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Realistic or Modern The Dead Hills - Out of Character Chat

Ooooooookay I’m going to bypass the vote and be authoritarian and declare a time skip for my next post to the next morning after Austin’s head explodes from a bullet.

I’ll try getting it done by tonight. One of our dogs died this morning, so I’ve been a bit busy with my family during this. I’m not as upset as others, but I enjoy coming on here and posting/shitposting with you guys. It’s too much fun. 10/10
Man, I feel for you even so, dogs dying is heartbreaking. Take your time mang
Man, I feel for you even so, dogs dying is heartbreaking. Take your time mang
Yeah, it’s rough. But I don’t really need any time or anything. I’m good. It’s 7:45 pm right now and I found out he died almost 12 hours ago. I think my previous posts show I’m fine. I’m more concerned about my dad. That was his dog. He’s taking hard. Quite frankly, I never saw him so upset so that kind of bothers me. But I mean, it is what it is. Sudden, surprising, but I’m okay.

That being said, everyone get your annoying air horns because post tonight!!!!!!!!
Yeah, it’s rough. But I don’t really need any time or anything. I’m good. It’s 7:45 pm right now and I found out he died almost 12 hours ago. I think my previous posts show I’m fine. I’m more concerned about my dad. That was his dog. He’s taking hard. Quite frankly, I never saw him so upset so that kind of bothers me. But I mean, it is what it is. Sudden, surprising, but I’m okay.

That being said, everyone get your annoying air horns because post tonight!!!!!!!!

Also, yay! And also kinda sad yay but mostly happy
Be happy, because Archie will be happy on Vicodin by the time the next post is over.

If you don’t mind me forcing that into Archie at least
No problemo, just tell me any side effects the meds have so I can act it out :p
Ooooooookay I’m going to bypass the vote and be authoritarian and declare a time skip for my next post to the next morning after Austin’s head explodes from a bullet.

I’ll try getting it done by tonight. One of our dogs died this morning, so I’ve been a bit busy with my family during this. I’m not as upset as others, but I enjoy coming on here and posting/shitposting with you guys. It’s too much fun. 10/10
Awww, really sorry to hear about your dog :(
No problemo, just tell me any side effects the meds have so I can act it out :p
From Web MD

This combination medication is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. It contains an opioid(narcotic) pain reliever (hydrocodone) and a non-opioid pain reliever (acetaminophen). Hydrocodone works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Acetaminophen can also reduce a fever.

Nausea, vomiting, constipation, lightheadedness, dizziness, or drowsiness may occur. Some of these side effects may decrease after you have been using this medication for a while. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

To prevent constipation, eat a diet adequate in fiber, drink plenty of water, and exercise. Consult your pharmacist for help in selecting a laxative(such as a stimulant type with stool softener).

To reduce the risk of dizziness and lightheadedness, get up slowly when rising from a sitting or lying position.

Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication donot have serious side effects.

Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: mental/mood changes (such as agitation, confusion, hallucinations), stomach/abdominal pain, difficulty urinating, signs of your adrenal glandsnot working well (such as loss of appetite, unusual tiredness, weight loss).

Get medical help right away if you have any very serious side effects, including: fainting, seizure, slow/shallow breathing, severe drowsiness/difficulty waking up.

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.

It’s extremelt addictive and you can OD easily on it too, by the way.
Okay so I lied the post will be out tomorrow!

Was FaceTiming my girlfriend for several hours. Sorry y’all. Tomorrow it is!
Hey, y’all. I gifted you guys a long post! Austin’s gone now. Now we’re in the next morning. So now that it’s the next day, we can start introducing new characters once we get out of the house.

Yes, Archie is still fucked and needs medical attention. Yes, a herd’s moving towards the house. Yes, we have to actually do shit instead of standing around shooting one another for lolz.

So now, CabalAnomicPotato CabalAnomicPotato Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Catharsis Catharsis we can start getting your characters in once we leave the house. We’ll work with you guys on character introductions so it make sense and isn’t just like “hey, I’m new character bring my to your group.” We’ll work with ya’ll onhow to do this
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I wonder how many typos or autocorrect mistakes there are in that post.

Too lazy to check. Deal with it, boys.
Hey, y’all. I gifted you guys a long post! Austin’s gone now. Now we’re in the next morning. So now that it’s the next day, we can start introducing new characters once we get out of the house.

Yes, Archie is still fucked and needs medical attention. Yes, a herd’s moving towards the house. Yes, we have to actually do shit instead of standing around shooting one another for lolz.

So now, CabalAnomicPotato CabalAnomicPotato Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Catharsis Catharsis we can start getting your characters in once we leave the house. We’ll work with you guys on character introductions so it make sense and isn’t just like “hey, I’m new character bring my to your group.” We’ll work with ya’ll onhow to do this
Horde? I could be driving away from it, or through it with some tricked out rig.
Hey, y’all. I gifted you guys a long post! Austin’s gone now. Now we’re in the next morning. So now that it’s the next day, we can start introducing new characters once we get out of the house.

Yes, Archie is still fucked and needs medical attention. Yes, a herd’s moving towards the house. Yes, we have to actually do shit instead of standing around shooting one another for lolz.

So now, CabalAnomicPotato CabalAnomicPotato Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Catharsis Catharsis we can start getting your characters in once we leave the house. We’ll work with you guys on character introductions so it make sense and isn’t just like “hey, I’m new character bring my to your group.” We’ll work with ya’ll onhow to do this
Getting Milly out of her hideout is probably gonna require some thought, unless it gets raided or zombos get in
Hey, y’all. I gifted you guys a long post! Austin’s gone now. Now we’re in the next morning. So now that it’s the next day, we can start introducing new characters once we get out of the house.

Yes, Archie is still fucked and needs medical attention. Yes, a herd’s moving towards the house. Yes, we have to actually do shit instead of standing around shooting one another for lolz.

So now, CabalAnomicPotato CabalAnomicPotato Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Catharsis Catharsis we can start getting your characters in once we leave the house. We’ll work with you guys on character introductions so it make sense and isn’t just like “hey, I’m new character bring my to your group.” We’ll work with ya’ll onhow to do this
tfw you're being looked after by mediocre first aid crew
Hey, y’all. I gifted you guys a long post! Austin’s gone now. Now we’re in the next morning. So now that it’s the next day, we can start introducing new characters once we get out of the house.

Yes, Archie is still fucked and needs medical attention. Yes, a herd’s moving towards the house. Yes, we have to actually do shit instead of standing around shooting one another for lolz.

So now, CabalAnomicPotato CabalAnomicPotato Rumble Fish Rumble Fish Catharsis Catharsis we can start getting your characters in once we leave the house. We’ll work with you guys on character introductions so it make sense and isn’t just like “hey, I’m new character bring my to your group.” We’ll work with ya’ll onhow to do this
Jk tho I love y'all, pls let me live thx dad ur the best doctor I've ever met
Conspiracy theory.

Jenn shot Archie on purpose to try and kill him.

When that didn't work she made sure Austin died so that Archie wouldn't get adequate medical attention and die a horribly slow death.

Conspiracy theory.

Jenn shot Archie on purpose to try and kill him.

When that didn't work she made sure Austin died so that Archie wouldn't get adequate medical attention and die a horribly slow death.

;-; papawhy
Conspiracy theory.

Jenn shot Archie on purpose to try and kill him.

When that didn't work she made sure Austin died so that Archie wouldn't get adequate medical attention and die a horribly slow death.

That isn’t the truth!

He knows too much

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