The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

Elissa began to trail after Aki, but paused at the words of another boy...the god of fire...

She stopped and turned to him studying him closely. There was a fairly large circle aro about und his feet where the snow had melted.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about that." she said, glancing him up and down. "The ice is probably miles thick. Even if you did start melting it, it would take days for you to run into any water. Besides, that bit of water left is turning to ice as we speak."

She bit the inside of her cheek.

"Besides, I walked all the was across the Atlantic to get here...but of course, I had Nesa who was pretty much sustaining me the whole way." she sighed, tugging at her hair. "I don't think it'll be a problem."

Nesa beamed at Elissa's words.

Well, come on then, the only thing that won't freeze is our time, which is no doubt running out. Nesa said.
Aki nodded.

"Also this snow is part of Nuanen's power. If I remember correctly from Zeorexe, Ice is stronger than her snow meaning it probably wouldn't melt even with your power. It might have if Ignir was at his full power but since they are sealed within the cards, I highly doubt you'll melt through. Besides, I'm sure we have someone in our group who could help you." Aki said.

That is correct. Zeorexe agreed.
Elissa looked at Aki again, sneaking a look at her face before he was able to notice.

Why do you have a pit in your stomach, Elissa?

Elissa's face flushed a deep scarlet and she shook her head, turning fully away from the boy. She scooped up some snow and buried her face in it to calm down her blush.

"A-alrighty then!" she laughed, looking up from the snow. "W-we ought to go then, right?"

Nesa snickered.
Aki glanced at her confused.

"Aren't we going right now?" He asked, still walking.

The girl is confused.

(Short post. Forgive me!)
Maya, ignored by Christopher as he lost himself in his thoughts only followed behind quietly, hands shoved into her pockets so that she could try to remain hidden. After all, what if she hurt someone? The panic made her uncomfortable. With a light hum she lowered her head, only following by the sounds of the others steps. 'Esol...Esisc...I'm afraid to fight her. What if someone dies?' She asked, ignoring the fact that the fear presented itself upon her features, her emotions already riling up.

She got no reply.

With a pout the girl pulled her hands from her pockets, wrapping them around her as she pulled the hood of her cloak up.Why? It was natural for her to hide now. Only when she heard Christopher call her did she peak up from her gaze at the ground to see what was occurring. However, when her eyes were set upon her only sibling she shuddered, concealing herself further as she stood behind Christopher.


Christopher as usual was lost within thoughts, mostly due to the situation he was currently placed within. They were to kill a God. That by itself seemed like something one would call impossible. Were mortals even able to complete such an act? Gently, he sighed before shaking his head, yellow eyes peering up to stare at the sky that had long since turned grey. It was depressing.

'Why not do what you usually do, conceal reality in front of your own eyes?" Xsokat asked.

He shook his head, a frown on his lips. "
Because Xsokat, there are times I must be observan-" A grin came to his lips as he nodded. "Such as now." He added before he took off over towards Elissa. Of course, he motioned for Maya to follow despite the fact he knew she would hate to do so. She had to remain near him so he could play fail safe for her.

Throwing two arms around her neck, a polite grin upon his features as he spoke.
"Hello once again little cousin." He stated, slowly releasing her to take a step back, although remaining at her side as he walked. "How are you?" He asked, pushing his green hair back slightly to remove the strands from his face.
Nesa continued laughing at her ditzy partner.

"Y-yes! I know, I knew that! I mean, of course if I didn't know I wouldn't be moving but I said it because I thought we had to--"

She was cut off by the sudden embrace of a taller hair...amber eyes...she first didn't even recognize him. She gave him a sort of shocked expression, her mouth open like a goldfish, and her own amber eyes wide. Her eyebrows raised when she realized that it was her cousin, one she hadn't seen in so long.

How could he be so casual?

After a few seconds of being confused, she snapped out of it and continued shuffling along beside him. She stared at the snow at she walked, watching her feet push it out of the way...what could she say?

"I'm...I'm..." she stuttered, trying to finish the sentence without forgetting the English language or something stupid.

"...fine." she managed quietly. "It's been a w-while, hasn't it?"

She couldn't help but glance around for Maya...wherever Christopher was, Maya wasn't far behind. If a passerby looked at Elissa, they'd think she was in some horrible pain.
Christopher grinned slightly before patting her head. "It has Elissa but you should calm down." He added, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he stuffed his hands into his pocket. "As long as I'm here what happened wont be repeated by her." He warned before reaching up to stretch his arms. The travel had quite an impact upon him.

He slowed slightly, not enough to stray from her side but enough to yawn, his limbs stretching for a second.
"To long." He murmured before a frown came to his lips. He always wanted to take care of the two sisters and it had become increasingly hard to do so. "Hey, Elissa...You know that you are scared of her, or whatever you are but she is terrified of you as well." He had to add, ruffling his hair.

"I dont understand it."

With a frown he turned to look at her, still walking as Maya hid.
"It was neither of your faults yet you seem to repel each other." He pointed out.Christopher honestly could not. Those two were once so close it would be considered adorable by anyone who saw the pair but now it was like they burned themselves if they came in reach of one another. He wasn't going to tell her that Maya had set up many plans in hopes of stopping the Alter if she escaped.

After all, the Alter would go for Elissa in revenge for her eye.
Elissa bit the inside of her cheek, but didn't say anything. That afternoon was one she could remember as clearly as she could see her own reflection. Every detail didn't hesitate to manifest itself and then mesh into a miserable pool of regret...and oh, how she felt the sting of regret. She could still feel the smooth, cold metal between her tiny fingers...she could remember the horrid squish of the fork plunging directly into the eye of the one who was supposed to protect and love her...she could still feel the hands. The smooth, strong hands tightening around her neck like a noose...

But the screams that she and her sister gave as the eating utensil forever blinded one of those striking blue eyes...those intertwining screams...

She heard them in her nightmares every single night.

"Not everything is meant to be understood." she replied simply, clearly showing she would not discuss the subject and further.
He rolled his eyes before grinning. "Sure, Sure Princess." There was once a time where he called both sisters that but he had not for a while. He wanted to sort them both out and one option was simply waiting till both were asleep to play some harmful tricks on them both till they did. Well, if they didn't do it by some careful nudging them the man would easily choose to take that route.

"Don't call me that."

Elissa raised an eyebrow at him. Nicknames bothered her...any nickname. Once her mother tried calling her Eli...

"Oh, Eli, you have such pretty hair..."

"Who's Eli?"

"That's you!"

"But that's not my name."

"It's a nickname, darling."

"My name's not Nick either!"

It made both of her parents laugh so hard...they thought she was a riot.

Elissa never really understood the concept of a nickname...the idea of someone calling someone else something that wasn't their name confused her. Why give someone two names when they already had one?

"...where is she." Elissa managed, looking at him. It wasn't a question, more of a demand. "She's here, isn't she? Where?"
Now that made him curious.

A grins stretched upon his sly lips as he leaned down to her height, eyes glimmering with mischief as he began to whisper. Family bussiness was family bussiness after all.
"Why should I tell her to reveal herself? After all she does not want to." He murmured into her ears, grinning devilishly. "She is scared to hurt you again." He paused, lips revealing ivory teeth. "So, tell me why I should get her to come out? It's not such a hard task to do but I want to know your plans." He wasn't being rude, by no means was he and all his family knew about his personality. He was a trickster and this was the best way to care for both girls.
"I don't want her to come out." Elissa growled. "I want to know where she is. I don't like being watched from afar, I'm not an animal."

She narrowed her eyes a bit. She hated being watched...especially by her.

"She can do what she wants..." Elissa said in a voice that was barely audible. "I don't care what she does."

Elissa sped up to bit, passing by Christopher.
Go ahead and inject yourself into this group, Raph. As much as I applaud your silence in all this why don't you talk to them and maybe stop lagging behind. I know you want to talk to them. Hahaha. No need to thank me, the Goddess Usere knows all.

"The Goddess Usere has approximate knowledge of everything it seems. I want to and several chances flew me by. I think I'll just wait until they're all done. Common courtesy and all, something the Goddess Usere lacks. Now let's not be rude."

Raph allowed himself a smile amd chuckle at the expense of the trickster. Usere knew that it would take some time before Raph actually works up the courage to speak to others, as was evidenced when they had first met. He followed who looked like the leader who suggested they head North, to Canada it seems, across frozen oceans to wherever. More frozen oceans didn't exactly warrant a reaction from the Raph, he had already traveled through a lot of frozen oceans to get to the Empire State Building, a few more couldn't hurt.

Of course this early in the expedition and Raph could already sense a few clashing opinions and such from the group. General conflict before a journey was never a good idea. He could try to defuse it and Usere can defuse the tension so early, but trickery could only warrant a certain extent of trust, definitely not the kind that most teams of protagonists share to defeat the evil deity or whatever. He hoped it was a simple thing for them to hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see.

"I wonder if they can even hear me?" He asked in a loud voice.

With that loud of a voice, I doubt it.
You know you should at least properly introduce yourself Josh, that's a good start.

"It's a bit late to introduce myself now Kxutom everyone already has, I'll just do it later or something you can talk to your brothers and sisters again if you want we've got a long journey ahead of us" Josh mumbled as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and realised how low charge he had. That was until a quick zap of electricity was produced from Josh's finger and his phone was quickly charged.

"Oh come on ninety nine percent? One of these days I'll get it bang on" Josh said to himself as he plugged in his head phones and put them in his ears. When he started to play music he pushed his phone under the many layers of clothing so ice didn't begin to form on it.

I swear Josh you value that more than your own life. I don't know how you'd live without it! Even with Kxutom's slightly raised voice (which was still very loud) blaring into Josh's head he was practically oblivious to everyone now, including Kxutom. Kxutom was about to lecture Josh once again but he sighed and decided he'd give the boy some rest for once. He did have a long journey ahead of him after all.
"Good," said Jansen to Alex, "we'll use you as the snowplough, problem solved." He said seriously, though the effect was ruined when he couldn't quite hold the act, and let a smile creep on to his face. Jansen cleared his throat, he was silent for a second before he heard a loud voice exclaim.

He turned to look at Raph. "No. We can't hear you, I-"

Jansen, pay attention to this boy, Talesyr whispered.

Jansen withdrew slightly. He understood.

"...Ahem. I welcome you to join our lovely, slightly argumentative discussion, as we try to figure out how to get to Canada without walking 6000 kilometres, cause then someone will need to carry me. Well, I ran out of smart ideas after the Canada pun. But I bet you have ideas, don't you?"

'Why?' Jansen asked Talesyr silently, conversing through thought.

Because, unlike you, he is clever.

'Talesyr, you're so lovely.'
Alex almost laughed. Almost. He preferred to let out a slight scoff-like laugh. This boy was funny.

Do not let him distract you. You know what happens-

"When fire isn't controlled yeah yeah I know Ig."

My name is not Ig, and I do not respond to nicknames, I am an immortal god-

"Who just happens to have gotten himself trapped in a card, along with all of the other gods? I thought, with the whole fire thing, you would have been able to fight Nuanen at least."

Ice is quick and inconspicious until it breaks and takes you under. Despite that, you and I may be the best hope for all.

"Seriously? I didn't realize gods could be so arrogant and cocky."

I am the god of fire, of course I'm arrogant, and so are you, it's one of the many things we have in common, and one of the reasons I picked you.

"Whatever. Go talk to your brothers and sisters, I don't feel like talking to you right now." With that Ignir's presence left his mind and Alex relaxed, falling into stride next to Aki.
Jansen almost tripped as he skidded on ice. He stifled a groan, but suddenly, he perked up.

"Back home, people used to travel long distances by Eurostar. I mean the trains don't physically move anymore, but people would go under the English Channel, instead of over it which is a lot warmer, and each abandoned train along the way is like a little rest station."

Jansen pulled off the backpack he was wearing, and unzipped it. He dug through layers of different clothing, until he finally felt his hand close upon something. He pulled out a fruit.

"This is a mango," Jansen said. "They're kind of very, very rare. The good thing about going to university during this ice age, is that everyone you work with is studying, and they're smart enough to insulate the building, harness wind energy to a sufficient enough standard to power the campus, and come up with a hydroponics lab to preserve these species and grow food," Jansen explained.

And just stole something very rare...Talesyr mused.

"I have access, I'm a trusted researcher...sort of. Okay, I stole the access card. So what? It's a plant, they've got another one growing. No big deal," Jansen replied with nonchalance. "Anyways, we can follow the rail, so we don't get lost, even if some of it is buried in ice. It'll be easier to walk. We'll use the abandoned trains to rest and sleep in. When we hit a major southern city in Canada, Toronto or something, we'll stock up on food. The first person who knows a rail, that connects the U.S to Canada, wins probably the only mango you'll ever have until this freeze is over."

'Clever enough for you, Koekje?'

It's not quite an original idea is it?
Talesyr replied, Yet how long did that take you to think of, a century?

'Hmm, I'll try again in the next century, alright? That's enough thinking for a hundred years.'
Jansen joked.
Wow, that one's got a mouth.

"Don't we all Usere?" Raph responded to the deity with his thoughts.

"It's not like I've got any idea on anything right now, I've only ever been following the plain look back and you'd see me. Thing is I already introduced myself a few minutes ago and no one bat an eyelash. Now I'm just worried about the overall awareness of the group you know? Oh yeah and good idea on stockpiling food on the way North, god knows I've had to ration a very small amount of food on my journey here. "

Raph just placed his sentiments out there. He doubted anyone except this guy, Jansen or so Usere said his name was, was even listening to him or his little issue and yet even that felt like a stretch. Well Raph wasn't one to get into arguments and he wasn't one to leave and argument either. There was already infighting before they even reached Canada or left the States, he wasn't too keen on starting an argument now. He kept his pace at the rear, following the group and trying to be as amused as Usere was with all that's happening.
Elissa, in her annoyance, of course didn't pay attention to the icy patches she was walking over.

Elissa! Elissa look where you're going, you stupid girl!


After a ridiculous attempt to stay up, complete with arm swinging and torso leaning, the girl toppled over...face first into the snow.


Nesa gave a sigh at her clumsy partner.

Girl, you need to be more careful!

"I am careful!" she said, the snow muffling her voice. "I meant to do that."
Alex turned around as someone fell behind him, and walked over to her. He crouched down and offered a hand.

"It seems you're in need of assistance, want me to help you up?"

Ignir scoffed in his head. What's with you and helping all these girls? It's like you have hero syndrome or something.

Alex chose to ignore him, instead helping the girl to her feet and smiling.

"Be more careful, ice is slippery you know."
"I know...but you don't have to worry about the ice." Elissa sighed, taking notice of the melting ice and snow around his feet. She stood up with the help of his was so...warm. And she hadn't any gloves or mittens, and he hands were practically frozen. She actually held onto his hand a few second longer than she should have, just to get that warmth.

Elissa...Elissa you're making him uncomfortable.

The girl, after hearing those words, immediately let go, but still, being in his presence warmed her. Who needed a fire when they had a moving heater? This was great!

Then, her face shot a bright red after she realized she was probably a bit too close. She jumped back and exclaimed, "I'm sorry! It's just you are so warm and I've been in the cold for days and and days and I really needed some gloves but i can't get any because I can't find any and I cannot believe I just did that HAHHAHAHAA I'm so weird sometimes don't you think I'm weird oh even I think I'm weird..."

Nesa groaned.
Alex laughed and smiled at her, "It's alright, I don't mind."

He reached into his pack and grabbed a pair of gloves he had managed to snag from the university on the small chance that he actually got cold.

"Here, have these, I don't need them."

He slipped them onto her hands and held his there for a few second longer than proper, then smiled at her.

Of course, this made Elissa's face turn an even brighter shade of red. She laughed, almost maniacally, out of nervousness and thanked him very quickly before saying, "I think I lost something somewhere over there I'm gonna go find it!"

She proceeded to skid away from the boy as fast as she could. She even managed to not fall over. She yanked her hat down at she practically skated to the front of the group.

Elissa. Calm down. You can't have a panic attack every time a guy talks to you!

Yeah, but he didn't just talk to me! H-he held my hands!

Yes, but you held his first.

That was an accident, he was completely cognizant of what he was doing, right? WHY?

Nesa sighed, and didn't bother explaining anything.

It's because you were cold, that's why.
(Hey guys, this has nothing to do with anything, but I completely understand how our characters feel. Because it's -25 degrees Celsius here. And it's sooooooooo cold. Haha, anyways, I'll post soon.)
Alex looked after her, a little confused, but at the same time, an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach

Do not let a girl distract you. You have a job to do, and so does she.

"Ignir, I swear on, well, you, that if you do not butt out of my personal life-"

Ha, foolish mortal, I'm a god, you cannot hurt me.

"I could just hand you to Nuanen, or drop you in a river attatched to a rock to drown for eternity."

You wouldn't dare.

"Don't test me then."

You can be quite icey when you want to be. I'm happy you're partnered with me and not Nuanen.

"Yeah, then you'd all be in trouble."

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