The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]


Senior Member
Cierra111 submitted a new role play:

The Eternal M ansion - After an explosion, ten people wake up in a beautifulMansion. Scary part is, is they can't leave.

*After the explosion,all that could be heard was a metallic ringing sound, as if it was a small bell that held that highest pitch for eternity. Thoughts were spinning, her body was unable to make the slightest movement. It was as if her bones were attached to the floor's surface themselves; welded into the shallow concrete which was now cracked and gravely, the faintest of her nerves returning to feel the speckles of gravel that was now engraving themselves into...

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*Cue the beginning of the News*

Welcome to this RP!!

"..Meet Skylla Rain Nicholson.This one of the nine killed in the explosion in Manhattan Square. Her injuries consisted of 9 broken ribs, both of her femurs were broken as well as her neck and 3 bones in her spine. She was pronounced dead by the coroner at 12:46 p.m. Saturday morning. On to other news..."


Welcome to the ten o'clock news.

As an update to the explosion in Manhattan Square, three more unidentified bodies were found. Twenty-One year old, Gale Lancaster, Twenty-Three year old, Monroe Fergus Benedict Malone, and Nineteen year old Babette Bellerose were identified along with Skylla Nicolson, as victims of the explosion. Another of the victims has been found and === yes? Oh okay === Another body was identified as Nineteen year old Tony Fraw. Prayers and our thoughts go out to all of the families of the victims. There will be a memorial once all of the other bodies have been found.

Cierra111 updated The Eternal Mansion with a new update entry:

Poll :)

Recently, someone added another character before I was able to update the RP, I was considering allowing there to be one more Female spot, therefore, he could have a place for his character.
So, we have all of the characters updated as of now, and we have him as well with his character.

Therefore, I'd like there to be one more female character.

So if anyone has a friend that would like to be in this RP, please message me before 1 pm. in the Eastern Time Zone. Ill accept the first to PM me,...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Cierra111 updated The Eternal Mansion with a new update entry:

Nearly ready!!

Hey everyone!! So far, I have updated the maps (I dreaded that so much) and I will now update the deaths :P If there are any details you wish to add, please PM me before 6 PM EST time because that will be when the first post is made!!
Also, if you want to duck out or take a break, just take a nap or get cozied up into a good book :) this is only to prevent those awkward moments that sometimes scare RP'ers away. :)

I'm also going to be writing this storyline down along with your characters....
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Welcome to your daily newscast!

On the news this morning, we have what believes to be our last update on the Manhattan Explosion. From what at first seemed like 10 deaths, two more have been found with exceptional injuries. The list which once contained only Skylla Nicholson, the first of the victims found, has grown to include the ones mentioned from earlier's broadcast: Gale Lancaster, Monroe Fergus Benedict Malone, Babette Bellerose, and what has been notified to be Tony Fraw; Skylla Nicholson's boyfriend; as well as Saige Brookes, Maika Hazel Greant, Liana Rice, Lee Svrit Stenson, Alex Tanis, Katarina Simson, as well as a spectacular death in Aubrey Corrigan, who was one of the later ones found, as his body was closest to the epicenter, and was blasted a mile away. It seemed he died by the impact, and surprisingly enough, all of his body parts were intact! Further rebuilding of Manhattan shall continue once the rubble has been cleared away. Authorities state that they found it hard to believe that there was so few deaths. Church minister's state that "God was with them." On to further news, there has been a killing spree similar to a vampire love story in Britain, all centered around a certain mansion in London. Nearby locals were found dead, all drained from blood. On to further news... 

Opening her eyes, she felt no pain. She glanced up and began to flex her muscles. Moving them seemed to crack and pop into place, feeling unused. Almost as if there was no more pain, she began to move, pushing her body upwards and tilting her neck to look around her. The first thing that she seen was a gigantic mansion in front of her peeking out from behind the tree tops. Looking around her, she noticed at least 10 other bodies, guys and girls alike... The explosion.. Tony! Wincing as her muscles popped and cracked, she spotted the familiar short blonde haired guy that she grew feelings for. She placed her fingers against his neck and sighed with relief as she felt a pulse. Standing back up, she stretched again, still feeling as if her body was jelly. She then looked back at the huge mansion, her eyes opening in awe at the pureness of the place, it seemed like a building straight from a tale. Looking around at the others, she checked them for a pulse, sighing as she felt each of them. Might as well wait for another to wake up, that way we can carry the others indoors at least. She looked to a nearby tree and climbed up it, sitting on a branch gazing out at the huge castle, where are we?

Miki was in a dreamlike trance. She felt no pain. She opened her eyes looking around. There was a huge castle like thing in the distance, but a little closer was a girl sitting in a tree. Miki blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the light. The woman in the tree had bright red hair and golden eyes. Miki sat up and looked at the girl. "Where are we?" Miki asked.
Gale opens his eyes very gently and calmly. The sunlight beaming on his pale face, he felt a slight breeze. Looking up at the treetops surrounding him he wondered how did he get here. He thought for a moment and remembered riding his skateboard down central Manhattan and then fire,screaming, and dust. Then remembering the pain and the blood he then wondered how he was alive. Intriguing as it was he was laying on the ground almost lifeless and felt as if he were being watched. He rolled onto his stomach with a sigh for his body was stiff. He let out a large breath and brought himself up but upon doing this it seemed as if his whole body just popped back into place. He looked around himself with and saw others laying there. He stopped for a second to listen and to his relieve they were breathing. Best let them come awake on their own he said to himself out loud thinking the rest were unconscious.
Hearing the others stir below, she turned and looked down at the others tilting her head, concerned at the others. She wondered if they would feel the same stiffness that she did. Where are we? She looked down at the blonde girl and smiled grimly "I wish I knew.. that mansion sure is impressive though. Quite a sight I believe." She watched as the guy with long brown hair began to sit up, she then climbed down and bent over, it was like her muscles had just lost strength.. I wonder if that place has a gym..
"Oh. Well that sucks." Miki said, frowning. She stood up to go lean on the side of the tree. "So where just going to wait for everyone else?" Miki said, looking at all the other incapacitated people. She noticed a man waking up at the opposite side of the little clearing. She gazed as he let out a large breath as if it was forced out of his lungs.
Gale's curiosity now got the best of him seeing the big Wooden doors of the mansion he had to see what was inside. He tiptoed past the others trying not to make them stir. But his leg gave up on him and he fell flat on his face with a loud thump on the ground. His body was not trained like it used to be witch left the question was he in a coma this entire time however long it had been. Questions stirred in his mind as the pain from his face made him wake up from the drowsiness.
She looks at the others with a strained face, wondering what exactly the ones at home believed happened.. they were all just suddenly.. here. Families, ..lovers, children.. where were they?

"I guess so.. I'm Skylla, but I prefer Sky or Skya, take your pick," she held out her hand for the girl to shake. She was still confused by where she was...

Suddenly, she heard a thump, turning she seen the one who was waking up, face down on the ground, she quickly made her way to him, helping him sit back up. "You okay?"
"Figures," Svrit sighed, leaning over to shield the light from his delicate eyes, " I would be brought here without my glasses."

He turned over, his charred body healed, and wondered if the alcohol in his pocket was still there.

'Nope. Gone'

He sighed again, the action something he was used to.

"At least I'm not alone in this mess."

He didn't know what he was doing, or how he was alive, but at least he knew a few things. For one, there were others to suffer with him. He noted the red haired girl especially, since in what he could call life, he'd always been attracted to it. Now, it just reminded him of the blood that should be.

"Hey," he called out to those still asleep," are you guys awake yet?"
"Maika, but I prefer Miki. It sounds better." Miki said. She turned around as a man yelled if people were awake. "Were awake, and there's a guy over there but that's it so far." Miki said, looking over at the man who just woke up. Looked like he needed glasses or something because he was squinting a lot while looking around.
Gale brought the strength from within himself and picked himself up off the ground and power walked up to the big wooden doors and pushed as hard as he could they opened quite easily but creaked as the slowly opened. Inside it was beautiful and very modern despite the look and sound of the doors. He said to himself "What is this place?!""Paradise?"

"Let me put it to you in a way that you might understand it, all right?

Aubrey was quite flustered, trying to procure a transaction in the middle of the day.
"What is wrong with you? This ain't no f-ckin' flea market, mane, prices ain't negotiable. You put the money in my hand, you get the product and I walk away, capisce?" Angrily, Aubrey took the money out of his customer's hand, making sure that every last dollar was accounted for, before speaking again. "Now, get ya ass on." Within a matter of a few seconds, the man had walked away, cursing under his breath.

Those light hues watched the man go, turning away after his form turned the corner and left his sight. As he did, he would spit on the ground, chuckling under his breath.
"Lame, duck-ass son-of-a-"


Aubrey awoke to the sound of a female's voice. He didn't open his eyes at first, rather he took some time out to mentally process what was going on. He had no memory of what had happened just moments before, as if his head was an etch-a-sketch that somebody just happened to vigorously shake clean. He remembered important things, big events that occured throughout his life; but for the love of him, he could not remember one thing that happened since he went to bed the previous night. His limbs were still there, and they were still working. Next step, was his vision; he opened his eyes to see the frames of three seperate people. One, a male. Another, whom he didn't recognize as just previously speaking. The third was hanging out in a tree, but had since jumped down. More silhouettes appeared after a while, though he couldn't make all of them out.

Oh, this is just great. Stupendous.

A loud cackle exploded from his lips, moving his neck from the awkward position it was in, considering he was still lying down on his back when he peered on over to those poeple. Using his forearms, he got up to a sitting position, and pulled himself toward the closest tree. Leaning his back on it, he would check his pockets. He had no idea where the hell he was, or how he got there, but there was one thing he knew about himself; he always had weed.

Oh, and did he. Loads of it. Exhilarated at this fact, he immediately pulled the zip-lock bag out of those tan cargo jeans. Along with it, there were a couple of wraps. He sat there in silence, pulling two grams out of the bag and breaking it up into an open wrap, french vanilla in flavor. He twisted it up with the use of only his pointer fingers and thumbs, pressing while rolling the shape into a closed cylinder. He set fire to the end opposite between his lips, taking a rather lengthy drag from the cigarillo. It was only after a few moments of puffing away that the man finally got up to his feet. Fixing the sleeveless v-neck shirt so that it sat on his torso correctly, he'd keep his eyes fixated on the ground at his feet.

No, he wasn't going to bother asking where he was.

She stood and watched the guy she was observing just walk right up to the mansion and walk in. Does pain just not work here? She pinched herself softly, no it definitely does.. he's a strange character at least. She then turned to the sickly sweet smell, viewing what looked to be a tower of a man, he was definitely built up, that's for sure.

Looking down at her feet, she leaned down to pick up what looked to be a pair of glasses, noting the one who just woke up and was talking to Miki, she walked over and handed him the spectacles, cleaning them off on her shirt as she went.
"Your name's Miki, huh?" Svrit replied, wondering how such a good looking women could be there," that's good to know. Name's Svrit."

The way she held herself appeased him in a way, as if she knew she was the most attractive women in the room and knew it, though they were outside. There was no bounds to what else there may be.

He made small talk with her and noticed the bright flame from earleir walk towards the pair.

'Breath taking,' he thought,' absolutely breath taking'. She burned brighter than the deepest sun and twice as searing, her very gaze ice-melting. Svrit noticed something important in her hand, an object he'd been silently looking for. Standing tall, she walked over.

"I don't suppose they are yours?"
"No there yours. And Svrit, quick notice. I wouldn't hit on me if I were you." Miki said, glaring. The only man she had ever loved had died because of something she couldn't control and she wasn't about to let that happen again. She would never recover if it happened a second time, and the way he looked at the both of them, she knew he wanted to get into somewhere she cared him not to be, so she had to make sure he knew his place.

The banter was more than obnoxious. He raised his free hand to his face, wiping down the center in frustration, before he decided that he couldn't take it anymore. Sure, these fine people had done nothing wrong, and had said nothing that would aggrivate any normal human, but of course, Aubrey was in a category of his own when it came to animosity.

Deliberately making sure to ignore every person that was in front of him, he walked past - leaving a trail of smoke in his wake. Aubrey was making his way toward that mansion that was hanging out in the distance; there was nothing else within their radius but that, so something strange had to be going on. He had the full intention of busting through those doors and knocking somebody's clock clean.

Babette jerked at the slight touch of a neck, but she was not yet ready to get up. Oh, sleeping felt so amazing, you went through a bunch of amazing dreams, who wouldn't like to place their head on a nice soft pillow to be transported to another world. Except she wasn't laying on a pillow, and her dream seemed amazingly...real...and terrifying...She didn't want to sleep anymore.

Babette listened to all the voices around her, from people she didn't recognize. Her heart started pumped faster, have I been kidnapped?! Was that why one of the last things I can remember is screaming?! Where am I?! She scared herself into jumping up, but the popping into place of the joints surprised her, and she fell back over. Oh god, that's embarrassing, and she quickly pushed herself up again. There was a group all around her, she blinked her eyes. "Ah!" Was the first thing she said. Whoops. Hopefully they'll just take it as her being surprised. They were all greeting each other, and she opened her mouth to do the same, but instead saw a glimpse of the door inside.

She rushed past the beautiful lawn she had waken up on, the curious people, and into the huge mansion, "What the hell...This is GORGEOUS!"
She winced at the guy and shook her head silently, handing the glasses to him. She then turned to look at the mansion and began to make her way towards it, noting how the big guy looked like he was on a mission. He's quite scary. She then turned at the squealing girl who popped louder than us all put together. She giggled at the girls bubbly nature.

"So who else wants to put the others in the shade and go check out this beauty?" She smiled at the ones just waking up, and went to Tony.. how is he going to react to this I wonder..? She remembered the slight argument they had the night before. Well. It was more than slight.

She bent down and kissed his forehead, and began to lift him slowly, pulling him to the tree and propping him up.
"Sure, but keep the love fest down over there." Miki grumbled. She hated couples. How could someone be happy living with a buffoon that just wants to take advantage of her. Miki sighed and started to walk over to the entrance. She didn't want to wait for Svrit because no doubt he would want to hit on her.
Gale looked around the mansions foyer with a glowing expression on his face. He was in sheer awe of the size and and complexity of it all. He thought about how this all looked in the video games and in books and thought THIS was better. There were corridors everywhere but one seemed to pull his attention the most it was a corridor of very gothic architecture and stylings which were absolutely his favorite he walked curiously down the hallway and opened the door at the end of the corridor. He opened it and to his surprise it was his dream room he stared in awe. Only to hear others outside talking disrupting his chain of though and then coming to the realization he was not here alone.
"Kat, eat your soup quick, before it gets cold!" her mother's dreamy voice dais to her. She looked down at her steaming bowl of soup, her mouth watering. "Looks so........" suddenly her head splashed into a puddle. The motion woke her and she quickly pulled her face out, her hair and the top of her old and stained Summer Springs shirt, soaked. Aw, must have fallen asleep out side, again. Man, this is the third time this week! Momma is gonna fill me for soakin' my shirt. she thought getting up and stretching her long muscular arms. When she opened her eyes they landed on the mansion. "Whoa, I think I'm dreamin'. Best dream I ever had!" she said her eyes wide. She pinched herself, but the house was still there. "What the-" she saw there were other around her. Where the heck am I?! she thought scratching the back of her head.
Svrit noted the loss of his earlier endeavor.

"The best are always taken", he muttered, looking over to see the woman he had spoken to walk away as if reading his very thoughts.

'How quaint,' he lauded to himself,' I'm here for a moment and the chase already begins.'

He looked around to see if any of the others were awake yet.
Baby looked over at the other man in the mansion with her and grinned at his ecstatic expression. It was amazing, the beauty of it all. But it was all fixed with confusion, questions filled her head. She made a thousand suggestions as to how she made it here, but none really seemed to fit.

The man started to walk down the corridor, and she followed. "Hey wait up!" She followed him all the way to the room, which was absolutely amazing. "Wow!" She exclaimed, "This room is pretty cool, you call it? I'll let ya have it, you seem to like it more anyways," she waved her hand in the air, as if she was lending him a favor, "I'm Babette, but lotsa people call me Baby, or Babbz. Who are you?"
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