The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]I'm in! Oh and by the way, is that the train from Madness returns? I'm going to have a solar martial artist. The fifth style of even blade may or may not be present.

Not sure if the train is from that but I've been wanting to play that for a while :) !
FoeHammer said:
Interested but I would need starting exp/stuff to confirm
Not sure yet. Maybe everyone can pitch in what they would like to see and I might make a decision based on that.
Two concepts in mind:

Moonsilver Alchemical explorer of this strange new world

Spunky young Twilight Caste kid and builder of giant robots

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Not sure yet. Maybe everyone can pitch in what they would like to see and I might make a decision based on that.

I assume we're going to fight the Engine of Extinction, right? So I'd say mid to high maybe, can be lowered with a larger party.
FoeHammer said:
I assume we're going to fight the Engine of Extinction, right? So I'd say mid to high maybe, can be lowered with a larger party.
Maybe. We can also start low level and build it up. I have a lot of plot setup for this.

If we get many players and different groups, we can keep the game going for a while and just have a lot of fun. I don't typically do Exalted games because I dislike the combat and thats why I have yet to join one of the many amazing games we have but when I do I like to go all out.
Katsu said:
I'm slightly confused here. So overall it's a Steampunk Exalted?
Nope, it's Vanilla Exalted with a touch of Autocthon dying and becoming the 14th Neverborn in the form of a gi-humongous train of pain.

Captain Hesperus
Katsu said:
I'm slightly confused here. So overall it's a Steampunk Exalted?

Its regular exalted but Autochthon finally gave into the cancerous void and died becoming a neverborn. However instead of just being a boring tomb like everyone else, I made him a train for the lulz because a neverborn that can move is Death on Wheels(Lol see what I did there?) It kind of throws a wrench into other neverborn, yozi, heaven, solars, just everyone. Also it brings alchemicals into the setting.
Twilight/Zenith caste: Dirgesinger defending the ways of her ancestors and ghosts. At higher experience level, potentially underhanded manipulator dragging people into the Underworld to face the situation more directly.

Zenith caste: Small-time, dramatic cult priest trying to keep his followers safe. At higher experience level, more comfortable with showing his sincerely compassionate side.
First concept: vigilante night caste that knows violet bier ( been wanting to do that for a while)

Second: dawn weapon master

Third: aspiring martial artist that wishes to create the fifth style of even blade.

Quick mechanics question, do I need a tutor for even blade?
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]First concept: vigilante night caste that knows violet bier ( been wanting to do that for a while)
Second: dawn weapon master

Third: aspiring martial artist that wishes to create the fifth style of even blade.

Quick mechanics question, do I need a tutor for even blade?

Hmm Maybe, I will get back to you on that. Still deciding on a few setting details.
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]To Abyssal or not to Abyssal...

That is the question :D !
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]A death knight created solely to gain control of the Engine, the Black Conductor of Midnight Rails

By which deathlord/neverborn? Some neverborns got destroyed by The Engine litterly just driving through them.

Some Deathlords have also defected and been "upgraded"
I LOVE the opening speech by the Engine of Extinction. I don't know if I will have the time for a 3rd game and prefer games with <8 players otherwise I just feel invisible. A question, will this game stay 2.5 or be upgraded to 3 upon release? I hope there will be some combat.

Hmm ideas. I'm enjoying the 1e Sidereal in wlf's game, did the 2.5 errata fix their Chamrset enough to make them playable?
I'm thinking of a Jade Caste warrior with his beamklaive.
MrSerious said:
I LOVE the opening speech by the Engine of Extinction. I don't know if I will have the time for a 3rd game and prefer games with <8 players otherwise I just feel invisible. A question, will this game stay 2.5 or be upgraded to 3 upon release? I hope there will be some combat.
Hmm ideas. I'm enjoying the 1e Sidereal in wlf's game, did the 2.5 errata fix their Chamrset enough to make them playable?
Even if we have 300 players, I assure you that I will give each person my individed attention or I would not even do a large game because I know those feelings of getitng overlooked/ignored in large games.

I had lost my original speech in class because I was trying Microsoft's new skydrive service and it did not save. So Captain did me the favor and while I was in class gave him the general jist of it and some words and things to be included and then he rewrote it for me.

Sidereals 2.5 are very playable as far as I can tell but not Exalted 2.0

If people want to upgrade to 3.0 that is cool, and of course there will be combat but NOT every scene/COmbat monkies will be powered, there will be many epic fights just not all the time.

Inregards to 3.0 while I can't encourage/condone/tell people where to get it when it comes out, I know most people will have the PDF in one way or another. So I don't think upgrading will be an issue if we want that.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I had lost my original speech in class because I was trying Microsoft's new skydrive service and it did not save. So Captain did me the favor and while I was in class gave him the general jist of it and some words and things to be included and then he rewrote it for me.

It's something I do...

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]It's something I do...
Captain Hesperus

And I love you for it :) !

A question for those of us interested in playing an Alchie. How accessible will Vat complexes be for us to upgrade and switch Charms around?
Sherwood said:
A question for those of us interested in playing an Alchie. How accessible will Vat complexes be for us to upgrade and switch Charms around?
A few big Alchie cities have crash landed in Creation, however they are not everywhere so you should take that into consideration.

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