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Realistic or Modern The Dead Hills - Out of Character Chat

I've literally used that pic a dozen other times but I've not been able to find the source. Been looking for the last 10 mins and all I can find are beauty pages using the image and not the model herself
Hmmm that’s odd. I normally get reverse search results
Google is a weird place.... I dun like it
I tried to find it myself. I can’t find the original source either. I mean, if you want to change the look and find someone who you can get numerous pictures for, that’s fine. Go ahead. If not, that’s okay as well. All up to you! :)
I had another idea I wanted to run by the new people.

CabalAnomicPotato CabalAnomicPotato Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Catharsis Catharsis
Would you guys, for an introduction, want to be a group? Possibly one that would tie somewhat into the overall plot (we could work on how it ties in)?

Now the introduction could be while they’re at the home (soonest possible introduction of your characters) or wait until they’re on the road or at the hospital?

I know a lot of your characters are said to be lone wolves, or at least for the time being. I suppose we could make it that they banded together at some point, should you have them as a group. They could have hunkered down somewhere in WV, been part of a larger group that was overrun by undead or attacked by a hostile group in the state trying to find the secret that lies in the hills?

Having them as a little group, or remnants of one, makes the introduction of all (probably) easier. It would make more sense than just having them pop up one by one all of the sudden.

In the old RP that this is a reboot of, we had characters just kind of pop in. And it was a little awkward at times, especially when we had a story we were pursuing. I personally think having them as a small group, be it remnants of a larger group or not, tied more to the plot makes introductions easier, the plot flow more, and probably make it a bit more of a scenario that’s believable.

I don’t know how you’d want to do it, necessarily, if you do. Currently, we need to get to a hospital, or medical center, to patch up @HumansArentReal’s character with a surgery sort of thing to remove bone fragments from a gunshot wound. The house we’re at right now has walkers, a whole herd, heading towards the house. The house has been noted as clean, as if someone was living there.

We need to make it to a hospital or medical center for the surgery. You could have your characters need to get in there for a medical situation yourself and we could both come across one another in dire medical situations.

The sky’s the limit on how we could do this. If y’all want to, at least. Just wanted to get y’all’s thoughts on this!
i would not mind grouping up at all
Oh, sorry, its been a rough weekish kind of, ill figure it out later once i look at some things
Alright. Take your time. If you’re not interested in continuing, you can be honest about it. Whatever you want to do is okay with me :)

In the meantime, get yourself better
I think it would be, personally, for my current group, and for yours.
Yeah, also it would take a lot longer for me to get involved if I had to wait to be found. Alrighty, I'll have Milly with someone. Just expect her to be dead jumpy and shit from leaving her safe zone.
Yeah, also it would take a lot longer for me to get involved if I had to wait to be found. Alrighty, I'll have Milly with someone. Just expect her to be dead jumpy and shit from leaving her safe zone.
I promise Jennifer wont try to kill her.

Nuuu please dont hurt my bby! D:
I said I’ll try! My character didn’t shoot Archie on purpose! Simon rushed her and hit her. It was an accidental trigger pull.

Plus, Jennifer doesn’t want to have to deal with more medical shit right now.
I said I’ll try! My character didn’t shoot Archie on purpose! Simon rushed her and hit her. It was an accidental trigger pull.

Plus, Jennifer doesn’t want to have to deal with more medical shit right now.
Milly tends to try and stay out of the way of people or makes herself look as small as possible, dunno if that would help but she wouldn't be one to rush
Milly tends to try and stay out of the way of people or makes herself look as small as possible, dunno if that would help but she wouldn't be one to rush
Maybe a couple months prior to the RP, she would have killed Archie, Simon, and Milly, and not think about it or feel wrong, she now does. She is going through a psychological battle and transformation. Her history changed her. She became a cold shell of a person. For so long, she would kill someone, regardless of who they were, because she had become so psychologically unstable and enjoyed killing. But it’s all turning around. And it’ll be a battle. So unless presented as a threat, I don’t think she would shoot her, but I can’t say for certain.

Yeah, I know. She’s my character. But I can’t predict her future ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Things have come up alright? I hope you'll forgive me.
Of course, my dude. I’m being more sarcastic than serious. You should know this about me by now!

Though I do need ask, for the sake of continuing the story, will you, and if so, when will you be able to post? Because if you can’t for awhile, I may GMod your characters in the meantime, granted you’re okay with that
Maybe a couple months prior to the RP, she would have killed Archie, Simon, and Milly, and not think about it or feel wrong, she now does. She is going through a psychological battle and transformation. Her history changed her. She became a cold shell of a person. For so long, she would kill someone, regardless of who they were, because she had become so psychologically unstable and enjoyed killing. But it’s all turning around. And it’ll be a battle. So unless presented as a threat, I don’t think she would shoot her, but I can’t say for certain.

Yeah, I know. She’s my character. But I can’t predict her future ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hm, good point. Guess Milly being around would be a bad idea then. Dunno where she fits really, if anywhere

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