occupy her; instead, she was left to halfway fight through a conversation with a boy she just met not five minutes ago. She grasped her arm tighter. And what is he smiling at?!
"Like I said, I won't pick on you for being scared... I mean, we just died in a crash for god's sake, how are we here? We should be being buried right now, but instead we are breathing and walking... we are alive." He said slowly. "If you want me to leave I can..." He trailed off, looking at the wall behind the girl.
"Dead," Liana repeated, eyes widening. That makes sense! That would explain the whole chaos here... but then I have to die again... and how did I get reanimated? After sitting there confused for a moment, the orange-haired girl registered the fact that Tony had added something to his "alive" statement.

"You don't have to go," she said, casting her gaze to her feet. He had already moved away, and proven not to be terribly annoying. She wouldn't tell Tony to leave; she would leave that up to him. She breathed a quiet sigh as she wondered what she was supposed to do. What would a normal person do in this situation, showing up in a strange mansion filled with people they didn't know?
Hearing Tony she turned and frowned softly, noting how he was talking to the only other redhead in the room. Biting her lip, she knew she should be happy that he was awake, but.. he didn't necessarily have to flirt with the other girl. Grabbing her own arm, she noticed how the other girl seemed to be scared to death being around him. Believe me honey, when we argue, it gets scary for me too. Thinking that and taking a deep breath, she put on her usual confident smile and made her way over to Tony.

"You're finally awake." she said softly with a breathless tone to it.
"Hey Sky! I called to you earlier... but you didn't respond." I turn to Liana. "It was nice meeting you... I'll talk later... I guess." He grabs Skylla's hand and pulls her off to the side. "What's wrong. Don't try to act like it's nothing.... we've known each other long enough for me to know when you're feeling something..."

Smiling at him softly, Skya looked down absentmindedly when he grabbed her hand sweeping her away. His hands seemed smoother than before and she supposed hers did too, it was like they was recreated in this place. She then started to doubt that the original mansion owner would be back. Looking at him through her eyelashes, she decided then and there to improvise. There was no way for her to be able to talk to him now without causing a scene.

"I'm good, but how can you act like everything is normal?" She asked him worriedly. Putting her head in her hands and rubbing her eyes in stress, she then looked at him with a tired look. The possibilities of why they were here was starting to stress her out. "Well, go find your room, we'll talk later. Once you get back, I think we need to get everyone together to talk about this whole mess."

Ending the conversation there, she made her way to the kitchen, smiling softly at everyone as she went, trying to put off that there was nothing going on in that head of hers. Making it in there, she raised her eyebrow and tilted her head, pursing her lips as she viewed the mess in there. "Well... it looks as if they didn't take long to raid the kitchen." She murmured to herself, taking the time to pick up everything that had fallen, placing the salvageable things in the cabinets and the bare food inside of the trash compactor. As she placed them back into the cabinets, she noted how all of the food there ranged from highly priced organics to high calorie junkfood. Curiosity getting the better of her, she checked the fridge, gasping in surprise, This place was stocked to the extreme! There was every kind of liquid juice in one compartment, a variety of meats, cheeses, and even kinds of bacon in another, tons of veggies and fruits in another, feeling overwhelmed she just closed the fridge and shook her head. "This place has to have two kitchens with all of this stuff.." she said to herself.

Tony stays silent from that point, planning on asking Skylla later about what happened. But, until that point should come, he'd silently follow Skylla. "Looking for food..." He said softly.
Gale wakes up and realized he dozed off in his room while others were roaming around. Gale whispered to himself "Guess getting killed really takes it out of ya" He got up and pulled his favorite Electronic hookah out of his pocket and took a long drag.He got up and walked down the hallway to the Kitchen he was quiet hungry. He puffed the vapor from his mouth. And looked around the kitchen seeing the other residents of the newly awoken dead. And though to himself why this was all happening especially to him. Had he pissed someone off way too badly this time? Did Karma catch up to him? Gale searched for alcohol in the kitchen and found a bottle of his favorite whiskey; Jack Daniels,he then unscrewed the cap and took a big swig. Set the bottle down on the table and rubbed his forehead in a concerned manner.
Noting how Gale was also in the kitchen looking for whiskey, she ignored how Tony seemingly followed her, placing her hand on the open fridge, she faced him, "Have you seen the contents of this kitchen? It's stocked to the max!" she said with a slight giggle, closing the fridge, she went to the cabinet, grabbing two shot glasses. She then made her way over to him, grabbing the whiskey she looked up at him with a concerned smirk, "So how do you think everyone is holding up?" she poured the amber liquid into the shot glasses, pushing one to him and downing hers. The warmth burning her throat slightly, but it was nothing, she was used to it.

Looking down, she was surprised that she even dared touching the shot glasses as they were pure glass with little swirly insignias. Some looked like flames where others just had simple flowing lines, each one was unique. No longer examining the glass that she poured another, and downing it too, this time, shaking her head a little, then opening her eyes to await Gale's answer.
Tony shakes his head and leaves the room. That girl both confuses, and annoys me. He walks up the stairs, and sees his room. "Oh... lord..." He runs and jumps into his bed, looking down the slides. "Well, this brightened up my mood!"
I think everyone is abso-friggen-lutely oblivious to the situation that we all died! And yet everyone's so happy dandy about it. I just......Fuck I don't know. Gale looks at the shot glass and throws it at the wall and then takes a another large swig of the whiskey. I'm sorry..... I'm scared......I don't what to do but drown myself in my indulgences...Sorry

It had been hours. Aubrey hadn't noticed the time pass, he had just continued sitting in that same spot, chain smoking. Weed, cigarettes, both into one, it didn't matter what kind of apparatus existed, but it would eventually touch those lips. The young man had absolutely no intention of leaving his room. What was the point? Until he decided it was time to stop being high and lazy, he didn't need to figure out how he got there. Besides, what was he trying to escape to? His crappy apartment in the projects? Section 8 housing wasn't particularly somewhere he was interested in being. Considering he had been working so hard to get out in the first place.

The smoke generated from the constant exhalation into the closed-off room left it a bit hazy. Not noticing, Aubrey's eyes were still peeled on the view he had. He probably should have opened a door, but then again who cares? What, was someone going to come walking along and complain? He would love to have to deal with that. All he really needed was an excuse to punch someone in the face and vent some of his anger. Little did he know, it probably wasn't the best course of action when he would just end up stuck in a house with that person and genrate more issues.


Letting her bubbly walls down, she looks at him grimly and nods. Laying her hand on his, she looks at him seriously. "You know.. I think we all are. And part of me believes that some of us don't even know what happened in general..." sighing, she takes her hand off of his and looks down, starting to fiddle with the shot glass in her hand before tossing it up and catching it.

Sitting it down, she looked back at him smiling wickedly,
"you have to admit though, this place is pretty badass." She laughs a tinkly laugh and turns, noticing that Tony left. Thank god. The shadow has left.

Looking back at him, she smiled solemnly, "how about we get everyone together at how about..." Looking at a nearby clock, she noticed how it was around 5 o clock, "5:30? I think that the living room should be empty. Or we could all meet in the garden and look for some not so legal herbs?" Smiling, she looked at the surviving glass, the flames were similar to her own tattoos. Then she smelled it, that sickly sweet smoke that was definitely NOT cigarettes. That was the smell she aspired after. The smell of delicious weed.

You smell it too...Smells like someone just light the answer to my problem. I need some. Smells like an angel just passed by.Someone has the good stuff.....maybe I still have a little of mine? Gale took his hand and checked a secret compartment on his hookah. Hah looks like I still got some. As he stuffed it into the main valve of his hookah and took a drag. Coughed a little and handed it to Skylla
Rick just raised an eyebrow and had his arms crossed while bearing witness to the whole situation. A woman was more skittish than a rabbit, a guy was flirting with her even though her girlfriend was standing right there and they all eventually went their separate ways.

Rick decided to get some food since after that he would go for a workout.

He looked at what the kitchen had in store, leaving Sky and that guy to themselves. He noticed all the protein filled foods and supplements which were what he just needed.

"This place is LOADED. I don't give a fuck how we got here or whatever the hell is going on. I can just live a happy life here!"

He grabbed several various ingredients and supplements from the shelves which he required. He then skillfully from having made such things many times mixed together 2 scoops of whey protein, 1 & ½ cups of water, ½ a cup of raw almonds, ½ of a frozen banana and added a dash of vanilla sweetener. He then after having blended some of the ingredients and mixing it into a drinks bottle closed the lid and shook it vehemently. After he had done that his shake was done and he downed the entire drink.

He then made another for use later, but instead blended together two apples, 2 scoops of whey protein, a scoop of creatine powder. After shaking the drink he put inside it and shook it a bit again. This had him set for a drink to have during and after the workout.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?

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