The Coming Darkness

As Vaughan asked Silver and the other girl if they wanted to compete. A pleased grin spread across Silver's face, and she nodded. Finally, she gets to practice a bit. She did wonder of the other girl's abilities, and if she'd be more powerful than Silver. She figured that she would find out soon enough, though.

As the girl questioned if the terms remained the same, Silver took a deep breath and closed her eyes in preparation for her little battle. Her magic required much focus, and it wasn't an easy thing to perfect. As she opened her eyes again, the grin softened into a rather normal looking smile. She was ready.
Rosalie's eyes grew wide at the wink she'd received from the other, but moved to take her seat on the icy bleachers, shivering a little as she did. It was cold out, and the icy fortress constructed around them wasn't helping much either. The fight progressed quickly, with each person demonstrating their attacks and power with great force. Rosalie found herself particularly interested in the demonic transformation of one male, but the fight ended shortly afterwards.

"Are you two interested in competing?"

He was asking the other two girls if they would like to fight. Rosalie bit her lip, willing herself to stand up,


she called out,

"I would like to compete as well!"

Vaughan couldn't help but smile when both girls accepted his invitation, and another wanting to join. "Three lovely and pretty ladies want me to have all my attention on them? Well gosh you guys are moving a little too quick for me." V cracked a playful grin towards the girls. The one girl who looked more -combat oriented asked him if the terms were the same, and Vaughan quickly replied "No doll, this time it's gonna be a little different..."

The ice mage quickly placed his hands together. Suddenly his ice arena and stand all shattered into bits and pieces of ice. Vaughan quickly moved his hands away from each other, and another circulating sphere rotated within the palms of his hand. The sphere jumped out in front of him and expanded. A huge gust of ice, mist, and wind escaped the sphere, and when the mist cleared, a beautiful giant ice eagle appeared from the sphere.

"This time we're gonna play a little game of tag." Vaughan quickly jumped onto the eagle, and the eagle instinctively flew into the air, about four stories into the air. "You have two minutes to catch me, good luck!" Vaughan gave another slight wink at the girls and flew off into the opposite direction.
Now this, Rosalie could do. The blue haired lady closed her eyes, a serene expression lighting upon her delicate features as semi transparent crystalline wings materialized on her back.

"Well, I shall be taking off first,"

she said, a smile on her face as she followed in his stead, leaving only the slight clinking sound of the wings touching together remaining.

The girl soared through the sky, attempting to follow Vaughan.

Now...where could he be...?

It was then that she spotted a glimpse of a shimmer in the air,

"Found you!"

A triumphant smile lit across Rosalie's face as she sped forwards.
Zack honestly didn't care if the familiar insulted him. Zack already knew he wasn't as weak as the creature thought, so he felt he had no reason to argue to that. "Well...I think someone could teach you a little bit about proper training..." Zack replied quietly. Isn't that right...Aglaeca...? Zack looked at the address, memorized it, then got off of the stadium's platform just as it shattered. He stayed a little bit to watch Silver start her fight. But when he heard what Vaughan's new challenge was, he could only sigh. This man doesn't play fair, not everyone can fly... He wondred if he should even bother to show up at Voughan's house later on. "Well...not much else to do..." He walked back towards the school, wondering how he was supposed to say the words and when.
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Silver stared at the two as they flew off. This wasn't the kind of battle she was hoping for. She couldn't fly, so how was she supposed to get up there to him?... Well, Silver figured it was time to use her magic. But how to exactly go about it?

As she thought on the matter, she followed along with the two on the ground, which wasn't too hard even though they were going a bit fast. That's when she saw a rather tall tree not too far away from where the two were flying. Alright, this was her only chance. What she was about to do would either be successful or rather disastrous, from her point of view. A devious grin spread across as she sprinted, jumping up and making her way up the tree quickly. As she made her way to the top, she saw Vaughan getting close, and jumped up right to him.

Or, tried to. Silver actually missed him by a lot and ended up falling straight down. She wondered if anyone would try to catch her...? She certainly hoped they would. Perhaps a certain man riding on a flying eagle...

Rosalie spied a female hurtling through the air. It seemed that she had aimed for Vaughan's eagle, but had fallen off.

Instantly, the female's brain began to weigh the various possibilities. Of course she could just let someone else catch her- but what if no one did? She pursed her lips in thought, still keeping after Vaughan. After a moment, she'd drawn to a conclusion. She couldn't just let some poor soul fall through air like that, and so she moved to catch her.

Unfortunately, Rosalie wasn't quite that strong of a person, and she barely got out a,

"Are you alright?"

before beginning falling to the ground as well. However, the female concentrated for a moment, then created a crystal formation on top of the ice, a sort of tower, almost, which caught the two safely. After they'd toppled to the ground, Rosalie let out a few coughs- it was quite taxing to use magic that way.
Enzo watched the combatants take off into the sky like birds. Moreso, V's flying eagle and the blue haired girl's crystal wings. He wanted to fly one day, so he took note of those techniques. One of the other girls, a black haired one, ran past Enzo to climb a tree to use. As she ascended, Enzo tried to figure out what her plan was. It was obvious she couldn't fly.

Suddenly, she leaped, and missed. She would then tumble down to the ground.
That's too far of a drop! Enzo's body automatically started running, in efforts of catching her or at least softening the blow. I've got to save her! He shouted in his mind. He was going to make it, except the tip of his shoe hit the edge of some uneven pavement, and he found himself falling forward onto his face with a thud.

He pulled his face from off of the ground to see that the girl was caught by the one with the crystal wings. A crooked smile formed on Enzo's face when he saw she was safe.
Zack heard a quiet thud and looked over to see Enzo again. Upon noting that he had fallen, he promptly went over to him. "Hey..." He started as he bent over and held a hand out for Enzo. "You ok?" Zack new full well that falling foreward would hurt somebody in some way. He jst wanted to make sure Enzo was ok enough. His eyes were a little soft with sympathy, as they would tend to be whenever someone-no, a friend got hurt.
The sound of Zack's voice gained Enzo's attention. The boy's hand was extended when Enzo saw it, and he reacted with a smile. It was refreshing, to say the least, that there was someone else kind, like him. He took Zack's hand, and with his help - stood up. "Yeah, thanks for helping me." Enzo replied.

With a better look, Zack looked younger than him, a lot younger, yet he must have been able to keep up in the fight. Perhaps it could be his sword that he carried around?
Zack nodded and assisted Enzo. He proceeded to grip his right arm afterwards, just as he always did. It helped soothe him. "So, um..." He rubbed his arm a little. "I...Um..." Why would I start a conversation without knowing what to say??? And I can't just walk away now, I've gotten his attention! I should've just left it... Zack was obviously having trouble finding the words to say. He was such a shy child, it wasn't like he had any experiance in the field of socialization.
Bella had exited the arena before Vaughn forced it to crumble before them, his next test seemed to be catching him riding a giant ice eagle. This is no duel, these are more like kiddie games, she thought to herself as she watched the girls take off. One of them could fly, one of them, well not so much. She tried at least launching herself from a high standing tree, she fell short.

Bella watched as the young man with the familiar made attempt to move to catch her tripping before he even came close. The girl was caught by the girl who could fly although they fell together getting caught by a crystalline tower created by the girl with blue hair.

The shy young man approached the boy who had tripped on his rescue run helping him up. Bella smiled slowly approaching them. She stopped a few feet from them, giving them a low bow. "Excuse me loves, but would either of you happen to know where his house is?" She said pointing towards Vaughn off in the distance. "He didn't necessarily make anything specific."

She waved her hands almost dismissively, "how rude of me. Proper introductions are due, my name is Bella. And you two are?"
It seemed Zack was immediately lost on what to say or do just after he had helped Enzo up. He raised an eyebrow at his nervousness, then smiled. "Not a people-person?" He asked. "Don't worry, I'm not either. My na-" Enzo was cut off just as he was about to inform the other boy of his name. It was the same girl he had battled along side with.

From the looks of it, she didn't look damaged either, but she was interested in the man they had fought. The mention of his house reminded Enzo of the ice plate Vaughan had gave them with his address inscribed in it. "Ahh, right!" He quickly patted himself down to no avail. The slab of ice was either dropped somewhere, melted, or broke when he fell. He frowned at this, and looked shamefully back at the other two. "I lost it.."

Then, the girl introduced herself as Bella. He regained his cheerful mood and nodded.
"I'm Enzo!"

"Oh." Zack looked over at the girl that had just walked up to them. "I-I'm Zack...don't worry, I memorized the address." He shifted his sword into his left hand and took the glove on his right hand off. Once again, he did something unexpected. He slid his glovless finger across the edge of his sword, obviously cutting it. He didn't seem to mind though. He just got on his knees and used his blood to write the address on the ground. Only...his blood wasn't quite blood. It was liquid darkness. It had the same color scheme as the dark slicer he made during their 'duel' with Voughan: black with a shifting violet tone.
Silver's face remained expressionless as the other girl caught her and took them to safety. After a moment, the girl disappeared entirely, fading into a fine mist and reappearing on the ground not too far away. She looked disappointed.

"Well, I should have figured that wouldn't work," she said out loud. It wasn't the other girl's fault, since Silver's illusions were quite convincing to those who had no idea what they even were. The other girl was simply trying to help, and for that, Silver couldn't blame her. The real Silver hadn't been in any trouble whatsoever the entire time, nor could she scale a tree so fast like the illusion did. Looking up to the girl on top of the tower, she waved. "Uh, thanks anyways!.." That was awkward enough. Now, where did that man go off to?...
Jacen opened the door to the dorm, waiting for Enzo to return. Voli was still inside, looking as if he hadn't moved an inch since he had left. He walked over and set the second messenger bag on Enzo's bed, before sauntering over to his own and removing his belt. He pulled a silver case from his luggage, and pressed his thumb to the handle. The case opened as he pulled the weapon from the holster, setting it aside as he unloaded the black handgun and placed it in the case, with the magazine being placed in shortly after. He closed it up and slid the case under the bed, before laying down and plugging a set of headphones into his mobile. Guess I can relax now...Voli hasn't moved, Enzo seemed fine and the computer is safe and sound...wonder what happened to that little fox friend of his though. Wait...Voli got a new statue? Looks like something out of that Demons and Dragons game I had. He pulled his headphones off and threw a hand signal to Voli, who was buried into his sketchbook. "Yo, what's with the collector's item?"

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Enzo's eyes widened the more Zack cut himself. Enzo had no clue as to what he was going to do, and he honestly starting feeling a little sick by seeing the 'blood' escape Zack's wound. He bit his lip and cringed as he continued. "Zack," He said cautiously. "what.. are you doing?"
Zack didn't look up from his writing and thus, didn't see the look on Enzo's face. "Writing." he said calmly as though it were all normal. "I don't usually have anything to write with so I just use my best option. Ah, there we go." Upon finishing writing down Voughan's address, Zack stood back up. He put his glove back on and shifted his sword back into his right hand. He looked at Enzo and tilted his head. "Are...are you ok?"
Volitaire had a slight "jump" when he heard Jacen's deep voice howl through the once relaxing silence. Volitaire heard him comment on his undead summoning, referring to it as a "collectors item." It looked like Jacen hadn't noticed the being before him was real, though one would think it's some sort of standee. Seeing how it's standing there motionless awaiting a command from its creator. Volitaire focused his eyes to Jacen with a half-open glare as a way to give his roommate some attention. "Collectors item? No, no... It's real. I summoned it as I needed something to draw and i figured this would suffice since it can serve as a good reference and I can summon it whenever I want..." Volitaire turned back to his journal, continuing the sketch of his undead minion. Needless to say, Volitaire didn't want to elaborate further on his summons. He didn't want to come off to Jacen as a bit odd. Normally, people tend to feel a bit uncomfortable around his Necromancy and keep away from it. Like staying away from a owner who doesn't leash his rabid dog. The only sound left in the room was the scribbling of his mechanical pencil and the mattress springs creaking to his movements. The undead warrior made a low gnarl, almost sounding agitated that it has been standing around for a undetermined amount of time.
He summoned it...and it's undead. So he's a necromancer...I think that's it. That explains part of that dark magic the headmaster was talking about...Voli here can play with dead shit and skeletons. There was a guy that could control ice. I get the feeling that I'm going to have to learn how to control a lot more than powers while I'm here.

Jacen put his headphones back on and stared at the ceiling rather than his phone, not noticing that his amulet's jewel was faintly glowing.
((That's okay, Gray. Take care.))

A few hours later...

Current time: 4:58PM

Around this time, Whiterun was quiet. The reasoning behind it's large spark of activity was simply because of Sorcerers and their new branch of students coming in, but now, Mostly all of the students had either settled in their dorms or had returned to their homes nearby.

Enzo on the other hand, wasn't doing that. Instead, he was nearly at the house Vaughan had told him to meet him at. So far on his journey to the address, he had not seen any of the others who had participated in the battle with him. As he walked down the streets, leaving the business section of the town and going into the residential, he had no choice but to wonder as to why Vaughan had done what he did. Surely they would have a more organized environment for a battle other than the courtyard.

Enzo found himself in front of ordinary looking house, but something felt off. A steady breeze went past, along with leaves and a small amount of trash. For some reason, the building felt ominous. With a deep breath, he walked up to the front door and raised his hand to knock, but the door had slowly moved back, indicating that it was not only unlocked - but open.

"Hello?" Enzo sounded out. There was no response. "V? Are you in here? It's me, Enzo." Seeing as how nobody responded, he thought Vaughan was late, as with the other students. He decided to walk inside and wait for the others. No harm in that, right?

He switched on the living room light, and with a large shock, saw Vaughan laying on a blood-soaked sofa. His clothes were worn and battled damaged. The room itself was destroyed. Several items of furniture were tossed over, the TV was smashed, and there were cracks and holes all over the place - not to mention that the house itself was a lot colder than outside. It was obvious a fight took place in here.

First things first. Enzo ran over to Vaughan, and had confirmed that the blood was his. He had multiple stab wounds, and on top of that, his arm was covered in a dark aura, that was obviously black magic of some kind. This magic... Was he attacked by another student?

As much as Enzo didn't want to believe, he had to tell someone about this, and fast.

>>Episode 2 <<

>> Owning Up <<

The next day...

Current time: 9AM

Today was the day for teams to form. Boone had ordered that the school rush the team project, so everyone - even Enzo - was called to the training room in order to be signed up.

Since most people had seen the performance of Zack, Bella, and Enzo, it was already known that they'd be in Team Valor.


The training room itself looked much bigger than the school, and the fact that it was underground gave it loud echos. For now, it was empty. At the entrance were students waiting to sign up for teams.

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(Think my names Chelsea... xD )

Chelsea came across this big building where she'd be trained. Whhhoooooaaaa... She thought, walking closer. A few people were outside, but she was scared. Where did she need to go? She just kept waling, her mind taking snapshots on the way there. "I wonder if there's a training room...?" She asked out of nowhere to no one, and walked to these doors to the building. "Hmm...." She didn't see anyone walking around, really. She walked in, and just stood there, waiting for something to happen.
Also apparently Day two, 9 AM...

Zack wandered aimlessly through the school's halls, his head hung low. He still wasn't able to tell anyone the truth. He had planned to tell the man who's house he was supposed to go to, but he had been greeted by a mess that reminded him of his past. But back on the topic of 'the truth', he started to feel afraid. He already felt he had made some friends here and he felt that 'the truth' would take them away from him. Still, he knew it was the right thing to do. But who was he supposed to tell? He felt a lump harden in his throat. What should I do...? Was all he could possibly ask himself in this situation. So, he just continued walking, repeating this question in his head over and over again.
Chelsea saw someone wandering about. "Ex-excuse me?" She called, walking over to him. "I don't know where to go... And i was wondering if you'd help me?" Asked kindly.

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