The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

Baby grinned at the red head's joke. Was it a joke? This whole ordeal made her want to vomit but she wasn't built to act like that. She wrapped her legs together and closed her eyes, trying to forget what she said. An explanation would come, and she would go home and be with her brother though. She couldn't freak out other people here, she had to stay ridiculously cheery. Happiness can be contagious, and people figure out things when they are in some good vibes.

Other people didn't seem to care about that so much. When she opened her eyes, the red head had left. The man seemed annoyed, "Aubrey huh? Cool name," she tilted her head, "Do you like anythin' other than smokin'? l don't like it, my mama did though. Do ya like to read? I think I saw a library, it's pretty cool." She stood up and spun around, "I also saw a game room, there's a pool too, you see your room yet? By the way, my name's Babette! But people usually call me Babbz, or Baby."
Rick was stunned at the sudden approach of a girl. She was kinda hot for someone who looked quite young, but that right now was not top priority.

"Well that's just fucking great, that was a good coffee. I guess the world really has rejected me!"

He laughed at the aloof nature of the girl. He wasn't sure if this was her real state, but oh well.

"Sooooo we're just like fucking trapped here in a tin can like drivers in an Abrams ((type of tank))? Shit man, was not expecting that."

He scratched his chin and flexed his arms in thought and being a bit stiff. "So ummm, are we the only shitheads 'ere or is this tin can packed to the rafters?"

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She laughed at his humor, she then gestured to the staircase behind him, "Last I checked everyone was either exploring, checking out their own room, or just hanging out in the foyer. I believe there are around eight awake that I've seen, myself and yourself included." She said scratching her head for a split second. She then frowned, "Unfortunately, there are two girls and two guys outside still I think, now that some have woken up. I'm not sure if they are gonna make it, we should probably carry them in, they was still passed out last I checked." she then looked up with a goofy smile, "Wanna help?" she said with a gleam in her eye, not even bothering to wait, she began to make her way to the stairs.

I wonder if Tony will ever wake up... she thought, pushing it out of her mind.
"Heh, if I've carried timber logs for army bootcamp since 17, I'm sure at 25 two people aint gonna bloody stop me!"

He followed the girl then realised something as he walked, looking around the expansive mansion. He realised his army tank top he wore showed off his thick knotted muscle. All strength too from all that army training he did while there. Guess it could only be for the better.

"So what's yer name lass? Or I'll run out things to call ye eventually."

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Jason had stopped by a few rooms and gone to different floors, he finally managed to find a room that fit him. The room upon entering seemed small, but it opened up to the pool area via the doors that were a few feet from the end of the bed. off to the right of his room there was a fully stocked bar that could fit, what appeared to be, everyone that he had seen, and also had a full length profession pool table. The left side was an entertainment center, huge couch and giant TV. It was like the perfect bachelor pad setup, aside from things being big enough to fit everyone in it, but he just considered it as extra space for himself. He hopped in his bed and laid there trying to remember what the hell happened. While he sat there he vaguely remembered walking down the street passed a Coffee Shop and then the next thing he remembered was heat...lots and lots of heat and then nothing.

Aubrey looked at the female who was talking with bewilderment. She didn't understand what he was trying to convey. Obviously, this had to be the only reason. There was no way she was sitting here, deliberately speaking while knowing he was unhappy - if she did, it was devilishly and deliciously evil. Of course, little did the young man know. She finished speaking, and he continued staring. Then, he answered her with a scoff, turned his back from her and walked away.

Was there no place to go, within this mansion, that had solitude? Now, provided the fact that he'd only been in the central room within the mansion, there was undoubtedly other places he could go and hide out. He took the staircase back up, walking past a number of doors, until finally realizing... There was another staircase at the far end of the upper level! Aubrey practically sprinted up the staircase, jumping three steps at a time until he got to the top. It led to a single door, which he walked through. What he saw was completely astounding; as if it was a room that taylored to each of his needs, Aubrey already realized which room he was shotgunning.

He shut the door behind him.

Smiling crookedly at the brute force of a man, she rolled her eyes. "From shithead to lass, I sure have ranked up, eh?" she laughed her usual twinkly laugh, "You can call me Sky or Skya. My true name is Skylla, sounds to scaly to me though." she said sweetly, looking at him from the corner of her eyes. "And your name is?" she asked, finally reaching the front door, passing the others to go to the four remaining in the yard.

Rick did a silly grin at her humour. She sure was an interesting person to talk to.

"Name's Rick."

He cracked his neck and walked to where the people laid. He wondered if they would ever wake up. Well, at least he was strong enough to carry people. He remembered a past time in his training where carrying people was part of a training drill.

If anyone was going to go around carrying bodies, he seemed the prime candidate.

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Kneeling down next to Tony, ( @Gabe Drako ) she checked his forehead, noting the sweat there. "This was my... umm.. friend from home. He hasn't woken up yet.. As for the others, I'm hoping they do, but it seems almost slim at this point." She said standing, and then walking over to a girl who had gorgeous blonde hair. ( @XxJuliaxX ) "I think I can handle getting her, mind helping a girl out?" she said pointing to her back with a nervous grin.

She noted little details about the guy, he seemed rather her type, and was way nicer than Tony was, just in the short time. She just hoped that he would wake up, and not die in front of her eyes..
"Heh, what man wouldn't help a woman in distress. Its textbook."

He slung all the bodies over his shoulder, two on each. He was used to such a weight, but wasn't a fan of slugging it around for too long.

"Lead the way Sky."

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Babette grinned as she watched him leave, waving him goodbye, "Bye bye! See you soon Aubrey!" But once he disappeared, she lowered head, muttering, "Freakin' asshole." Who the hell did he think he was? She smirked to herself, whatever.

She walked past the door and took a peek out. The redhead was with another man, she smiled at them, then off she went to look for the library. Or should she go to the kitchen? She tapped her chin, yes good, kitchen first then library
Jason liked his room,took note on where it was located, and decided that he would go see if he couldn't find something to eat. On his way to locate the kitchen he pondered on why they suddenly ended up here. Maybe they didn't die,maybe he was in a coma or something,but then again maybe this was like heaven or something. "This place has to belong to somebody,right? Can't just be a giant mansion in the middle of nowhere and rooms for everyone....that's just crazy" he said to himself in a low voice as he made his way through the mansion, looking or the kitchen.
Hours and hours flew buy, with Aubrey refusing to leave his room. Everybody had been mingling, just like everything was fine - but only, it wasn't. Nothing about the current situation was understandable to any of them, for what he could see. The fact that he was the only one taking their predicament so seriously also made his reactions seem foolish by default.

The troubled man was sitting by the large window in his room, his feet propped up on a coffee table which rested on the ground in front of him. Within his hands, there was a bottle of whiskey. on the table next to his feet, a gram of cocaine. Sure, the white girl that was laid out on the table probably wouldn't do his temper much good, but he sure loved blowing it up his nose.

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"So nice," Svrit sighed, inhaling the fragrance, " so pretty. This would have to be the only thing I would miss in life, assuming I'm dead."

Svrit believed he was dead, what other explanation was there? Pretty people in the house, luscious landscape around, an unexplained explosion, beautiful flowers, what other explanation could there be?

He took a deep breath, enjoying this small moment, and gently touched another, each colored pygmy a small miracle in itself.

"If the world was only you and me," he smiled," at least I would walk in beauty."

He picked a few, doing his best to not damage the plant, and wondered what the others were up to.

"It's best to see if they've woken up, yet."

He pampered a small rose into his shirt, and adjusted his glasses, placing a small lily within his reach. He always liked the lily. It was his favorite flower.

He looked up and gazed towards the sun, enjoying the radiant waves above.

'I wonder if the sun ever sets in paradise...'
Babbz flew into the kitchen, dark hair flashing behind her. She threw open the fridge and all the pantries in the beautifully designed kitchen, "I'm going to live somewhere like here someday," she said thoughtfully to herself. That was immediately followed by her singing, "Down down baby down by the rollercoaster..." and ransacking all types of food. It was stocked with snacks, sweets, pizza, steak, food from all over the world! When her hands were full, she started on her way out. But she was a clumsy girl, and she was not being as careful as she usually was, and slipped, landing on her back with a loud thump. Food flew everywhere, and she groaned through a smile. She was so dumb sometimes
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Jason just couldn't shake the weird feeling he got from this place and wondered if any of the others felt the same. This place was almost like a little piece of paradise that was crafted to perfectly fit all of them into it, but he didn't quite understand how or why something like that could exist.

On his walk he had pondered on the the last thing he remembered before waking up in this strange place, and it hit him like a wrecking ball. He was definitely caught up in an explosion of some kind, that much he knew to be a fact. So ho does none go from being blown to kingdom come one minute and suddenly wake up in a makeshift paradise that seemed too perfect to be real.

As he made his way into the kitchen he heard a loud THUD and saw food fly all over, and as he quickly ran to see what had happened he noticed that the dark haired one, he thinks her name was babbz, had fallen about. He couldn't help but chuckle aloud a bit as he ran to her aid. "You alright down there?" He extended a hand to the girl to help her up.
Raising her eyebrows in surprise as he effortlessly lifted them all up, she just stood exasperated for a minute "Yea.. umm well, I could've gotten her" She said mildly dumbfounded at his brute strength, tilting her head to the side beginning to laugh loudly, turning into a giggle. She turned, "Well, come on!" she began to walk beside him into the house, holding open the door and leading him to the circular living room that she found. "Id say that these couches will be good enough until they wake up" she said sweetly with a twinkle in her eye.
Rick grinned.

"I'll just leave the sleeping beauties here then."

He set them all out separately on couches with relative ease, then let out a breath of satisfaction for his effort.

"Soooo, do we like slap em awake? Or do they need a kiss from Prince Charmin' and they'll all be fine again?"

Rick laughed. He liked the upbeat nature of this girl, he preferred it over people who are introverts and hide them self away, which was the polar opposite of himself.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
She opened her eyes, seeing the hand above her. Blinking she looked around her, seeing all the spilled food, crumbled cookies and smashed grapes. She grabbed his hand then flew onto her feet, immediately pushing him out, "We have to go!!" She whispered. She was getting far like this, but Babbette didn't even seem to really notice. "We can't get caught. She wanted to go straight to the library so she didn't get in trouble on the first day here, because surely someone owned this place. And usually you don't want your entire kitchen floor to be covered in food, but Babette detested cleaning, and getting in trouble.
Still asleep, Liana Rice breathed lightly. One vivid orange hair that hung over her small lips floated for only a moment as she let out another soft breath. She smelled something nice, but couldn't place it. With a small sleepy sound, she tossed onto her other side, which just so happened to have nothing under it. She fell with a light thump onto the ground of the living room, her forehead and knees hitting the ground first.

Liana groggily got onto her hands and knees, then rose to a sitting position on the floor. She held one hand to her forehead sorely, squeezing her eyes shut. That hurt... she whimpered mentally.

Blinking as she forced herself awake, she was greeted by the sight of strangers. The first ones that she was able to focus on were a boy and a girl. The boy was laughing about something. She took in her surroundings slowly. "Where am I?" she muttered, vaguely directing the question at the two strangers.
[QUOTE="Captain Arabella]She opened her eyes, seeing the hand above her. Blinking she looked around her, seeing all the spilled food, crumbled cookies and smashed grapes. She grabbed his hand then flew onto her feet, immediately pushing him out, "We have to go!!" She whispered. She was getting far like this, but Babbette didn't even seem to really notice. "We can't get caught. She wanted to go straight to the library so she didn't get in trouble on the first day here, because surely someone owned this place. And usually you don't want your entire kitchen floor to be covered in food, but Babette detested cleaning, and getting in trouble.

Jason was hurried out of the kitchen and didnt really resist her forceful exit strategy, although he didn't think it very wise or nice to leave the kitchen in such a state of disarray. "Okay there, little lady," his country accent sounding like he was trying to calm a wild horse, "I guess we'll be leaving that to the help, or the next unfortunate soul to enter." He allowed himself to be ushered out and decided to just go along with her to wherever it was she was off to.
She was pushing him much easier than she imagined she'd be able to. She nodded to herself, the best people were the ones that always went along with your plan. Not that she had many plans, other than not getting in trouble. When they were fully out of the kitchen, she looped in front, grabbed his arm and ran toward the way she remembered the library being, slipping a couple times but keeping herself up. But then she stopped. She let go of his arm and tapped her chin, twirling around. "Library, game room, or...I bet there's a pool here. A house this big just doesn't not have a pool, right? Yeah." She then stuck her hand out, "Babette! Or Babbz, or Baby, my common nicknames." She widened her eyes, this was her third time introducing herself today! It was such a hassle, jeez.
With the touch of another individual's muscular hand, Saige's eyes fluttered open. Her view was concealed by cloth outlining a powerfully built body. Straining to look below that, she discovered pants and neatly mowed grass, a shade of lush kelly green. This environment was completely unfamiliar. Where was she? Her mind struggled to recall what she had been doing, and at last, it surfaced in her brain. Misplaced images flashed through her consciousness; flames, screaming, Manhattan Square veiled in a perilous glow. Chaos. Was she being brought to help? Was she hurt? What happened? Her body was limp, her stomach bending over a broad shoulder while her legs dangled on the other side of this person's body. Beside her, she felt the warmth of another figure and, tilting her head sideways despite the gravity that pulled on it, she identified a mass of straight, flowing hair in a fiery hue. There was the sound of voices, one a deep male tone and one, in contrast, a buoyant female voice, and the body upon which she was suspended began to move, striding towards somewhere unknown. Exhausted, Saige scrutinized the grass as it zoomed below her, her head swinging back and forth hypnotically and her arms limply bouncing against the person's back as she was carried away, not bothering to make a single movement, slightly frightened of what might ensue if she did. Who was kidnapping her? Was this a dream?

The lawn was splendidly mowed, the short grass in tidy, orderly columns of exquisite green. Her head and arms started to bounce more heavily, and elegant marble replaced her view of the yard. The feet that were responsible for transporting her climbed a small set of steps, then rotated sideways - bringing her a bit of discomfort as her head nearly collided with the one that belonged to the girl beside her - and escalated yet another. The unpleasantness returned as more stairs succeeded this after a slight expanse of beautifully polished marble, and the person swiveled once more before walking strolling in a different direction entirely. There was the sound of footsteps, another set beside his, and Saige craned her neck to discern the pants and shoes of another individual, accompanied by the female voice that she had perceived earlier. Her ears suddenly caught the rush of air as a door was pulled ajar, revealing a new flooring with an alabaster polish, smooth and glossy, reflecting the vague image of a chandelier. With this was the aroma of a glorious, divine perfume, and she inhaled deeply, relishing the scent. She continued to let herself be hauled along, her mind dizzy and dazed. After a few minutes, the linoleum adjusted yet again, this time a tan wooden flooring - not as sleek and lustrous, but elegant and unblemished as well. A new delectable essence filled her nostrils. The girl's voice arose, followed by the man's. They seemed friendly and kindhearted - but then, why were they kidnapping her?

There was a pause, and Saige swayed as her carrier leaned in various directions, and abruptly, the girl with the ginger hair slipped from her view, unexpectedly vanished. Succeeding this immediately, she was gently slid into the arms of the man that had been transferring her inside this building. Promptly, she squeezed her eyes shut, wondering for what reason she was brought here and assuming that she was expected to have remained asleep. Would they kill her if she exposed that she was awake? She decided not to risk it, although she was on the verge of doing so due to the intense curiosity that was overcoming her. But the way the man held her was gentle, cautious not to harm her. That was not the mindset of a murderer. She was released onto a plush leather surface, soft and spongy against her skin. It felt incredible, like she was curled up on a foamy cloud, and it made her half desire to lie there for eternity. There was a stirring beside her, the sound of a thump emanating from somewhere below. A foreign female voice ensued, and inquisitiveness sparked within Saige. Not bearing to be left unaware longer, she sat upright from where she had been arranged on the velvety material - a couch. She no longer cared whether she would be assassinated if she was aroused, and instead wanted the answer she had been yearning for the entire time. As her eyes opened, she remained speechless. She found herself on a beige leather sofa, peculiarly forming a semi-circle, with an identical one facing it, and a circular table of the same material in between. The couches were adorned with cushions in differing patterns, all in neutral shades, four of them separated by an elegant glass vase on a dark platform. This lounge area was in a depression of the massive room in which it was centered, four wooden stairs leading out of it. She observed that the entire chamber was of the tan wooden flooring she had seen earlier, apart from the little space she was in now, which was blanketed with a small woven rug.

The rest of the room was magnificent. Suspended above the circular lounge was a chic lamp that matched it with decorative ornaments dangling below the light bulbs. Peering around the chamber, she detected a pool table that rested upon a bizarre arch as well as numerous other places to sit. Ovular lights scattered the ceiling. This place was completely exotic to her, but it was gorgeous. Her focus returning, she inspected the people surrounding her. Two bodies lay on the opposite couch, unconscious but evidently breathing. On the floor perched a girl with the precise ginger hair that she had spotted earlier. Her eyes were wide and startled, a stunning blue, icy like winter. Her eyebrows were a deep chocolate brown; her hair was undoubtedly dyed. Her skin was pasty, almost completely colorless, but there was a grace to her face. Standing over them were two others. One was another girl, appearing about as old as Saige herself was, who possessed silky crimson hair, clearly natural, and brilliant, almost glowing, amber eyes. It seemed as though there were a passionate fire blazing inside her irises. An intricate tattoo in swirls and dots extended from the edge of her eye. Her lips were plump and a glossy pink. Beside her was the man who had carried Saige and the girl resting on the floor. He was huge and incredibly muscular, his muscles showing through his tight T-shirt that outlined the frame of his body. His shoulders were broad and could easily have endured the weight of four other people. His eyes were dark, as was his hair, which was combed over tidily. Facial hair encircled his lips. Her eyes darting around her environment once more, her mouth fell ajar in bewilderment. "Whoaaaa . . . This place is awesome! Who are you guys? Is this, like, some cool hospital or something?" Her face broke into a wide grin, and she straightened on the utterly comfortable sofa before sinking back into it, absorbing the spectacular sensation it gave her and sighing. There was nothing to be frightened of. These people were here to help, not to harm her.
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Prepared to answer Rick's question with a laugh, she was interrupted by two of them waking up, swiping her hair from her face, she jumped slightly as one of the girls woke up, then proceeded to fall from the couch they placed her on. Rushing over to her she helped her up laughing softly, "Took quite a tumble there didn't ya?" she said with her usual crooked grin. The girl in front of her had bright orange hair, almost neon in color, as well as equally bright blue eyes which almost glowed. Then noting the other girl who had woken up, she laughed at the questions she had. She definitely would like her. She was gorgeous, she had nearly flawless skin, and white blonde hair and a deep blue hue in her eyes.

Letting go of the girl who she helped up, she looked down at the girl in front of her and smiled almost worridly, "I'm actually not sure where we are. We woke up here same as you two." Turning her head and flashing a smile at Rick, "I highly doubt theyll need a kiss from Prince Charming now," she said with a giggle, winking at him from the corner from her eye, "But.... they might!" She laughed full on, pointing at the two guys who haven't yet woken up.

Turning back to the blonde girl and smiling at the one with the bright orange hair, she held out her hand, but this time to shake. "You guys can call me Skya. I was the first to wake up, I think everyone else is exploring this place, it's truly massive. It's almost magical, everyone has found a room so far seemingly tailored to their taste! And if it's a hospital, we're going to have a heck of a bill." She beamed at the blonde.
"Well, the floor kissed her as her Prince Charming."

He looked over to the other two males and commented "Does Prince Charming even swing that way? I sure don't remember the books saying that!" He laughed and looked the two girls over.

One of them looked to be rubbing themself from their minor moment of intimacy of the floor, which he couldn't make much of. To be fair he had done it before in army bunks when sleeping when he was younger.

The other looked around and at him with wide-eyed fascination. He couldn't tell what this girl was thinking so he left them to it.

He simply stood to the side as Sky talked with his arms crossed. He wondered what this place had in store for them. Would there be a change in situation or will they be trapped here like its the Big Brother situation.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?

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