The difficulties of this parenthood (Sharliery & Me)

Inside the barber shop Augustus adjusted himself against the chair, Graham sitting adjacent to him, he could see him chatting away in the mirror as the barber placed the Cape over him to guard his clothing from the flying hair. Augustus could notice the crumbs of powdered sugar on his face, chuckling to himself at how the boy wasted no time to devour Scarletts benyas...He wished he had saved him at least a bite..

Augustus own barber placed his covering on.

"How ya been, haven't seen you in some time now!" The barber had been a cool cat that he'd known for some time now, coming here since he was younger then Graham. The older men That sat on the chairs behind them agreed with the barber. Old timers that were regularly there, hiding from their wives it seemed. Augustus chuckled.

"I've been busy with the Ranch... A lot of work had to be done."

"A lot of work indeed, we see the little miss out front why didn't you introduce us..." The barber laughed before asking him what he wanted done today. The older men all stood from their seats to look out at Viola who was still on the phone. The old men whistled and Augustus face burned. Graham laughed a little.

"That's my momma!"

" Your momma? Well.."

"See, it isn't like that. Just work! I am accompanying them into the city for lunch, a stroll , maybe the park...since I just so happen to need a hair cut it works out in our favor..."

The barber chuckled.

"Yes, work...i didnt know work entitled lunch and a stroll? Sounds like a family outing to me...A date what do you men think? "

The older men chuckled and grumbled and agreed in response, Augustus felt a bit embarrassed.

"Short, cut it all off, leave the top..."

"You haven't gone that short since your 20's...No more Super man curl?"

"Very funny, just cut my hair, you gossip more than a woman! !"

Everyone laughed together before conversations buzzed through out the barber shop quietly. His barber began to talk to him about a woman he was seeing, and though he was listening as much as he could, Augustus mind trailed to Viola. He was having a difficult Te suppressing the urge to want to be near her. He couldn't say he disliked her, though many time she would send his emotions into a whirl wind....but maybe that's why he liked her. A fire he couldn't control as intriguing as a wild horse....but she was committed. To be married soon enough...He wondered of it would be on the ranch. .no doubt it would...married... well a ring had never stopped him before...Augustus cursed his own thoughts..He'd make due with the time he had with her now....possibly drown himself in Scarlett...He pulled out his phone and began texting her about tonight...and though he felt excited a part of him felt weary as he looked out the wondow, as of betraying his own feelings.
It took a bit more than needed to get Joachim to actually calm down and chat with her normally. Reluctantly, he had let the subject slip and had carried on with his talk about France instead, though this time not as enthusiastic as before. Viola had the feeling he was thinking about something else while he spoke with her. Eventually, the conversation died out and rather awkwardly and uncomfortably they hung up on one another, biding their farewells.

". . . I love you" Viola declared before hanging up, though right now that proved to be more wrong than right, as if she was guilty and hence tried to reaffirm he love for him.

" . . . Me too, baby. See ya' soon" Joachim surely thought so too, it was evident on his tone of voice.

Even after the call had ended, the young woman remained planted there, the phone still pressed against her ear. She felt horrible. What was worse, one side of her didn't think she was wrong nor that she had made a mistake, after all, Joachim knew that Viola wasn't head over heels for him. True, she cared for him and cherished him a bunch, even liked him, so many years together had to mean something after all, but she was not the same girl who was utterly and absolutely in love with him anymore and he was aware of that. Even like that she had been keen to marry him, because it just seemed the right thing to do, he had gave Graham his surname and a father, also he proved to be a caring boyfriend, things were supposed to be like that and they had been decided ever since she was a little girl.

"Vi? Viola Brauer? Is that you?"

Being startled by a familiar voice, Viola jumped a bit before lowering her phone, eyes wide in surprise as she turned on her heels. She was welcomed by a pair of firm and strong arms that wrapped themselves around her in a sort of tight bear hug.

"I knew it was you!" The young, chocolate brown haired man with olive skin declared as he even lifted her off the ground rather effortlessly.

Viola gasped a bit, still a bit caught off guard "James" She said, almost breathless "Let me down!" And though she tried to sound angry, she sounded much more amused than anything, a chuckle leaving her lips.

"Haven't seen ya' in ages!" Letting her down at her request he stated with a wide grin drawn on his features and reflected on his pretty hazel coloured eyes "How you doing, darlin'? "

Viola left out a sigh in relief before she flashed him a smile in response to his own "Pretty well. What are you doing here?"

"Getting a haircut. Mary hates it when it gets too long, you know how she is" As if trying to prove his point he raised his hand to his head and brushed the long curly locks that fell on his face.

"It was about time" Viola agreed, nodding "How's the family going? Is Mary with you right now?"

"The twins are fine. Really exited about Mardi Gras and all. Ya' coming this year? It's really rare to see you in the city around this time. Perhaps you can bring Graham as well, that way he and the twins can have a good time" After suggesting that, he gestured at the small salon across the street "Yeah, she's over there"

Viola took a moment to reply "Sure, that sounds good" Graham would also be able to have a good time, after all he was really good friends with the Smith twins. Perhaps, it was about time she enjoyed Mardi Gras as well. When James pointed at the small salon, she couldn't help it but smile "How about that? I have an appointment there. Might as well greet her while he wait for you guys" She stated.

James brow raised "You guys? Is Joachim with you?" He looked around as if he hadn't just notice him up until now.

"Oh, no. Jo is out of the country right now. I mean Graham, he's inside" She tilted her head so as to point at the barber shop beside them.

"Is he now? I'll have to greet the Oncoming Storm then" His smile was amused and so was Viola's when he said that. James and Mary had been there even before Graham was born, and so had knew him and had watched him grow up throughout the years. James had came up with that ridiculous nickname when Graham was barely 4 years old, when he used to throw tantrums and would never stay still for too long. He teased Graham a lot, but her son really liked James very much.

"See ya' later" After both of them said that, James walked into the barber shop and Viola crossed the street to enter the salon.

As soon as James entered the shop, greeting everyone inside, he immediately walked over to where Graham was. The young boy was scared by his godfather when he used his hand to ruffle his hair without him noticing his presence beforehand "Graham, I almost didn't notice you beneath all that hair"

Graham moved his head, the smile creeping over his lips even before he looked up "James!" He was surprised, but also delighted to see him there.
Augustus was momentarily distracted by conversation when the barber door had swung open and the bells chimed through out the shop. He didn't notice the large man come between the isles, as Augustus hair was being cu he bellowed with the other men. They laughter filling the room. As Augustus chair was turned around he noticed the man approaching Graham, his smile quickly became a frown as an instinct kicked in his mind at graham's scared expression when a large hand fell upon his head.

"Excuse m-"

"James!" Graham's voice broke Augustus train of thought. Quickly both of their faces were smiling and Augustus knew their was no sight of danger, he felt a bit embarrassed when Graham looked his way confused. The barber cutting Graham's hair laughed.

"Well Augustus, aren't you just like the protective father! I take it you never met James before?"

Augustus cleared his throat a bit before chuckling lightly. "I can't say I have...." He looked at James, and studied the man for a moment, he gave him a smile that almost mirrored Graham's. "Augustus Bradford..." He took a moment as his barber went to change the clippers to stand from his seat, matching the larger gentlemen in height he raised a hand from under the smock for a hand shake.

"Augustus works at our house and with the horses! He brought momma and I to the city today!!"
James had arched his eyebrow when a man introduced himself on the barber shop. Not only because he had never seen him on the shop before, but also because the resemblance between him and his godchild was rather . . . hallucinating. He resulted somewhat familiar, and he wasn't really referring to his similarity to Graham anymore, as if he had seen him somewhere else a long time ago.

When he approached him and held out his hand from beneath the smock, however, he was snapped out of it. "James Smith" He replied, taking a hold of his hand and having him a single and firm shake.

"Augustus works at our house and with the horses! He brought momma and I to the city today!!"

James had already pulled his hand back when he heard Graham's statement with a renewed smile on his face after the brief moment of confusion that had hit him as soon as he had seen Augustus.

"Is that so? Are you new? I haven't seen you before on the Brauer ranch before" Then again, it had been a couple of months since he last dropped by.

"He started a month ago" Graham declared even before Augustus had the time to reply "James is momma's best friend and my godfather" He added.

Meanwhile, Viola had walked into the salon and almost immediately had found Mary inside. Her best friend's wife, which was by now one of her closest friend as well, was a rather petite woman with a heart shaped face and short silky light ash blonde hair. Her eyes were big and blue greenish, and seemed to hide beneath her long and relatively thick light coloured eyelashes. She proved to be calm unlike James as well as nice very much like her husband.

"Mary, how have you been?" The auburn haired woman had made her way over to where she was sitting and leaned in to give her a hug.

"Viola? I thought you were in Paris. When did you return?" She said with a smile while she returned the hug at the same time she was being careful with her freshly done manicure.

"Yesterday" She declared, pulling away, her eyes falling on her big and round stomach for a moment before she raised her gaze to hers "How's the baby doing?"

A delighted and almost angelic smile settled on the short haired woman's face before she replied "She's fine, but she's still kicking non-stop. Much like Graham" She joked, chuckling.

"Well it means she'll be a healthy child" Viola stated with a radiant smile, taking a seat by her.
Augustus saw the man studying his face, it made him feel a bit uncomfortable at first but Augustus was doing the same to him just a short while ago. It relaxed him a bit more knowing that Graham had been comfortable with the man and open.

"Yes, like Graham said I've only been there a short while, a months time...Simon had mentioned you helped a bit with the Ranch when you could...A lot of work isn't it?" Augustus chuckled a bit as he sat back into his chair to let his barber finish up with him. "Theirs still a lot of work to be done, but for the most part everything is back on track...With Simon we've hired a few extra hands..."

As Augustus spoke he noticed the man still studying him as if their was something he wanted to say. Being straight forward Augustus took it upon himself to ask. "I'm sorry, but have we met before? I can't help but have a feeling we might have? "
"Quite a lot" James agreed, crossing his arms across his chest "Unfortunately, because of some personal matters I haven't been able to do so anymore" Ever since they had found out Mary was pregnant he took it upon himself to focus on his job since Mary eventually couldn't go to hers and had taken a maternity leave.

"...With Simon we've hired a few extra hands..."

"Did ya' now? That stubborn man, I told him to do so a couple of times before but he always refused, it's good to hear he finally agreed" Simon Brauer had always been to type to think that a few men were enough to keep the ranch on track, basing that belief solely off of his childhood and early adulthood. Men can do a lot more than they believe That was his every time excuse. Thanks God he was finally starting to change that way of thinking.

Then, Augustus asked him the same question James had been trying to answer in his mind all along, which caused for him to blink before he flashed him a bit of a sheepish smile, understanding that perhaps he had been staring at him for perhaps too long and far too intently for him to notice it.

"I was asking myself that very thing" He admitted "But I can't quite remember when nor where" It was very fuzzy. James had an exceedingly good memory, but to place Augustus was so very difficult. Most likely they had seen themselves briefly and a few times if not just once.

"James, I'm ready for ya', hon' " The young man raised his head and his stare met with that one of the only woman who worked at the shop, sister to the owner.

"Of course, Letty" He gave her his usual smile before he glanced at Augustus "Well, who knows?" He declared finally before walking away.

Across the street, while Viola was having her pedicure she and Mary were still chatting lively, trying to catch up while they spoke about the past at the same time. The whole salon filling with laughter as everyone was up for their daily gossip.
The entire barber shop was alive, bustling with everything from sports to home life and work. Augustus was done with his hair cut, standing at the mirror inspecting the barbers work which never failed him. His hair was short and spiked back. Finally out of his face his eyes seemed brighter and everything more defined, he felt 10 years younger.

"Well done, well done!" Augustus joked, as he turned around in front of the barber shop windows passed a pair of women scantily clad in feathers, paints and bikini's with jewels, their hips were decorated with bells that chimed as they walked past the open barbershop door. The old gentlemen whistled, stopping the girls in their tracks, they came to the open door with wide smiles, their feathered outfits filling the door frame.

"Good morning' gentlemen..." The blonde slurred with a thick accent.

"Ya'll ready for Mardi Gras!?" The second brunette yelled as if the party itself was in the shop. All the men whistled in a frenzy.

"It's our favorite time of year..." Augustus began with his million dollar smile, all the men wooed in agreement. The women practically swooned.

"But aren't ya'll a day early?" The barber announced.

"We're doing rehearsal for the big parade tomorrow! Make sure ya'll come down to see it tomorrow at noon right down main street." The brunette giggled.

"We'll be there sweet heart!" An older gentlemen chimed in.

"You too sugar!" The blonde winked over to Augustus who gave her a sly wink back by instinct before confirming he;d be there. Not that he had made any plans to, but if the day was free, which it most likely would be since Mardi Gras was a large event, he thought maybe it'd be a great idea to come to the parade. Graham would even enjoy it, hell even Simon would join if given the opportunity.

The women bid their farewells and exit the door way, leaving the shop of men cooing like high school girls.

"If I wasn't a married man!" One chimed.

"Main street at night is the best! Augustus we haven't seen you out these past few years! You were the life of the party!"

"Ever since his right hand man got hitched, he can't face all the ladies alone!"

"Take me with you then, i'll hold some of them for you." All the men laughed.

"Now now, settle down! Tom is perfectly happy with the Mrs. ! And I just so happen to be doing other things during that time. It isn't all about the ladies now." Augustus said as he dusted off his shoulder of hair.

"Oh yes we forgot the beer!" again the men fell into laughter this time even Augustus laughed.

"The year we went to the banquet was probably the most drunk I've ever seen you!" The barber laughed. "You were up on the balcony with the upptie rich folk then you came down to join us, actually I have a picture from that night in my drawer."

"Bring it all out, let us have a look see!" The men bellowed.

Augustus felt a certain sense of panic, he looked over to Graham who innocently was talking to James from time to time and other times would just listen to the conversation and smile along. It must have been from the night with Viola and from what Tom had said they were inseparable, their was no doubt in his mind she'd be in that photo too. By the time his head whirled around from Graham the barber had already pulled out the photo , he was giving it an odd look, Augustus stomach and heart retracted into itself.

"There is a woman in this photo that looks an awful lot like the woman that was outside the window earlier."

"Which one the blonde or the brunette?" One man laughed.

"No, the boys mother.."

Graham's head whirled around. "Really?"

"Uh no, it was someone, uh, give me the photo." Augustus tried not to seem jitterish.

"No give it here!" A man came behind the barber and snatched the photo. "Wooowee, You were a youngin' here!!" Another peeked over him and snatched the photo.

"Looks like her!"

"It's not her!" Augustus snapped, as he tried to reach for the photo but the men kept passing it on.

"Who's holding who here? You drunkard."

"You look close..."

"Work he said!" The men all laughed and Augustus continued to get frustrated and embarrassed. By this point he just sat back and let them have at it, smoothing out the creases of his eyebrow until the photo reached James, then it dawned on him... James knew Viola....
James was chatting with Graham by the time the women came into the shop and the corners of his mouth had raised into wide and amused grin as he watched the scene. When he was younger, about 17 years old he used to be one of those who cheered at the women, though always with respect and by no means being vulgar. Now that he was 31 and a married man he just enjoyed the show in silence. He loved his Mary and to him there was no beauty that could compare to her.

When all the ruckus involving a photo started, he had simply tilted his head back in curiosity before he was distracted by Letty talking to him.

"Do ya' hear me, James?" Letty complained.

"Hmm? Sorry, Letty. What was it again?" While looking up at her, he flashed an apologetic smile.

"Don't move your head, I'm almost done" She stated, brows knitting together before she firmly took James head between her hands and moved it to the front.

James couldn't help it but laugh "Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry" He apologised.

Letty did a few things before she was finished and with a satisfied smile she removed the smock. "All done, hon' " She declared.

"Just prefect" He nodded, examining himself on the mirror.

He had been so focused in other things that when the photo reached him he didn't know what it was about and so his brow raised in curiosity "What's this?"

"Augustus is in a photo with momma!" Graham declared though he had been yet to see the photo himself. Truth was, he was delighted that the two had meet in the past.

"Really?" His stare trailed off to Augustus before he lowered his eyes to take a look at the picture.

In the photo, there was a group of people all in costumes and with happy smiles. But there was a specific couple that caught his eye. There was Viola, her cheeks were flushed and a beautiful smile adorned her face. But what had actually caught his attention was the fact that a man had his arms wrapped around her as he used them to press her against his body while he planted a kiss to her cheek; Augustus.

"That was Mardi Gras, 2004 . . . " He declared, almost absentmindedly. He remembered having accompanied both Viola and Mary that time. However, he had been separated of Viola when she had hooked up with a man. He had kept a close eye on them, but suddenly Viola had disappeared and along with her Augustus. "No wonder you seemed so familiar" He said, still surprised as he made eye-contact with Augustus.
Augustus gave a sigh as he heard James' confirmation, by then the photo had reached everyone and the confirmation of Viola had made the men laugh and start to make their assumptions with the couple. Though Augustus could assure them nothing was going on, the barely listened. When James' eyes met his, he kept a straight face... unashamed, though he did feel a bit weary.

"We probably met early in the night... but I can't say I remember much." Augustus saw the photo bent passed to Graham and he held a knot in his chest. Though the picture was innocent, he felt Viola would have a big problem if Graham had saw the photo but at this point their was no point in stopping the boys eyes. Which were gleaming and bright as his smile.

"It really is my momma! And Augusus too." His eyes were scanning the entire page, taking in all the colors and smiles and energy. "I want to go to Mardi Gras tomorrow!!"

"You're a little too young for the night life buddy..." Augustus had made his way over to him and placed a hand on his newly cut hair which was still wet and the hairs that use to curl around Augustus fingers were now absent. He took the photo from Graham and took a hard look at it...he was a young fool sometimes but a smile pulled across his lips... He looked happy, comfortable with her in his arms and even now he felt he could wrap her up against him and take in the scent of her skin, it would bring every memory fluttering back..instead of these...mirage's that felt like deja vu whenever he looked at these photos.

"Dangerous thing, mixing work and pleasure." Someone chimed in and Augustus mind bounced back into reality, he folded the photo and pulled out his wallet placing in where his money is held, he pulled out the money for both of their hair cuts.

"Their's no pleasure except my pay..." Augustus corrected as he handed his barber the money. "Miss Viola is engaged to be married..." Augustus though not entirely thrilled of the fact looked to James for confirmation. "Isn't that right James?"

Before James could answer, a man laughed, "That never stopped you before..." And Augustus eyes snapped to him, mentioning his checkered past sent his blood boiling....especially infront of someone like James that had such close ties with the family..... The entire barber shop went silent.
James scratched the back of his neck when the shop went silent, it was more like a nervous tick of his. He didn't know Viola was engaged to be married, though he pretty much guessed to whom, most likely Joachim had taken a chance when he took her to Paris. When the silence was much for him to bear he just cleared his throat.

"Men, please. If I had wanted to listen to all this gossip, I'd have been better off accompanying my Mary to the salon" In an attempt to relieve the tension, some men laughed at his statement. Therefore, proving that James wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable with the sudden silence.

Then, from the corner of his eye he caught something that served as the perfect excuse to put an end to the whole subject "Look, there's the kid's mother" A few men tilted their heads back and to the side, so as to catch a glimpse of Viola who was making her way over to the shop, oblivious to what was being said of her over there.

"Don't you want to show your momma your new haircut, Graham?" The little boy, who was still way too young to understand the gravity of the situation had looked up at James with the same smile that had not left his face once before nodding.

"Let's go then, Storm" He declared with a smile as both, godfather and godchild, walked over to the door.

The door chimed when the two guys left the shop, and a smile crept over the auburn haired woman's lips when she saw them stepping out.

"There you are, my boys" She joked with a good-natured smile before crouching down, so as to be at Graham's same height "Mornin' sugar. Have you seen my son?"

Graham flashed her a smile before replying "It's me momma!"

Viola faked a surprised gasp "Graham? Is that you? Have I always had such a handsome little boy?"

Graham's smile went a bit sheepish as he looked at her with pair of green proud eyes. But then he was snapped out of it and with an even wider smile he remembered what he had discovered on the shop a couple of minutes ago.

"Momma, why didn't you tell me you knew Augustus?"

Viola blinked, confused by the sudden question. "Come again? What do ya mean? Of course I know him"

Just when Graham was about to reply the barber shop's door chimed again, but Viola didn't even raised her head to find out who had opened it.

"No, momma! At Mardi Gras! There is a photo with you two in it!"

Viola's blood went cold and she froze right on her spot, eyes widening. What had happened on that shop?
James slight gesture turned the whole attitude of the barber shop to do a 360, the men were back to talking about their everyday lives and this gave Augustus a moment to reel in his emotions and thoughts. He heard James announce Viola's arrival, and he didn't even want to look towards the direction the woman was coming in...he kept his back to the window as the barber gave him his change. He tipped them both generously as James and Graham were exiting the door. The chimes of the door echoing behind him.

"You still look upset..." The barber whispered as he cleaned off his chair. "I didn't the photo would be much of an up roar. It was a surprise to see that little lady in those photos though."

"It didn't only surprise you." Augustus admit. "But she hasn't been the friendliest of sort with me..."

The barber laughed as he slung the towel over his shoulder and dusted his hands clean. "Who burned who?"

"I'm reckoned I held the torch but I regret not remembering. It's like fighting her tooth and nail just to be able to work on her ranch." Augustus could only sigh, rubbing the back of his freshly cut hair, it felt good to have it short again.

"Well time to put on your southern charm...You're a Louisiana boy! New Orleans at that... hold the reigns, bite your tongue and keep the wagon pushing..."

"You mean be the help..." Augustus almost grumbled.

"If you keep your distance...follow directions and be on your utmost finest behavior...She can say nothing, do nothing and the past my friend is irrelevant...She isn't looking for anything romantic and you hold no ties...Find yourself a fine little filly and waltz her into a stupor!"

Augustus couldn't say any more. Their was no point in being bent over back wards about the past...He made sense. Augustus held no ties to her... so her opinion of him didn't matter. Today he'd just worry about showing Graham a good time, and getting through the day...tonight he'd dine with Scarlett, which would lighten the tension at the Breaur, and by the time supper ended, it'd be late enough to escape somewhere private...

Augustus had it entirely planned out. After bidding fair well to the barber and men in the barber shop, he headed to the door. As he opened it, he could already hear the bustling voices and street cars honking as s New Orleans neared 11:30am and came to life. He also heard through the chatter of people Graham's cheery voice...

"...Mardi Gras! There is a photo with you two in it!" Bless his heart...but at the moment Augustus felt he could kick the little boy...

Augustus could see from the door way Viola's wide eyes, her hands turning white as they gripped the sides of her sons arms. He immediately felt her cold glare. What was it that James had called Graham? Storm? Well this was a disaster... Augustus brushed back the black tress out of habit, letting go of a small sigh before he approached the 3 of them, as if he didn't hear a word, he kept a straight face.

"Are we about ready to leave... Tom's waiting for us..." He tried to sound as if the business was urgent, but honestly he had no idea what Tom had prepared...
When Augustus approached them Viola looked up at him, everything that she wanted to tell him, everything she just wanted to shout at the young man stuck at her throat while she burt holes into his skull. As if everything had been his fault, as if she blamed him for showing her son something unnecessary.

"Ouch" Graham whined, and the young woman was brought back to her senses when her son forcefully got free from her grip.

Upon realising she had hurt him without noticing it, she felt as if it had helped her to calm down a bit, anger being replaced by guiltiness. "I'm sorry, Graham" She apologised, giving him an apologetic smile at the same time she stood up straight.

She just wanted to give Augustus a piece of her mind so badly. Nevertheless, she was stopped by her friend's insistent stare, which she returned briefly. James was evidently telling her not to fly off the handle, there was a time for everything and that surely wasn't one of those. She pulled a face and breathed in before forcing a smile on her face, her gaze finally meeting Augustus'.

"How about you go instead of us?" She suggested, the corner of her mouth twitching lightly. Right now, she felt she wouldn't be able to spend anymore time with him unless she was prepared to beat him, not that she could, of course.
Viola's suggestions made his eyebrow twitch. The entire point of coming out to this city was to meet Tom...Well for Graham to meet Tom.

"Actually I informed Tom you'd be joining me...He'd very much like to meet you and well, he's holding the party for a closed case... He even went out of his way to fetch Graham his favorite ice cream..." Augustus tried his best to not return the bothersome tone, he smiled as genuine as he could and his eyes stared directly at hers... Not right now, Viola... they warned.

"Icecream!" Graham cheered.

"It'd be awfully rude not to at least show your face.." Augustus tried to press the guilt into her, knowing it was customary for the Fat Cats of New Orleans to be respectful and courteous. Even James slightly nodded his head. Augustus closed the distance between them a bit and out reached a hand to her as to help her up and as a truce. "So Miss Viola... should i fetch the car, or... the office is only a few ways away a bit past the intersection on Main st..."
I hate you! I really hate you! It was funny how Viola could keep on smiling while her eyes so very clearly shouted those words at him. She wanted to decline so badly, so very badly, but Augustus had made his point there. It'd be rude to decline . . . Curse that man and the way he wouldn't simply let her refuse even when she so evidently didn't want to do certain things.

She accepted his hand, and held it between hers as she used it to help herself up. However, as soon as she was on her feet she pulled it back quickly. She had to keep it together, at least for now. "Let's walk then" Her tone of voice was slightly high pitched than usual, as she tried to hide the annoyance in it.

"Well then, I'll go and fetch Mary. It was so very nice to see ya, Vi" James suddenly stated as he reached over and kissed Viola's cheek "And it was nice to meet ya' Augustus. At least properly this time" He declared, shaking the young man's hand. He had decided not to be judgemental towards him, everyone had their past and it didn't define their future. Lastly he turned to Graham and reached for his head to ruffle his now short hair "Ya' too, Storm"

Before he could walk away, however, Viola called out for him, as if she had been reminded of something important she had briefly forgotten because of Augustus.

"Oh, James wait!" The brown haired man stopped on his heels and threw a glance back from over his shoulder, brow raised "I was just telling Mary that I'd like for ya'll to come to a dinner at my house today. You can bring the twins if you want" It was the perfect distraction she'd need when that Scarlett woman came.

James just flashed her a smile "Sure" He said without hesitating before he continued on his way.
Augustus was grateful Viola chose to walk. He didn't think confined to a vehicle together at the moment would be their best option...besides the walk and exercise might clear her mind a bit...bringing it down to less of an argument later. Or he could only hope. As if he could see he aura it self he tried to keep a small distance from her, between the electric shock of her piercing eyes...He thought he could almost hear her voice telling him to go die...Left in her care he just might.

"And it was nice meetin' ya too Augustus. At least properly this time." James' voice still held a friendly tone, despite any memories Augustus couldn't remember. This made Augustus feel less conscious...It seemed James was judging his character based on the now and not the then, and Augustus could only be so grateful...seeing as how the latter fair with Viola. Augustus firmly took his hand, shaking it with utmost respect common between men that understood. Like a silent man code, the two of them made eye contact and a slight nod.

"Like wise, James. Feel free to stop by the ranch, Simon enjoys the company and any chance to open the whiskey." Both of the men chuckled to themselves since they knew it all to be too true...Augustus could only imagine Viola's face at James' mentioning the past again... Though the Barber shop's conversation was extremely sounded as if the three had been talking about the past for ages..He hoped she would listen to the factual when the time came.

As James departed, it shocked him when Viola's sudden outburst stopped James in his tracks. The man peering over his shoulder with an equally surprised look. Augustus listened as she invited James to the estate tonight...Odd...since they already had a dinner guest... well then not so odd...since HE had a dinner guest.. Maybe she didn't want to be lonely...maybe she was jealous? Augustus laughed to himself. That would never be the case where he was involved... When she turned around he gave her a quick smile.

"Seems we have a full house tonight, Miss Viola. Let's get going then." Augustus turned on his heels, walking the side walk toward MAin street that at the moment seemed littered with all types of people, Graham had followed suit, walking next to Augustus tall figure the two chatted about Mardi Gra's, Kites, the parade...He was extremely excited...Sometime during the day he'd have to ask Viola about taking him... but he knew it would cause an up roar...and he was no parent to argue back.
If she had to be honest, Viola would have to admit that she wasn't all that comfortable by the obvious amiable air between the two men. Much less when the past was involved. However, at least at that she knew her place, and if James was to be friendly with Augustus she couldn't possibly complain. No . . . She could, but she wasn't doing it. She was James' best friend, not his mother or his wife, as such she bit her tongue and didn't say a thing. James was a nice guy and he'd rarely treat anyone poorly, nor be biased by some judgement that was not his own.

Her forced smile was replaced by a genuine one when her friend agreed to drop by that night. It was a relief to hear those words. As a woman, she had her pride, and Scarlett was seriously threatening it.

"Seems we have a full house tonight, Miss Viola. Let's get going then."

Then Augustus spoke and she was back to a foul mood. Despicable man She thought to herself as they started on their way to wherever he was taking them. This time she was careful to keep the distance.

Despite of what Augustus was thinking, to which the young woman was oblivious, her son's evident excitement was convincing her more and more of taking him to take a look of whatever he may want to see later. Viola wasn't against of her son enjoying Mardi Gras, and as she had stated before, perhaps it was time for her to enjoy it too.
After some time the trio had finally neared the Law Firm. The trip took longer then expected as Graham stopped at every stand, gawking at the masks, kites, paints and streamers. He eventually talked Augustus into buying him a kite and begged his mother for a mask. With the energy Graham had, he couldn't possibly deny him. After purchasing the trinkets they planned all the way to the Firm of flying the kite out while the horses were grazing or even near the walk ways of the sugar cane field. The beautiful kite colors would please the blue skies...

Nearing the Firm, Graham had ran ahead holding his kite in the air, the loose tail whipped in the wind. Augustus chuckled and looked to Viola who seemed to be in a better mood with her son's happiness.

"He's full of energy..." Augustus said meekly trying to catch her attention. When she looked over, he smiled sincerely. "I just wanted to warn you before hand... Tom is extremely straight forward... He can be a bit pushy at time, but if you're assertive he will back off. It's the lawyer in him... He forgets when he isn't in a court room.."

Augustus could hear the blaring music from outside, and above them on a building patio, there were plenty of people in cooperate suits and business attires, drinks in hand, cigars in another..The bellows of Fat Cat business men mixed with the small chit chat of the city's high end women. Though Augustus by no means fit into their tax brackets, he never felt ashamed to enter this place or mingle with anyone Tom had brought around. Their was a mutual respect between all of Tom's acquaintances and Augustus. Many knew him as Tom's child hood friend, but they all knew Augustus was more then just a lowly farmer/ranch help. Many people didn't know he actually had a graduates degree in Agriculture...which would explain his vast knowledge of animals, planting, cultivating etc. It was the main reason he was only able to make ends meet even in his younger days.

Opening the door to the entrance, he held it open for Viola to walk in, the door chime ringing. Graham was trying to push through her to see what was happening inside, attracted by the noise and the smell of food that was pouring out to the open air. The reception area buzzed with about 2 dozen people, talking among themselves as cocktail staff bused and served between them, weaving like busy worker bees. The floors were a clean cherry wood, the reception desk lined with drinks was a shining white, illuminated by the hanging lights. Behind it was a glass conference room, that was filled with a few scattered people. Beside the reception desk trailed a long hall back towards the rest of the firm. As soon as Augustus had followed behind Viola, he caught site of Tom.

Dressed in his famously all black attire, the man stood in the center of a debate group, one hand holding a glass of bubbling champagne, his other hand stuffed into his pocket, he held his weight on one leg and seemed to be talking to the group about a serious topic because Augustus knew that was the only time he looked like that. Brows furrowed, obvious frown. When in court Tom was a different man, his poker face was impeccable and nearly impossible to read, but in a familiar setting among friends, he was a open book. It was too much effort to put up his facade he would say, and if he wasn't being paid for it, why the effort. Though Tom was Augustus best friend...their looks couldn't be more opposite. Augustus thought of Tom as the grisly type, though now he appeared shaven and clean, between cases Tom was famous for his blonde lumber jack beard. During college days, it was his signature. Plenty of time they were told the name Augustus fit Tom real idea why, but Augustus looked more like a Tom they would say..

As the Augustus let the door close behind him, the small door chime had rang a second time, Tom immediately looked his way. Augustus held an arm up, greeting his friend from far away. He saw as Tom continued to speak but took out his hand to shake everyone's hands, he seemed to had asked to be excused for a moment before heading towards the two with a wide smile.

"Gus!" Tom called, a hand out stretched for a shake. Augustus met his hand with gusto, the two shook and embraced into a hug at the same time.

"We're a bit late..."

"Nonsense! I'm glad you could make it! Miss Viola I presume? It's quite nice to see you again, though something is absent." Tom had turned to Viola and out stretched his hand to hers, he directly looked to her stomach to add emphasis that she wasn't pregnant anymore.

"What's absent?" Graham's voice called from her side, catching Tom's attention. His blue eyes met smoldering green and for a moment in time Tom felt he had been taken back to the streets of his childhood.

"My error... He's right here..." Tom sounded a bit critical, though he held Viola's hand still ... his eyes didn't leave Graham's as if he was taking in the boys very soul.
Viola had watched her son with a faint smile drawn on her face, her arms crossed across her chest. Graham had always been a little guy full of energy and though Viola had tried to keep up with him whenever he requested it, she had to admit sometimes she simply couldn't. On the other hand, Joachim wasn't too fond of playing with him, and would gently decline to engage in any activity with him. Viola had noticed he tried to made it up by buying him toys and games, to which the auburn haired woman tried to make it up by playing with him as both a father and a mother.

"He's full of energy..." Augustus' voice stopped her train of thought, however, she guessed she had really calmed down enough to not blow a fuse this time.

She looked over, and this time her smile didn't leave her face when she replied, mainly because it was about Graham and not any other unpleasant topic "As always" She stated, referring to his early childhood.

When Augustus seemed to warn her about his friend, the young woman just raised a quizzical eyebrow, intrigued by the warning. However, she didn't get the chance to say anything in response as they had already reached their destination and Augustus was already proceeding to open up the door for her.

Soon, everything around them seemed to bustle with life, and Viola was surprised to find herself in such a such a familiar high class atmosphere. It was like one of those parties her mother used to throw quite often right after her father died. Most of the people didn't say it out loud, but Viola was aware of the fact that they reproached her attitude behind her back. Viola, on the other hand, knew that Emma Brauer was simply trying to put up a front after losing her beloved. It was not the best way to do things, but it was the only way her mother knew of.

"Gus!" Being brought back to reality by Augustus' friend voice, Viola watched the man make his way over to them with a broad smile adorning his features.

And when he had held his hand out for her to shake, she had automatically outstretched hers to take his. For some reason, he resulted familiar, but she couldn't place him right away after he had greeted them. Nevertheless, as soon as he had made his statement and his gaze had fixed on Graham, she had immediately taken a step to the side, partly hiding him from view.

"It's nice to see ya' too. It's been a long time" She declared, trying to catch his attention again "I heard you got married? It's a bit late, but congratulations" Now she remembered, he had been dating Angela around the time she had gotten pregnant.
Tom immediately took note of her actions as she shielded Graham from his site. He brought the glint back to his eyes and hid his sense of surprise to the boy. Kissing her hand before he let it slip from his grasp, Augustus was shaking his head with a sly smirk...Tom was always a ladies man.

"A long time indeed, and Yes Thank you...actually a few months after I split with Angela I met my wife... How is she doing by the way? Last time I heard she was opening up a boutique. Can't keep that woman without her clothing stores if your life depended on it..." Tom laughed as he took a sip from his champagne. As a waiter passed by with a tray of drinks he stopped him in his tracks, handing one off to Viola. Augustus refused one.

"Where is Anya anyway?" Augustus asked as he looked around the party area trying to spot her, he couldn't quite see her anywhere until he saw towards the large hall, Augustus raised his large hand over the crowd, he caught the attention of the few women who crowded her, they blushed and giggled among themselves before they alerted Anya. She turned a bit confused but when she saw his face she immediately smiled.

"She took a few of the ladies around the firm to show them her remodel." Tom was looking in her direction too. As she made her way around the crowd Tom was all smiles. Anya was short woman, no bigger then 5 foot, her dark skin was a warm coco, contrasting with her amber eyes, her hair was light brown and curled to her shoulders, her small baby bump pressed against an all white dress. Tom couldn't keep his eyes off her and Augustus felt warm inside...He couldn't be more happy for his best friend and the love he had found...Augustus elbow slightly nudged Viola's and when she looked at him he smiled as if to say... 'i'm sorry, he's a love sick puppy'

"Isn't she as beautiful as a magnolia in May...?" Tom spoke to himself before she approached the group, her hand lovingly grazed her husband's back.

"I thought the temperature had gone up in the room! Augustus you must give a lady a warning before you appear!" Anya gave him a large hug, it was more like she hugged his stomach from her size, but it was entirely like a sister. Augustus draped his hands over her shoulder and hugged her too.

"If anyone's burning up it's you! This place looks amazing, you've really out done yourself."

"She's even got a few home projects contracted already." Tom said confidently. His wife looked at him under bashful eyes and he all but swooned when she returned to his side, she smiled at Viola and nudged her love sick husband. "Oh, Miss Viola Breuer...This is my wife Anya. She's an interior designer, she recently remodeled my entire firm."

Anya let out a hand for a shake, her smile genuine and nice. "Very nice to meet you Miss Breuer... Oh and who might this be?" She looked at Graham who was fiddling with the kite in his hand.

"That's Graham, he's.." Augustus' began before Anya gasped.

"I didn't know you had a son, you're a spitting image of your father, right dear? Like the childhood photo in your office!"

The air between everyone became extremely thick...Anya couldn't quite figure out why. The young woman looked between them all, her light brown eyes blinking, her husband just took a drink of champagne. "I'm sorry...Did I say something wrong?"

"Actually Graham is Viola's son..." Augustus began and laughed it off as if it was a small joke. Tom joined in with a chuckle just to not cause his wife too much embarrassment...Anya's dark skinned turned a bit red.

"I'm so sorry! I just assumed...golly me... I'm so embarrassed!" She was being extremely apologetic to Viola.

"Nonsense! Nonsense , at first glace anyone would think dear." Tom tried to make light of the situation, but in his mind... he knew this was no coincidence. He cleared his throat. "Well I have a few documents I have to go over with Augustus...why don't you ladies go enjoy the party and food... us men will join you in a few moments."

Augustus was completely taken off guard, what papers? Of course he wasn't going to question him, the only reason he had come to the firm was to talk with Tom in the first place...

"Yes, brilliant idea dear... Miss Viola please come this way, I'd love to show you the water fall and koi pond...and I'm sure the ladies would love to meet you!" Anya smiled enthusiastically.

"And you can leave Graham to us... We'll take him out back with the other children to play..." Tom smiled as if he would to the jury in a court room. "It's fenced you can rest assured..."

Though both women had no idea of any deception...Augustus wondered what Tom had in mind...
Angela . . . It had been a while since Viola had last seen her. She used to be one of her best friends but ever since she left the country she had rarely gotten the chance to see her that much. The young woman still remembered her perfectly though . . . She was a pretty one, perhaps far too pretty for her own good. Angela used to be an incurable flirt, though she was no cheater. Even while she was romantically involved with someone she wouldn't hesitate before returning a glance or a smile to someone who was not her boyfriend. She was always like that, and though Viola disapproved of such behaviour, her friend always used to excuse herself with her 'motto': never turn down a good flirt, never get caught while you're at it. Viola could practically hear her voice echoing on her mind at the same time Angela insisted for her to just enjoy her youth, which would not last forever.

But then she had met this one guy, and Viola thought he'd be able to change her. The auburn haired woman didn't get to meet him often, but they lasted for years, much more than her short-term relationships would usually last, and that guy had turned out to be no other than Augustus' best friend. Truly, it's a small world. However, as it was obvious by now, the thing wasn't enough for them to settle down together, and Angela kept on being the same flirt as ever. That was until she was truly and utterly swept off her feet.

"... How is she doing by the way? Last time I heard she was opening up a boutique. Can't keep that woman without her clothing stores if your life depended on it..."

Viola was snapped out of her small reminiscence by Tom's statement, and she couldn't stop the corners of her mouth from rising into a smile when it had left his mouth. He was right, apart from her flirtatious nature, that woman just adored her clothing stores. Right after receiving the champagne she had been offered, she had thanked both the waiter and Tom before replying "She's doing fine. Actually, she's currently living with her husband and kids in London"

Yeah . . . It had been that particular English man the one who had finally been able to steal her heart and hold it entirely in his hands. He was a dream of a man, that was something that couldn't be denied. He had this winner smile and the mannerisms that seemed exactly what you'd expect from a true English gentleman, the one from the old romantic novels. Women were swoon over his long and layered dark brown ‘do, worn styled mostly away from his face. With a nice attitude, alluring accent and a pair of beautiful dark greyish eyes he had easily gotten Angela in a one-way plane heading to London, while she left her boutique, family and friends behind. Viola didn't blame her though and still remembered with a bit of amusement having thought 'If only I wasn't on a relationship'. At least she was happy over there. She had married him and soon after had given birth to a baby girl and a baby boy very soon after that. True was that she had needed all of that happening to her for her to fix that terrible trait of hers, as right now she loved both Patrick and her children with her entire heart. Also, she had fortunately gotten the chance to open up another boutique over there, much smaller than the one she had over here but she was just starting.

Viola realised she was spacing out again when she was brought back to reality by Augustus nudge, Tom's wife was already making her way over to where they were standing. A few compliments were thrown back and forth by the short woman and Augustus, to which Viola had to suppress the need to roll her eyes while listening to them. If she had to listen to any more comments on how that man even got the 'room's temperature hotter', she'd seriously have to leave the party soon before she snapped!

Upon being introduced to one another, and therefore finally putting an end to the praises and such, Viola's eyes had laid on Anya, who was considerably shorter than an average woman her age, before she flashed her a smile that mirrored hers. At least she seemed to be such a nice lady . . . Unlike that insufferable Scarlett woman "It's so very nice to meet you as well" She stated.

Then, Graham came into the conversation and Viola's lips had twitched as soon as Anya had so obliviously made a remark that was supposed to be so innocent but that had a considerable effect on the air between them. She got it! Graham was a carbon copy of Augustus, must everyone keep on remembering her that the whole day!? Even though she was thinking that she tried not to be rude with the nice woman, instead opening her mouth with a smile still on her face so as to make it clear who was Graham's 'father'.

"Actually Graham is Viola's son..."

Viola simply nodded when Augustus spoke before she did, though she still felt a horrible sensation in the pit of her stomach because of the unpleasant situation. Nevertheless, when Anya apologised to her, Viola couldn't help it but smile herself, so as to assure her that she hadn't done anything wrong "Don't worry, it was just an honest mistake"

"Well I have a few documents I have to go over with Augustus...why don't you ladies go enjoy the party and food... us men will join you in a few moments."

Viola turned to look at them, but was soon taken off guard by Anya's enthusiasm. She sort of reminded her of Mary, in a way. She didn't know if it had been because of that, that she had so foolishly allowed for Graham to leave her side, while thinking that perhaps her son would have more fun with other kids her age than following her around. As such, she had willingly followed Anya while them and the men parted from one another.
As the women disappeared into the crowd Tom waited until they were a ways away before he turned to Augustus with a sly smile that Augustus knew to well. Augustus gave him a confused look and he all but ignored him and finished the rest of his champagne, he swiftly placed it on a waiter's tray who zipped by without noticing. Tom's attention turned to Graham who smiled back.

"So Graham..."

"Are we going outside now?" Graham asked innocently. "I want to fly my kite."

Tom nodded his head with a small chuckle. "In time, in time! I actually have a surprise for you in my office before you go outside!"

"A surprise? " Graham sounded a bit confused looking between Tom and Augustus.

Augustus smiled, trying not to look as confused as he felt inside. He trusted Tom, he wouldn't do anything to hurt the boy and Augustus would be around to make sure that stayed true.

"Yes, a grand surprise... Augustus told me you had a thing for cakes..." Tom lied, Augustus had told him no such thing...but by statistical analysis he knew more than 98% of children liked anything with sugar covered in more sugar...and he saw Graham's eyes light up.

"I do! Like those over there?" Graham pointed to the grand table of sweets..

"Yes, but mine is special I bought a small one just for you from a parlor farther down main... it's incredibly delicious. Why don't you join Gus and I to the office and you can eat it there..."

"mm..but I haven't eaten lunch yet, my momma wouldn't let me..."

"It's our little secret, between the guys! Your momma can't see you from my office and Gus won't tell! Heck, he'll even have a piece what do you say?" Tom gave him the lawyer smile, convincing to anyone he tried it on. Graham took a moment to think, looking over towards his mother, who was chatting with the ladies then back to Tom and then to Augustus.

"It's alright buddy I won't tell..." Augustus reassured, giving him a smile. As if that was all the confirmation he needed, his smile became wide.

"Okay! What kind of cake?!" Graham was super excited, Augustus chuckled at his enthusiasm..

"I have 3 different kinds! I didn't know which one you'd like, let's get going then..."

Graham handed off the kite to Augustus as he walked a bit ahead of the men toward the large hall way, Augustus smiled to the guests that smiled to him and Tom walked with his hand in his pocket. As they passed the ladies they both smiled.

"I'm taking him right out through the back, enjoy yourselves ladies.." Tom assured them, Graham waved at Viola.

As they neared the end of the hall they took a right. Augustus cleared his throat.

"What are you getting at Tom..." He whispered barely audible, Tom was still smiling..

"Finding out the truth..."

"And how is giving him cake exactly suppose to do that?"

"Well funny thing about eating need to use a fork...funny thing about using a fork is it goes in your mouth and it's contaminated by saliva...funny thing about saliva..." He slapped a hand on Augustus back. "It's a great source for DNA."

Augustus was stopped in his tracks, Tom continued to walk ahead, his hand sliding from his back back into his pocket. "It's the last office there Graham, go on in!" As Graham opened the door and ran into the last office, Tom turned to face Augustus. "Well, come on now."

"You need a parent's consent for that..."

"I know."

"You need a parent's signature."

"I know, I didn't lie when I said I had some papers for you to sign..."

Augustus blood went cold. "This isn't funny, this is illegal! You should know it better then anyone."

"Illegal?" Tom felt offended. "What is illegal is your blindness and her audacity to even think she is going to keep this a secret. When the results come back and he is your son, I would LOVE to see her press any legal action against you or me for that matter without digging a ditch for her own parental neglect of not informing the other party that they have a son." Tom took a moment to compose himself. "So, Augustus..." The use of his real name made a hint that this was serious...Tom cared for his friend, and something like this didn't sit lightly with him, since he was raised in a single family home, where his own father had abandoned him..."Leave the legality to me...since this is an under the table job, results won't be back for 2 weeks to a months time...Once he eats his cake, he can go play with the kids. I'll take you sample by swab and we'll send it out to the lab... if he is your son, wouldn't you want to know? "

Without another word, Tom turned on his heels and walked straight into his office, his atmosphere taking a 360 as his smile beamed again and asked Graham if he was ready. Augustus took a moment to compose himself, rubbing both of his hands down his face, as if he couldn't take life, he badly wanted to punch anything in sight.. Why was everything so frustrating, his life was normal. Nothing out of the ordinary until now.. After a few moments, he walked to the door, opening it he heard Tom laughing along with Graham. Wouldn't you want to know?

He whispered to himself, he didn't know how to handle it, as he saw Graham eating his cake. Innocently without knowing what was happening, the fork already holding traces of answers... Augustus smiled to not alarm Graham. As he closed the door behind him he saw Tom sitting on his mahogany desk, a small stack of papers next to him with a red tab sticking out of one page. He held the men in his hand and reached it out to Augustus. As Augustus came over and gripped the pen Tom flipped through the packet and opened it to the red tab, Graham's name was already written.

"Her boyfriend gave him his name...How thoughtful... " Tom said sarcastically. Obviously they had talked while Augustus was taking a moment to calm his nerves, but Tom's blatant sarcasm made Augustus glare. "Oh and funny thing I found out! Actually you should hear this one yourself. Graham when's your Birthday again?" Tom said almost giggling with joy.

"Janurary 5, 2005!"

"Janurary 5th! Wow, that's 9 months after Mardi Gras, isn't that something?" Tom laughed, and Augustus heart jumped, his hand quickly scribbled a signature and he slammed the pen down. His palms sweating. The analogy went completely over Graham's head as he finished the last piece of cake. Augustus felt sick as Tom took the paperwork from in front of him swiftly and placed it into a manila folder.

"You okay Augustus?" Graham sounded worried as he held the fork and plate in his hand.

"I'm fine buddy..." He sounded tired unable to smile, he wanted badly to forget it all.

"I think he just needs to sit down a while, so why don't I take that plate and you run off and show the other boys your mask and kite?" Hastily Tom grabbed the plate from him and gave him a smile.

"Uhm..Okay...How do I get there?"

"Right down the hall, on the opposite side of here a door leads right out! If you get lost don't hesitate to come back ya hear?" Tom could barely get out the last few words as Graham said bye and bolted out the door with new energy. Tom quickly circled his desk and pulled out a medical bag from his top drawer, flipping it inside out he grabbed the fork and sealed it. "Perfect." He announced while he placed it in the manila folder. Augustus staggered to a seat and slumped as Tom sealed the manila folder and placed it in his drawer. He looked to his best friend... "It's for the best Augustus, you never know, maybe I'm wrong..." Tom couldn't believe his own words, let alone make Augustus believe them..he walked to his shelf and opened up the doors...pulling out a glass bottle and two glass cups, he poured the amber liquid of Jack, whisking it and adding to large rocks of ice before he walked over to hand it over... Tom knew Augustus had quit drinking after the habit became too serious..but at the moment, he couldn't help but want to get him out of the slump... Augustus looked the glass hard and strong, then at Tom who kept a straight face...He took the glass in his hand and held it tight for a moment, looking at the still liquid drawing him in, Tom waited... as if for an eternity, Augustus finally brought the glass to his lips, knocking the entire drink back... Tom took a single sip of his drink, the men were silent, nothing but the sound of Augustus' ice clanking against the glass.
"What are you looking for Viola?"

The auburn haired woman had looked back to the front immediately after the question had been posed, just to meet four pair of curious stares that were glued to her. Smiling a bit, she lowered her half-empty glass of champagne "My son" She admitted.

"The little boy? He's a cutie! But he left with his father, did he not?" Joanna, one of the women commented in a jovial tone of voice.

Viola did her best not to pull a face, though Anya was the one to talk to clear up the mistake she had made just a few minutes ago herself "You mean Augustus? He's not the little boy's father" She chuckled, as if trying to ease the tension that had so slightly filled the air "He's Miss Viola's son"

"My, is that true? Hasn't anybody told you he's the spitting image of Tom's friend?" Another woman stated, to which the rest of the ladies agreed with a nod of their heads.

"A few" Viola admitted, almost forcing the words out of her mouth "It's a simple coincidence though"

"And where's the father?"

Viola raised the glass to her lips and took a sip of her drink before replying "Graham's father? He's out of the country"

"Is he your husband?" All of a sudden Joanna took a hold of Viola's hand, so as to examine the diamond ring that adorned her finger. The women leaned in a bit to take a look as well.

"My fiancé" Viola corrected them, slightly relieved by the topic change.

"Has that fiancé of yours met Augustus?" The brunette named Jessica asked her, brow raised.

"No, Augustus was hired while we were both away" Viola said, gently pulling her hand back.

"But still . . . Your boy's resemblance to him is striking. Are you sure you hadn't met Augustus before? With such a hottie anyone could get a bit . . . naughty, if you know what I mean" The blonde joked before the other women let out a small chuckle.

"Janette!" Anya reproached her before nudging her side "I'm so sorry Miss Viola, they don't mean to offend you"

Surely Tom's wife had apologised upon noticing how the young woman had tensed her chin, her fingers curling around the glass so tightly that it seemed that it'd break anytime by the strength of her grip. Viola, however, laughed it off, or at least was exceedingly good at faking it "It'll be our little secret ladies" She declared giving them a knowing look, to which the other women corresponded by laughing themselves, entertained by the young woman's response, obviously taking it as a joke.

"If you'd excuse me, I'd like to use the restroom" After a while, Viola excused herself before walking away from the group of women, assuring them that she was fine by going on her own. On her way there, she had finished her champagne in one go and had done the same with another one she had been offered before taking yet another one from a passing waiter's tray. God! She wasn't feeling okay. Upon reaching a relatively empty hall on the unknown building, she finally allowed herself to lean against the wall, the glass of champagne held in her hand. She was aware of the fact that if it kept going like that, she'd really raise a lot of suspicion that'd be difficult to avoid.
"Alright now, open up..." Tom held a cotton swab up and headed towards Augustus who was slumped back into his chair, holding his third cup of whiskey dangling in his finger tips. He opened his mouth wide, he felt no urge in fighting, the jack searing through his blood made his entire body relax under it's weight. Tom practically shoved the swab into his mouth causing him to gag and salivate more, Tom rubbed it against the side of his cheek for about 30 seconds, reading a small paper of instructions. "After collecting specimen, place into sterile tube and seal, can only be exposed to air...within 10 seconds... Graham's was easier then this...."

"Take it out ,yer dun..." Augustus slurred as Tom continued to swab at his cheek, he felt it might go raw at any moment. Tom quickly did exactly what was said to do, playing the vile on his desk, when he turned around he saw Augustus take the drink in one single gulp, at this point Tom wondered if he could taste it or even feel it searing his throat. His cheeks were slightly red and his eyes glazed over, he had to be near being drunk..Tom felt a bit worried... "I haven't seen you drink in a while, it's nostalgic..."

"Yeah...Well I don't even know why I stopped..." Augustus outstretched the empty glass to Tom. Tom took his glass and walked over to his mini bar...this time he poured only a little under half...

"Here ya go...take it es-" Tom handed it to him and without a second thought Augustus knocked it back, out stretching it to Tom for another. Tom frowned... good thing he didn't pour a whole one. "That's enough." He met Augustus' burning eyes, as if they both had a face off for a moment.

"Weren't you the one who offered? That's awful rude, Tom..."

"And you've had close to four, I won't have you like before...It was meant as a sentiment, if you want to be drunk off your ass go to a bar." Tom grabbed the glass from his hand, Augustus snatched it back.

"I'm fine."

"Really because you're acting like a child. I'd expect it from Graham not from you." Tom snatched it back.

"Leave him out of it..." Augustus grabbed for it back.

"Why because you can't handle that he might actually be your son, the world won't end you idiot, be grateful you have a son." Both men at this point were standing up pulling the cup back and forth between them like arguing children.

"Shut up! I don't have anything, you don't know anything, just going off of a story and speculation!"

"I'm a lawyer! It's my job to go off stories and pull evidence."

" I was there! I know what happened!"

"You were drunk! You barely know here face, you were irresponsible and now you missed a decade of your child's life!"

With that the glass fell from both hands and slammed on the ground, shattering into pieces. Both men took a moment to take a breathe, Tom adjusting his suit, Augustus brushed his hand through his hair.

"I'm leaving..." Augustus whispered, as he staggered back, both Tom and him felt ashamed from their words... Tom didn't mean to say he was irresponsible but to take it back now would be a slap in the face. He just let Augustus walk out, his body swaying slightly as he exit the office, he used the wall to help him walk steady a small ways away from the office, he took a moment to stand still his head spinning, he pressed his fingers across his creased forehead, when he looked up, he saw Viola standing against the wall.

"Viola..." It sounded more like a beg.
"Would you like another glass, Miss?"

Viola, who hadn't even noticed she had already emptied her third glass in once go and who had her head leaned into her hand as she used her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose, raised her head to look at the waiter who was easily holding a tray full of various drinks in one hand. First she looked down at her own empty glass of champagne before she looked up again "That'd be perfect, yes" She nodded, handing over the glass as it was replaced by a full one instead "Thank you"

The waiter gave her a nod before continuing with his way. The young woman took a moment to look at the foamy golden liquid that filled her glass, twirling it between her fingers slightly. Truth was, Viola could rarely hold her liquor, and was one of those who could get drunk extremely easy and quite quickly. However, she had discovered that just this one drink she could hold it. She'd rarely get drunk from drinking champagne, and so it was her usual drink whenever she assisted a party.

As she brought it to her lips, she took her time to inhale the intoxicating scent, allowing for it to dance in her nose before letting out her breath. She was beginning to calm down, to relax, and so she didn't rush it, instead taking a sip and letting the sparkling wine flood her mouth before going down her throat in a bit of a pleasant burning sensation.

"Viola..." It was that voice, his voice that shattered the temporary peacefulness she had finally achieved.

The young woman cringed before reluctantly looking to the side. But then she saw him so weak and . . . strange . . . That without thinking it herself, she had pushed herself off the wall and had made her way over to him, her hand finding her way to his shoulder "What's wro-" She started asking, but as soon as her eyes met Augustus', it didn't take her long before she noticed his flushed cheeks and his hazy stare, not to mention the smell he gave off. Her brows knitted together and she made an attempt to step back "You've been drinking" She almost complained.
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"You've been drinking. .." The words hit him like an ocean wave, he felt guilty and angry all at the same time, what was so bad about a man having a drink? He took a deep breath to calm himself, no need to get angry at a place like this...He had too much racing in his mind, his head was spinning he took a moment to hold himself up on the wall.

"It was...only" Augustus slurred as he attempted to stand up straight and look at her, he couldn't believe his own lie as he smelled the jack on his lips, he wiped the back of his hand against his mouth as if to wash off the scent. Looking to his left he noticed a smaller conference room. "...woul' ya help me into the room... I just need a moment and maybe a glass of water..." He gave her a sheepish smile...He didn't want to be angry and blow up..He was tired of every thought on his head..actually he wouldn't mind just going to sleep..but that could be the liquor talking.

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