The difficulties of this parenthood (Sharliery & Me)

Viola had to suppress a mocking, satisfying smirk when she produced in Augustus the reaction she was looking for. His cheeks colored in red and other ... evident things on his behalf, had her turning her head back to the front so as to nibble on her lower lip to stop a laugh from escaping them. Truly, she didn't expect to enjoy engaging herself in such a situation. But she felt desired and that wasn't exactly ... bad.

She felt powerful and confident ... which was why she hadn't expected it. When his fingers slightly brushed against her bare skin that is. A sigh of surprise escaped her, followed by a shiver on her behalf. Wha- Closing her eyes, the young woman stopped herself from shivering once again, when his breath caressed her ear in a soft and inviting whisper.

He was turning the tables ... and Viola couldn't allow it.

"... but I must advice we're leaving in half an hour... "

Taking in a deep, silent breath, Viola turned on her heels, hands letting go of her shirt, and arms wrapping around his neck in a loose grip "Well how about being quick then?" She suggested, her deep blue gaze piercing right into his.

Knock, knock.

Viola was left unperturbed, and calmly, with her arms still wrapped around Augustus neck, she opened her mouth to reply while not diverting her gaze from him "Who is it?"

"Miss Viola, Mrs Brauer wishes to see you"

"Tell her I'll be seeing her after taking a shower"

"... She also told me to clean up and organize your room"

Viola's brow raised "I can do it on my own, as always"

"... She insisted" Her voice was ... nervous.

For once the red-haired woman removed her gaze from the man before her and laid on the door.

"... Give me a few seconds" She finally replied before returning her sight to the front. Slowly, she allowed for her arms to drop back down "Augustus ... Open up the door for me" And with that being said, she walked over to her bathroom's door before disappearing behind it.

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Augustus felt her sucking in deeply, her body pressing back against him as she exhaled out, with a swift movement he felt her warmth leave him sightly, replaced with her almost bare chest pressed against him like a perfect mold. He arched an eyebrow as his eyes followed her arm's wrapping softly around his neck loosely, he followed the length of her arms with the tips of his finger tips and his eyes. His eyes had sunken, hazy he had been over come by desire as he stared into her hungry eyes.

"Well how about being quick then?" Augustus could feel her slightly tugging at him his hand trialed down her arms to the small of her back and bottom...pulling hee into his body tighter, she molded perfectly to him, his arms entangled in her.

Knock, knock..

Augustus senses jumped, his attention turning to the door,

"Who is it?" His gaze turned back to Viola who's eyes were still locked on him, her blue eyes kept him locked as the conversation persisted. Did they know he was in here? Did no one trust him? Possibly not from the tone the maid gave, trying to be discreet but assertive. When Viola pulled her eyes from him, he knew exactly what the maid was getting at....Mrs. Breaur wasn't happy...and Augustus didn't want to deal right now..

" Augustus...Open the door for me." And before he had time to protest the warmth was stripped from his arms.

" Uh, I'll make sure Grahams all ready..." Augustus muttered as he adjusted his pants, willing his body to calm down, he brushed his hands through his hair before he walked to exit her room. " I have an appointment for our hair cuts at 8...and one promptly at 930 at the law firm ma' I'll be leaving soon please be ready..."

Augustus reached the door handle, when he opened it he faced the flustered nurse, her gaze staring at the floor, Augustus couldn't meet her gaze he looked around with a flushed face, awkwardly clearing his throat.

"Uhm, excuse me..." He whispered as he shuffled past her, shaking his head...This would be spread across the Manor with hours... He needed to find a woman quickly..or this one would be the death of him... He took a deep breathe before he checked his phone.

'Good morning...Thank you for informing me of our extra guests...We will have to change this plan around...but I'm absolutely thrilled to meet Jr and Miss Viola Breaur...again."

Tom's message sent his blood cold...Jr... That was the real mystery he wanted to avoid...

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Towel wrapped around her with her hair dripping wet sticking to her back and forehead, Viola had her back pressed against the bathroom's door, face bright red and her bottom lip of the same crimson colour as she bit on it roughly. What did you do? She was ashamed of her behaviour, and yet when she was around Augustus Bradford she found herself reacting in so many ways and thinking so many things that she would've crossed her mind to begin with in a daily basis. Honestly ... He was driving her crazy. Was she really like that? Why was he to be the man to 'unleash' such a shameless side of her?

A groan left her lips before she allowed for her body to slip all the way down, face concealed between her arms. Her heart was still hammering against her chest and she couldn't push out of her mind the way he had so naturally pulled her into his body tighter, nor the way they seemed to respond to each others advances, true, he had desired her, but she couldn't deny she had done so too ... What would have been of her if the maid hadn't knocked on her door? She couldn't possibly be as stupid as going all the way with Augustus without taking into account past experiences. He simply ... didn't let her think properly.

"But it's just a game..." She muttered softly under her breath "As long as I don't involve any feelings it should be okay, shouldn't it?" Well ... She was still young and about to marry ... A little game before that wouldn't kill anybody ... Though deep inside she sort of hoped for Augustus to stop her, because at first she had decided to make his life miserable until he left and now she went and do that. It should be that way, she had to be stronger. Even though, she first thought this and then that and her mind was a real mess.

Then there was only one solution, wasn't there? If her granddad refused to fire him, then it was better for her to avoid being along with him ... honestly speaking, she didn't even trust on her anymore, she wasn't sure of what she was to do if there was a chance ... she didn't want to, she wasn't supposed to want it, and yet her body refused to listen to her reasoning. If she kept on fighting with him constantly, not only she'd worry her granddad and sadden Graham, but perhaps one thing would lead to the other and ... Oh dear lord, why had to be that man the one who could make her feel like that? It'd be much easier if he wasn't good at that game! If he stopped her advances! Why did he not?

And there was also Graham, he was his father, but he didn't have to find out. Perhaps trying to get her son to be away from him with be much more suspicious. Frankly, she felt at a loss on that matter as well. She tried to be determined, which she usually was, but things changed and wouldn't go as planned when it involved that man.

She didn't know for how long she remained like that, she had mixed feelings and her mood and decisions changed in the blink of an eye, frankly she didn't recognise herself anymore. So, when she finally scrambled to her feet, she tried to push each and every thoughts concerning what had happened that very morning aside, so as to allow herself to start with her day. She picked up her outfit and after getting dressed in a matter of a few minutes, she proceeded to eat while she combed her hair before exiting her room.

As she was used to do, she breathed in and out a couple of times before raising her hand and knocking on her mother's - more like her deceased father's - studio.

"Mother?" She questioned softly as she opened the wooden door which led to the room.
"Come in dear..." Her tone was dry, distracted.

Mrs. Beaurer stood in front of a grand mirror, already dressed, in a light lilac pencil dress, she smoothed down the creases against her thighs and stomach bringing her hands up her bodice to adjust her pearls at her neck line. Her hands put away the stray hairs of her nearly perfect updo.

" Beautiful morning isn't it...?" She sounded suspicious, looking through the mirror piercing eyes into Viola. For a moment she held Viola in a sharp glare before she pulled away and patter over to her dresser, her small heels clicked on her hardwood floor.

"Would you like to share what your debacles with the help last night consisted of?" Her own southern slur made her sound more cheerful then she meant. When she came onto the mirror again she opened her lipstick and bent slightly to apply it on her lips...she heard silence from her daughter. .After placing the lipstick evenly her mother looked at her reflection with narcissistic satisfaction. For an older woman she was beautiful but much too vain. .but she could care less. She was Rich, blonde and sometimes a bit of a bitch. ..but she loved it.

She turned on her feet to look directly at her daughter.

"And please my dear..." Her smile turned into a quick scowl, "inform me why such a man was in your bed quarters....twice!"

Augustus was always a hard working man, even though the mornings letter specified the other would carry out his help on the ranch he still went out to take a look. Everyone was right on track, handing him the paperwork of chores that were signed off, how much the horses ate, how long they were taken out, what food orders were requested, what had been shipped, the list went on and he held a stack in his hand looking it over as he walked back to the house, flipping through it. He felt his head spinning from the information. It had only been a few hours and already he felt like all his hard work was slightly spinning out of control...

"Augustus!" He heard a familiar voice call, a smile creep onto his face as he looked up from his list to find Grahams gleaming face, he waited by back door waving in the distance.

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Viola expected no less from her mother, and actually, she had actually imagined it'd be much worse. She must have been in a good mood on that morning. News were fast to spread on that house, though it had always been like that. Dear God, what would have happened if that maid had found her and Augustus in such a ... compromising situation? True, the young woman remained silent for a second or two before replying, and when she did, she couldn't stop herself from raising her hand to her temple and rub it softly as she sighed.

"First mother, last night Augustus and I simply discussed the matters concerning Dumas. I actually wanted to congratulate him myself for his formidable work. My poor stallion had been left forgotten for quite a while, and I was afraid he had been in bad shape lately before I went to Paris. However, he seems much better now, and as you know, that beautiful creature had brought a lot of pride to this family" She was indeed impressed by his work, but she didn't thank him, so partly ... it wasn't completely a lie.

Emma Brauer stood straight, and even in her usual graceful manner, crossed her arms across her chest, her gaze filled with disbelief and suspicion "Right, and for such an ... impressive man you seem to speak of, you wouldn't even stand his company last night at dinner. Tell me dear, just how much of a fool do ya' take me for?"

Viola couldn't find the words, because her mother was right, she was sharp, and she knew her own daughter perfectly. She swallowed noiselessly before answering "I don't ... take you for a fool, mother. I did not like his presence last night, that's true, but who would like to share the table with such a man who doesn't seem to be able to hold his liquor? Afterwards, when he followed me, he apologised for his behaviour and we mainly talked about Dumas, as I told ya' so"

"Viola, you seemed very much displeased even before he started drinking at the table, as soon as you found out he was to have dinner with us, you protested. Called him 'the help' and though I agree with you, you're very much like your grandfather" Those last words were said as if it was a bad trait of hers "You don't call them 'the help' "

"True, but more than that, he's a stranger and that's Joachim's seat, I was surprised. Frankly mother, I was tired, and I simply blew a fuse because of that"

Emma's eyes narrowed and she softly tapped her fingertips against her arm "Let's say, I believe that. Let's say I believe you finally are knowing the place of those people in this house, let's suppose" Viola honestly didn't like the tone she was using to refer to them, but she had to bite her tongue and wait, it wasn't wise to protest right now "How about this morn'? Why did ya' took so long to open the door? Why was it even closed to begin with? Why was that insufferable man with you?"

So it really had been her mother! She knew! Well that wasn't too difficult to reply to "He brought me my breakfast, as simple as that. Regarding the matter of me taking long to open the door, it was because I found it strange someone was to arrange it for me, I do it on my own always"

"Since when does he take your breakfast to your room?"

"I wouldn't be able to tell, it's my first morn' with me and him in the same house. There's nothing between him and me if that's what you're thinking, you should know better"

"Ha! Because I know better I worry, 9 years ago I allowed for you to get out of my sight because of your father and see where it led us to. Don't go doing anything stupid again, Viola, this time we won't be able to fix it"

Viola honestly couldn't believe how cold her mother could be at times. Not straightforwardly but she had referred to Graham as something stupid. "I'm not that stupid girl anymore, mother, I know what I'm doing. There are things much more important than the name and keeping up the appearances"

"Not to me my darlin', not to me" Her mother replied in a matter-of-fact tone of voice "Be careful with what you do, my dear. Leaving that aside, I understand you're going into town with him and your child today?"

She was her mother, that's something she had been kept on telling herself for the past years. If Viola remembered it well, she wasn't always like that ... was she? "Yes, mother. To get Graham a haircut"

"And is that man supposed to accompany you?" Again, she was not pleased.

"He's getting a haircut too. Mother, I'm running late" Viola declared, brows knitting together.

"Be sure to keep the distance, I don't want anyone talking about you two. There shouldn't be any reason to, of course, right?" Her gaze pierced right into hers.

"I'll see you this afternoon, mother" Viola wasn't in the mood to listen to her anymore. Her mother was trying to chain her down, and she was getting tired of it, sometimes she wanted to do something just to ... She didn't know! To get her angry. Not everything was supposed to go as she planned. Between her and Augustus, she was going to go crazy.

Furious, though not scowling, with a stare just as hard and icy as her mother's, Viola made her way out of the house. Honestly, she was feeling angry.
Augustus stood outside in the blazing heat that was creeping up since morning,his back leaned against the shining black truck. The chrome linings shining in the sun, the engine rumbled running twice as hard to keep up with the air conditioning it was pumping through out the car. God knows they'd need it today. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, 7:10am...He cursed under his breath, hoping Viola was on her way soon or he'd be late for everything today...It was about a 20 minute drive into the city, but with Marti Gra so close he knew the city would be more packed then usual, meaning parking would take a moment to be found... He looked to his right, inside the leather interior Graham sat comfortable with an ipad on his lap, kicking his feet away to the music that poured through the speakers, his hair was equivalent to Augustus, falling behind his ears and touching the nape of his neck, it was a brilliant black color... Augutus gaze made Graham look up for a moment and smile. For a moment both of their smiles reflected in the mirror and quickly Augustus heart began to pound in his heart, everyone on the ranch had said before their appearances were uncanny, as if they were related but Augustus always brushed it off as mere coincidence, but in one day, one many years ago, the entire situation could be changed...and he wasn't sure if he was ready to face it.
As she used both her hat and sunglasses to conceal her eyes from the sun, Viola took a few long strides towards the house's main entrance. She had stuffed both of her hands into her shorts pockets and her hair, which was still sort of wet because of the recent bath therefore darker and straighter than usual, occasionally dangled on her back for each time a breeze was blown towards her direction.

True to be told, she kind of didn't want to go to the city anymore, her mother's scolding along with Augustus presence was off putting, but she kept on telling herself she'd just be spending some time with her son after a long month away. By the time the black truck came into view, she noticed both her son and his father staring into each other's faces with identical smiles drawn on her faces, and her heart tugged at that. Up until now, she hadn't really noticed just how similar those two really were.

Clearing her throat, Viola made her presence known, even though her boots had already made the job by stepping on top of the ground's pebbles.

"Momma!" Graham exclaimed, diverting his gaze from Augustus to laid it upon her "Mornin' " He was quick to add, the happy smile still settled on his features.

"Good morning, baby" Walking past Augustus, Viola leaned over to his son who had approached to door to plant a soft kiss to his forehead "Are you ready?"

"I was a long time before you two" He explained with pride, and that made Viola's smile turn warmer.

"Good. We're ready to leave, Augustus" She declared without sparing him a single look.
The crack of the door against the side of the house sent his head reeling in her direction. The first glimpse her caught in his green eyes sent his heart palpitating in his chest. Her long legs were flawless and smooth against her shorts, her hands filled her pockets, her body leaning elegantly. Augustus couldn't see past the the dark frame of her glasses, it was a bit alarming not able to see her expression, her eyes must be the most honest thing about her. He noticed as she diverted her gaze from his, combing her wet hair from her face before she approached the truck to greet her sun Augustus could smell the waft of fresh fruit from her darkened hair, a woman's scent, his heart fluttered again.

"We're ready to leave, Augustus." Her voice held no patience from her body language he figured something had happened. Was it him? He did as he was told this morning. Truth be told, she tempted him, could she be holding him accountable now? He tried to ease his mind, reaching for the passenger side door, he opened it against his body, another hand out stretched to her for assistance boarding the truck.

"Ma'am" His deep voice offered sincerely. Augustus waited patiently for her to take his offered hand, he felt his body becoming anxious...What did Tom have planned now that she had joined? They couldn't possibly talk about their original topic, not with all parties present...but Tom assured him he had a plan...Augustus would just have to trust him but from experience Augustus knew even though Tom was a lawyer..many of his antics weren't exactly legal...
Viola stared at Augustus' offered hand - perhaps for far too long to be considered normal - and a whole bunch different possibilities flashed right in front of her eyes before she lifted her head and laid her eyes on him. Thanks God the sunglasses were concealing her gaze, because she sincerely didn't know what was it revealing without her noticing it. "No" She replied finally, and ignoring the outstretched hand before her, she reached for the door instead, avoiding for their skins to even brush as she closed it firmly without getting inside "I'll be riding in the back with my son" She declared, diverting her stare from the dark haired man.

Honestly, even if she was angry with her mom, with him and even with herself, she could, by no means, forget what had happened that very morning. If the maid hadn't stopped by while following her mother's orders, Viola couldn't sincerely swear that nothing may have happened. It scared her . . . The things that she'd be able to do because she was in his presence. As such, even though Graham was there, she wouldn't even want to ride on the seat beside him. There wouldn't be any flirting, her son was there, and there shouldn't be any arguments, because as she had just said her son was there. Perhaps this time the best thing to do was just to treat him with indifference, like any other worker at least.

She didn't even wait for Augustus to react, and proceeded to open the back seat door before getting inside, closing the door a split of second after that. Graham had moved aside almost at the same time he had heard his mother was going to ride by him, a wide and radiant smile drawn on his lips as she closed the door behind him. He didn't even stop to ask for an explanation as to why Viola was choosing to seat on the back, instead he had scooted closer to her and had tilted his head to the side and against her when his mother had automatically raised her arm to wrap it around her little son's body.
Augustus almost couldn't stop his jaw from gaping in awe. The nerve, the audacity, the down right gall! He could almost swear his hand could break the door frame if he gripped it any harder.

"Fine." His voice gruff with displeasure and apparent with offense. It took everything in his nerve to not slam the door clean into it's place, instead he tried to shut it politely, but to no avail he abrupt push sent the truck slightly bobbing, he grunted as he turned on his heels, kicking up the dirt behind his boots as he rounded the front of the black Ford, muttering under his breath, if she had an attitude it was better for her to stay home, he was a grown man he didn't need a chaperon, especially not an ill-mannered rich queen.

After circling to the driver side, he willed his temper to cool before he reached for the handle and hauled the door open. He board the truck as if it was a wild stallion, withdrawing the hat from his head he placed it in the empty seat beside him before securing his seat belt and adjusting his mirrors, he caught a glimpse of the two of them in the back, all smiles and Viola hugging Graham close. What was he a personal driver? He grunted before rolling his eyes forward The engine had been started for a while, pumping the cool air through the vents, it felt like a complete other words inside the truck compared to the rising heat of the morning. The car rumbling under him like a tamed animal, he relaxed his large frame into the leather seats before turning the radio on to distract his mind, it was a 15 minute drive to the city...maybe he could survive ignoring her, and living the rest of the day with his sanity.

Without further hesitation he pulled the truck from the dirt drive way down to the cemented one leading past the ranch gates and out to the main road. Augustus travled often to the city, their would be scenic routes before they reach the towering buildings, he'd enjoy those at lest.
Viola was slightly surprised by the way Augustus had slammed the door close, though she had not commented on it. He felt offended, obviously, and she didn't care. Serves him right She thought to herself as she silently agreed with the man to ignore one another. Suddenly, his bad mood was her own. She couldn't even believe how on earth could she have felt attracted to such a . . . such a brute! He wasn't worth her affections . . . he wasn't worth her desire either. As such, the auburn haired woman straightened her back and focused her attention on her son, blocking out everything else that was not him.

During the short trip to the city, Graham tried to speak to both Augustus and Viola, in an attempt to get them all three to establish a conversation. Needless to say it wasn't all that successful. Therefore, as soon as the city came to view, she couldn't help it but feel relieved when Graham's attention was stolen by it. Truth to be told, the little boy enjoyed going into the city as much as his mother did; hence a lot.

Viola distracted herself with the scenery as well, and for a moment, just a single one forgot about everything that made her angry, that got her frustrated and whichever negative feelings she had been having ever since she came back from Paris. The city was nothing special, really, but every now and then it was nice to leave her home and just escape there. It was so very different from the european city, and it was just fine like that, just perfect.

"Where's the place, Augustus?" Viola asked while not diverting her gaze from the window. At least for now she was in a better mood so as to speak to him and be civil with one another.
The city bustled with tourist and people in the street, mostly due to the fact that Mardi Gras was right around the corner and everyone from the corner of the country were gathering in New Orleans to join the festivities. He could see through the mirrors the faces behind him lighting up, Graham could barely contain his excitement, his mouth hanging wide and eyes darting back and forth between stores, masks, and merchants in the street. Augustus couldn't help but smile too.

"Graham buddy sit down, it dangerous to be sitting up on the seat..." He looked back towards the street, placing a turn signal to the right, traffic at the moment was bit hectic with the extra people in town. In his younger years he would spend the days leading up to Mardi Gras up and down these streets, with girlfriends, friends or even Tom back when he was always in college, he would take MArdi Gras to wind down and the two of them would paint the town a week early. The nostalgic feeling made his smile permanent as he saw the young men looking around the streets for costumes. Looking back to his passengers once again he could almost see Viola's eye wandering the streets through the side brim of her glasses, her chin lay comfortably in her palm. The faithful year Viola encountered Augustus during Mardi Gras was the first year Tom forced them both to wear suits. Usually the two, confident in their fit, chiseled bodies, the Southern men were barely dressed at all. Feathered masks, speedos, shorts, oils and paints splattered bodies...they would drink to their hearts content and the parties would last long after the sun shown through window sills...but that year he accompanied Tom to a few puppettie rich folk dinners and parties before they head out to the life of the town and even then they had joined the rich in the high suites of the Hilton hotel above the nonsense Augustus was so use to being a part of, but for the sake of his friends social status as a newly booming lawyer, he sacrificed his usual routine, not that the night ended up being so bad from what the pictures showed, eventually they had made it to the streets.

"Where's the place, Augustus?" His name being called made him blink confusingly, pulling his thoughts from the past back into the bright day.

"With the city being this busy, I have to park a bit ways away if you don't mind the stroll..." Augustus said politely as he changed the gears to reverse into a parking spot along the street side. One arm fell across the passenger seat as he cocked his head back to look out the window.
Viola hated it . . . The Mardi Gras, she really did. Like everyone she had looked up for it in the past, until that night 9 years ago. It reminded her of Augustus, of him vanishing without trace, and that had been the very reason for her to hate it. She swore never to go back into the city during that time and she had kept her promise, for the past 9 years she had either secluded herself inside her house or travel somewhere else where she wouldn't have to hear any news about the festivities.

Even when Graham begged for her to go with him, it had been the only thing she denied him for so long. Either she'd ask for Joachim to take him into the city or a worker or so . . . In the past, he'd stop talking to her for a few days, eventually he stopped hoping for his mother to accompany him. Honestly, she had even forgotten how pretty the city got around that time, even packed with people it gave a lively feeling to the streets. Viola had almost forgotten how nice it actually was.

When Augustus had replied to her question and had proceeded to take thr parking spot along the street side, Viola had looked away from the window and had lowered her hand at the same time she moved her head and looked to the front, her hidden gaze falling on Augustus "Hmm" She hummed softly before looking back to the streets.

As soon as he had parked, Graham couldn't even wait for Viola to open the door when he was already jumping out from the truck with an excited grin being displayed on his face.

"Come out, momma! Come out!" He urged her.

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Augustus chuckled at Graham's sudden excitement, it warmed his heart to see him so alive and happy instead of quiet and cooped in his room like when he had first arrived at the Brauer House. He didn't see much of Graham the first few days, it wasn't until he had started to help around in the kitchen and bring him his meals that he really came into contact with him, soon Graham started joining him in the dining hall, they compared and contrasted their tastes of foods and drinks, many were alike, many were completely different. Then Graham opened up more, his hobbies what he hoped to learn and do, it wasn't too long before he had a working help in the ranch and now as he unbound himself from the seat belt restraints and opened the car door to the blazing heat of New Orleans his smile was as wide as a proud father as he gazed upon gleaming eyes staring at the large balloons and kites flooding the blue sky. Graham had his hands above his eyebrow covering from the bright sun.

"Well they're out early aren't they?" Augustus confirmed as he looked up to the sky with him, his hand covering his squinting eyes from the sun as well.

"Can we go see them at the park? After ice cream. Oh momma, we can even buy some, Augustus you can help show me how to get them in the air right? I want a dragon! Every color!" Graham's mind raced a mile a minute but his mouth seemed faster. Augustus smirk grew across his face and he hand ruffled his hair, closing the intimacy between them.

"First we need a hair cut, we can't have the young master out on the streets of New Orleans looking like this can we?" Augustus ruffled his hair like a wet mop. Graham swatted at his hand a bit bothered but playful. Augustus removed his hands as he looked towards Viola, looked like the Queen of England herself as she came from the shadows of the trucks interior, her long slender legs standing in authority, her lips puckered and hands on her hips standing with utmost confidence, for a moment Augustus felt as the maid boy again, smoothing out the creases of his shirt as if inferior.

"Let's get going then, it's only a short walk up the street, your majesty." Augustus teased but his face and tone was as serious as could be.
Viola pursed her lips together when she caught on Augustus' gesture, such a simple think as ruffling her son's hair still had her on the edge. She really didn't want those two to grow close at all, and yet it seemed as if she had been too late to prevent it from the very beginning. Raking a hand through her hair, she used her free hand to adjust her sunglasses before stepping out of the truck, choosing to leave her hat inside the vehicle before closing the door.

The young woman ran her eyes through the streets, happy faces and lively laughters could be seen and heard in each corner of the crowded city. The huge balloons and kites being displayed high on the sky were surely attracting everyone and Graham was, by no means, the exception. While her gaze trailed off down to her son, it met instead with a pair of green eyes that were not particularly those of the little boy. She arched her eyebrow and immediately pulled her stare away. Right after that, Augustus stated his remark.

Viola's brows knitted together and though nor his tone or his face suggested, it was obvious he was teasing her, or was being sarcastic to say the least. She opened her mouth to say something in reply but before she knew it, Graham had already taken a hold of one of her hands and was tugging on it so as to get his mother to start moving.

"Come on, momma, hurry" Obviously the young boy didn't want to wait any longer to get his ice cream and what had been promised to him afterwards.

"I'm going, Graham, don't pull" Obviously she meant to sound and look reproaching, but she couldn't hide the undeniable smile that adorned her features, for it had been a while since she had seen her son so excited.

While being practically dragged by her son through everything and everyone on their way, Viola couldn't help but notice Augustus apparent 'popularity'. Women, both rather young and around her age shoot glances in his direction, and while some were discrete others wouldn't bother to stare at him shamelessly. Viola's brows furrowed at that and she felt a slight ping of jealousy. What's with them? She thought to herself, rather annoyed. And so, quickening her own pace, she made sure that both of her and Graham were walking by him, he was not alone on that trip to the city. The auburn haired woman didn't stop to think of what on earth was she doing, but truth was that she didn't like the staring . . . if anyone were to see them and not know them, they'd have thought they were actually a family, given the similarity between the little boy and both of the parents.
Walking a bit ahead of them, Augustus was periodically distracted by his phone, texting Tom that he was in the city and would be passing by after the barber shop after ice cream. Tom suggested they come straight to his office, their was small party taking place for a case his firm was announced to have won that morning, food, cake and he'd even order ice cream he bragged, Augustus couldn't help but chuckle, Flashy Tom. He went to inform Graham and Viola before his attention was taken to the many familiar faces. The ladies from the florist shop, the shopping center and roaming the streets. He went to reach for his hat for a polite tip, he was a bit disappointed that he had left it in the car but swiftly turned it into a small wave and dashing smile.

"Mornin' Ladies," Augustus was a southern man through and through, his southern slur was proof as he greeted everyone who waved at him, even the elders that passed by them, and his smile briefly disappeared from shock when he felt the sudden brush of Viola's arm against his. He felt her strong presence, making her self known to those around her, an older man tipped his hat to her and Augustus smiled again to not be rude.

"Good day ma'am...young man..." The older gentlemen greeted her and Graham and gave Augustus a more firm nod, as if to say beautiful family, he all of the sudden felt self conscious as everyone looked their way, he cleared his throat and nodded his head back. As they walked closely together he noticed as the women now tried to be very subtle in their greetings, Viola also seemed to be a bit happier with the arrangement, staying close as Graham spoke with her little by little.

"Augustus! Sweetheart is that you?" A high pitched voice called from behind them. Augustus wasn't sure who turned around faster, him or Viola.

The blonde bombshell walked towards them with confidence. She dressed in a black skirt, a formfitting pink blouse and a covering black blazer, she held a suit case in one hand and a small pastry box in another, her near perfect smile was gleaming against her tan skin, her blonde curls cascaded in curls down her front reflecting the light against her ocean eyes. She practically threw herself at him once the distance had closed, Augustus couldn't help but wrap his arms around her waist to not let her fall, his grin was as wide as any man would be at the moment, but for some reason, he felt he should be ashamed.

"Scarlett! How did you know it was me?"

"I can tell those broad shoulders from the farthest end of Louisiana, I didn't expect to see you before your visit to the office, I almost ran like a scalded haint!"

"Well ma'am let's be happy you didn't I wouldn't want you to get yourself all dirty now. Congratulation's on your case I've heard from Tom."

"Oh that little ol' thing, you know it was all Tom. He had his panties so wound up most of the time I had to call his wife to intervene! That man can be like Hitler himself such distress, he wouldn't even let me contact you..." Scarlett's voice became an exaggerated whine, she made a childish pout. "Since your here now, let's make it up with some breakfast, sugar." She pushed her body against him , settling into his arms. Augustus was smirking, Scarlett was persuasive and lively...he had been keeping her on a string for sometime, with all the work he had been doing on the ranch he didn't have time for much intimacy. But now that things had settled and Graham's mother was back...maybe he could pursue this more...but at the moment, he blinked as if realizing what he was doing before this moment.

"Augustus..?" Graham's small voice was confirmation. Augustus was almost too ashamed to look over, he couldn't imagine Viola's face. Would she be bothered? No, why wold she be...She couldn't stand a simple car ride with him... This should be a relief for her. Scarlett looked before him, as if finally realizing their were people next to him.

"Oh? Who might you be..." Scarlett tried to sound as innocent as possible as she looked at Viola. Her voice spilled the sentance as if she were of no importance either way. Augustus nervously laughed, slowly detaching himself from her body, Scarlett agreed without much of a fuss but her body stayed close and she gave Viola a fake smile.
"Augustus! Sweetheart is that you?"

Viola's head turned back automatically, and with wide eyes she watched as some unknown woman made her way over to where the three of them were, practically throwing herself to into the arms of the man by her side. Somehow, Viola felt hurt by the fact that he had wrapped his arms around her in response. She stepped back and silently, along with her son, watched the interaction between the both.

They seemed close . . . Her blue eyes raised to Augustus' face when the blonde woman pushed her body against his and she was displeased to find him smiling at the gesture. Look at that idiotic smile She thought to herself, her lips pursing together until they formed a fine line. She didn't like it. After all not so long ago she had been on those arms as well . . . Stupid man, you'll go after anything that wears a skirt If her blue eyes hadn't been concealed by the sunglasses, it'd had been evident that her piercing gaze was trying to burn holes into their heads.

How dare he!? Before her how dare he flirt with another woman!? All of a sudden, Viola's good mood was gone and she stood like an idiot before a couple that seemed to have forgotten about her and her son. However, the young woman was soon to realise the foolishness of her thoughts. Well . . . why would he not? He was free to do as he pleased, it was not as if she was his girlfriend. Besides, she was engaged and soon to be wed to another man, to her boyfriend. And yet . . . yet she couldn't help it but feel annoyed towards that Scarlett woman, how long was she even pretending to press herself against him like that?

"Augustus..?" Graham's voice, nevertheless, snapped her out of it and while she looked down at him - confusion being displayed on his features - she willed herself to calm down.

"Oh? Who might you be..."

Viola heard something snapping on her head . . . However, as soon as she turned her head back to the front to meet the blondie's stare, a smile teased its way to her lips, just as fake as the one that was being directed at her. Raising her hand to her face, she removed her sunglasses, her pair of piercing blue eyes meeting another pair of one. "Viola Brauer" She replied, straightening her back slightly so as to recover herself from the shock. Both women stood proud and confident before one another "Augustus' employer" She stated, nothing more and nothing less.

When she felt a faint tug on her hand, Viola looked down at her son "And he's Graham, my son" She returned her gaze to the front, just that this time it laid on Augustus himself. It remained there longer than it should have before both of their stares met and the corner of her mouth raised into a forced smile "Seems like you found yourself a . . . " Pausing, she threw a brief glance in Scarlett's direction before looking back at him " . . . suitable company. Tell you what, how about ya' tell me where's the place and I'll take Graham there while you and your friend here enjoy yourselves to your hearts content?"
Augustus eyes were wide as can be, he couldn't tell if she was being nice or sarcastic but she knew well then anyone that he needed a haircut as well and this outing was planned between him and Graham, if anything Viola was the extra party. He quickly tried to reply but was cut off by a feminine chuckle. Scarlett being a lawyer with plenty years of training could feel the tension between the two, the tone of Viola's voice could almost suggest she was bothered...but what did a master's graduate know. She gave Graham a friendly wave and smile before turning her attention to his mother.

"Employer? Well aren't you just a Georgia Peach. " Scarlett said sarcastically but subtle as she took Viola's hand into hers shaking it firmly but femininely. "Charmed. My name is Scarlett Beaucanan. I must say it's a pleasure to meet a Brauer in person. My family has done a lot of business with your Grandpapi's stock company."

Augustus tried to lighten the mood. "Scarlett's family owns a software company...She derailed from their path a became a uppite lawyer though..." He smirked as Scarlett pretended to cover her face from blushing.

"Oh stop, my family needed legal protection too! I'm the best thing that ever happened to my daddy! And Augustus here was assigned to our small ranch a few years back... it was the hottest summer I ever experienced..." Scarlett made a point to stare right into Viola's eyes as if to insinuate something else. Their was something about another woman's presence that made her competitive. "Are you looking forward to summer Miss Viola?"

Augustus could almost feel sparks, he quickly pretended to check the time before he took a hold of his nerves. "Scarlett, we've prior engagements..we must um attend to.. " He tried to sound as sophisticated as possible. "If you'd please excuse us...I'll be coming to the party later on."

"Will you now? And Miss Brauer will you be joining us...? " Scarlett again made a personal stab, as if Viola was never included in the plans. She didn't bother to look away.
Viola felt the tension, and each word that came out from that poisonous woman was like a stab to her ego. At least was meant to be taken like that. Truth to be told, she had felt affected by it, even much more when Augustus intervened to speak about her, which sounded more like a praise to her persona than a simple remark. She stopped her eyes from narrowing, and did her best to retain the composure.

Never, ever show your true feelings in a battle between ladies, for we are low and despicable with one another Viola could hear those words as if they had just been whispered into her ears just when she needed them. Emma Brauer had made it far, and that was one of the many teachings she had entrusted her only daughter with. As such, Viola breathed in softly, and while listening patiently to the woman before her, she relaxed her posture and looked at her with smile on her face and a hint of disdain in her eyes.

"... it was the hottest summer I ever experienced..." Upon noticing the insinuation in her voice, Viola's smile turned slightly sarcastic "What a coincidence. Now that's something I can relate to. Isn't that right, Augustus?" Viola didn't bother to be subtle there, as her gaze traveled from Scarlett to Augustus. She didn't wait for a response to be given, nor did the woman who was already posing a question for her regarding her summer. "Very much so, I can't wait Scarlett" Her name rolled off her tongue in an arrogant manner.

When Augusts intervened once again, this time to end the conversation, which was so obviously causing for him to get uncomfortable, Viola was able to flash the woman a radiant smile even after she had so evidently tried to hurt her. "Who knows?" Viola left it at that, even though she hadn't been told about any party before.
Scarlett's eyebrow slightly twitched to the woman's comment about Augustus' summer heat, and to drag him into it at that. If she wasn't a woman of the law she was sure jealousy would have reared it's ugly head with a few physical lashings but she of course held her composure, they were ladies of the town not hoodlums...and as Scarlett looked down to regain her composure, something reflected from the sun against Viola's hand and stung her eyes. When she adjusted them, her smile became wider then a grinning cat.

"I'm guessing your husband must hate those lonely summer nights..." Scarlett whispered between the two of them, as if she now knew a secret no one else knew, her fake smile apparent. Augustus was brutually reminded of her longer feeling bad for his actions towards Scarlett...Before Viola could react, with a coy glace she looked over her shoulder to Augustus. "My August heat, it's a shame you're standing me up again." She pouted making a play with his name.

"I'll make it up to you before you can notice."


"Whatever you'd like, belle..." Augustus didn't mean to sound so charming...but this was his way of stringing along...why should he change his attitude, Viola wasn't the one warming his bed...not that he hadn't hoped...

"Aren't you just a southern gentlemen... Then tonight." Scarlett looked back towards Viola. "I assume you live on the ranch, I'd just love to finally meet your grand papi and your husband Mrs... Viola or we could have a romantic dinner on a hill top, just like old times?" Her attention turned back to Augustus, his face burning red, the hilltop long ago was her idea...He would admit he'd go along with anything... To be with the Ranch master's daughter was any 25 years olds dream... now he'd be more willing to do it himself, only because it was about time he settled down...

"Well, it's entirely up to my employer's discretion..." Augustus tried to chuckle and lighten the mood, his eyes searching Viola's face, he tried to smile at her apologetic.

"I'm sure an agreement will be reached, you're a hard worker and pay your share. Your entitled to your own... private...quarters.."

"Of course ma'am but I must respect."

"Yes, yes. Respect..." The word rolled off her tongue like an accusation. "Well I'll be on my way, a pleasure Mrs. Viola. I look forward to speaking with you more tonight..." Scarlett assumed confidently. She looked down at Graham and held the box to him. "Here you go darling, fresh benyas from the best shop in New Orleans! They were for Augustus but you look like you'd enjoy them more. " Graham happily accepted them. As she stood she analyzed Graham a bit before her brows furrowed, Viola stepped infront of him and that shocked him. "Has anyone told you, your a reflection of Augustus."

"All the time!" Graham blurted, smiling wide as if a compliment. "He says that's because I'm a true bred southern man!"

Augustus chuckled nervously a bit embarrassed again apologizing to Viola with his eyes, Scarlett also chuckled.

"Charming...well, I must bid aidu!" She said playfully before turning to Augustus and tipping on her feet. Her sudden movement made his turn his attention to her, their lips met, her hand snaking into his hair. When she released him, he let out the air he as holding. "Darling please cut that hair...until later love..." She took a swift exit after giving Viola a final smile.

Augustus face turned bright red, Graham breaking the silence with a "Yuck." Augustus scratched the back of his head and avoided Viola's gaze but looked in her direction... "Uhm...should we get going now? We're extremely late...."
Viola had felt sincerely satisfied with her own attitude, even more when she had noticed the slight twitch of the woman's eyebrow at her own remark. Two could play a game like that. By now, the auburn haired woman didn't know if she was competing with Scarlett - because honestly that was what they were doing - because of jealousy or for the sake of that very thing; competition between women. Under normal circumstances, nevertheless, Viola would have never act on such an evident provocation.

"I'm guessing your husband must hate those lonely summer nights..." Viola's blood went cold and her posture stiffened a bit as she was, like Augustus, brutally reminded of her engagement. She stopped her jaw from gaping in awe, and as if having been woken up from a dream, the realisation of her actions made her feel ashamed of herself.

As such, when the flirtatious interaction between Augustus and Scarlett carried on, Viola didn't have the confidence to butt in. That woman had reminded her that she didn't have the right because not only she was nothing on Augustus life but also because she was promised to a different man. Suddenly, the ring on her finger felt so tight and heavy that she had to fight the impulse to take it off. She stepped back, and tried to block out the conversation.

A date, a past she didn't know of, something that would most likely lead to something else, those things being discussed right in front of her made her stomach upset. She had to fight against herself not to feel anything she wasn't supposed to towards Augustus. Even though it had been something she had been feeling ever since their reencounter.

She tried to stand indifferent while she used her thumb to rub absently at her ring. However, she was not ready to tolerate the woman messing with her son, or at least that's what she thought she was about to do when her gaze remained of him for far too long than needed. As such, she took a step in front of him, ready to protect what was important to her. As she commented on the similarity between his and Augustus' appearance, Viola had to stop herself from cringing, even more so when her son seemed to take that remark as a compliment.

When the woman approached Augustus and their lips met, she forced herself to look, so as to crave that image into her mind. That was that woman's place and not hers. She wasn't supposed to wish it and she never would. As always, she found herself wanting for Joachim to be back soon, for she needed him by her side, physically needed him at the moment. And then, when they were finally done with the unpleasant meeting and scene, they proceeded to keep on with their way. Viola wasn't in a good mood anymore, not even in the slightest, which caused an evident an awkward silence between the three, even if Graham couldn't understand what was going on. Frankly, Viola's head was a mess.
The remainder of the walk to the barber shop was painful on both parties. Augustus didn't dare say a word, but he couldn't handle the awkward silence either. He tried to make small gestures towards balloons, kites, masks being sold on the street but to no the time they reached the shop, he could only sigh.

"I've set up for you to have a pedicure while you wait..." Augustus whispered to her as Graham ran inside the barber shop to greet everyone. "It's right across the way there..only a few meters across... We shouldn't be long..." He pointed across the street to a small salon. "Uhm...Viola I hope she didn't offend you in any way...she can be a bit forceful most of the time...and assertive...with wanting to come to the ranch for dinner...but it's no obligation...I won't feel any way if you deny her offer..." Augustus jumbled through his thoughts...he didn't want to seem pushy about the subject but didn't want to out right deny the idea of a woman being with him... He hadn't had a woman in his bed in sometime...and today reminded him of what he was missing....but he did respect...
Viola stopped the corner of her mouth from twitching, and with a silent sigh she turned her head to the side, towards him. Their faces being as close as they were, as he had leaned in a bit to whisper in her ear, ended up being a few inches from one another. However, Viola was starting to get a headache to even bother to pull her head back. Their stares met, and she held his in hers for what felt like ages, though surely had been a couple of seconds.

She looked for his intentions on his eyes, and didn't seem surprised when she thought she had pretty much guessed them. It's for the best Viola, perhaps, if he gets himself a woman and a family he'll be out of our lives in no time She reminded herself that, and without noticing it herself her gaze grew a bit weary. She couldn't keep on like that. It had been just a single day and this situation was tiring her out "She can come. I'm sure my granddad will be pleased to have company, and my mother too" Though for very different reasons, but she knew her mother would feel much more at ease knowing Augustus was with a woman.

"Now if that's all ya' wanted to say . . . " She left the sentence unfinished, as if she expected for him to simply walk into the barber shop and just leave it at that. She felt mentally tired, and it was not a pleasant feeling. When he didn't say anything in response immediately after that, Viola was the first to turn her head aside. In a way, that woman was her way out of the problem, if only those tow would get together soon and Augustus would leave her ranch . . . She felt a painful twinge on her chest but ignored it. She went from hating him to wanting to to be frustrated by him and . . . honestly she didn't even know anymore.

"You should go in-" Nevertheless, she didn't get the chance to finish up her sentence when her phone buzzed on her pocket. Blinking, she pulled it out from her pocket and glancing briefly at Augustus who was still by her side she picked up.

"Hello?" Viola's voice was uncertain as she had not recognised the number who had made the call.


The voice at the other side of the line surprised her . . . as if she had mentally called out for him when she needed him the most "Joachim?" She asked, clearly surprised.
Augustus watched attentively as se spoke about dinner tonight, her eyes almost immediately skimming the side walk between them and not meeting his gaze. What was this feeling? He couldn't quite put his finger on the feeling of not wanting to do anything to hurt her, as if walking on egg shells it would seem, but he had no reason to..he had no correlation with this woman but he had guessed his subconscious probably wanted to.

"You should go in-"

"Well I just-"

Both were cut from their trains of thought as her phone went buzzing, both of them looked down to her pocket, he waited for her to answer but noticed the slight hesitation and furrow of her brow as if she had no idea who it could have been. "Hello?" Her voice was stern and concerning but immediately as if a wave of relief had come upon her she relaxed. "Joachim..." Joachim? Her fiance? Augustus didn't move from his close proximity as if the very phone call was a threat to his male ego. He listened closely, a frown on his face.

"Baby, I miss you, this French paradise isn't the same with out you. I've met up with the French prime minister last night...we shared some photos and he can't wait to meet you! How's they 'ol' ranch and do hickey' " Joachim's voice could be heard from the other side of the phone Augustus eye brow twitching to the obvious disrespect of the southern language but he had better sense then to rip the phone from Viola and really give him a piece of his mind.... From what he had heard about Joachim, he was a real trophy wife. Augustus heard the barber door chime open.

"Augustus!! Hurry up it's our turn!" Graham's small voice bellowed at the two of them.

"Is that Graham?" Joachim sounded surprised.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming now. Go on and get started." Joachim could hear the man's baritone voice, but he stayed quite for a minute listening. He sounded much closer then Graham did, maybe a bit too close.

Augustus looked back to Viola, not caring weather he was heard or not. What was the man going to do, come to Louisiana? "I'll come fetch you once we're done. You enjoy yourself ya hear?" Augustus flashed her a million dollar smile as he jokingly pushed her nose a little. Quickly he turned on his heels and walked into the barber shop the door chimes echoing.

"Viola? Who was that? Fetch you? What are you doing? Where's Graham? Where are you? What are you doing?"
Viola couldn't really explain what she had felt when she heard her fiancé's voice over the phone. She felt relief . . . That was pretty much an obvious thing, evident in her voice and in her face. But she also felt a bit guilty . . . Most of all because of the way she had been behaving lately. Her gaze trailed off to Augustus' direction briefly, and she couldn't help it but feel uncomfortable by having him so close while Joachim and her were over the phone.

"Yeah, I miss you a lot as well" To be fair, she was being absolute honest there. She'd never meant those words as much as now, which was evident in her tone of voice that was filled with longiness that resulted unusual even to Joachim.

When her son spoke she didn't give it much thought at first, on the contrary, she really wished for Augustus to enter the Barber shop already, why hadn't he done so already to begin with?

"Is that Graham?" Joachim's tone was surprised and inquisitive, to which Viola cringed a bit, as if she had been caught red handed doing something she wasn't supposed to.

Both of them fell silent, and the young woman dedicated Augustus a confused look when he flashed her his smile. What's with him? She thought to herself, sort of puzzled.

"Viola? Who was that? Fetch you? What are you doing? Where's Graham? Where are you? What are you doing?"

Under normal circumstances she'd have felt bothered by his questions, he was her boyfriend, not her mother or prosecutor. However, she couldn't bring herself to react like that this time. She shifted a bit uncomfortably. 'What are you doing?' He had asked it twice.

"I'm at the city, getting Graham a haircut" She explained.

"During Mardi Gras?" Obviously he was surprised by that, even more when he was aware of her reasons to avoid going into the city during that time.

"He really needed one" She insisted.

"But you're not on your own. Who was that? " Joachim sounded accusing.

"A worker who brought us Joachim" Her voice suggested she didn't want to carry on with that conversation.

Joachim ignored that "Who?" He repeated.

"I told you; a worker" She didn't notice she had taken a defensive stance until she spoke "His name is Augustus, he's new" While fixing her mistake, she softened her voice.

"Couldn't you both go on your own?" He sounded annoyed.

"Well he wanted to get a haircut too and there's no reason to take two cars into the city when it is so full" Raising her hand to her facr, she pinched the bridge of her nose " Joachim, look, why are we even talking about him? Why don't you tell me how things have been going on France for ya' ?" She really was keen to put an end to that subject, she didn't particularly want to speak about Augustus precisely with her fiancé.

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