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Fantasy The End Is Here. -[[ Zombie RP ]]-

Should I make the Infected Fast like they can Sprint or Slow so like they are Drunk.

  • Fast like they can Sprint

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slow like they are Drunk

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Mifune nods. The feeling's mutual, he thinks. "You're fine," he says instead. He bows his head and laughs. "I wouldn't think anything like this would work out anyways." The statement is vague, but Mifune doesn't explain.
She watched him silently before breaching a boundary, something she asks a lot of people "how many of the dead have you killed?" She paused, "how many of the living have you killed?"
Mifune hesitates, maybe to count up the total, maybe not. "I've killed twenty four of the undead, and seven living humans," he admits. He doesn't say why he killed any of them as to not sound defensive, but he kind of regrets most of the kills, anyways...
Evelyn nodded and gave him her own number as a gratitude, "I have lost count of the undead I have killed...and I have killed twelve people." She didn't tell him more than this just stated it bluntly.
(Ikr...-tumble weed rolls past-)

"What's...your name?" She sighed and rubbed her head, "not too sure if I've asked or not."
Alice looked around for her bag and her missing notebook in the process. "Hey Hunter? You haven't seen a black notebook with a white pentagram on it have you?" She asked as she dug through the pile of clothing.
JustCallMeAimee said:
She watched him silently before breaching a boundary, something she asks a lot of people "how many of the dead have you killed?" She paused, "how many of the living have you killed?"
JustCallMeAimee said:
Evelyn's eyes had darkened to the point where they'd become black, bending her knees she ran after them silent on her long legs. It didn't take her long to reach them and when she; Eve didn't hold back although and she did it in a calm and collective manner. Grabbing the front of Scarlet's gun she dragged it skywards incase she decided to shoot and pulled it out of her grip, she saw the girls blade before she even had a chance to move and ducked under the attack elbowing her in the forearm and knocking it out if her grip; it was obvious she could fight before this zombie thing had happened. Grabbing the girls wrists she forced them around her back, "Do not aim that gun at me after I saved your partners life." She told the girl calmly, "to be frank I could've left him to be eaten, hell I had a reason to after he tried to bash my face I'm with a rock, but I didn't so thank your self lucky."
((Also godmod here))
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Scarlet rolled her eyes at the two and picked up her weapons. She walked away, there was no way this girl was going to join her group and if that meant Mifune would leave to be with the other person then she didn't care. She holstered her gun and kept her dagger in hand as she walked. She rounded the corner to see an infected coming around it at the same time. The zombie lunged at her and she dodged it and impaled it's head with her blade simultaneously. She effortlessly removed her blade and the infected dropped dead next to her before she continued on her way. @The Arrival @JustCallMeAimee
Now that the area of the house was clear Xenn and his wolf started to fix up the old abandoned house.
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Eve turned and quickly followed her, "hey." She said grabbing the girls arm, "I'm not taking him, I survive alone." She shook her head softly not elaborating why, "I've done my part, no ones died...now please stay with him so I know it's likely both of you are safe, for a little longer." She let go of her arm, "also, I apologise, about before." She shrugged, "feel free to kick my ass before I leave."
[QUOTE="Scarlet Fires]((I just watched the newest ep. last night OMG everything just fell apart so fast haha))

(Ikr. One second everyone's in possible danger the next...the danger is now death.)
JustCallMeAimee said:
Eve turned and quickly followed her, "hey." She said grabbing the girls arm, "I'm not taking him, I survive alone." She shook her head softly not elaborating why, "I've done my part, no ones died...now please stay with him so I know it's likely both of you are safe, for a little longer." She let go of her arm, "also, I apologise, about before." She shrugged, "feel free to kick my ass before I leave."
Scarlet shook her head, "I'll continue to travel with him. And I'm not going to kick your ass. I don't just kill whoever crosses my path and I wasn't planning on killing you unless you happened to pose a threat to me or Mifune...." Scarlet replied to the girl. "I typically travel on my own as well but this guy.... he is fairly good at persuading people." She gave a small shrug and moved her goggles from her eyes so they once again rested on her hat. She put a hand out to shake, "Names Scarlet or Scar." @JustCallMeAimee
Evelyn hesitated before awkwardly taking her hand, "Evelyn," she paused for a long moment pulling her hand away, "or Eve. And kicking my ass doesn't mean killing me." She rolled her eyes and shook her head, "but fair enough." She stuck her hands in her pockets, "morals are morals."
Talon said:
Talon decided to go off alone... the pain was too much... he wasnt running away from the problem he was trying to fix it. so he had to leave before something happened. he couldnt go through that pain again...
(if you havent realized it im going to introduce his past. get ready for death and sorrow. enjoy! ;)
Talon said:
throwback to 3 years before: it was a simple extraction mission it shouldnt have gone the way it did... agent talon had just joined the CIA. he had trained all his life to be where he was. for his first mission he had to get an agent out of russia whos cover had been blown.
Talon said:
the agent turne out to be a traitor and led talon and the team with him into an ambush. only talon survived. only talon knew the agent was a traitor and before he was able to contact hq the traior had made it back and told everyone that talon had tried to kill him
Talon said:
talon was hunted. the traitor had pulled up so much fake evidence against talon and the government decided talon was to dangerous to be kept alive... the traitor was talons brother... BRIAN!!!!!! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DSRVE IT..talon would never know. brian had become a zombie...
Talon said:
(rest of past to be continued in a bit)
talon trudged away fro, everyone it had startd to rain but he didnt care... the rain wold wash away his scent so no one not even... she could find him his scent would be gone just like him. Talon kept waking all the way to the otherside of the city. he was on the outskirts of the city and tomorow he would leave forever. for the rest of the day he would gather as many supplies as he could find..
Talon said:
(shall i bring some more suffeing? i think i shall)
a year later talon was in hiding. the governent couldnt find him and his brother had ben foud out. the government said he was innocent and offered him his job back but he ignored them and stayed off the grid. he had me a girl and settled down, he didnt want to leave her so thats why he stayed in hiding. they got married and had a son. they named him josh. all was great he was happily maried to the love of his life katherine, and he had his son josh... then one day on his way home work he saw people attacking other people...zombies...
(alright time to finnish his story)

Talon drove home as fast as he could. he finally pulled into the driveway and got out. the front door was open and he ran in blood was all over the floor and he saw what looked like a little hand. he heard a noise coming from the living room he ran in and stopped in horror. his son was on the floor one of his arms was ripped off and his head was bashed in. and right beside the body of josh was his wife…eating…joshes…arm…….

he pulled out his pistol and shot her through the head while tears streamed down his face…

thats why he couldn't fall for witch. he couldn't go through that again. he had to leave

@TheDeathGod @wolfborn4 @BloodyAlice666 @Rui @everyone else
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"Well I wouldn't kick anyone's ass unless the situation needed it either." Scarlet let out small laugh. The situation had seemed to develop an awkward air to it. She looked to Mifune when he spoke, "Yes?" @The Arrival

Mifune bites his lip again, ignoring when his lip started to bleed from all the lip-biting. "I don't know, does that mean we're all good? Or something?"
Scarlet shrugged, "I guess." She noticed the blood on his lip and moved closer to his face to get a better look, "You're bleeding. You should take care of that before the infected catch the scent." She pulled a small clean cloth out of her pack and handed it to him. "Here." @The Arrival @JustCallMeAimee

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