The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Clear frowns, and remembers his hood. Putting his hood back on, he is about to step one more step when a scream echoes, "A corpse!" One of the police officer calls, and he immediately freezes. Restrain being a selfish old lady, he curses in his mind as he lets himself mix with all the crowded people, but still got pointed out. With that, he sighs. Pulling his hood down low, he turns around and get a high kick right into the police's stomach, his hand quickly texting Olivia, "I got a big chaos because of Restrain, please report that for me if I can't get back before the boss gives his next meeting or stuff." 
Koujaku frowns at the text, then lets out a small exhausted sigh. "Why are you always so serious bossy boss~?" He says it to himself as he starts walking super slow toward the villa.
Sam fumbled in her pocket for her phone and read the text. "I was already on my way." She texts back, hearing Damon's phone go off behind her. She knew he was following for some time already. Once she got to the villa she stood across the room from Damon, glaring at him and playing the the bandages on her cast. Sam hated the cast, it seemed to be ruining her life. She hated Damon for it, even though he didn't realize that she'd break the window.
Elana got another text message from the boss. She rolled her eyes and shouted; ' I am already here, standing in the doorway!' The problem was she didn't really know where to go; the villa was very big, her dad could be anywhere. She decided to wait a bit, because the other of Red Thorn were arriving soon.
As Raven walked passed by the bar again he saw the white rose singer was done this time he decided to go in. As he sat down he ordered a drink he turned to see a couple other people sitting down they were part of the White Rose mafia. He just turned back and gulped down his drink and left.
Angelo finished his glass as the Red Thorn members left. They all left at once, so it was most likely due to an order. He stood up from his position and walked outside. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed his father's private number. Only his children had access to his personal phone. He waited for him to answer and began speaking when the phone picked up. "Father, I'd like to have a private discussion with you once I return. It regards the feud between our family and Red Thorn. I'll be there shortly." He ended the call and stared at the device. He sent a message to all the members, checking if they were okay. Since he was overprotective of his family, he would send a message to everyone at the same time everyday, to make sure they were alright. Seeing all all the Red Thorn members had put him on full alert an he needed to be sure they were safe.
Olivia was a drunk, sad mess. She was sobbing hysterically, wishing that she could have her mother back but this was impossible. Her phone went off and after a few moments, she wiped her eyes, only smearing makeup all over her face and staining the sleeve of her sweatshirt. She read the text from Clear and answered with, "Will do." She was surprised she typed everything correctly and hit send.
Elana was talking with some guards of the familiy estate villa. She asked them - while waiting for the other Red Thorn members to gather in the house - if they had had any difficulties with any White Rose members lately. The guards said they had given strict orders from the Boss, and they thought something fishy was going on or going to start soon. Elana shivered. Maybe she should go straight to her father, so she could sort things out, before everyone arrived and there was no time anymore. 'Thank you for your information, have a nice evening.' she replied the men politely, and walked up the stairs.
Koujaku reaches villa after 40 minutes even though it only takes about 10 minutes to get there. "Yo~Elana~"

Clear ends up causing a big chaos, with all the police officers fainted on the floor and his hood still pulled down. Soon enough the police cars are coming and he ends up running back to the White Rose. "..............."
Olivia eventually cleaned up the broken glass on the floor and placed the picture frame on the shelf again. She sighed and sat back down on the couch. She wondered when her father would be home so she could tell him what Clear had said. She could've texted him but she prefered to talk about these matters face to face.
frederick saw his daughter as he walked to the door."ah hello my princess." he siad as he took a inhale of his cigar. he say that she had something on her mind."Is there something bothering you my dear daughter?"
Seifer sat up again. This was it. He was going to check out what was up. Did someone forget to invite him to an important meeting or something? This was the longest he had gone without him not being called. He stood, locked the entrance to his place, and went outdoors.
Two people were speaking to her at the same time, which she found quite comical. 'Well...' Elana first turned to her dad - looking apologeticaly to Koujaku - 'I think I have something to discuss with you, father, before the family meeting starts. It's quite important, I think.' She walked towards Koujaku and hugged him as greeting. This would become a very long night.
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(u hav something to talk to ur father or me)

Clear sighs, texting Restrain again. "Don't you dare think it's your day off. The big chaos is your fault, go deal with it."
(she talks to her father, but hugs Koujaku as a way of greeting him. She will talk with him another time, because she has to tell about what she heard from those guys of the White Rose she earlier spied on)
Restain frowned, reading the text message. My fault? I wasn't even there! She stepped down and into the bar, scanning the area, unsure of what was going on. "How is this my fault? I wasn't there." She replied quickly, then sat at the table, signing a few autographs and drinking a small beer.

Kevin frowned, receiving the text about the commotion. He sighed, leaning back and rubbing his temples. So much for giving them a break. I let them go for one day and they've already caused me trouble. He sent a text to all members of the White Rose. "I want all of you in my office, now."
Olivia sighed and looked at herself in the reflection of her phone. Her eyes were red and puffy and black mascara stained her face. She knew she should go fix herself before her father got home and saw her this way but she didn't really wanna get up.

Brianne arrived home later that night and found out her dad was called in to investigate some incident that was suspicious and had ties to the Mafia. She sighed. It was nights like these that she couldn't sleep, not until he was home at least.
Ariana got the text and sighed and she took her drink to go and got to the villa within 5 minutes or so. "Hey Elana, Koujaku." she said as she walked in and yawned. She leaned against the wall like she always did. "So what's the deal boss." she asked as she looked at Koujaku, he was wearing his red kimono like always and she couldn't help but laugh mentally.
"the deal is getting yourself off the wall and get to the office, I have to attend to some business between me and my daughter. now if you would take koujaku and go to the office." he said taking another puff from his cigar. he thought "these damn things will kill me." but he didn't care,"now what is it you wanted to talk about."
Ariana shrugged and grabbed Koujaku's arm with that death grip she always had, halfway to the office, she let him go and yawned, "So how was your boring day." she asked as she continued to walk towards the office. She was exhausted, being in an underground fight makes you tired. She had a new cut across the back of her arm.
Brianne was patiently waiting on the living room couch for her father to arrive home. She hated when he was out, especially when it was because of the Mafia. His partner, a good friend of the family, had been shot and killed by a member once and it really upset her dad. She didn't want to see him walk into the same fate.
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(Silver Black my friend Atheral wanted to know if he could jump in cause he wanted to join?)
Olivia stared at her phone and thought about calling her dad. She knew he had to be busy but she was really upset, plus she needed to tell him what happened with Clear. She unlocked her phone, went into her contacts and found him under 'Daddy.' She pushed call and it began to ring.
(Whoops havent been on since th is morning to see it started.)

Dallas was out roaming around the town of course with his friends causing large amounts of trouble, as always. "I'm bored. I'm heading home now.",Dallas said to his friends as he made his way home.

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