The difficulties of this parenthood (Sharliery & Me)

"It was...only"

Viola raised her brow in a bit of a sarcastic gesture as his breath was blown on her face, causing for her to scrunch her nose "Yeah, right" He couldn't even speak properly! When he asked for her to help him, she hesitated. She wasn't that sure it'd be the best of ideas, even more now that he was evidently tipsy to say the least.

"What if I go and look for your fri-" She started suggesting, but when she noticed him wobbling even while standing on his feet, she wasn't all that sure it'd be good to have him walking around in that state, or even leaving him on his own either.

Letting out a sigh, she grabbed him by the arm and pressed her body against his side so as to allow him to use it to support himself if needed "How much did ya' drink? Seriously" He wasn't all that wasted, but surely it couldn't have been a single one.

She threw a glance in his direction, and, as there was no response given, she shook her head a bit before helping him into the room.

The room was not so big itself, nor was it really illuminated. The dark curtains were not drawn back and the light bulbs inside the room were quite dim. The wooden large table stood in the middle of the room with a couple of empty glasses on top before each of the eight leather seats.

"There ya' go" Guiding him to the nearest leather seat, she declared as she allowed for his body to fall back on it.

The young woman leaned in and reached for the glass situated in front of him, taking it with her and pouring some water inside before returning to his side and handing it over for him to drink it.

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Augustus felt like his head was spinning, he wasn't sure if it was the amount if liquor or that he was drinking it too fast but at the moment he couldn't wait to take a seat and hope it would calm him down. When his body was supported by Viola it momentarily focused his eyes and brain to the feel of her cool skin, his own bring skin calmed.

"How much did you drink? Seriously. " He noticed she didn't seem mad and that relieved him, he didn't want to argue, just sit down...better yet at a party an argument would just cause town gossip.

"1 or 3.." He skipped over two..might as well get to the truth..He tried to assist her with opening the door, but with two hands on one handle it was a jumbled mess, he retracted his hand. He immediately noticed the darkness, sighing as he believed it would help his head, as he plopped down on the chair, quickly his head began to spin and his stomach felt flipped, he placed his head in his hands and leaned forward to concentrate, he heard the clanking of glass and the water being poured, a faint sound of jazz music and chatter... He felt a small touch on his hand catching his attention, when he opened his eyes his double vision collided with a glass of water. He looked up at Viola holding it...something tugged at his heart...would she hide something like that from him. ..should he ask, would she tell him? His hand moved herd to the side softly, both of his arms reached for her waist, his large arms wrapping around and pulled her close, he buried his head into her stomach and was quiet, he could hear the increase of her heart.l, his head stopped spinning again.

"I'm sorry...let me for a while head is racing.." He held on tight like a small child, feeling her comfort like his mother use to show him.. "Do you believe people are honest..." He couldn't stop himself, his heard throbbing.
Viola waited patiently for Augustus to take the glass of water from her hand, her free hand resting on top of her hip as she did so. The young woman wasn't all that unused to taking care of people, for whenever she'd go out with her friends, she'd be the one taking care of them. Even Joachim himself loved to drink, and afterwards she'd be the one to be assigned to look after him. So, even though she wasn't really pleased by having to look after Augustus, she couldn't simply leave the man alone, though there was a side of her that resented him a bit every time she saw him like that, even though she had only seen him like that twice.

When their eyes met, she saw a glint of something she couldn't quite wrap her head around on that green stare of his, but even though she didn't understood why it caused for her heart to be stirred in the process. "Here's some water" When she noticed he wasn't making any attempt on taking it, she stated the obvious. However, he didn't reach for it, and while moving her hand to the side he reached for her waist instead. Viola couldn't stop a gasp from escaping her lips when she was pulled close, an electric jolt being sent up and down her spine when his arms wrapped around her and his head buried into her stomach.

For a moment, a brief one, she froze, her fingers curling around the glass of water tightly as her other hand remained tensed while it hung to her side. Her heart skipped a beat and started hammering against her chest, quite painfully so. "H-Hey, what do ya' think you're doing?" She started to try to pull away, her cheeks unwillingly flushed either by surprise or embarrassment, or even both, she couldn't tell.

"I'm sorry...let me for a while head is racing.."

Augustus grip was tight around her and her brow shot up in a puzzled gesture at his petition. Perhaps it was because they were alone, or maybe because her mind had started to become foggy itself because of the champagne that she didn't try to break free again after he spoke. The room fell silent. Viola's gaze, which was glued to the side to the empty chair at the end of the table, slowly was moved to the man who so tightly held on to her. He truly was like a big small child, and she was reminded of Graham, and she was even reminded of their striking resemblance. Her hand moved on its own and came to rest on top of his head, her fingers gently entangling on his now short hair, and for once, leaving aside the resentment and the hate, she came to wonder how would have things had changed if Augustus hadn't left her in that hotel room several years ago.

"Do you believe people are honest..." His voice was low . . . his question being asked tentatively.

Yet again taken by surprise by his question, Viola took a moment to reply "Most of them . . . Though that depends on the situation . . . " She finally declared.
Augustus heard her answer attentively,but his hold didn't weaken. He took deep breaths against her skin, smelling the fragrance she had sprayed on her self that morning mixing with her natural scent that sent his senses go wild, but at the moment it just seemed to calm his nerves. He didn't know how to take her answer, what circumstances or situations, he wanted to ask without sounding too forward. His cheeks still felt warm, as he felt her hand come on his head he let out a relaxing sigh. Not at all ashamed, his shoulders relaxed more into her, as if the two were in a loving embrace. Augustus couldn't help but feel familiar. Something about this woman had made him crazy about her then...he didn't feel it was a one night stand, even drunk his body ran on auto pilot, he knew exactly what he was looking for and at one point it was her... She knew about Angela and Tom, she knew he showed up with Tom that night...She didn't try to contact him...What was she hiding...

"I don't believe their is a circumstance when to be honest...I feel people lie to protect themselves but what about the other party? I'm honest..." He affirmed, taking a moment to pull his head away from her, her hand still rested on him, he felt a personal connection with her at the moment, as if that room held a time capsule and no years ever exasperated them. He swallowed down the lodge in his throat and looked up to her his eyes searching back and forth between hers. "Are you hiding something from me?" He sounded sympathetic..honestly giving it a chance.
Viola stared right back into his eyes and it felt like forever as she did so. Normally, she'd have denied it, she'd have done so immediately. But ... How bad could it be if she told him? She wouldn't have to be hiding it, she wouldn't have to be afraid. Perhaps ... he'd understand, he wouldn't try to take her son away ... For she had honestly looked for him, she really had, but to no avail. The morning she had woken up, naked and all alone on that hotel room she had shared with him she had gone and looked for him. Asked to the receptionists, asked to the employers, the waiters, everyone ... though now that she thought about it she had never thought in asking Angela, but there was a reason for that ... she didn't even recall that her boyfriend was actually Augustus' friend, she frankly didn't, maybe because she hadn't paid much attention to begin with as Augustus himself had introduced himself to her and not via his friend or his friend's girlfriend.

Her lips quivered before parting, and her hand trailed down from his head to the back of his neck as she tried for the words to leave her mouth. She was about to tell him, she ought to tell him ...

"Oh!" Viola nearly jumped out of her skin when the door's room was opened wide open by a woman she didn't quite recognise "Seems somebody went ahead of us" She stated with a giggle and it was then when the auburn haired woman noticed the presence of a man who had his arm wrapped around the woman's waist "Let's go sugar, I bet we can also find another private place. Sorry to interrupt" Slurring the woman flashed them a smile before she closed the door shut.

Viola felt her cheeks burning and, as if she had been pulled out from a trance, she slid herself from Augustus' grip "Drink your water" She stated, grabbing his hand in hers and wrapping his fingers around the glass before she pulled back. She had almost done something stupid! The young woman took a few steps to the side, before she grabbed an empty glass to pour some water for herself, her back facing Augustus by now.
Augustus arms were still tightly wrapped around her, the silence in the room was calming but nerve wrecking at the same time. The music flooding from the other room was now muffled background noise, all he could hear in his ear was the sounding of his anticipation, starting from the beating of his heart to his breathing that he tried to keep steady. He could feel Viola's own body rise and fall with every breath, the movement of her hand down to the back of his neck made him shake in delight, a sigh escaped him before he tilted his head into her palm and looked at her in her eyes. His arms were slack around her waist but he continued to hold her close.

Augustus stared into her eyes, he felt a feeling in his chest, something telling him that he need to be ready and his brows furrowed, in confusion in anger, in anticipation, he couldn't figure out exactly how to feel or how she felt, her lips parted and his stomach dropped, he felt her hand tense against his neck.

"Oh!" Viola's sudden jerk surprised him, his arms retracted from around her and his hands settled on her hips, he cocked his head around to glace at their guests. They're bashful bows of apology was the last they saw before he heard the click of the door closing again. When his attention directed to Viola he noticed her burning red cheeks staring at the ground between them.

"Drink your water..." Viola's voice sounded a bit shaky but assertive. Her hand reached for his, placing the water in his grip, his other hand was left dangling in the air as she retreated away from him. He watched as she poured herself a glass of water, her back flexing with every move, he wanted badly to see her face.

"Viola...What are you hiding from me?" Augustus' voice sounded more abrasive then he wanted to, but the frustration was building. He placed the glass down firmly when she didn't reply. "Viola... tell me..." Her silence and the way she just drank water caused his anger to boil. She was close to telling him something and now it seemed that fire had cooled and he wouldn't take it.. "I'm talking to you, are you even listening?!" He abruptly stood from the chair and grabbed her arm, "Is it Graham?!" His voice mixed with the screeching of the chair.
It didn't help at all that Augustus was yelling at her, not one bit. Before, he was embracing her, he was treating her with relative care and was being gentle. Now, he was just accusing her, his tone of voice made that absolutely clear. As such, she didn't answer, instead, she kept on drinking of her glass of water. Perhaps, it she remained quiet he'd just let it go.

How foolish of her . . .

"I'm talking to you, are you even listening?!" His hands closed tightly around her arm and he spun her around "Is it Graham?!"

She let out a surprised gasp, and the glass slipped from her hand, falling into the floor before shattering into pieces. He was being rough again, and again she felt the smell of alcohol hitting her face. She frowned and tried to pull her arm back "What's with you? Release me!" She demanded, burning invisible holes into his skull with her eyes.

He was still the same brute. Imbecile! She hated him! How could she even feel jealous before of such a person like him? Anger was starting to boil inside of her and she acted without thinking. With her free arm, she reached for the jar of water this time, and quickly splashed it all over the man, the liquid splashing her in the process as well, though not as much as Augustus, he was pretty much drenched.

"Cool off, you jerk"She practically spat as she took her chance to swat away his hand and push him back. "Imbecile" She added, quickly making her way over to the door and slipping out, her heart hammering against her chest.
Augustus searched her face for an answer but all he saw was the racing anger in her eyes. The crashing glass against the floor made no difference to either of them, he kept a firm grip against her arm. It loosened a little after her full attention was on him. Augustus hated this about himself. As much as he tried to control himself, his body had it's own instincts when he was angry or needed someone's attention. It was extremely troublesome for him in college years with girlfriends or bar fights. This time it wasn't as bad as his youth, but he knew it was unacceptable none the less. "Answer my question, Viola..."

"Cool off, you jerk" He didn't have time to react before he heard the skidding of the glass vile across the wooden desk, it was followed by a wet water fall across his face and chest. He gasped as if he had just came up to the surface from a big swim, the water was beyond frigid against his skin. Viola's hand snapped from his grasp and a hefty shove sent him almost falling back into the chair.

"Imbecile!" He heard her voice crack as she walked to the door.

"Viola! Wai-!" Augustus tried to hurry after her, staggering away from the chair, he caught himself on the edge of the table from slipping on the glass and water on the floor. "Viola!" He called again but she slipped out of the door without a look back. "Sh*t..." He knocked his fist on the table, his arms supporting his body as he hunched over, he took a moment to compose himself.

Abruptly the door opened again and closed softly, and a sliver of hope filled his heart. She had come back to talk to him...or at least apologize for entirely drenching him, but when his eyes registered with familiar eyes, a familiar look and the sound of business shoes stationing themselves in a familiar stance Augustus all but grumbled.

Augustus stood up straight, the water dripping from the ends of his unruly hair as if he had just left a shower, his shirt stuck to his chest as if he had been out in the fields sweating all day.

"Well now you look how you an idiot." Tom said as he shoved he shifted his hands in his pocket...he had that lawyer stance and a straight face, Augustus just wanted to kick him.

"If you've come to ridicule me, leave. I don't need it."

"What you need is to listen to me. As your friend more then anything. Stop pestering her...stop asking her questions. Keep your distance, treat her as your employer and forget the past you had. Wait for the test..." The last few words held emphasis.

"I want to know the truth." Augustus pushed back his wet hair from his face, he watched as Tom walked to the far end closet and opened it to cleaning supplies.

"And you want to get it from her? If we are right, she's been hiding a secret for almost a decade, you think she will just let you ride in on horse back and claim to be a gallant father. Please Gus, don't make me question your intelligence or has she made such an impression on you that your brain turned into a vegetable." Tom reached for a small white towel in the far back corner.

"I don't see the reason for her to keep this a secret. I'm not a horrible man... I would have supported her."

Augustus felt the towel smack him in the face.

"She doesn't know what kind of man you are but then you had nothing. You abandoned her."

"I didn't abandon her!" Augustus corrected quickly. "I had no idea what happened that night or where to find her! My mother was dying, I'm sorry my mind couldn't wrap its head around what happened at Mardi Gras!"

Tom sighed. "I'm sorry. I spoke on assumed feelings on her behalf...the point is wait for the test...Nothing else can be done."
In her way out, she had crossed ways with Augustus' friend; Tom. However, she simply nodded her head in his direction before she stormed off. She was angry . . . though she was also scared that she'd have him following her like he had done the day before after she had left the dining room. She sincerely didn't understand that man, one moment he was nice and just a split of second after that he was being a jerk. Well she admitted she couldn't exactly say she wasn't any different but still . . .

"Oh my, Viola! You took ages!" At first, the young woman didn't recognise the woman who had talked to her in a sort of accusing tone of voice. But then, as she stopped on her tracks and took her time to actually look at her, a name popped up in her mind; Janette. "Did you get lost? Anya was starting to get worried about you, but we told her you'd surely met up with a friend or something" The blonde declared as she raised her glass to her lips.

A friend, it hadn't been exactly a friend. The thought crossed her mind, but she dismissed it. "I actually got lost" She finally lied, giving the woman before her a kind of apologetic smile "It wasn't easy to find my way around here"

Janette lowered her glass while eyeing her in a way Viola didn't quite find herself liking. It was as if she was looking through her lies. "You're slightly wet, darling" She finally declared, which caused for the auburn haired woman to shift with uneasiness "And look at your face! All flushed. If I didn't know better I'd say you didn't get lost on your own" She was teasing her, though the thing Viola couldn't stand was the knowing look she was giving her.

"I drank too much and so I splashed my face with some water, that explains it" She didn't mean to sound sharp, but she couldn't stop herself from doing so, which didn't help much in convincing the blonde of the veracity of her explanation.

"Sure" She nodded "That must have happened" Viola couldn't cope with her attitude any loner.

"Anyway, I've got to go now" She suddenly declared, straightening her back a bit "It was a pleasure, Janette"

"Likewise, darling" Janette declared before the two women parted with one another.

She had gone there as Augustus had asked, had showed her face and spent some time with his friend's wife, she could leave now. With that thought in mind, she quickly made her way over to where she had been said the kids where. Fortunately, it didn't take her long to find her little Graham playing around with some kids his age. Upon seeing her, he flashed her a smile and ran towards her.

"Momma!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her briefly before stepping back.

"Graham, baby, we're leaving now"

"Now? But I was about to-"

"Now, son. I'll buy you your ice-cream before he go back to the house"

The little boy had been about to say something before his mother had said the word 'ice-cream'. His expression changed, and soon he was smiling once again. "Okay" He nodded, before he looked around "And Augustus? Is he waiting outside?"

Viola's corner of her mouth twitched lightly "No, darling. He'll meet us back at the house"

Graham's brows furrowed "But he said-"

"Yeah, I know what he said Graham" Her voice came out as bitter, which surprised both her son and herself. She blinked, and pinched the bridge of her nose "He's with his friends, Graham. Wouldn't it be better if we let him be? Don't you want to spend some time alone with Momma?"

The little boy opened his mouth to speak up, though he closed it almost immediately and lowered his gaze to his feet, somewhat offended and guilty at the same time. Viola sighed at that, but reached for his hand, which he didn't complain to even though he remained with his eyes glued to his feet "Let's go"

All along there had only been one thing crossing her mind. Augustus knew about Graham, or at least suspected it. And that was bad . . . really, really bad. She didn't want to see him . . . She wanted him gone of her life, she just wanted him out and there seemed to be only one way to achieve that . . . He'd have to find himself a family of his own, or else he wouldn't stop pestering her about her son. And, as far as she knew, there seemed to be only one woman she could think of in that matter.
"If you ask me you fit right in..." Tom had finished saying as they both walked out of his office door. Augustus trailed behind him in a black fitted suit, pulling at the tie at his neck that seemed to be choking him and pulling down the sleeves at his wrists. The suit fit a bit tight from Tom's build but for the most part look decent. His wet hair that was half dry pushed back into spikes, he felt better being out of wet clothes but he wasn't use to the constriction of a suit. He had only wore a suit on a few occasions and he could name them all on one hand, one being Mardi Gras and the other Tom's wedding.

"I just don't understand what kind of person keeps an entire wardrobe in an office closets." Augustus grumbled as they filled back into the room where people were still mingling away. His body felt heavy, and is mind raced, wondering where Viola was but tried to stray away from it since it just caused his head ache to beat more against his skull.

"Well when I am here for days on end with a case it's hard to run home and change. I'm thinking of installing a full bath somewhere in the building..." Tom would briefly stop and smile and wave to some of his guests. "And when the Mrs. gives me the boot, well I know I'll have a nice pair of clean clothes back at my office."

"Must be nice to have money." Augustus grunted and Tom turned and nudged his shoulder with a glare. Before Tom could open his mouth to retaliate he felt a small hand at his back. When he peaked over his shoulder he met his wife's smile and he all but melted.

"Honey..." Tom purred and Augustus chuckled. He noticed Tom's hand go to her belly and Anya smiled.

"Where have you boys been? You disappeared for almost an hour! And Augustus? You changed? You're always dashing before but my my I think the southern drought has blown in!" Anya made a signal to the rest of the room, where women inspected from a far and she herself fanned herself as if she had the hots for him. Tom grumbled.

"Who's wife are you again?" He asked innocently.

"Come now!" Augustus laughed and Anya gave Tom a playful look.

"I don't know, sugar. I might need a lawyer for an immediate annulment since my husband is lollygaggin' in his playroom." She playfully pressed a finger on his chest and he chuckled slightly.

"I refuse your annulment, under no circumstances ma'am will I agree to divorce you,'s my suit, you'll be marrying a naked man once I'm threw with 'em!"

"I don't think she'd mind..." Augustus chimed in and both him and Anya laughed. Tom on the other hand though he knew it was a joke pretended it wasn't so funny.

"Find your own wife."

"Speaking of wife, Augustus, you just missed Viola... She looked real upset and grabbed a hold of Graham and left...I hope everything is alright.." Anya placed her hand on her lips.

"She left?" Augustus quickly searched the room. He saw no sight of her at all. "How long ago did she leave? How is she leaving we drove here together...Does she plan on leaving me stranded in the city?!" Augustus could feel himself getting upset, that woman just rode his last nerve like a bare back horse.

"Gus calm down, give her a call... If anything I can take you back to the Ranch." Tom patted his shoulders like an old friend he was, at this point Augustus was already reaching into his pocket, he didn't even have her number but he kept him composure.

"...I'm going to try giving her a call, if ya'll excuse me..." Augustus took his leave from the two and headed out to the front door, his phone already in hand and on his ear.

"Mr. Breaur...Ah yes, everything's fine I just seemed to have lost track of Viola and Graham...with all the MArdi Gras Traffic in the street, it's easy to get separated.. haha...yes, she probably DID do it on purpose...." Augustus tried to sound cheerful as possible until he finally got a number out of him, dialing it and saving it before he hung up with him. He immediately dialed her number after as he walked down the hot street of New Orleans, this suit was not ideal. It rang in his ear ready for an answer.
"Here ya go" Viola declared with a smile as she leaned in to giver he son his so desired ice-cream.

The little boy reached for it, and though both of them had kept quiet all along, he flashed his mother a smile he just couldn't hold back anymore "Thanks, Momma" He declared happily.

Viola gave out a nod and smiled as she proceeded to seat down by him on the bench. She watched the people come and go before her and just then she realised how full the park really was. It was huge, and yet the large groups of people were literally everywhere to be found, it was almost suffocating.

"What's that?" Graham suddenly exclaimed, catching Viola's attention.


"That" The little boy held out his free hand to point at a group of people who were coming their way with his index finger "They must be melting!"

At first, it was just a white and black blur of people who approached them in cheers and rather slowly. However, soon she became able to recognise just what that scene was. She chuckled, Graham was right, it was way too hot for those men to wear suits, she pitied them.

"It's a wedding, Graham. The woman in white is the bride, and the man who's carrying her is the groom" She explained.

"Wedding? Shouldn't they be on a church?" Leaning back again, Graham asked, licking his ice-cream after doing so.

"Well perhaps they are on their way to the church. Or maybe the ceremony has already finished. Who knows?" She shrugged, and the laughs and voices of that group were much nearer than before.

"Will you marry dad dressed like that, Momma?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a bit. He didn't know she'd actually been marrying Joachim pretty soon, but somewhere in his mind he knew it was bound to happen eventually, that's what everyone said.

"Why? Don't you like it?" Viola's brow shot up in curiosity as she lowered her eyes to look at him.

"It's . . . " He tried to find the proper word for a moment before scrunching his nose " . . . Hot" He finally declared.

A smile crept over her lips as soon as he finished his statement "Well perhaps not during this time of the year then" She said, ruffling his hair.

Graham nodded before he proceeded to continue eating his ice-cream, which was already dripping down his hand due to the scorching hot sun.

When her phone buzzed on her pocket, Viola pulled it out to look at it. Again, she didn't recognise the number, which didn't stop her form answering though. Raising her phone to her ear, she slid her thumb through its screen so as to answer "Hello?"
As soon as he heard the voice connect over his line, Augustus took a deep breath.

"Viola... Where did you both run off to?" He tried to sound as sincere as possible, holding Tom's advice in his mind, he knew he had to bridge a gap between the past and the present for the sake of his job and sanity.

"We came here together, I promised that I'd escort you to the city...and I apologize for my reaction earlier Miss...I've been under some stress.." Augustus stopped at an intersection in the street, looking both way at upcoming cars before crossing, his cell phone is one ear and his other hand waved at the driver giving him a pass.

"I hoped to take Graham to all the places he wants to go..Where are you?" Augustus followed the path down the paved streets, many tourists and people in for the festivity of Mardi Gras lined the streets and headed toward the direction of the New Orleans state park, famous for its beautiful scenery. Augustus noticed the outstretched limo..He guessed it was probably a wedding or celebrity, when he saw the driver dressed in all black he could feel his sympathy. Though Augustus was use to this heat, this suit was like an oven...He found his way into the park entrance and headed straight for a shaded tree.
Augustus voice was like a kick on her stomach. Each time she tried to 'run away' from him, she didn't seem to succeed. She had to fight the impulse of hanging up on him as soon as she heard his voice at the other side of the phone. It was so close, so, so close, that she could feel as if he was whispering those words into her ears. She trembled a bit, before she bit the inside of her cheek.

She also wanted to answer sharply. To state she didn't need an escort, and that she and her son would be returning home on their own, that he could take the car with him and she'd find a way on her own. But she held back again, almost bit her tongue to prevent those words to leave her mouth. She didn't want to see him right now, but somewhere inside of her a voice told her to be civil. Just be civil She warned.

Augustus was obviously beginning to suspect, and it didn't do her any good to pay him attention. She had to show him she didn't mind, that it didn't affect her. Acting all angry and mad was only of use if she wanted for those suspicions to grow. She had to be clever, at least try to hide it. She breathed in silently, and her knuckles turned white around her phone.

"By Popp fountain. You can find us both here" She declared, and the impassiveness of her voice surprised even herself "We should be returning soon, so hurry up, Bradford" She waited for a bit to hear an answer, but upon receiving none, she hung up.

Good, that had been good right? As soon as the thought crossed her mind she allowed for an exhalation to slip past her lips, she'd been holding her breath all along.

"You look really pale, are you okay?" A nearby voice startled her, and she looked up, eyes wide in surprise by the proximity of the voice.

A young man, not so much older than her, and not as far as she'd have preferred asked her, his face much closer than she could feel comfortable with. She leaned her own head back, so as to establish some distance between the both. The man's brow shot up in curiosity before he flashed her a sort of apologetic smile while he straightened his back.

"I'm sorry. You seemed somewhat sick, so I came over to see if you needed some help" He replied, his hands stuffed into his pants pockets. He was wearing a black suit, so she guessed he was with the 'wedding group'. She also noticed he didn't sound from there, not from Louisiana at least.

"I'm fine" She finally replied, glancing down at Graham who had already raised his head in curiosity as he watched the stranger in silence.

"Are you sure? I can bring you some water or something . . . " He suggested, running his hand through his hair so as to brush a golden brown hair off his face "The heat is kind of unbearable right now"

"I'm sure" Viola nodded "I could say the same thing, aren't you guys hot with those suits on?"

The man laughed, and his laugh was relaxed and somewhat soothing "We are, but my sister just thought it'd be lovely to put these on to her wedding. Personally, I disagree, but what can it be done?" He shrugged, some dimples forming on his cheeks as his smile remained.

"Oh then you can't possibly refuse" Viola agreed, relaxing a bit.

"I'd feel much better if you were accept my invitation to have a drink, though" He added, confidence evident in his face.

Viola blinked, and was lost for a bit before she realised he was actually hitting on her. The man was rather handsome, one couldn't deny, but to flirt with her . . . And even when her son was there! Though she felt somewhat flattered, she felt quite uncomfortable at the same time "I'm sorry, I can't"

The man's smile didn't even falter "Why not?" He asked, but his gaze trailed down to her son before it laid on her finger "Oh, I see" He finally stated, and his eyes displayed what seemed to be . . . disappointment, perhaps? "Well, this is embarrassing"

"Sorry" Viola said, though out of politeness, not really regretting having refused.

"No, it was my bad" The man declared, raising his hand to rub the back of his neck "I guess I should go" He threw a glance back, just to meet the stares of his friends, grinning like idiots, as if saying Go get her, tiger It was just so obvious. The man looked back at Viola, just to find the light scowl that had settled on her features "Don't mind them, they seemed to have forgotten their manners back at home, not that I can blame them at the sight of such a beauty" He added quite nonchalantly before raising his hand towards her "It was nice meeting you, Miss . . . "

"Viola" She replied, automatically raising her hand to take his.

"Viola" He nodded, shaking her hand "I'm Xavier" He said before raising Viola's hand to his mouth and pressing a kiss to her skin.

Viola gasped, and felt the urge to swat his hand away, but was a bit shocked to do so. She still felt Graham's stare on her, though he hadn't commented a thing, and that was enough to make her nervous. "Yeah" She declared, trying to pull her hand back gently, her smile unsure and quite uncomfortable.
Augustus was taken a back by her sudden tone and the use of his last name when addressing him. The moment he didn't reply he heard the line disconnect and he grumbled as he placed it back into his pocket. He dreaded leaving the comfort of the shade back into the beating sun.

After a few moment's of walking he came into the view of the fountain, a bride and groom were preoccupied taking photos, the bridesmaids cooed and gossiped on the side and a group of men seemed to be gathered in a small group like on lookers. The way Augustus was dressed, he could easily slip in and no one would notice he was a miss. But at least they felt his pain. As he passed the men he noticed some of them opening their collars a little, Augustus grinned.

"Gentlemen. " Augustus greeted as he passed by them with a small nod, many of them stared confused, small whispers..'was he in the wedding...' 'Who's he?' Augustus knew he felt out of place with Tom's Armani probably cost more then the brides dress...He thought but all he was missing was the $2,000 Rolex, but that was more Tom's taste.

When Augustus turned his attention back to where he was walking his vision locked on the scene before him. A young man close to Viola, was it her fiancé? No he was wearing a suit like the rest of the men, a stranger then... He was incredibly close.. and that made Augustus uneasy. He saw Violas lips moving, a small polite smile. As he closed in, what happened next made his brows furrow.

"My southern bell.." Augustus called in endearment. "I'm sorry I'm late...I was caught up in the office with some paperwork...but who's this?" Augustus tried to give a polite smile, he had both hands in his pockets, from his voice to his demeanor he played Tom to the T.

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"My southern bell.."

For a moment, Viola didn't recognise Augstus. She simply couldn't. Not only due to the unfamiliar voice she had heard him use, but due to the way he was dressed and the way he was behaving. The only time she had seen him on a suit had been . . . Suddenly, she felt taken back to that day, to that year, and all the barriers were shattered as her gaze got practically glued to him. There were just her and him, which caused for her to not even notice when Xavier had released her hand.

"Xavier Wallace" Xavier's voice sounded distant, and for a moment it just didn't fit there, as if he was an intruder.

"Momma?" It was Graham's voice the one who brought her back, and she blinked looking down at her son, as she felt as if she had been pulled back from a trance.

"Yes?" She asked, her voice soft and kind.

"He is saying goodbye" Her son raised his hand so as to gesture for her to look back to the front.

Viola turned her head and her eyes met with those of Xavier's, two black and deep pools. His gaze showed a bit of irritation, mixed with amusement and mockery. "As I said before, it was nice meeting you, Viola" He declared.

It was then when she realised she must have been staring at Augustus like a complete idiot, which caused for the colour to rush to her cheeks, flushing them with a soft blush. She cleared her throat lightly "It was nice to meet ya too" She said, nodding.

"Well then, I'll leave you to it. I don't mean to waste anymore of your 'lovey dovey time' or whatever. Have fun you two" He said as he waved his hand, and walked back to his friends, not without throwing yet another disappointed glance in Viola's direction.
In an instance Augustus was captivated by her eyes. The aura around them engulfed their senses and Augustus could almost feel as if he was pushed into the past and met her again for the first time. This familiarity of feelings and excitement building inside him, he questioned if he could really take Tom's Advice and detach himself from her.

"Xavier Wallace" The man's voice broke his sense of peace. He felt irritation building but smiled and pulled out his hand for a handshake. Viola was beautiful, it was expected for men to trail around her..and she wasn't even an inch of his...but it didn't mean he had to like it...

"Augustus Bradford...I see you know my wife but I can't seem to place you in my memory. ."

Augustus tried to be as proper as he could the man's eyebrow twitch ed but he matched Augustus with a smile.

"Actually I just had the pleasure of meeting her..." Augustus could feel the man's tension as if he was bothered by his presence. .

"I'm sure she was thrilled..."

"It's odd for a man to leave such a beautiful woman all by her lonesome, you should be more than careful. "

Augustus smile twitched. "It was a mere lapse of time but I'll keep that in mind. . It was great meeting your acquaintance. ."

Xavier chuckled in a mocking tone and looked to Viola. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Viola." Xavier noticed how distracted she was staring at her husband like a love sick puppy. He grunted and Augustus chuckled. Graham nudged his mother.

Xavier bid his farewell once again and Augustus looked on like a protective dog. As the man walked away Augustus couldn't help but stare behind him..He didn't like the feeling of uneasiness. .Augustus turned back to Viola.

"I'm sorry..." Was the first thing that escaped his lips, partly for the moment and for what happened at the office, he took his hands out of his pocket and offered one to her. "Shall we go back home...As great as this suit might feel or look, it isn't meant for the heat of New Orleans..."

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Viola surprised herself wanting to swat Augustus' hand away as soon as it was offered to her. She was afraid of whatever she'd do if they touched, or of the kind of face she'd make as soon as their eyes met. She avoided to look him in the eyes, and with a swift movement, pulled out her sunglasses to put them back on. Civil, she had told herself she'd be civil with him. She couldn't set her mind on something, and then go and change it barely a few minutes afterwards.

"I know you are, Bradford. Thank you, though" She finally declared, accepting his hand and pulling hers back as soon as she was on her feet. "Let's head back" And with that being said, she gestured for Graham to follow them as they made their way back to the truck.

Graham, who was still pretty much focused on his ice-cream, didn't comment on anything as he followed both his mother and Augustus. He got the feeling that his mother was acting strange, but he honestly didn't give it much thought.

After a relatively silent walk to the black vehicle, as soon as they were close enough to see it, Viola turned her head to the side to look at Augustus. She was glad that her glasses concealed her eyes, as the displeasure was quite evident in her stare when she opened her mouth to ask her question "Have you told my Grandfather about your guest yet?" She had certainly texted her mother about hers already. Fortunately, as she had wanted for it to be, her voice was placid and somewhat void of any emotion that could betray her feelings.
When their hands connected Augustus felt her warm touch throughout his entire already searing body but it felt different. He felt comfortable, able to hold on forever but it was short lived. As soon as she was on her feet she retracted her hand, her eyes covered by her glasses made Augustus frown.

"Let's get back..." Her sharp tone deepening his frown as she gestured Graham to hurry along, it was as if she had left him in the dust. He knew from an outside perspective it looked like his wife was upset with him, he felt a bit nervous as he looked to the crowd of men still eyeing them. He could guess at the moment Xavier Had a wide smirk across his face. Augustus hurried his pace behind Viola, as the crowds moved toward them he placed a hand on the small of her back, leading her away from the crowd. He noticed how stiff she became.. He apologized.

The remainder of the walk was virtually silent. As they approached the truck he separated from her to open the door. The next question threw him off guard.

"Actually. .I haven't quite mentioned it. If everything on the ranch is completed...I'll probably take leave and let you all enjoy your dinner. I'm sure Scarlett has a few recommendations to her favorite places...and then after.." Augustus stopped in his tracks, feeling a bit awkward.

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“That’s enough” Viola didn’t mean to sound as biting, but she couldn’t even stop those words from coming out her mouth to begin with. Behind her glasses, her glare was trying to burn holes into the man's skull.

Was she really … jealous? No, no. It was just physical, whatever Augustus made her feel was just physical. Besides, why on earth would she be interested on her employer’s sex life? Ah … Things were not going smoothly, that was for sure. She glanced over to the side, so as to be sure that her son had already disappeared inside the truck. It was not like she wanted for him to hear her next words.

“Look," She started before leaning in a bit in his direction in order to prevent Graham from hearing, just in case "Whatever you do or whoever you get into your bed has nothing to do with me” At least she sounded much more controlled than before. Much more … calm “It’s none of my business, that I assure you" She tried for the corners of her mouth to raise into a smile, though she only managed to do so briefly. She wasn't all that good of an actor after all.

"Anyway," The redhead diverted her gaze from his. She shouldn't have asked that question. Viola climbed into the truck and settled by her son side "Let's go back"
Augustus could almost feel the jealousy pouring put of her, he felt a bit ashamed he started to mention his nightly activities but he forgot who he was speaking to, her rudeness made his brows furrow.

"I didn't mean to offend was a slip of the tongue. " When she continued, he glanced inside the car to see Graham happy and content. His own temper was flaring, he became upset for a moment. "Listen, I'm trying to be respectful to you and your guests for tonight... I live there just as much as you do so I don't even have to do that much. If I didn't have as much respect I'd invite her over and do what I please where I please... don't push it." And with a single glare he opened the driver door and sat it, slamming the door closed. As he sat in the car he opened the button's to his shirt and his cufflinks on his arms. At the moment he just wanted to be home, change and throw himself into work before dinner...

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Hateful man! Hateful man! Honestly, she had forgotten just how many times had those words crossed her mind. Why did she have to be told that by a mere worker? She didn't understand. She sunk a bit deeper into her seat, the frown evident in her face. Not to let him affect her ... It was easier said than done. Even more so when he had so openly expressed what were his plans for the evening.

Ugh! If only her grandfather didn't favoured him. But she wouldn't have to put up with his attitude much longer ... That was a relief. As soon as she was married to Joachim they'd sure as hell leave that place. Of course, she didn't want to leave her home just like that, but perhaps it was already time for her to start a new life away from everything, maybe Joachim was right and it'd do both Viola and Graham good, the change, that is.

"Is James coming over tonight, Momma?" As soon as she heard her son's voice, she turned her head towards him. As long as he was with her ... She didn't need anything else.

"He is, baby. Jonathan and Isabelle are also coming" She declared as she reached over to wrap an arm around him.

A smile crept over the little boy's lips, and he leaned in a bit against her "I can show them my new console! The Xbox dad gave me for my birthday"

"Of course. I bet they'll like it. Dad always brings you the best of gifts after all" Her gaze inevitably trailed off to Augustus, as if she wanted to tell him "See? You'd have never been able to give my boy things like this so easily" Viola was not really a materialistic girl, but if it helped her in justifying her decision, she'd keep on telling herself Joachim was a better father than Augustus could have ever been. Even though a side of her knew it wasn't exactly true.
Augustus settled into the car, unbuttoning the cufflinks at his wrists along with pulling the tie at his neck so it hung more loosely. Honestly he didn't know how Tom could deal with the stifling heat. He could already feel Viola's annoyance with him, thank god for Grahams questions or the ride would have been long and silent. He listened between them as they spoke of tonight's guest's. Graham was overjoyed to show his friend's all of his gadgets, Augustus had been dragged a few times himself to play with them but they weren't his go to forms of entertainment. Augustus more liked the open air and riding horses. With the right permits, he'd even go out to hunt if he could.

Viola's words struck a cord, as he turned he caught her gaze boring into him, he almost held her gaze for a moment before he had to turn his attention back to the road, when he returned back to study her features she had already looked away from him. What was wrong with her, why did she hold so much malic towards him..His mind trailed and it caused him to be more and more annoyed. He badly wanted to pull over and just ask her what the problem was but he knew it wasn't the appropriate time or place. He simply took a deep breath.

"Graham, wouldn't you rather show your friends how to tangle up the pig's and ride the fowls?"

Augustus couldn't help but send her a rebuttal. "It's much more fun then being cooped up in your room staring at a box...right? I'll even help ya rangle in a calf! How bout it? I'm sure your mother can call up Mr. James and have his kid's bring some getting dirty clothes. " Augustus looked at Viola and smiled "Besides, I'm sure the adult's want to have a nice talk, drink some wine and pass the time...I'm sure Scarlett will be thrilled to hear about your trip in Paris. "

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When Viola noticed a change on her son's face, a radiant smile slowly creeping over her lips, she looked up at Augustus and she didn't even try to be nice this time "Mind your own business, would ya?" She almost hissed, though she tried to force a smile which came out as a displeased face more than anything else.

"Really?" Clearly, Graham's excitement had gone up the double at Augustus' words, which was something the young woman had feared "Oh, momma can we do that? Can you call James and ask him?"

"Of course not" Viola tried not to sound offended nor biting, because clearly, her son wasn't trying to offend her in any way. However, she knew just what Augustus was trying, and she didn't like for Graham to go along with it. The little boy blinked, the corner of his mouth twitching a bit. "I mean, they're already there, James told me he'd go ahead so that he could speak with your grandfather" She was quick to add.

"It doesn't matter! I can lend Jonathan some clothes" Her son insisted while shaking his head, dismissing her attitude while he tried his best in convincing her.

"And what about Isabelle?"

"Auntie and James won't mind it" He replied.

Viola knew they wouldn't. James was pretty laid-back, and Mary was so gentle and caring that she just wanted for her children to have fun.

"Perhaps, but your grandmother will. You know she hates those sort of things" Viola stated.

For a moment, Graham hesitated. Obviously, he feared Emma much more than his own mother. Most have been because that woman herself had never been particularly caring of him. Almost everyone on the Brauer house spoiled Graham, including the workers, his mother and his grandfather. But not Emma Brauer. His excitement left his face and he sank into his seat, disappointed.

"You can still play inside" Viola commented while trying to cheer him up.

"Hmm" He mumbled, somewhat disheartened.

To be honest, Viola preferred it when he tried to fight back, either by being stubborn or by sulking. If that were to be the case, she would've not felt as guilty. Nevertheless, he was just being ... sad. She shifted a bit. She didn't like for him to be like that. Ugh ... She really didn't want to say those words. Damn it, Augustus She thought, rather bitterly.

"But maybe tomorrow ... "

Graham's face brightened up in the blink of an eye, and he turned to look at her while he opened his mouth to say something.

"I'm saying maybe. Today won't do. But if James can bring the twins tomorrow, I don't see why not" If they were to have guests that night, she knew her mother would want for Graham to be nothing less than perfect during the entire day.

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