The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

Alex walked over and looked at the corpse.

"I can't leave this poor soul like this."

You're right, we can't.

Alex pointed bis hands at the ice and melted it around the corpse, then put gloves on his hands and pulled it out. He dragged it far from the group and melted the snow in about a nine foot radius, then laid the body down with it's arms crossed.

"Ignir, I need this to be a really hot fire."

And so it will be.

Alex pointed his hands at the corpse, and instantly white-blue flames shot out, encompassing the body in flames.

Alex returned to the group and kept walking, only glancing back once at the burning corpse.
'He's such a sweetie. I might actually lend him your nickname now.' Jansen thought, amused, as he watched Alex cremate the body.

No, I would hate that, Talesyr said sarcastically, please don't.

'Haha, no. I mean a variation. You're not getting rid of it that easily, Koekje.'

Jansen, there only so many ways to call someone sweetie,
Talesyr said acidly.

'And there are thousands of languages.' Jansen replied.

I suppose this is the sole purpose of your knowledge of languages. To flirt, Talesyr said, his voice set in such a exasperated way, that Jansen could almost see him slapping a palm across his face.

'Eén taal is nooit genoeg,' Jansen replied back in his native tongue, with a smile.

"Alex, are you going to do that every time we encounter a dead person? Because there's going to be quite a few more along the way, and we really don't need to burn all of them, Schatje." Jansen said, smirking.

Alex, I believe this would be the good time for you to run as far away from Jansen as possible. He just bestowed upon you his badge of apparent liking. Which means he's about to slowly murder you with his aggravating, abrasive, and torturous 'affection,' in the coming days, Talesyr said scathingly, absolutely exasperated with Jansen.
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Virtues walked along silently, her ocean blue eyes scanning the icy terrain, loosing her footing here and there but quickly recomposed herself before anyone could take notice. Everyone seemed to be conversing in their own little groups, and she enjoyed watching them. She always enjoyed company, but she was never unhappy to just be alone, basking in the silence and peace....

Just as the peace came, it went, as a boy went skidding across the ice into a pile of snow a few feet away. She couldn't help but let a soft laugh spill gently from her lips, then quieted down as he began cussing and shouting, she strained her neck to catch a glance at what was bothering him, but stopped in her tracks at the sight of a body.

Oh My, The goddess of Nature mumbled, taking the words out of Virtues' mouth. The blonde haired girl could only stare in horror before forcing herself to look away, swallowing hard.
Alex looked at him, a cold, unusually angry look in his eyes.

"Shut up."

He stalked off, well to the front of the group.

What's wrong Alex?

"He has no respect for the dead. None."

I know. But we have to get along.

"If he gets in my way again he will be the next one I burn."


"Don't Ignir."
@LannaRae @PurpleManiacSquirrel @Emperor Shadow IV @UnholyRedemption @Demure~Star @Nyx @shsl-dreamer @Rai-ndeer @Pandanonymous @Nico @CrackerPower @KayleighBee @Flabbysaurus @AngelSariel @Chava

Aki was still at the head of the group, watching.

They had such a long way to go.

Stop. I sense something. Zeorexe said suddenly.

Immediately stopping, Aki looked around.

"What is it? Everyone stop!" He called out. Above? Nothing. Around them? Perfectly flat and normal. What was going on.

A huge rumble shook the ice and nearly made Aki fall down.

"What in blazes was that!" Aki said.

GET BACK. BELOW! BELOW! Zeorexe shouted. Too late.

The ice in front of the group exploded and they were all pushed back by the force of air. Water shot up and created a huge mist cloud. Within the mist, was a shadow so large, it seemed unimaginable. It was smaller than the Empire State Building but not by much.

Humans... I love the smell. The smell of fear..... a voice rumbled. The shadow moved and out of the mist was the largest dragon and the only dragon anyone had ever seen. It's teeth were the size of the group's smallest member. It swiped it's tongue around and stared at them with piercing, blue eyes.

Only half of the body was visible. The other half seemed to still be submerged in the ocean. The dragon's long neck swirled around and got right in front of the group.

Humans. How I've longed to smell them again. Tell me. Are you crunchy? How should I cook you? the dragon's mouth moved with a deep, low, growling voice.

T-That's Vandubad, the Ice Dragon, Chaos of the World.
Zeorexe whispered, shocked. We killed him millenniums ago. How is this possible?

Vandubad laughed loudly, making Aki cover his ears and making him wake from his utter shock.

Being dead has taught me a few things. It's helped me learn how to never make mistakes like I did last time. You know what else I learned? Revenge. Revenge is a powerful thing. My revenge was so great that my lady, Nuanen, rose me from the dead so I can face the partners of the gods. He laughed again. Doesn't seem like much. Looks more like some tasty snacks.

Aki spoke up, although his voice was wavering.

"D-don't underestimate us! We'll fight you and kill you."

I'll scatter your remains all over the Deadlands. You'll never walk this world again Vandubad. Zeorexe swore.

Vandubad stared at them, his eyes narrowing.

Face me then. Show me your power snacks.

"We have a water goddess on our side and her partner! We've already won this battle! You're fire-breathing will be useless." Aki said confidently.

Indeed! Well said Aki. Zeorexe agreed.

Vandubad curled his jaws in a smile.

I was an Ice Dragon. Yet all dragons breath fire. That's what it used to be. However, you don't think my mistress, Nuanen, would really let me be what I was before. Fire!? HA! Let me show you my fire snacks!

He opened his jaw and roared. Instead of fire, a stream of razor sharp icicles shot out right toward the group.

"RUN!" Aki's cry came out seconds before the torrent of ice shot out.

Alex, fueled by Ignir, shot around faster than should be humanly possible, and blasted fire out of his hand, turning the rain of icicles into a light mist. Then he collapsed to his knees.

"Ignir, what's happening?"

Channeling my power through you is burning out your energy faster than planned.

"But the others need me."

But if your life force burns out you'll be a hollow shell. You'll be useless.

"Then how the hell will we fight this thing?"

Carefully, and with the help of the others.
Virtues looked infront of her, her eyes widening behind her glasses as Aki began to shout, but his voice was muffled by the sound a cracking ice and a force strong enough to send her flying backwards, landing on her back with a thud, a moan escaping her mouth as she fought to regain her breath and find the glasses that had slipped from her face. Her fingers glazed over the familiar frame over them and she quickly pulled them back over her eyes, scrambling to her feet, finding Aki running past her, then turned to Tihathaua, the nature goddesses eyes were wide with astonishment.

Go! Run Virtues! The goddess shouted, as the blonde haired girl took off after Aki, her breath coming out in gasps.

"Where the hell did this thing come from!" She shouted, but her voice was swallowed up by the roar of the dragon. Turning around, now out of the dragons range she clenched her fist,

"Lets kill Dragon" She shouted, a growl rumbling in her throat, planting her feet she faced the beast along side the group. She felt power, bubble within her as Tihathuau prepared to fight.
Minna watched enviously as Alex worked, cremating the corpse. She clasped her hands together in front of her chest, dropping her head slightly as her eyes closed, and she said a short prayer. Moments after finishing, she looked up to hear Aki yelling about something. Her head turned when he heard Dios yell her name a fourth time, now more urgently than before. Her eyes went wide at the sight before her. She almost couldn't believe it, and she probably wouldn't have if the whole Gods and Goddesses inside of cards thing had never come along.

Minna ran out of the way of the ice torrent, breathing a sigh of relief as the spikes turned to mist just as one were about to graze her cheek.

Be careful Minna... Vandubad was a strong opponent when we defeated him previously... and he looks to have gotten even stronger... Dios warned. Minna took a fighting stance, skidding so she was along side Virtues. She had a smile on her face, and her eyebrows furrowed as adrenaline coursed through her.

"Alright, alright! Lets do it!" She called out, her voice not wavering in the slightest. Of course she was afraid, but knew that wouldn't help anything. She had to be stronger... stronger than she was when she was a child and had everything taken from her. "What's the plan!?" She called out, both to Dios, and out loud to the group. Surely they weren't going to just charge this giant beast.

She glanced over at Alex, in time to see him collapse to his knees. She almost ran to him, but shifted her eyes back to the dragon, unsure of what the best course of action would be.
I think he's angry, Talesyr said stating the obvious, in response to Alex's words and departure.

'He's more of a martyr than I thought,' Jansen mused.

Perhaps, child, you could be a little less spiteful. And a little less, what humans call, a pain in the ass, Talesyr said.

Jansen was about to reply, when the ice in front of him exploded.

"Goddamn," said Jansen, as he quickly slid around, and dodged the icicles that came crashing down. "I was hoping this would be easy, you know, like a walk in the park." He skidded back, as a icicle came haphazardly close to piercing him. "But now that I think about, walking in metres of snow isn't that easy."

Jansen, pulled off his gloves, and stuffed them into his pocket.



He instantly dropped down, and pressed his hands into the snow. The snow rippled and packed upon itself, layer and layer, until it formed some sort of ambiguous form, roughly the size of a bear. From the snowman, and from his hands, there was some sort of invisible string that was connecting them both. Jansen had made a puppet. The first he had ever constructed of that size.

Could be prettier, Talesyr murmured.

'I'm usually not one to say this, but it's not the time for jokes,' Jansen thought back.

What's wrong, Jansen? Are you afraid? Talesyr asked coldly, emotionlessly.

Jansen stiffened for a second, and then relaxed. He smiled. 'I am not.'

Good. Because here comes Vandubad.
Elissa gasped, and watched the scene with horror. Things were moving so quickly, and the girl was just...frozen in her tracks. She snapped out if it soon enough, and started running through the snow with everyone else. She heard the sharp sound of equally as sharp icicles. She lunged forward just in time dodge one,which was melting to water as it touched her, and got away with a thin scratch on her back. She gritted her teeth as Nesa quickly removed her partner's wound. She looked up just in time to see Alex falling to his knees. Her eyes widened, and she made a risky run over to him.

"Alex, wha--"

She heard a loud, rumble laugh, and she urged Alex to keep going. She could do anything to fight off the beast.

But she could heal her team.
Alex felt a massive amount of energy flow through him. Of course. Elissa's partner was the goddess of life. Of course she could sustain his life energy.

"Are you ready for this Ignir?"

Now I am.

Alex stood up and got in front of Elissa.

"Hey Vandubad!"

The ice dragon turned to look at him.

"What do you want, you foolish mortal? Would you like to be the first to die?"

Alex laughed. "Nuanen was a fool in taking your fire. Because fire melts ice."

With that Alex raised his hands, and out of his palms came a blast of fire like none he'd ever accomplished before. It hit the dragon directly in the face, sending it reeling, and then Alex just passed out.
Josh thanked Alex for the mango and quickly devoured. Damn I wished I savoured the taste, that's something I've never had before.

Just be glad you got some food, you were degraded to eating cereal bars every few hours before we got here Kxutom said. Josh nodded with a small laugh and was about to check his bag to see how much he had left of his dwindling supplies, however he was interrupted by a loud rumbling noise coming from the ice in front of them. Josh took a few cautious steps back before the explosion from the ice sent him flying back.

"Craaaap!" was the only thing that came to mind for Josh as he flailed through the air and hit the ice with a thud.

Josh! Josh are you okay? Kxutom said with a worried tone.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine" Josh said as he stood up to face Vandubad.

Good now get ready because Vandubad is no laughing matter, he could crush you with a single swipe if your not careful. Josh nodded and just as he did Vandubad shot icicles at Josh and the rest of the group. Josh quickly dove to the right to avoid most of them and the few that were about to hit him melted into water.

Josh ran over to the rest of the group "any idea as to how to kill this thing" he asked as he took a fighting stance as if he was about to enage in fisticuffs with it.

Josh keep your distance and stay spread out slightly, you don't want everyone to be taken out in a single attack Kxutom shouted, becoming tense from the battle that was about to unfold.

"Good idea Kxutom. Everyone stay spread out but not too much. We don't want everyone to get taken out at once with those icicles" Josh shouted as he shifted backwards and took his gloves off. Sparks flew off of each hand. As Alex fainted from the powerful attack Josh began to form bolts of lightning in each hand, this was there chance to attack while Vandubad was stunned. Josh threw the first bolt at the dragons head and the second at where he though the water was. Josh hoped he could electrocute this thing.
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Elissa immediately focused all of her energy on Alex as he blasted the dragon. She squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth...she opened her eyes, and saw Alex fall over unconscious in the snow. Her eyes widened, and she shook him gently.

"Alex! Alex get up!" she said, a tone of urgency in her voice.
Jansen watched as Alex collapsed onto the snow.

"Yep, definitely a martyr," Jansen said. Unfortunately the giant dragon wasn't entirely done. Though most of its face had melted beyond recognition, the rest of its body was still intact, towering over them in absolute, blind fury.

A shower of icicles, shimmering like crystals, crashed down upon them.

Mentally connected to Jansen, the snowman puppet curled around Jansen as protection upon mental command.

The icicles were harmlessly buried into the snowman.

Careful. Your puppet lines are yours. The energy, the life comes from you, Talesyr warned.

"That would explain why I feel like I just ran marathon," Jansen said slightly out of breath, "I've never made something so big before."
Minna watched as the powerful blast came from Alex and Ignir. Her eyes went a bit wide, as she realized the extent of his powers of fire thanks to Elissa and Nesa. Before she knew it a quiet, "Wow..." had escaped her lips, and she was off running toward them, skidding and standing before the two of them.

"Elissa! Alex!" She cried out, turning her head to give the two of them a once over. Alex seemed to be passed out, and Elissa seemed in a bit of a panic. She turned back to the beast as a string of icicles paraded toward them once again. She quickly removed her gloves, letting them fall to the ground and pointed her hands out in front of her. "Dios! I need you!" She called out, and almost instantly, a gust of wind erupted from her hands, pushing the icicles off course and into a snow bank. She looked back at Elissa and Alex, gritting her teeth a bit before nodding at Elissa.

"Don't worry Elissa! We're gonna win!" She said, managing a quiet giggle before running off toward the dragon, a whirlwind erupting from her hand and surrounding the beast. She looked over at Jansen, and then at Josh and Virtue. We've got to win Dios! She thought, and he replied promptly with, And so we shall...
Elissa stood up and nodded.

"Right." she said, determined. She grabbed one of Minna's hands after running after her and put it forward. She closed her eyes and focused on Minna. Her powers...

She felt a blast of energy surge down her arm and to her hand.

"ATTACK!" she yelled, forcing all of her energy into Minna.

"Ready!" Aki shouted. His hands glowed and he thrust them forward, shooting what appeared to be lasers out of his hands.

Be accurate as you can. You'll push yourself to far. Zeorexe warned.

Aki nodded and continued to fire, landing direct hits although they did not seem to deter the dragon.

Vandubad screeched in pain as Alex burnt his face. He shielded himself with his massive arms and shied away.


He roared and blew out icicles once again, narrowly missing Aki.

Enough of this. You die. Now.

Vandubad sank his claws into the ice and pulled himself higher. And higher. And higher. It wasn't long until the bottom half of Vandubad's body was above the ice. His full body was almost twice the size of the Statue of Liberty. He roared defiantely, swiping at all of them. His mighty wings throwing massive forces of wind.


Vandubad charged them and swiped them all away, throwing them back a good distance.

Aki was thrown back and hit the ice, hard.

He cried out with pain as he felt his leg. Broken.

Aki! Zeorexe called out with concern.

"Don't worry about it right now. We have to defeat Vandubad!" Aki shouted and tried his best to shoot but was slowly losing energy.
Minna felt Elissa grab her hand, and was a bit surprised, but only for a split second. The wind tunnel that surrounded the dragon subsided, as it was mostly just a means to distract the dragon and couldn't cause any real damage. She giggled quietly, taking the hand that wasn't held by Elissa and holding it straight out in front of her like a sword.

"Now we're talking!" She called out as she felt Elissa and Nesa's power surge through her. "Watch this!" She smiled, slashing the arm out in front of her just like a sword. Instantly, with each slash, a sharp razor wind formed, and flew toward the dragon. If they were to hit, they would act just as the blade of a sword would have, cutting the dragon.

As soon as the razor wind was released from her hands though, she was thrown back, clinging to Elissa's hand and wincing at the dragons power. He was huge! She couldn't believe her eyes, for she had never seen something so large before. Luckily, she'd landed in a snow bank, and it had somewhat buffeted her fall, but in the scramble, she'd lost Elissa's hand, and had no idea where Alex had ended up. She flailed around in the snow, trying to stand and ready herself for another attack.

"Dios!" She called out, sending more razor winds toward the dragon and falling to one knee, quickly becoming exhausted. They were not nearly as powerful as when Elissa had taken her hand, and she could tell they probably wouldn't do much damage, but she was desperate and mustered up anything she could. She would not lose.

We cant keep this up for much longer Minna... The group has to act fast! She heard Dios call out. To this Minna nodded, stumbling a bit before standing on two feet once again. She was covered in snow from the snow bank, but the adrenaline coursing through her veins kept her somewhat warm and she could barely feel the cold.
Elissa screamed as she was torn away from Minna. She flew through the air, and was thrown into a pile of snow. The force of her fall was so great, she was maybe fifteen feet in. She gasped as more snow blew into the hole she had created. She screamed again as the snow weighed down on her.

She couldn't move...she had given all of her energy to Minna. More snow toppled into the hole and on the girl.

She was being buried alive.
Minna froze at what she thought was a piercing scream coming from far away. She gasped when she realized it was actually Elissa, buried in a pile of snow. She looked around, trying to locate the girl. She couldn't see anything! She started to panic, frantically searching for the girl buried in the snow.

"Elissa!! Elissa can you hear me!!?" She cried out, her hands outstretching and blowing gusts of wind at a couple of snow banks, in an attempt to locate Elissa. "Dios! I cant find her!" She called, biting her lower lip as panic started to take over. She was feeling weaker by the second, and had no idea where the girl had landed.

Keep your composure Minna! Nothing good will come of you losing it. She heard Dios's in charge voice resonate through her thoughts. She closed her eyes for a second, taking in a few deep crisp breaths and letting the cold air cool her lungs and calm her. Good. Now focus your energy. His voice calmed her, and for a split second she thought of what she would have done if he hadn't been there. Dont. Was his simple reply at her thought, and with that she could feel Dios focusing his thoughts to Nesa, attempting to call out to her and pinpoint exactly which snow bank they were buried in.
The snowman puppet wrapped itself around Jansen, cushioning his fall. It was deconstructed as the snowman hit the ice full force. Quickly, Jansen brought the puppet back together, the snow merging back together to form the ambiguous shape again. Jansen was momentarily frozen, he was stuck between the option of defense and attack.

'Talesyr, I think I'm gonna split.'

You're not ready.

'God damnit.'
Jansen replied, but he didn't disobey. He knew when Talesyr was being serious. He had to take his word for it.

He chose defense. Jansen sent his snowman to break the fall of the others. It arrived a second too late, and Jansen watched as Aki crashed onto the ice. Swiftly, the puppet managed to wrap itself around Aki, and it pulled him to Jansen.



Jansen bend down to help Aki up, "Hey there, how does standing up sound? I know you can't and stuff, but hey, you can try sliding, okay? Looks like a fracture, not completely disjointed, that's good." Jansen said hurriedly, although he tried to keep his tone calm.
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Virtues's gaze narrowed, watching the dragon before she averted her gaze to Tihathaua, the goddess meeting her gaze boldly,

"Ready?" The blonde hair girl questioned her godddess, who simply nodded. Virtues adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose then bent down, placing both her hands against the icy ground.

Go ahead Virtues, Tihathaua mumbled, the goddess sounded nervous, but at the same time, she trusted the girl.

Virtues allowed the nature goddess' power to flow through her, into the ground, large jungle vines flowed from her hands, breaking the ice as they travelled under ground, heading towards the dragon. Suddenly they shot up in front of the beast, running up wards, lacing around the dragons forelegs and up to it's snout, binding it closed, momentarily.

"Hurry! Someone attack! I'm don't now how long the vines will hold!" She panted, beads of sweat dripping off her forehead.
Josh panted heavily, creating two bolts of lightning had tired him quickly but he still had some energy left in him.

Good Josh those bolts had some real power behind it but you've got to be more accurate. Focus Kxutom said to Josh.

"Okay...I...will" was the most Josh could say between breaths. Josh prepared another bolt to hit Vandubad with. The lighting grew larger in Josh's hand and became an even brighter White (tinted slightly blue). Josh pulled back his arm and aimed at the now even bigger Vandubad's face.

Good Josh, focus until your certain it will hit. After a few more seconds Josh was confident he had the aim right, Vandubad certainly wasn't going anywhere in the short time it would take for the lighting to hit. So he quickly launched the lightning at Vandubad again at a great speed as sparks flew off of it and his hands. Unfortunatey for Josh it required a lot of energy and he was barely standing.
CrackerPower said:
The snowman puppet wrapped itself around Jansen, cushioning his fall. It was deconstructed as the snowman hit the ice full force. Quickly, Jansen brought the puppet back together, the snow merging back together to form the ambiguous shape again. Jansen was momentarily frozen, he was stuck between the option of defense and attack.
'Talesyr, I think I'm gonna split.'

You're not ready.

'God damnit.'
Jansen replied, but he didn't disobey. He knew when Talesyr was being serious. He had to take his word for it.

He chose defense. Jansen sent his snowman to break the fall of the others. It arrived a second too late, and Jansen watched as Aki crashed onto the ice. Swiftly, the puppet managed to wrap itself around Aki, and it pulled him to Jansen.



Jansen bend down to help Aki up, "Hey there, how does standing up sound? I know you can't and stuff, but hey, you can try sliding, okay? Looks like a fracture, not completely disjointed, that's good." Jansen said hurriedly, although he tried to keep his tone calm.
"Ah! Y-yeah. I think I can stand, if just for a little bit." Aki replied, wincing in pain.

He wobbly stood up, keeping off his leg as much as he could.

He heard Virtues shout and watched as the vines grappled Vandubad. Aki responded to her call and fired off a series of shots, hitting the dragon's face.

(I need a volunteer to put the dragon down! Don't kill him though xD )
Elissa! Elissa get up! Come one!

The goddess tried to awaken her companion, who was slipping out of consciousness. She now was suffocating her, and she couldn't move. It was so heavy.

Suddenly, Nesa could feel Dios trying to call her. Nesa attempted to send out signs where Elissa was.


Elissa shivered, trying desperately to keep herself conscious. She had already used most of Nesa's energy to help Minna with her amazing attack on the beast.

Hold on, they're coming. Just hold on for a few more moments!


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