The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

When his fingers reached to wrap around the remote for the TV in his room, he picked it up and pressed the power button. The image took a half of a second to start up, fading into HDTV. He was pretty happy about that, at least. Having a nice TV was amazing. It always had been, even the flatscreen he had recently bought himself. It was the first Aubrey had ever recieved, and it was as big as he could buy it. Well, if he truely was dead, it was his mother's problem to enjoy that, now.

Eyes narrowing at the stand under the TV, he noticed something within it. The large box with moving pictures had been mounted up onto the wall, undoubtedly making the furniture which the TV was supposed to rest on nothing more than a collection of drawers with a wide open space inbetween. As he got up to investigate just was in that space, he noticed there was a video game console. Picking up the wireless controller with excitement, he pressed the power button and changed the input on the television as he sat down. When the home screen for the console came up, there was a game all ready inside; FIFA. Of course, in celebration of the world cup, amirite!?

Jason had followed Babbz and now found himself in the library. It was immense, books lining every wall in every direction, and there was even a second flor that was accessible with the use of a spiral staircase in the middle of the room.

"It's been a long time since I've been to a library...." he walked around the library, browsing. It was quiet since they were the only two there, but earlier he had heard a bunch of noise indicating that the others must've awoken. "Well at least the Afterlife Inn has an extensive selection in books," he said joking as he continued browsing, while glancing at Babbz every now and again.
Babbette was silent at the view of all the beautiful books, lining up and down the walls in what seemed like an endless array. She could cry from the glory of it all. So many worlds to pop into and say hello, so many things to learn. She always wished she had not even half the amount of books this place had. For a second she didn't even notice was Jason had said. "Haha what? Afterlife?" she cocked her head to the side, eyebrows furrowed together, "What do you mean? Why do people keep talkin' about death here?" she smiled but her voice was kind of shaky. She didn't feel like reading anymore. She turned towards the door, where she could hear the quiet leak of people's voices. The rest seem to have awoken, glancing at Jason she said, "Why don't we go see what everyone's up to, eh?" and started walking out without a moment's notice
Jason watched as Babbz headed for the door, and slowly followed behind. "You do recall what happened and where you were before you woke up here right? Clearly, this is not where any of us were before...the incident, and now suddenly in an estate that's practically molded for us." He was more or less talking at her then to her, as he was using the opportunity to get some stuff off his chest. "If this isn't the Afterlife then this is one hell of a dream,"he said as he exited the library behind Babbz, "Might as well see what's up with everyone else," he placed his hands in his pockets, speaking under his breath, "Not like we won't be getting some good quality time in together." He fell silent again as he walked a few paces behind Babbz, contemplating on how the others had reacted when they woke up and found themselves here.

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She tried to ignore what he was saying, something dreadful had been scratching at her the whole time she was awake, but she'd been trying to get it to leave her alone. She didn't want to realize what it was, and what she had been hiding at the back of her head. She remembered seeing light, and feeling something very hot, but she didn't want to go any further than that.

She bit her lip, getting frustrated, "That afterlife talk is dumb," she said, trying to sound lighthearted, "I'm sure we all just signed up for some science experiment, and this was part of it no biggie," she nodded to herself, trying her best to confirm that that was the truth. She turned towards him, walking backwards into the kitchen, "That's the only sensible thing, right? We'll be outta here inSHIII-" and off she slipped, misplacing her foot on some juice she had spilled earlier when she fell. It seemed like no one had cleaned. Tilting her head backwards, she saw a few others in the kitchen, both of which she had saw before. She waved her hand to the red head and Gale, hoping they would distract her from all that death talk. Pushing herself off the ground, she stuck out a hand to the red head, "Hello friend, I don't think I caught your name before!"
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"The better question is," Svrit muttered," why don't you clean up your own mess?"

His voiced surprised the trio, his sudden appearance like that of a ghost.

"Honestly," he sighed," I saw you make it earlier, and I honestly believed you'd clean it up; guess that trust was misplaced."

He could feel the woman leer at him, but her stare did little compared to the girl beside him.

'What was that I felt...?'

He shook his head to this. Maybe the day was getting to him. He had died. He was sure that'd put off anyone.

"Whatever your excuse is," he went on, drawing his hand to the back of the fridge," all that matters is you're here now."

Silently, he pulled out a broom and dustpan.

"Here, you sweep, and I'll wipe up the mess, since team work will help us in the long run. If you want, you other guys can join too."

He turned to the origin of the mess.

"That good enough for you?"
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She silently took the broom from the boy's hand, blinking. He was making her do exactly what she did not want to do. She hated cleaning, oh god how she absolutely hated cleaning. She could do the laundry, cook the food, walk the dog, but cleaning was just sooooo booooooring. She didn't know what to say, and started sweeping, rubbing the back of her head where she hit it, "I really dislike cleaning..." she said quietly, "But y'know, I guess it was wrong for me to run away from my mess..." She felt like she was being scolded by her mother.
Jason decided to help her clean since he did also walk in on the mess, and then didn't have the decency to make her clean it up. He slowly began to pick up things that had been strewn about.

"Not sure team work helps in Limbo, or Hell, or even Heaven for that matter," he muttered as he helped picked things up. He wasn't sure where they were but he was sure that they had definitely all died. Was this suppose to be some sort of midway between heaven and hell? Like a final test or something? Either way, he figured that cooperation was probably their best course of action as of now.

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