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Fantasy The Counsel Of Shadows and the Elders of Old

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~ Basics ~








Class Rank:

~ Appearance ~

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Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Skin Color:


~ Personal ~






~ Powers, Weapons & Extra ~






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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/hood_by_kuvshinov_ilya-d9hpz83.jpg.94df1041f6d7a6d2325ea3f588e09760.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138595" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/hood_by_kuvshinov_ilya-d9hpz83.jpg.94df1041f6d7a6d2325ea3f588e09760.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Basics ~

Name: Morgan Blackthorn

Nickname(s): None

Age: 21 (she ages slower than humans when she consumes life energy)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Witch

Clan/Pack/Coven: Free Roamer but she was born from the royal Blood Witch Clan

Class Rank: Last living known royal of the Blood Witch Clan. The others are hidden and scatter away from the world in order to keep alive.

~ Appearance ~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/shallows_by_charlie_bowater-d9de50k.jpg.53f10603025e45a1f32ebb7da1f9f88d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/shallows_by_charlie_bowater-d9de50k.jpg.53f10603025e45a1f32ebb7da1f9f88d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'8"

Eye Color: Hazel green

Hair Color: Red

Skin Color: Pale

Scent: She has a sweet earthy smell due to the fact of staying in the woods and water all the time.

~ Personal ~

Personality: Morgan is a very carefree girl but she is ignorant of the outside world. She grew up with her friend telling her about the outside world and how the different species use to fight but now they live in harmony. Morgan created an image of the outside world being a peaceful place beyond the human walls. She is very sweet, trusting and loves to play around.

History: When she was born, she was found on the steps of her parent's house. She was found with a small staff that had a red blood crystal embedded in the tips. The parents didn't know what to do with it, so they hid it. Morgan grew up with her parents and younger brother inside the Wall of Support. Only humans lived within the different walls due to being outcasted by those who now control the world. As she grew up, her parents forced her to keep her power hidden in order to stay alive and be normal. As she got older, she had a harder time controlling her power and energy. Finally, her father agreed to let her do minor spells in order to keep her energy down and not attract attention if she had a flair. At the age of 13, she learned that she could do more than just control the elements. After seeing a bird get shot by a hunter, she hid the creature and brought it back to life on accident. Instead of telling her parents, she kept that part of her hidden from fear of her parents getting angry. Her best friend Juin started to go to school to learn about the outside world in order to leave the walls and be part of the counsel. Only so many humans were allowed to leave but they never returned. Morgan, due to her friend, believed that the world outside had gotten better but was to scared to ever request a leave. She wanted to meet other witches like her but her parents always told her how they were horrible people who deserved to die and hated others. Now, Morgan works on her families farm as a horse trainer for people in town and is due to an arranged marry in order to bring more money into the farm.

Likes/Hobbies: Morgan loves flowers and water. Every chance she gets, she goes down the river that runs next to the farm and swims. There she uses her powers and plays with the animals that live there. She secretly loves her best friend Juin but knows they can never be together due to both being girls and from Morgan getting married. Juin sometimes sneaks out to meet Morgan at the river but Morgan never shows her the powers she possesses.

Morgan enjoys playing the violin in town and dancing. Nature is where she truly feels at home

Dislikes: She hates people who hate other species but never says anything. She believes in love and equality but knows that humans can't be like that. She is scared of spiders and faints everytime she sees one.

Habits: Morgan can be sneaky around town and loves to play little pranks on townspeople with her powers. She knows that could get caught but she enjoys it too much. She also scratches at her chest when she gets nervous and likes to keep her face hidden.

~ Powers, Weapons & Extra ~

Abilities/Powers: Morgan was originally born as an elemental witch who has basic control over earth, air, water, fire. She was never really powerful and didn't know how to do it. When she got older, she learned that she can use energy around her to heal and to bring those recently died back to life. Only once did she learn that she could do the reverse. If she focused her energy, she could slowly sap the life from another and put it in herself or into another life force. She doesn't know how it slowly drains her own life if she heals if she does not pull from another. She keeps this second power a secret in fear of her parents.

While most magic like this is considered necromancy, her's is the white side of it. She does not use the dead or bring them back. She is able to transfer energy to different places using her body as a medium.

Weapons: When she was found, her parents also found a silver staff with a red crystal in the tips. Growing up in the wall, her parents kept it from her. When she does get it, it can get bigger and small and focus her power. She learned how t fight with a staff by using a wooden staff as a child and teen.

Skills/Strengths: She is thin but fast and flexible. She can use a staff to protect herself and fight. She can use a knife but was never good with offensive fighting. She uses more defensive attacks in order to move people away from her to use her powers.

Weaknesses: Really bad at offensive and shorthand attacks. She trusts to easily and is easily manipulated.

Other: She is unaware of who she is and her blood line. She was given away when the Blood Witch Clan was attacked by Vampires due to their royal blood. Most witches look up to her Clan but they have been missing ever since she was born.​



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~ Basics ~

Name: Amber Mecking

Nickname(s): None

Age: 22, appearance wise.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human with magic abilities

Clan/Pack/Coven: None

Class Rank: None

Height: 5' 7''

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Dark black, blue tinge

Skin Color: Pale, pink undertone

~ Personal ~

Personality: Amber is quiet, and very much a loner. Somewhat by choice, somewhat by force. Her abilities are shunned by the magical council, and many of the creatures had hoped her kind to be extinct. Amber loves jewelry and collects it with great passion, the shinier and more elaborate the better. She is thought to be nasty and cold, though no one has really spoken to her.

History: There is a type of magic that was cast out long ago, those who undertook were cast out also. The task of carving symbols into one's skin, and imbuing them with magic is regarded as being worse than necromancy in some circles, and many creatures swear to keep these creatures as close to extinction as possible. Amber undertook this magic, as are the rumours, and now has one of the least popular forms of it. Her ability to control shadows, to melt into them and use them to travel are widely hated and shunned by her fellow creatures.

She is often thought to be a trickster, and there are stories of her causing travellers to become lost in the forest she lives in. While travelling, she appears as a pale girl with dark black hair, and often thought to be noble because of her appearance. She wears a hooded cloak much of the time when out and about, and keeps to herself. Her shadows also help to form a 'shell' of sorts around her body, and protect from some attacks. 'Shadows' as her type are called, have a rivalry with vampires, as their abilities are closely related to blood magic, and the vampires see her as a threat. Shadows heal quickly, and become dangerous when wounded.

Amber enjoys pranking or tricking those who come into the forest, especially hunters who seek to harm the creatures. Some people call her a 'trickster' but she is widely regarded as a story by townspeople. Her hands, forearms and neck are covered in deeply carved symbols, that remain as fresh looking as the day she made them, quite some time ago.

Likes/Hobbies: Crows, foxes and cows. Good with children and very protective of woodland creatures. Enjoys 'pranks' of those unsuspecting but mostly keeps to herself. Likes jewelry, and wears lots at once.

Dislikes: Loud noise, noise she can not control, not a fan of cats. Not a fan of one fairy in particular.

Habits: Tends to hide in dark corners of rooms and eavedrops, can listen to conversations through shadows. Enjoys injuring herself to frighten others, but quickly heals when out of eye sight. Sneaks into parties she isn't invited to, especially council parties, and eavesdrops or plays small jokes on guests.

~ Powers, Weapons & Extra ~

Abilities/Powers: Ability to control and use shadows as transport. Able to talk to shadows, as well as using them to form a shell around herself. Extraordinarily healing time, broken bones taking a few days before being completely healed.

Weapons: No weapons bar her own hands and shadows, which are very easily concealed unless people are aware of who she is already.

Skills/Strengths: Extremely quick on her feet and in her head, quite witty and good with words, finds it easy to manipulate others.

Weaknesses: Incredibly weak to moon quartz, which holds and reflects sunlight in a way that makes it physically damaging to her and her shadows.Lonely due to not trusting others.


"There are horrid, terrible things out there in the dark, and now I am one of them."

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Rhys Lee Draegan

~ Basics ~

Age: looks about 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Hybrid between vampire and witch

Race: Pureblood but that gets argued about often

Clan/Pack/Coven: House of Noapte

Rank: unknown

~ Appearance ~

Height: 5’9”

Eye Color: whitish grey, red when hungry or angry

Hair Color: silver/white/grey

Skin Color: deathly pale

Fangs: retracted most of the time

Scent: metallic

~ Personal ~

Personality: Rhys is a hotblooded vampire, not at all one to really follow rules but she’s one of the strongest and most unique of her kind (that isn't a first gen.). She dislikes being told no and absolutely hates rules but is very much bound to them so she must obey. Rhys can be very stubborn, once her mind is made up there is no chance of her getting her to change her mind. If you can get past her hotblooded, arrogant, stubborn front, she’s very kind. She is as loyal as you can get once you've gained her trust and will stand up for what she believes in.

History: Her mother was a well known necromancer and her father a pureblood vampire. Both parents were incredibly powerful and played important roles during their lifetimes. When Rhys was born, both parents stopped their major work in order to raise their child, only attending meetings and staying away from front line things if they could. She is an only child to a powerful family that lived in seclusion away from others.

It became pretty clear early on that the vampire genes were the more dominate genes so Rhys spent more of her time learning from her father from about age 9 on. She still had great interest in her witch side and would often ask her mother questions about it, asking her to show her small little tricks that she could preform with out passing out. Along with the history of these two different species and controlling the powers that came along with them, she learned general self defense/fighting skills.

Rhys has had limited experience with blending in with the humans since her parents didn’t really allow her to attend school and what not for reasons they never stated. Since she didn't attend a normal school, her parents pretty much taught her everything and everything else she just picked up on her own.

When she was 15, a very large pack of rouge werewolves strayed into their territory and caused a scuffle that turned into burning half the house down and the deaths of both her parents. It was later discovered that there were vampires and a couple different human types were in the mix as well. How a very strong pureblood and witch succumbed to a bunch of random rouges and runaways, Rhys has no clue and doesn't really wish to find out the truth regarding that bit of information.

In bitter rage and grief, she blew up the entire surrounding forest which effectively got rid of any left over intruders but her witch powers were a bit forcibly awakened. However she passed out soon after, her body not at all prepared for such a large amount of magic and energy to be used. Upon waking up a few days later, Rhys hung around the burned mansion to try and grasp how her powers worked on her own but that somewhat peaceful time was cut short as higher up vampires started appearing having just discovered her existence.

That meeting did not go down well, the higher ups were furious and weren't aware of her unique existence. Hybrids weren't really a common thing among their kind nor was it something to be proud of. Most wanted her dead, others wanted to see what would happen, some really didn't care; either way Rhys was not putting up with them. Forced to flee her only home, Rhys began her travels around the world. Typically traveling alone and occasionally with others, she stuck to the shadows until she was ready to face what she'd been running for.

She very quickly made a name for herself and encounter many hardships as she clawed her way to the top of the top as someone most people naturally feared (because who likes to deal with the unknown? clearly no one). The now experienced vampire eventually settled down, creating her own Clan/Coven and while considered quite young in the vampire world, Rhys has since become one the most well known Leaders out there.

Likes/Hobbies: Very much enjoys the nighttime, often found wandering around or sitting outside just watching the night life. Watching over 'her people' and seeing how the grown. She has a soft spot for animals and loves music.

Dislikes: Rhys has a pretty deep dislike for werewolves and has a very hard tim even being in the same area as them. Humans are up there as well for other reasons. She also isn’t a fan of being underground or stuck in cramped places. Dealing with responsibilities are not really her thing either

Habits: Leaving earbuds in her ears even if music isn't playing but it’s not like anyone else can tell

~ Powers, Weapons & Extra ~


Vampy stuff

-enhanced hearing, sight, sense of smell, speed, strength

-body heals itself x5 faster than a human*

Witchy stuff-limited usage

-can raise & control the dead


Weapons: mainly knives, daggers but can use variety of others

Skills/Strengths: offensive attacks, precise aim, hand to hand combat, leadership (slightly inconsistent though)

Weaknesses: stamina when using witch powers, teamwork, following rules, claustrophobic, in sunlight to long, temper

Other: Unlike other vampires her skin isn't bone cold (just mostly cold), doesn't burn in the sun- just kinda burns/stings, aged normally until the age of 18

*x1 being human speed and x10 being instantaneous

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Diary entry, last page, torn and partially burnt. Remainder of journal destroyed.

The Ladies are old, no one knows quite how old, but everyone knows not to question them. 'The Ladies of the Hill' are an old group who reside in a magnificent stone manor on atop a rather impressive hill. The hill is sacred; a final resting place for many of their kind. The manor is in wonderful condition despite it's age.

The ladies are powerful, no one quite the extent of their powers yet however. They are lead by 'Grandmother', while the 'Mothers' are the members of their personal council, with the other members being 'sisters'. All members are female, and they never speak, never eat in front of others apart from their own, and you will never see their faces.

They do not interfere with the goings on of other creatures, but will intervene should issues get out of hand. They last were involved in the wolf V vampire clash, and ended the matter by Grandmother removing the head of the two general, one from either side of the war. The two generals were apart, in other areas of the country holding courts and at exactly the same time, their necks were sliced as if by an invisible blade and their heads dropped to the floor.

Truly wondrous! If a little mad, but they fixed the issue fairly quick. Even the council doesn't question them! Would you question someone who could behead you from another building?

I am truly grateful for having been invited here, and regret I must soon pass. Guests are not permitted to leave, so I must soon sadly end my life. I hope my studies are a help the the world.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/_his_mesmerizing_gaze___by_sakimichan.png.jpeg.f4551a71ed1f3b5c39f6f2816bf01d15.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139137" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/_his_mesmerizing_gaze___by_sakimichan.png.jpeg.f4551a71ed1f3b5c39f6f2816bf01d15.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~ Basics ~

Name: Kaleb Nightwing


Age: 646

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: High Dark Fae

Clan/Pack/Coven: Nightshade Royal Clan

Class Rank: Former High Knight, now he is banned from entering the royal court.

~ Appearance ~

Height: 6'3"

Eye Color: Purple

Hair Color: Silver

Skin Color: Gray

Scent: Lilies

~ Personal ~

Personality: Kel is charming and can easily deceive people but can be considered a bit over honest. Due to the fae's curse of never being able to tell a lie, they have become masters of twisting the truth in order to get what they want. Kal is literal in everything he says and doesn't really know how to take a joke. He's oversensitive and doesn't react well with other species. On the flip side, when he wants to be, he can be romantic and knows how to use people's desires to his advantage.

History: Kal grew up with like most dark fae. He was born from a birthing mother and placed into the proper home to be trained. As he grew older, he was trained and shown how to use his dark gifts. At the young age of 143, he was able to join the Dark Knights guard. From there he worked his way up until he became the personal guard of the Queen and King. When he turned 400, the Queen asked him to her bed without the consent of the King. For almost 100 years, he was the Queen personal Knight and secret lover. At 500, he met a light Fae during a treaty and fell in love with her. The light and dark fae hated each other but he still loved her. When the Queen learned of his budding romance, she sent someone to kill the girl and had the King learn of the secret romance between the Queen and Kal. Kal was sentenced to death but the Queen couldn't kill him. She set him free and exiled him the dark court.

Likes/Hobbies: In his home, he has a garden and a small pond. He liked to collect and grow different flowers but his favorite flower is the flower of death, the lily. Is also loved to travel and collect the stories of people he meets and to get people to tell him secrets. Now that he travels, he travels as an exile and charms humans and other creatures into doing things for him. He is a player and loves consuming others desires.

Dislikes: He dislikes dark fae due to their nature and believes that the light fae has it right. He hates how he was born but knows he could never be anything more than a fae. He dislikes vampires due to the fact that they are close in nature and he cants charm them like other creatures.

Habits: He has a habit of speaking out of turn and being bluntly honest with people, even when they don't want it.

~ Powers, Weapons & Extra ~

Abilities/Powers: He can jump between dimensions other creatures cannot. The Fae like to stay in their own dimension, so only the help of Fae can get them there. He can see people's desires and use them against.

Weapons: He believes in the old ways due to his age and fights with his long sword. It's built light out of fae steel since fae can't use a normal steel properly due to iron compounds in the mental.

Skills/Strengths: Deception, sword fighting, quick with agility.

Weaknesses: Doesn't trust easily and is easily blindsided. He does not have the same amount of magic power as other creatures do and replies mostly on his fighting.




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