The difficulties of this parenthood (Sharliery & Me)

Everything happened so fast Augustus could barely take a breath, the saddle in front of him became cold and empty, he held Duma's reigns tightly as he trotted backwards to the sudden tension from all parties. Augustus looked at the way Viola held onto Graham for dear life, he hands rubbing against his back and he held onto her, he felt a tightening of guilt in his chest, before he could apologize something stopped him..

"You were amazing son, truly amazing, just like your father"

Augustus mind went blank, his lips slightly the context and the situation... would she be talking about him? No, that would be impossible... To be a father he would have to have a have a child, he would have to have sexual en devours with this woman... No... that couldn't be possible... His blood started to go cold.. She was speaking of her boyfriend... Augustus was sure of it... but he distinctly remember the mention of him disliking horses... but was she talking about horses or this situation...What? His head was spinning... Was he looking to far into this? He feared he wouldn't make it until tomorrow..

The small patter of Terrence hooves behind him brought him to reality. Graham again once again wore a smiling face.

"Augustus momma said tomorrow I can go with you!"

"Did she now? What great news..." Augustus was almost disconnected, smiling faintly his eyes quickly stared at Viola's expression...before their eyes met he pulled out his phone to read the time... 7:45.... "Alright, let's end this for the day, we have to be up extremely early tomorrow Graham... I'll leave you two up front ahead and take the boys back to their stables before I wash up for dinner...please inform your mother I'll be a bit late tonight..."

Augustus hoped that would buy him some time.. while theyre at dinner he has to hurry and get a copy of that photo in her room... As he spoke he quickly sent out a message to Tom via text: I have a question... it can't wait until tomorrow. Who is Viola Brauer? I'll send a picture in a few...
Why should I inform my mother of his delay? It's not like she'd particularly care Viola thought to herself though she didn't ask it out loud, of course, the young mistress was yet to know who'd be accompanying her and her family during dinner. She tried hard not to think of the fact that Graham was going to go with that man into town the next day and instead felt extremely relieved when she was told that he'd stay back and arrange some things that needed to be done.

"See ya' later, Augustus" Graham said with a smile as he walked over to him and even gave him a quick and brief hug before he turned on his heels so as to grab Viola's hand. For Christ's sake The thought echoed on her mind as she was quick to take her son away from the stables. Now he was even hugging him, why didn't he hug Joachim? Right . . . Because her fiancé was not fond of those things,well more like he wasn't even really fond of kids to begin with.

"Momma? . . . Momma!"

When Graham suddenly raised his voice, Viola looked back at him quickly, brow raised "Yes? What is it, baby?" Her son's brows scrunched together as he softly pulled on the hand that was holding her softly.

"It hurts, Momma" He replied, though not complaining nor whining, simply stating something.

"Oh" Upon the realisation that she had been pulling on his too harshly, lost in her own thoughts and trying to get him into the house quickly, she acquired an apologetic look on her face "I'm sorry, Graham" She was simply thinking too much, at that rate she'd be angry and anxious all the time, and there was no way she was giving that Augustus the chance to see her being affected by him like that.

"Are you okay, Momma?"

Smile creeping over her lips, Viola nodded, she had to dismiss all thoughts that concerned that man and that night "Fine. What would you like for dinner, son?" And engaging into that small chat, mother and son walked into the house.
Augustus made sure to get both horses settled into their stables properly, looking at the time on his phone it had bit well past 8pm, the family would soon be gathered at the table ready to eat the meal the help had prepared. Augustus looked at his messages quickly and he closed up the stables and walked towards the dirt trail...

It's fine must be urgent...Viola Brauer? I believe that's Angela's friend.

Angela, the woman you dated for 5 years?

Yeah that's her... Where's the picture?

I haven't gotten back to the house yet...the picture was Mardi Gras 2004, you were in the photo with the both of them. We went that year together.

Their was a small pause with no messages, Augustus had reached the back door of the kitchen again, opening it he kicked off the boots. "Ladies, good evening..." He greeted the maids handling the food around.

"You're late Augustus. I take it you still need to go freshen up..." The older woman scolded him.

"Yes, yes, I hope the mistress of the house isn't too winded up about it.."

His phone chimed, quickly his eyes shot down to his palm, he received a photo.

Augustus hesitated to open it, thinking for a moment, what could Tom have possibly sent him? He took the chance. Opening the picture message it all but caused his heart to jump. There he was nine years back, in the suit and tie he had borrow from Tom, the tie loose around his neck barely visible past the hundreds of mardi gras beads that lined his neck, his slick black hair had a few out of place, his lips were planted against her cheek... Viola. He wouldn't mistake that beauty anywhere... its as if she hadn't changed, maybe a bit more mature now but that smile, those eyes...the fire of her auburn hair and the pale skin that in the photo he had smashed against his body, she looked happy... the words under the photo snapped him back...

Is that her?

Yes.... Augustus couldn't reply anything else.

Fun night, fun night! lol But uh if I recall you both hit it off pretty well that night.

Looks like it...but did I do anything bad? Out of the ordinary?

Not that I recall? I lent you my credit card for a hotel room but you stayed until morning so I doubt it was anything you did in bed.

Hotel room?

Yes, you don't remember? Actually that was the morning your mother fell ill...You were probably still drunk leaving the hotel in haste.. What's with the questions? Is she harassing you after all these years? I thought she had gotten back with her boyfriend from what I heard from Ang when we were dating..Actually I attended her baby shower.

You attended her babyshower? But never told me about us sleeping together?

I didn't think it was important, with her being pregnant and back with her boyfriend wouldn't it complicate things if you contacted her?

Well I work for her now...and she has an issue with me being around..

What?! Small world lmao. But I would have an issue too if you stood me up as a one night stand no contact info or anything... that's not so smooth.

I didn't do it on purpose! You're the one who attended her baby shower! You could have given me her my info!! Now I know why she immediately hated me..

It wasn't the best idea, hey viola hi I'm the friend of the guy you slept with 7 months ago and look now im here at your baby shower.. you could even be the father LMAO.

Augustus blood went cold, his heart was beating in his chest, suddenly he had no appetite. The possibility never cross his mind...but now Viola's words earlier crossed his mind... Father...Without replying Augustus searched through his photos... Finding one of himself and Graham out by the ranch and what he saw scared him... he's always said Graham reminded him of, he wasn't sure if fatigue or paranoia caused his brain to malfunction...but he could almost say he looked identical..without a second thought he sent the photo to Tom. The reply is what he feared the most.

Come to the office tomorrow...

Yeah...I'll bring him with me...

Without replying again Augustus shoved the phone into his pocket... Now Viola's attitude started to make sense... His emotions were pulled everywhere... he hurried to his room...a shower was needed at the moment then he'd face her after dinner...
"Umm . . . So what exactly are we waiting for, Granddad?" After a few minutes had gone by past the appointed hour to eat dinner, Viola finally asked, brow raised. Her mother wouldn't say a word, much less to her, which at least felt somewhat better than having her arguing with her and scolding her. She was already a grown-up woman, soon to leave her house, it wasn't exactly the best thing to still get scolded by your mother. Guess that if she ignored her, sooner or later she'd have to speak to her.

"It's not what, but who, my dear" Simon replied before he shifted a bit to the side so as to allow Marco to pour some champagne into the glass before him.

"That should be enough, thanks Marco"

"Sir" Giving a nod in respect, the old man, who was most likely to be around Simon Brauer's age himself, pulled back the bottle of champagne and proceeded to pour some into the missing glasses. It was then when Viola noticed that an extra glass had been taken out and had been placed on the spot in front of her - which was usually empty, apart from those times Joachim would drop by and eat dinner with them. If she remembered it correctly, that chair was used by the guests as they seated just by the chair which used to be occupied by her mother in the past, when Samael, her dad, was still alive. Usually only five chairs would be placed around the table, even though the family members had narrowed down to three. Her granddad seated on one side of the table, while her mother seated at the one located at the other side. Viola would seat by the chair on the left of her granddad and Graham, of course, seated just by her and on the left of his grandmother.

"What do you mean by who? Is that who the one who'd be seating over there?" Viola asked in honest curiosity. Her fiancé couldn't be back yet, could he? Who could it be if not? That was supposed to be a family dinner, right? She guessed so because of the champagne and the food - which happened to be hers and Graham's favourite - that had been served. It was something her granddad liked to do each time she came back from a trip, as a way to celebrate her return he'd make a toast and delight her with an amazing plate made by Miss Mimi.

"Augustus seats over there, Momma" Graham replied with a wide grin, rocking his legs back and forth beneath the table.

All colour drained from the young woman's face before she pulled a face "What?" The question came out in a breathless whisper. Now was she supposed to share the table with him as well? "And why's that?"

"Your grandfather wanted it that way" Emma replied, and though she had been meaning not to speak to her daughter, she agreed with her evident displeasure.

Her brows scrunched together as she turned around to face her granddad "Well I'd very much appreciated it if it stopped being that way"

"Oh, but it can't be done, honey. He's been having supper with us for the past month"

Viola felt seriously offended "He can't be having dinner with us, he's just the help!" And though she didn't mean to, she raised her voice in exasperation and irritation. Of course, she wouldn't mind it if it had been any other worker, and Simon Brauer knew that pretty well.

"Viola!" He exclaimed, reproaching the way she was referring to him.

"Don't you like Augustus, Momma?" Graham's soft and concerned voice brought Viola's attention to him.

" . . . It's not like that, baby, I simply . . . " How could she even say for her to tell him that she did dislike him without getting him disappointed. She just wanted a dinner in peace!
Augustus arrived into the grand dining room hall just as the conversation had fired the words 'just help', his boots made a large thud as he made his existence aware. He stood in clearer more casual jeans, loosely at his waist his blue shirt hung un tucked, his black hair still glistened with water from the shower he rushed out of. He smelled of deep spice, finally as relaxed as he could be.. his scowl wasn't hidden... that was already apparent on his face. In one day he felt his entire world had been rocked upside down... deception sitting at the table with clenched fists and auburn hair, burning holes into her grandfather's head.

"The apple doesn't fall quite to far from the tree I see..." Augustus booming voice echoed through out the dining room table, his eyes shoot between Viola and Emma, like mother like daughter, they both had a hierarchy complex...forgetting that the help were people just like them...

"My boy, how nice of you to join us, I take it the stallions gave you a hard time!" Simon was chuckling nervously, trying to make light of the situation he stood from his seat and flicked his hand towards the seat in front of Viola. "Come, come take a seat, we are all famished I can't imagine you with working out in that heat all day.."

Augustus made his way to the table and pulled the chair out, he made it an apparent point to ignore Viola completely, he didn't even dare look at Graham at the moment.. he kept his eyes fixed on Simon as if it was a dinner just for them. He smiled slightly. "Thank you, Sir...and well the stallions were the least of my concern....." Augustus simply chuckled to entertain Simon, reaching for his freshly poured champagne he took it as if it was a complete shot. Emma snarled in disgust, sipping on hers lightly. Simon looked at him confused, this was the first time Augustus had openly drank anything but water without being asked to... he usually took a few sips and requested water...swearing off drinking, only a simple glass with Simon, but even that he had to pester for a week... but here he was, Simon watched as he thanked Marco for filling his glass again... Something was off Simon could tell, but he just smiled pleasantly.

"How it is?"

Augustus finished the glass again, looking at the glass before placing it down. "A Dom Perignon Champagne..."

"Ah, you know your champagne as well?" Simon sounded amused, letting the help place their meals in front of them.

"Well even being just help, I've grown up around wealthy people such as yourselves..."

"Then you know that won't do much but cause a tickle," Simon tested the waters lightly, "How's about we break a bottle of my strongest whiskey then..." Simon was sure he'd say no, all but familiar with his polite rejection, he went to take a bite of his meal.

"If I recall you have traditional 107 Bourbon..." Augustus said without hesitation, his voice was dry, his eyes fixed on his plate as if ashamed... Emma spit up a bit of her food, gracefully pulling the napkin to her lips, she looked to Augustus as he scooped in a big bite. Simon's eyes were also fixed on Augustus..

"My strongest..." Simon agreed nervously, he could tell something was off about Augustus but her wouldn't bother it at the moment... he continued to eat. "Marco, would you fetch us two on the rocks..."

Marco nodded his head politely before taking his leave to fetch the bourbon. The family sat quietly eating for a moment, Augustus felt like he was surrounding himself more and more into his world. His thought running from Mardi Gras 2004, the feel of Viola's skin, her smile, to earlier the glare that he could feel burning into his skull even now...and Graham. Could he be his son? If he was, what would he say? He could pretend it never happened..but it did, and she kept it from them both..What right did sh-

"You don't drink." Emma's sharp voice cut his thoughts and hand from shoveling food into his mouth half way. He placed the spoon down and looked to her direction for the first time. "You said you didn't drink."

"One won't kill me will it? And this week is a joyous occasion is it not?"

"Joyous occasion?" Emma questioned in almost disgust as she saw Marco return with two glasses filled to the brim with dark brown liquid, the ice clinking against the sides. One was placed in front of of each man, they gave eachother a small toast.

"It's April, New Orleans biggest affair following Easter, ma'am."

"Biggest affair.." Emma's mind trailed ..

"Mardi Gras!" Graham yelled from his seat, everyone's attention shot to him, and Augustus heart fell when his eyes lay upon the boy, a knot in his stomach as if a secret had been unleashed and he wasn't sure he wanted it confirmed.. he felt guilt, anger, resentment..his eyes pulling from Graham with an anger and truth he bore his eyes into Viola's.

"Yes...Mardi Gras..." He spat with distaste before he took a swig of the bourbon, fighting the urge to drink the entire glass.
Placing both of her hands on top of the table in front of her, Viola pushed the chair back in a violent manner - the chair legs scratching the wooden floor loudly - as she stood up in the process. She couldn't take it anymore. What was with that sudden change of attitude? Why was he looking at her in such a way? As if . . . As if he knew the truth. As if he was blaming her! Her fingers were tightly clenched around the table's edge, so much that her knuckles were turning white, and her hair cascaded over her face, hiding it from view for a moment as she kept her head low.

Everyone and everything fell silent on the dinning room for a moment, Viola could even feel how her mother lowered her cutlery in surprise without the need of looking at her.

"Darlin'?" Simon's voice echoed all over the room due to the complete silence that had fallen.

Viola breathed in softly before she raised her head rather slowly, her stare meeting Augustus'. She loathed him right now, oh she really did, and it was pretty evident on the glare that she was shooting him. How dare he? Mardi Gras was something she had been trying hard to forget for the past 9 years.

"Viola, sit down" Her mother ordered after a while, obviously disliking the scene her own daughter was making.

"I'm full" She practically snarled before pulling herself away from the table, suppressing a grimace from showing in her features that would have been caused because of the painful twinge that had shot from her hands to her very own spine, most likely because of the way she had been holding onto the table so tightly.

"You haven't even touched your food" Her granddad stated anxiously, what on earth was going on there? "Why don't you-"

"I said I am full, Grandfather" She repeated with a much hard tone of voice "Moreover I won't be sharing the table with an alcoholic man" She spat, poison pouring out from her words "Who knows if he'll be even remembering this talk in the morning" Of course, she said it based off of her own experience with that man.

"Don't be disrespectful child! And take your seat by your grandfa-"

"I'm.Not.Hungry" She emphasised each word before she turned on her heels to leave the room. For once she paid no mind for her son calling out for her, nor for her granddad or mom, the boiling rage buzzing on her ears.
His eyes were still fixed on Viola as she abruptly stood from the table. The screeching of her chair catching everyone's attention it caused an echo in the silence of the room, the only other noise heard was the shifting of the ice in Augustus' glass and he tipped it up slightly higher to take another swig, the quick exchange of words she spat with anger having no real effect on him, but her body language was all but obvious.. Tom was correct and Augustus hoped that for his own sake his inutition was wrong or he'd be looking at the eyes of his son's mother..the thought made him shutter more than the bitter taste of bourbon, he wanted more...

"I said I am full, Grandfather" She repeated to her family, Augustus eyes were still locked on hers, Marco made haste to not skip a beat, he was already filling the empty glass in Augustus hand... "Moreover I won't be sharing the table with an alcoholic man, who knows if he'll even remember this talk in the morning..."

That hit home, both personally and the perfect confession that speculation of her distaste with him had to be true. She thought he left her as a one night stand? Well true he didn't remember but how could she possibly blame him, it was a free country to drink, he had been having family problems and wanted to have a good night on his friends account mind you....How could she blame him for that when she was keeping a secret for almost a decade?! Augustus didn't realize he had emptied the second glass of bourbon until he slammed it on the table.

"Excuse me..." He all but slurred and grumbled at the same time as the family yelled after Viola who stormed out of the room, leaving her families voices behind her. Everyone's attention turned to Augustus who's tall frame stood from the table, slightly tipping, the anger concealed his sudden imbalance....his tolerance to alcohol in the last few years had been close to none...He might have over done it but his quest for anger was much stronger than his perception of reality, rounding the table he followed after her with vigor, almost sprinting to catch up with her. Without looking back he knew the family was staring behind them in awe.

"Wait! Viola!" He called after he saw her in view. His arm reached out for hers but made him angry, why did he allow himself to get like this. He called for her again, she ignored him. "Viola!" He reached again for her forearm, yanking her arm with purposeful force, she came spinning into his chest it almost knocked the wind out of him, their heavy breathing both in sync... "I didn't abandon you on purpose!"
Viola had picked up her pace when Augustus called out for her. Gosh! Was that man ever going to leave her alone? She had left the table because of him, she believed she had, at least, made that absolutely clear. She was close to running herself, when he got closer, her heart hammering against her chest. She shouldn't had been feeling that way, but it was as if she was a poor creature trying to escape from a much powerful one that wanted to harm her; she was the prey and him the predator.

Despite in her doing her best in getting away at the same time she frankly tried to ignore him, with yet another call of her name, she felt his fingers curling rather too tightly around her arm a split of second before she was yanked out of her position, and she could almost feel how her feet danced helplessly on tbe air as she lost balance and was forcefully pulled to that man's chest.

Viola closed her eyes in reflex, and her body slammed against his in such a violent and aggressive manner that both of them seemed to have been left out breathless because the strength of the impact. She blinked a couple of times, not really understanding the situation until she dared to look up at his face.

"I didn't abandon you on purpose!" Her eyes widened at his statement and she furiously tried to pull back "Have you gone nuts? Let go of me!" She desperately writhed on his grip, but she had to admit that he was much stronger than herself "Let me go! You reek!" And that way he was embracing her, and the way he smelled reminded her so very much of 9 years ago, that it almost caused for her body to tremble.

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Augustus held on a little tighter as she wiggled around, her voice seeming desperate but he needed answers it was enough running away. Her smell was intoxicating, her skin against his bare arms, the way her body molded into his everything seemed as if he had done it before..his was a bit fuzzy from the bourbon, He looked around for the closest room, seeing only one his mind didn't even bother to register who's room he pulled her along.

"Enough, I'm sick of your high and mighty attitude! Jump off the high horse !" His voiced echoed in the hall as he opened the door and shoved her in, closing it behind him he leaned his tipping body against the frame. No one was getting out of the room if he didn't say so,that was apparent by the way he crossed his arms and the frown on his face, his green eyes were glossed over his cheeks were slightly red, eyes at half mass.

Viola wiggled much more furiously when Augustus' grip tightened around her. She didn't like the way having him that close made her feel. Partly, she felt scared, because she had never been 'forced' before, and this man was obviously much stronger and bigger than her. His skin, which felt hot against her own, probably because of the weather or the alcohol itself, was burning her; she felt totally overpowered.

On the other hand, her body remembered him, the feeling of his hody against hers, the familiarity of that touch that had been so very gentle and caring in the past and now was rough and firm. When he practically yelled at her, his chest vibrated under her own, which she had pressed against his, therefore making her flinch for a split of moment.

"No!" The scream left her lips as she was roughly forced to move simultaneously with his body, her feet tangling with themselves in the process "Let me go, I'm tellin' ya! Augus-" However she was cut off as soon as she was shoved into the house's guest room, tripping and almost falling to the front.

"Jump off the high horse!" Viola heard at the same time she tried to straighten her back and fully regain her balance, her hair cascading all over her face as her chest went up and down quickly and her breath came out sort of frantic.

"Speak.." The young woman breathed in and out another couple of times before she raised her head to look at him, disbelief carved into her expression. She really couldn't believe he had forced her into that room.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Let me out" She finally replied, making an attempt to reach for the door's knob, having him standing in front of it or not.

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"Let me out!" Viola's voice pierced his ears, making his frown twitch and his eyebrows furrowed as she continued to deny what they both already were starting to figure out, when she reached for the door, his mind couldn't think of anything else to do but grab her wrist tightly.

"You know very well Viola, we spent a night together that year in 2004...what happened after was pure unlucky, I had to leave quickly because of an emergency!" Augustus threw her hand back at her before fumbling through his pocket for his cell phone, he took a moment to fetch the photo. As soon as it appeared on his screen he shoved it in her face.

"This is me and you, stop kidding yourself that it didn't happen... oh woe is me I slept with the help! That should be the least of your concerns! You had a child..."

Augustus could feel the lump lodging in his throat, dare he make the accusation that Graham could be his son? He had no proof. ..just an idea a speculation. ..

"Graham...he...Damn it, " He wasnt sure if the alcohol or the impending thought of father hood was stumbling his words. ..he tried to deviate around it... "Were you pregnant when you slept with me?" He looked at her almost in disgusted disbelief. ..either she agreed or said no.... either way one of their stories had to match.
"Ouch" Viola complained as soon as he grabbed her wrist, because he was really hurting her. She pulled on her hand, trying to set it free, but he was angry and tipsy, and he wouldn't just let her go. "You're hurting me, you brute"

He paid no mind to her, instead, he spat some words that caused for her to feel sick all over again. She forgot the painful twinge on her wrist and her blood went cold, not only because he was referring to a night he had argumented he had forgotten, but also because he was excusing himself, if you could call that so, with such and extremely lame and lousy statement. An emergency! Yeah right.

Before she knew it her wrist had been released, needless say he had done so in the same violent manner as he had taken it to begin with. " I didn't care you were the help! " Viola replied on the spur of the moment, clearly offended and hurt. Augustus, however, wouldn't just allow her to speak nor hear her, but Viola had come to realize that he had finally put up all the pieces together.

"Were you pregnant when you slept with me?" No, she wasn't. Believe it nor not he had been her first time. Now she was not going to tell him that, was she? " . . . I'll be honest with you, Augustus" She was talking slowly and her eyes were locked into his "Yes, I did sleep with you on that night, yes, it was a terrible mistake. Fortunately, my child, mine's and Joachim child, was not conceived then if that's what you're wondering. Because yes, I was pregnant at that time. So if you want a child you can go and look for a woman to make yours, because you're certainly not mine's father"

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You're not his father, rang bells in his head...He felt his tense shoulders calm down, his breathing become more made sense but then it didn't. .he brought his hands up to his spinning eyes, rubbing them in frustration.

"You were already pregnant. ." Augustus was saying it in almost a disbelief, what a despicable woman..did Jochaim know? What did it matter, he should be relived, shouldn't he?

"It isn't an excuse Viola, my mother has been sick for years, at this moment thank god in remission from cancer. .ask anyone they'll tell ya...I work this farm to pay for medical expenses. You're grandfather has been extremely fortunate of me...and I fear to say this...thing with you is causing me to act out of the ordinary. .." He sighed and stumbled slightly forward, woozy on his feet.

" I won't press the subject any more. But don't interfere with my job...if you wwnt me to stay away from Graham because of what you think of me in the past. .forbid him to do so, because I don't see myself having rhe heart. .. "

Augustus stared at Viola for a moment the air between them was less tense. .but he could see the uneasiness he was causing her. ..

"I apologize ma'am. .." He tipped his head slightly. "If you'll excuse me... I have an early morning to wake up to. .. Please let Graham know we'll be heading out by 7..."

Augustus took his time to reach for the handle of the door, in case anything else needed to be said...
"Your mother was sick?" Those words left her mouth without her permission, and her hand shot to his arm, getting a hold of it in the process, brows scrunched together. Their gazes met, and once again she saw honesty laying in there. However, she also saw the way he looked at her after she had lied, and she didn't like that look; she felt dirty. Amazing, he was supposed to be the bad guy and in the blink of an eye the tables seemed to have turned.

Blinking at her own actions, the young woman pulled her hand back, grasping it with the other as she held them to her chest. As I had said before, Viola was not a bad person at heart, and she could be fair if she had to, and there she was beginning to understand that apparently both of the parties were equally guilty and equally innocent.

But he left you, emergency or not, he left without leaving a single trace behind A tiny voice whispered into her ear and she looked aside for a moment. She couldn't let her feelings drive her to make a bad decision, to everyone and to him specially Graham had to kept on being Joachim's legal and biological son.

It was because of those very contradicting thoughts and actions of hers, result of the mixed feelings she was beginning to have on the matter, that she didn't just know how to behave around him. Viola was simply being incoherent. Perhaps, it was also due to her conciliatory nature, or maybe because she was simply being stupid, but the truth was she had never declared anyone else an open and direct 'war' ever in her life.

"Good thing I have things to do at town, because I won't let my son leave with you on his own" She stated finally, maybe not in the way she had wanted to express it, or even perhaps declaring it as it had popped out on her mind. Actually, she was beginning to have headache, partially because she hadn't slept in what felt like ages after her flight, and because all the emotions of the day, which felt as if her feelings were riding a roller-coaster.
Augustus didn't register the concerned look on her face when she asked about his mother, all he could see or hear was her reply to tomorrows events, all color draining from his face when she mentioned her participation.

" That won't be necessary...I am fully capable of taking Graham on my own..." He held on to the doot knob for a moment his stomach turning in nervousness , how was he suppose to go see Tom with Viola around.. he still felt uneasy about the situation ..something wasn't sitting right.

"Why don't you trust me?"
Viola registered nervousness on his face, and her brow raised in curiosity. Why would he be nervous on her accompanying both of them? Unwilling? Understandable, but nervous? It didn't make much sense. It was not like she was going to speak to him, and she wouldn't be arguing either as Graham would be on their company. What was he planning? Her eyes narrowed, however, before she had gotten the chance to ask it, he was posing a question of his own.

"Why don't you trust me?"

Blinking, the auburn haired woman couldn't hide a sort of ironic and sarcastic smile. "And you still ask?" She said out loud, arms crossing across her chest. She couldn't believe it! The shame of it! Of course she didn't trust him, hadn't he given her enough of a reason for her not to? Sleeping with her and disappearing the next morning, without no explanation or whatsoever that had been given almost a decade later was not the best way of gaining her trust.

"More like, I want to be with my son. Is there something wrong with that?" Viola stared at him intently and carefully, there had to be a reason behind it.
Spending time with him, ha, Augustus almost laughed out loud recalling how she had left her son behind for an entire month and now all the sudden she wanted to spend time with him, when he was just putting the pieces together and would receive more clarity tomorrow, it seemed Viola was doing everything to make that impossible. .. but that wouldn't stop him... He'd simply have to come up with an excuse to meet up with Tom...

" No problem at all ma'am. .. 7 am sharp then. " Augustus fiend a smile before he pushed grand room door open entirely, taking his leave without another word he headed directly to his room without anymore than a word to anyone, he'd speak with Simon in the morning...Right now he wanted to nurse his raging headache..and inform Tom. .
Viola watched him leave and even waited a couple more of seconds before a long and deep sigh left her lips. He knew! More like he suspected, and though she had managed to get him to believe Joachim was Graham's dad, there would still be a doubt. "What am I supposed to do now?" She questioned herself out loud, a hand raising to her head and pulling back the bags out of her face. She was unsure, but one thing was certain, she wished for her fiancé to be back soon, she wished for the month to come to go by quickly.

Still in a worried state, the young woman stepped out of the room. She closed the door behind her and with quick steps found her way to the stairs that led all the way to the upper-floor, where her room was. She didn't which to see anyone right now, she believed she deserved the right to call it a day.

As such, Viola practically sneaked into her room, and as soon as she had closed the door she took long strides towards her dressing table. At that rate, even if she was tired, she didn't think she'd be able to sleep. Drawing back a drawer, she pulled out a small bottle, filled with some sleeping pills she hadn't actually taken in ages.


The bottle slipped from between her fingers and fell to the floor at the same time Viola turned on her heels quickly, body pressed against the wooden piece of furniture "Graham" In a breathless tone of voice, she exclaimed.

"Are you okay?" The young boy was obviously worried, and Viola's eyes softened at that sight at the same time a warm smile was drawn on her face.

"I'm fine, baby. Come here" Kneeling down and gesturing for her son to come forwards, the little boy made his way over to her.

"Why did ya' fight with Augustus?" His voice was sad, and it made a mother's heart ache.

"No, baby. We simply talked" She said gently before reaching over and tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear

"That didn't sound like talking" He said a bit accusingly.

Viola did her best not to pull a face "But we were" She reassured him "But never mind that. Guess what?"


"Momma is going to accompany you and Augustus tomorrow" She tried to sound excited for the sake of the child, her hands taking a hold of his little ones.

"Really?" Graham's face acquired a wide and excited grin, and that was everything Viola needed to feel better.

"Mhm" She nodded "But we have to wake up early, honey. So you better go to bed now"

Graham nodded happily, and left soon after his mother had planted a soft kiss to his forehead.

Viola, on the other hand, was not as happy nor as excited. Exhausted, knackered, sick. She felt like that. Her hand closed around the bottle she had dropped and she dragged her feet to her bed. Obviously she had underestimated her weariness, because as soon as her head hit the pillow she was out like a light, still on her casual attire and with the bottle on her hand.
Morning had arrived sooner than later.. Augustus lay in his bed staring at the same ceiling he had been looking at since 4 in the morning, both arms under his head that was still pounding from last nights bourbon. .and his body ached from fatigue, his stomach grumbling in his stomach since he didn't eat much supper with the scene that was caused and yet he couldn't move from the rumbled white sheets of his bed. His mind trailing off into thought of 9 years ago, it didn't make sense... August us had figured sometime in the night she couldn't have been pregnant. .she was consuming as much alcohol as anyone else that night and along with the favt that Tom had reminded him that she had been separated from her boyfriend at the time for 2 months, was It? She couldn't possibly have been pregnant. ..or she could have been but Augustus couldn't recall Grahams birthday for the life of him..maybe it was the lack of sleep. ..

6:15am his alarm rang again, sitting uo with a light sigh he slaammed a hand on it, shutting it off. The white sheets slid off his bare body causing a slight shiver to the newly morning was a quick jolt to wake up his senses. Standing from his bed, he raised hisbhands over his head in a large morning stretch wincing at the pleasurable pain that racked his muscles as he adjusted them back into place, staring at hinself in the mirror he ran a hand through his black hair that curled at the ends touching the back of his neck, today it would all be gone and he couldn't wait. ..he liked to keep his hair short especially in the summer coming. He let his hand fall on his chest, giving a slight scratch as he walked over to the closet to fetch his clothes.

15 minutes had passed and Augustus walked out of his room a new man, his hair brushed back, frshly shaved, his flannel shirt molding perfectly to his frame and his clean clue jeans hung from his hips loosely, secured with a belt. His boots made a soft echo on the hard wood floor.

The house was still silent, a few people buzzing about for the morning cleanings a maid dusted and wiped down the dining room table as he passed by.

"Good morning, Julie. " He whispered politely, the maid smiled and returned the greeting eagerlyy. She stopped her hands for a moment to look at him.

"Miss Mimi has prepared you a breakfast per Mister Simon generous request. ..since he made the assumption you didn't get much to eat last night. "

Augustus face burned red in embarrassment, the entire house must have been buzzing with gossip, he could only imagine.

"Did he now? I think I'll head to the pantry now then. ..I'm afraid he was correct. ..I'm starving."

Taking his leave from the dining area Augustus head straight to the kitchen where he swung open the double doors. Expecting to see the help he was surprised to see no one there. Just two trays on the island ..a third one had seemed to be there at some point. .he figured it was Graham since their was an abandoned grapefruit. ..Graham hated grapefruit. .. closing onto the tray he quickly picked at a pancake from his plate. Grabbing the entire thing, still hot in his hand he took a huge bite..he thought he could die..his famished body delighted in the joy of food. As he chewed he picked yp a small note beside his tray.


I hope your morning has started better than yesterday's ending, I took the liberty of informing the ranch staff that you'll be gone for the day. Do not worry about the morning chores, they are fully capable, but I will have to ask that you bring my darling grand daughter her breakfast and morning tea.... She is not one to wake up without a call...I hope this will mend over any bad tides..Until the evening then.

S. Beurer

Augustus cursed under his breath, taking a large swallow of the food in his mouth he couldnt believe he'd have to encounter her so early in the morning. Hoping to ignore her the entire ride into the city...he should have been more realistic. .. snatching up both his tray and hers he headed out of the double doors again...dragging his feet towards the steps he tried to hide the annoyance on his face, his furrowed eyebrows twitching. .When he reached the door he gave two knocks with his foot.

"Miss Viola..I brought you the breakfast prepared. ." Augustus waited to be invited in. "Viola?" Anorher knock from his foot caused the door to open. ...he figured she was too deep into sleep to hear him..he let himself in. "I'm sorry for the intrusion. .but it's about time to leave soon.." Augustus had yet to look at the bed, he placed both trays on the night stand before turning on his heels to look at her.

She was beautiful, he couldn't deny it. Her sleeping face replaying in his head, his hazy head felt as if he had seen her in this position before... Mayve when he left the hotel room rhat morning so many years ago. The curve of her lips, her unblemished skin causing her ruby lips to atand out, Augustus had an urge to touch them but held back, letting his eyes trail over the dip of her shoulder, her slender arms perfectly tangled holding.... pills? Augustus heart rate quickened, oills? What, why, his hand instinctively brushed against her cheek.

It hadn't been that much of a . . . pleasant night. Not only Viola hadn't changed out of her clothes from the day before but she had also literally passed out of tiredness in the most uncomfortable position. She did remember waking up in the middle of the night so as to at least remove her boots, which she had later dropped in the dark blindly, before drifting to sleep once again, the pills still held in her balled up hand. Haven't bothered with getting under the blankets before falling asleep once more, the bedspread had been also left on top of her bed even though she was of those who removed them when they were about to go to sleep.

And that was simply the physical reasons behind the awful night she had gone through. Seriously, Augustus Bradford wouldn't even leave her alone in her dreams. He haunted her, and it was nightmare after nightmare, while all of them mainly involved him taking her son away from her. How could anyone get a peaceful rest - or even a proper one - with those horrible thoughts replying on her mind and materialising themselves in front of her in her sleep?

But! That was not all! Not having enough with that, the man even dared to appear in her dreams in a memory she had been trying to forget for over a decade by now! Worse! She remembered it much more vividly now. She felt his touch, his bare skin against her own, his smell (always accompanied by the strong scent of an intoxicating alcohol that wouldn't just allow her to think), his voice (deep and gentle), his breathing (ragged; just like hers) . . . To be brief, the entire hurricane of sensations and feelings she had gone through that night, far too much for 20 year old girl to handle.

It was like being trapped in that endless of memory of an eternal moment, and she couldn't get away and she . . . Did she even want to? Because it was an undeniable truth that no man, believe her, no other man could probably make her feel the same she had felt on that night.


Viola's eyes fluttered open when the same man called out for her and, as she curled on herself, her blue eyes met a pair of deep green ones. She recognised herself in them before her lips parted slightly and her own gaze - due to the dream she had just been woken up from - filled with desire towards the man who was before her.

"Augustus?" She muttered softly.

It took a few minutes for the penny to drop though, and when the situation itself sank in, the young woman's cheeks flushed with a dark red colour before she pulled herself back with both her hands and her legs, sitting up at on the bed's edge. What was she thinking!? Poor Viola couldn't help it but be ashamed with herself.

"What are you doing here?" She tried to sound angry, or at least unpleasingly surprised, but truth was she felt too ashamed to look him in the eye and so as she looked away, her voice came out in a breathless whisper.
Augustus eyes were as frantic as before, when she awoke and whispered his name, an image of her legs wrapoed around his waist caused his fCe to burn red...he was grateful that she had woken up quickly, his heart still wouldn't stop pounding in his chest from the sudden fear he felt from her clutching the bottle of pills that now lay abandoned on the comforter between them... her voice sounded sultry..maybe it was the morning haze..he thought to himself as he stared at the back of her. When she turned to him slightly to ask what his business was to be there..he saw her flushed face, eyes glossed and her lips freshly was arousing..Augustus cleared his throat..

"I brought you breakfast and tea before we leave...What are these Viola.." Augustus tried to sound as unappealing as possible but he couldn't hide the husky tone in his voice, he shifted lightly as he reached for the pills, they rattled in his hands, he began to read the label.
It was silly, she knew, but her name being pronounced by his lips caused for her to shiver and close her eyes in shame. She was not getting hold of her emotions, much less after that dream she had just had. Must be because she was still half asleep, because she felt as if she had forgotten how exciting it was when he mentioned her name in that husky tone of voice of his.

These? What these? Viola blinked, snapping out of it, and turned to him, catching a glimpse of the bottle of pills "Sleeping pills" She replied almost automatically, raising her gaze for a moment so as to get a look of his face. Why did it matter? Her brow raised in surprise when she noticed a hint of worry on his features. Did he . . . ? Did he thought she had done something so stupid?

"I didn't use them" She added, though she didn't really know why was she giving him an explanation to begin with.
The pills rattled in his grip as his moved them in his large palms, reading the label prescribed to a different name, his eyebrows scrunched in frustration, was this her boyfriend's name? A friend? He couldn't quite put his finger on the feeling he felt, shock? Jealousy? He couldn't get a grip before he slammed the case on the night stand table, the tray of food shook, the silverware rattling.

"I assume you have taken them before?" Augustus face didn't change much, green eyes burning holes into her eyes, his hair was loose, long and unruly strands covered his face, the back almost touching the back of his neck, he didn't bother brushing it back since he planned to have it cut off in a few hours. He stared at her morning face, her rosy lips and flushed morning face, her eyes glossy from sleep, his eyes trailed down her exposed neck, the upward motion of her breathing from her chest, he could almost peek into her opened shirt... it caused his anger to dwindle.... He cleared his throat when he found himself staring too long."No matter it's none of my business....Here...Breakfast..." He scoffed before turning his face away from her and to her tray. Picking it up with both hand he kept the tray balanced, placing her empty tea mug in its spot. "You know better then me we didn't have much of a sit back so you can eat...this was made especially by Miss Mimi early this morn' " His southern draw slurred before he placed the tray on Viola's lap. Without skipping a beat her turned back to his tray that carried her kettle of tea as well as his breakfast. He waited on her like the perfect image of a doting husband, his body curving as he poured her tea, the steam rose from the mug and the sweet aroma of peach jasmine quickly attacked his senses. His eyes quickly glanced the small note on his tray, '3 sugars, spoon of honey. -Mimi' and bless her soul she laid it out on his tray as well..he partly frowned as he dropped the sugar cubes in, stirring the honey slowly.. What was he a maid? Oh yes, the help...He couldn't help his grimace before he turned towards her, holding the tea in his hand he out stretched it towards her, the swirls circling the air.

"Ma'am..." He called out to Viola as nicely as he could. I hope this will mend over any bad tides.... Simon's letter rang in his ear.
But she had once used them... Back then, when she was going through a rough patch, she had suffered from insomnia, and it was horrible. She just couldn't get herself to sleep, and little by little that was wearing her off, even to the point of losing her appetite constantly and feel drained out of energy frequently. Some friends had recommended for her to seek for professional help, but her mother couldn't allow it, no one was to find out that a Brauer was being emotionally unstable, and her being the unexperienced young girl who was still afraid of defying her mother had accepted her boyfriend's help when he had brought her some sleeping pills of his own. Viola was extremely grateful for that, for she felt as if she'd literally go crazy if she was not to get a decent night of sleep anytime soon. Of course, she had done her best back then so as not to be affected by the lack of sleep when she was around her baby son.

"I assume you have taken them before? "

Augustus question stopped her train of thought, and blinking she returned his stare. And why would he mind? That was none of his concern. Brows knitting together, she was about to speak her mind when she noticed his gaze changing before it lowered from her face and trailed down her exposed neck. She shouldn't had felt somewhat flattered by that nor shaken, but really, having him to stare at her in such a way ... well better not say it. But the seconds went by and he wouldn't just look away, shamelessly gazing over her and causing for her to grow rather nervous, she ... liked it? but at the same time it scared her just how much she actually welcomed that, even more from a man such as himself.

But then he cleared his throat, and with such simple gesture freed her from the chains of his deep green gaze. And yet again that man didn't fail to surprise her. Raising a quizzical eyebrow she became rather suspicious when he even poured her the tea just the way she liked. "What are you into? " She couldn't stop herself from asking at the same time her eyes laid on the tea he was offering her "Today you're so nice and yet last night you were so ... different" Did he plan to get on her good side? Was he plotting something with all those attentions? The worry had been fake too? Or ... to seduce her again perhaps ... win her over? But why? To have some fun?To her own dismay he seemed to succeed sometimes.

"No, don't tell me" She added a few seconds later. The idea of even trying to at least cope with one another cordially for the sake of her son which had crossed her mind fleetingly seemed to vanish in a split of second from her mind. True, he could get her ... 'flustered', but two could play that game, and she wasn't that silly 20 year old girl he had met before.

"You should leave already" She declared simply at the same time she pushed herself back and scrambled to her feet, having the bed separating them "I'm eatin' later after a quick shower" She didn't wait for him to leave the room when she was already raising her fingers to her shirt's buttons. Viola unbuttoned the first one, before turning around, so as to have her back facing him, and easily she slid her shirt off her shoulders and held it midway as she turned her head to the side and back, their stares meeting "Close the door for me on your way out, would ya'?" There was only one thing, never get serious with that game.

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Augustus met her suspicious eyes with a mirror image, what could she possibly be getting at, he was acting as he always did, the real him, genuine and hard working. True yesterday she had thrown him out of his loop completely but today he was fully prepared to keep his frustrations in check and hands on the reigns. Augustus simply had to think of her as his employer, nothing else, nothing from the past, as far as he had to tell himself it didn't happen...or it did and that was apparent by his bodies reaction to her movements, every small thing set his body aware. The way she held the tea glass in her hand, the pout of her lips, her simmering eyes on him, he awkwardly cleared his throat again before reaching for the toast on his plate on her night stand. As he brought it to his mouth his attention turned to the creaking of the bed as she stood up.

"You should leave already, I'm eating after a quick shower..." Her voice sounded lewd, his jaw stopped chewing. He watched diligently as her fingers unbuttoned faced him, as if it a trance he couldn't pull his eyes away. Her fingers caressed her skin and he could feel the food lumping in his throat... she turned his back to him and Augustus took a moment to place down his food and take a drink, when he turned back to her he met gleaming eyes and a bare silky back, he felt his face red and his lower regions tighten.

"Close the door for me on your way out, would ya?" Her tone came out as playful, immediately Augustus caught on to her little game... His eyes peering in anger, he disliked being played with as a toy.. was she trying to use sexual advances to get him fired? Augustus smirked, she was playing with fire. As she turned her face back around he took the chance to come behind her, his fingers slightly brushing against her bare shoulders it ran down her elbow.

"It seems you're inviting me to be of assistance. .." His body pressed against her, he could smell the sweet smell of lavander.. " It would be rude to decline your offer...but I must advise we're leaving in half an hour..."

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