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Realistic or Modern The Devil Had A Hold On Me


"Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit"
Edmund Chase was seconds away from grabbing his prey. He had been stalking his victim for months, silent and ready to pounce, but he hadn't had a chance until just then. Edmund was a outwardly great guy. He was a charmer with charisma to spare, but he had never had a chance to woo his current victim.

Under all the layers of a respectable heart-breaker was a dark, twisted man who was honestly sick. He loved the thrill of torture, he enjoyed the pleas for release, and most of all, he loved the thrill of the hunt. Edmund reached his arms out and wrapped them around his current victim. He dragged them back, heels dragging along the sidewalk. He was panting with excitement from his chase, from the thrill of hunting for his prey. He was a predator among countless sheep. He was the wolf that those naive sheep flocked to in rebellion only to be burned by their own mistakes. They hardly survived to learn from their mistakes.

The next few weeks, Edmund was much too focused on a new victim, a jewel among a pile of rubbish. He was focused on her/him. They had him thinking of them constantly, he could only obsess in silence though, in fear of being ousted for his true heinous nature.
Victoria Scott walked down one of the many lengthy sidewalks of her town, carrying only a small handheld purse with money. Her iPhone was in her back pocket. She had went into town just for a look around the place, though, she was very familiar with her small part of town. She had on her white crop top, which covered up to her breast area, with sleeves on her arms, leaving her stomach bare down to the waist, where she had a white skirt. She had white heels on as well, but not too high, though.

She yawned and realized she was getting a little bit sleepy. She yawned again, so she began to make her way to her car, when she heard a footstep coming from behind her. She immediately turned her head, only to face a brown haired male. Though she thought of the male as a complete stranger, she smiled anyways.
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