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Fantasy The Elshien 13- OCC

Plotting The Simpsons GIF
Imma be real with you hear chief, I have no clue what to put for magic items, abilities, and spells. But I got the rest done.
Imma be real with you hear chief, I have no clue what to put for magic items, abilities, and spells. But I got the rest done.
Thats fine not everyone uses magical equipment and such. An interesting character you have there. I will say his opinion on the dagon war would indeed be rather unpopular. Most holdouts who we’re against the war changed their tone after the superweapon incident as it kinda proved that the Dagonese king was going to wipe out elshien. That said your character is not only entitled to their opinion but its an interesting take and likely to spark debate and controversy in the courts.

I greatly approve 😁
Imma be real with you hear chief, I have no clue what to put for magic items, abilities, and spells. But I got the rest done.
Also its rather important to note…the crown Never punished the cruach. The Cruach did that to themselves as repentance.
Is it possible for the Cruach patriarch to be a beastfolk? Want to make sure before I make any commitments.
So... He likes the Cruach Family... But hates Corp.... Now I question what are Adric's thoughts concerning Cordelia, who is notably both. XD
So... He likes the Cruach Family... But hates Corp.... Now I question what are Adric's thoughts concerning Cordelia, who is notably both. XD
Cruach by blood, Corp by upbringing.
Also its rather important to note…the crown Never punished the cruach. The Cruach did that to themselves as repentance.
Most of the Empire wanted them punished for serving their king. The Cruach just beat them to the punch.

Also I'm unsure what kind of magics the Cruach family would use that isn't purely defensive or enchantments besides perhaps encasing his claws in metal which I will be adding. But I have added a magic item and two abilities.

Most of the Empire wanted them punished for serving their king. The Cruach just beat them to the punch.
Indeed, Not trying to deter you just know that these things would come up. The punishment from the others was likely to be a tax and land tithe. The cruach elders just decided to pay it in blood because thats how they pay most things. Be it theirs or someone else’s.
Also I'm unsure what kind of magics the Cruach family would use that isn't purely defensive or enchantments besides perhaps encasing his claws in metal which I will be adding. But I have added a magic item and two abilities.
The first phases would be enchanting and master smithing.

The second phases would be More like magnetism that only effects metal.

The “Master Elders” are able to change the state shape and properties of metal. Like alchemical metallurgy.

Ill take a look at what you have, but based on the loose parameters for cruach your likely to be good.
Mauvier often goes to the Cruach for weaponry or armor and I just imagine him being glared at the entire time he's there but he simply does not notice. What are social cues? Don't know her
By all means lmao Mauvier is there to just fulfill his duties. He's likely familiar with a lot of them considering they're soldiers just like the Tintreach are.
Would it be safe to say one Elder agrees on seceding from the kingdom?
Considering how much damage it would do to the kingdom and cruach as a whole….yes but he/she would be very unpopular.

Im not opposed to unpopular though so go ahead. Hell i might make her myself.
Anything I should know about this kindred, rebellious spirit or do I have free reign over who they are?

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