The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

Raph could see first hand the power of a dragon. It began shouting and soon enough shot a torrent that neatly split a minivan in half. No doubt Vandubad was finally seeing his enemy again and was furious at the fact that Usere was still free to roam the land. In a way, Usere was still one of the freer deities even in this ice age. Nothing can root out being a liar in human nature, no blizzard could eliminate the story teller within a creative human, no amount of snow could deter a hungry thief. Nuanen could physically hold Usere in check but her ideals live on in every human being, her influence still spreads to every newborn child, planting in them the seed of being a trickster. They all come out in varying degrees but the end result is still the same, Usere had touched them.

The force of the roar cracked the sky and unhinged a few of the dragon's scales as well. More came apart as the dragon suddenly bolted into the sky after Usere or the image of goddess in his head at least. Raf had to maintain that image but he also had to keep an eye on things that happened in the real world. It was like sleeping with one eye open.

The G forces nearly shook him off the dragon but he held on tight to a scale and prayed that it didn't tear off so soon. The wind all around him was deafening as the dragon began picking up speed to catch the goddess that was mocking him in his head. Each little insult added more pressure to the gas pedal of the dragon, soon enough Raf could steer the dragon into a building or straight onto the ground.

He had time to think about it while he enjoyed his ride. It wasn't every day one could ride a dragon and he needed a little physical touch of Usere's magic. He felt like a child again, soaring through the clouds on the back of a legendary beast that was likely to eat him if he gave his presence away. It didn't matter, there was still magic in this frozen wasteland. It was particularly cloudy overhead so Raf's curiosity was sparked and he made Usere bolt up past the clouds. The dragon followed suit and broke the clouds as well, the sunlight streaming into his face as he saw that the blue sky was his only companion here in above the clouds. Raf didn't certainly expect the clouds to be soft though, even at intense speeds he was enjoying his time on the dragon's back.

Raphael, I believe...nevermind. I shall leave you to your magic.

The voice of Usere entering his head shook him out of his amazement. As thrilling as this all seemed they had a dragon to put down. At the very least Raf experienced in a once in a life time event, no more like once in eternity. He had his fun and now it was time to dive back down into the harsh icy reality below. He made the image of Usere drop suddenly and the dragon flew down to follow the goddess blowing kisses his direction. Then as they neared the ground Raf braced himself for the impact of the dragon diving head first onto the street once more.

It occurred to him that he may just be facing the monster alone. He hadn't really thought out the landing point amid all his excitement and amazement at riding a particularly pissed lizard. He had to have faith in his abilities and dispelled the image of Usere from the dragon's mind. Just in time to have it see the solid pavement that it would abruptly crash into. Sure enough the mental image of the goddess dropped and so did the dragon but to the Vandubad's mind it was still as though he was chasing the goddess across open skies. Raf wondered at how much confusion the dragon must experiencing when the skies were instantly shifted to frozen concrete. Raf had a migraine after he dispelled the image of Usere but now was not the time to entertain such things, a dragon was more pressing than a migraine after all.

He braced for the fall.

Vandubad was flying. Something kept nagging him in the back of his mind.

This is all wrong. No. WAIT! A TRICK!

Vandubad's eyes cleared just in time to see the pavement in front of him. He screeched in surprise and fear but it was too late, he was already too fast. Nothing could stop him.

No. Please!

He brought up his front legs to shield his face but that's when he met the ground. There was boom, louder than any sonic boom and a sick, disgusting crack as his legs, wings, and ribs all snapped as he hit the ground. He couldn't even roar in pain. It hurt to much. Everything hurt.

He failed. He failed.. Vandubad couldn't get his revenge. He was alive but in disgrace. How long until the heroes kill him?

Vandubad whimpered as he lay on the ground. He couldn't move. He didn't want to.

He opened his eyes and saw a boy next to him. are the one who did this. Well played hero...You've beaten me.

Vandubad noticed the boy was on his broken wing. He would've chuckled if it didn't hurt so much. His wing saved and cushioned the fall of the very hero who brought Vandubad down this low.

Vandubad turned his head, as painlessly as he could to stare at the other heroes and their gods/goddesses.

Perhaps you do have a chance at defeating Nuanen.. No. You'll never beat her. Ha. She'll find a way to kill you.

He sighed slowly, wincing in pain as he tried to move. Nothing.

I guess I wasn't meant to get revenge. Will you listen to my story? Or will you kill me? Better yet, just walk away. What will you heroes do?

@LannaRae @PurpleManiacSquirrel @Emperor Shadow IV @UnholyRedemption @Demure~Star @Nyx @shsl-dreamer @Rai-Chan @Pandanonymous @Nico @CrackerPower @KayleighBee @Flabbysaurus @AngelSariel @Chava

(Congratulations! You all made it to the very first Decision! You have 3 options. You can listen to the story of Vandubad, Kill him, or just walk away. This will impact the end result of the roleplay. So choose carefully! Please discuss this in the OOC section on your decision. Then everyone must vote, by putting the number they want to vote for in the OOC Comment on this message. 1 = Story. 2 = Kill. 3 = Walk away)
(Since I know he's still going to be ignored in character interactions even after riding a dragon and severely weakening it I'll just put this right here)

Victory, sweet, sweet victory. Raphael had downed a dragon and rode it prior to making it disable itself. The landing was jarring to say the least and he was lucky he had bitten his tongue or worse during the brief few second impact on the floor. The dragon landed on its legs but the force of the flight was enough to shrug off a lot of his scales. Vandubad was vulnerable now, he was at the mercy of the champions of the gods. Although it struck Raf with some guilt to see such a proud creature brought low by petty tricks, sympathy, a trait he'd have to eliminate entirely to become one with Usere's philosophy.

I do say you presented such a marvelous performance, Raphael.

Please it was nothing, Usere. I learned from the best after all.

You flatter me.

You flatter yourself.

Fair point.

Raphael made his way to a wing and took a good look at the dragon he brought down. It wasn't dead but he could see that it was in immense pain. It was defeated and it was broken, yet Raf felt no urge to step on the creature's pride at all. It had fought well after all and even among thieves, there was honor and respect for it. The dragon praised him for his deed, yet Raf was never one to bask in the spotlight long. He had no response to the dragon's praise without sounding like he was gloating yet he spoke all the same.

"I simply used my knowledge and the environment to my advantage."

He moved up for a closer look at the dragon and walked beside it's head. Aware that he was opening himself to a lethal attack but was confident that Usere could blink him out of there faster than the jaws could close around him. He touched the head resisted the urge to pick the brains for information. It was already enough that he had defiled the creature's thoughts.

What the dragon says is true. He is a minor player in Nuanen's army. By beating him you have proven that you have some sort of chance against her but the odds still stack against us all at least now it still does. Also, a good story is well worth the listen and I plead you to not follow in my or my siblings' footsteps. They would do the same like before and urge their champions to turn a deaf ear. Literally pressure them to slay the lizard where it lays. As I have said they are a proud group that can't see past their prejudices and I assume they still vainly cling to it. Like you, they are numb to my presence most of the time as well.

"For what it's worth, Vandubad, You have my ear for your story. Tell me of your past. I think that there something there would help even the odds against Nuanen, don't you think. I am aware of my gamble, BUT I'LL LISTEN TO YOUR STORY, VANDUBAD."

He said as he took a place beside the dragon and stared at his companions. The very same ones who were numb to his presence for quite a sizable length of the journey. He made the last part louder as if to affirm his decision to listen to the dragon. Now came the majority vote to kill the lizard for a myriad of reasons, some holding merit some as shallow as 'He hurt X, he needs to die.' Wherein X is simply one of his companions who have sustained an injury during the fight. It sounded bad, he felt emotionless but with decisions such as these, emotions rarely let you do what would benefit you the most but what would benefit you in the short term.
'I feel like I should be happy,' Jansen thought as he stumbled out of the building. He was still, as he watched the defeated dragon from a distance. He began to walk towards motionless form. The cold wind howling in his ears, quieting the battle scene down.

'But it's hard when you haven't really won anything.'

...Smiles up child, you don't want to disappoint.

Jansen arrived in time to hear Vandubad's words, his voice echoing in Jansen's head.

Jansen chewed on the inside of his cheek. He stopped himself quickly, and turned to look at Raf, and slowly, a smile made its way onto his face.

"Raf, you're marvelous. And not even a scratch. We ought to leave this whole battle thing to you next time." Jansen said happily.

A bit too much.

'Aren't I always too much?'

Jansen turned to face Vandubad, a smile still plastered on his face, although it was not entirely a nice smile anymore.

"And what shall we do now?" Jansen said, tilting his head slightly, surveying the dragon. His voice was light, but filled with hidden seriousness at the same time.

Leave him broken.

'I don't think so.'

I never thought you were

'I'm not. I just want to hear a few words first,'
Jansen replied, 'before I decide.'
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Alex, limping slightly, stood beside Raf.

"Despite the fact that most of us almost died, I don't believe in depriving any creature of life, no matter what it had done. Just because a lion kills gazelle, does that mean it has to die? Not in my opinion. I will hear the dragon's story."

Alex, I urge you, just burn him to ashes and be done.

"No Ignir."

Alex, if I must, I will take control of you.

"Really? I'd love to see you try."

Do not test me Alex.

"I'm testing you right now. Go ahead.

Suddenly, within Alex's mind, a sort of battlefield appeared. He stood on one side, nothing in hand. On the other stood the fire god, in full battle armor, flaming poleaxe in hand.

"I warned you not to test me Alex."

Ignir charged him, and Alex ducked out of the way and spun behind him.

"Yes, but you see, this is my mind."

Suddenly, a sword appeared in Alex's hand, and a shiled appeared on his other arm. Both were black, and seemed to almost absorb the light from the battle field. Alex slowly approached Ignir, who stabbed out quickly with his poleaxe, but Alex blocked with his shield, and the fiery weapon was sucked into the black hole of his shield. Alex began attacking with a vengeance, his sword ringing as it left dent after dent in the god's armor, until finally Ignir collapsed.

"I win Ignir."

"That you do. You are truly worthy to be my partner."

With that, Alex returned to reality. Clearly only seconds had passed, and no one had moved, but Alex felt stronger, more energized, and more in tune with Ignir. That was a test, to see if he was truly ready. Alex saw that now.
'Deprived of life?' Jansen thought, repeating Alex's words in his head.

'But we're depriving him of death.'

That was my plan, child.

'I know...'


"But I'm not sure. Some things are better off dead," Jansen said quietly, as he lowered his eyes from the broken and crushed dragon. He didn't think Vandubad wanted to live in pain. He didn't think anybody did. The implications of Jansen's words and thoughts made Talesyr speak.

Jansen...Talesyr started. For the first time since they had met, Talesyr sounded uncomfortable.

'Sorry,' Jansen replied, retreating from Talesyr's mental touch immediately.

He occasionally forgot that he was no longer alone in his own mind, and he had to keep himself alert.
"C'mon don't leave all the fighting to me, I needed you guys to provide me a distraction and Usere to give me a blow by blow account of the plan."

Raf smiled back at Jansen who had praised him for what he did. Although humility was took over Raf's tongue before he could say anything proud. He was simply made that way by his life and Usere, if the spotlight ever fell on him simply let pass on to main character, so to speak.

He was also about to ask if Alex needed any help when he suddenly began talking to himself or to be precise, arguing with his deity. No doubt Usere was right about her brother being hot-headed and most likely voting to kill Vandubad. Well at the very least, the situation wasn't playing out the way he had imagined it to be, which was nice. Being proven wrong from time to time helped plant peoples' feet to the ground.

I still think we should kill him.

Then what? Blunder around blindly in the snow. I am disappointed in you Raphael, I thought I taught you to look further down the road.

Okay, so kill him after his story.

No, I predict this dragon still has a large role to play in your adventure. Do not be so hasty to side with caution, sometimes we tricksters have to be the most daring of them all to attain the necessary confidence to flawlessly practice our trade.

I do not understand you, Usere.

Nor are you supposed to. It would shame my name if you could.
Minna groaned quietly, moving her hand up to her eye and rubbing her eye with it. She looked around the abandoned building, blinking a few times and realizing she had passed out. She looked around the building from her seat on the floor, not seeing anyone. A moment of panic crossed her mind, at being left alone, and then she looked out the doorway, toward where she had been earlier, battling with her team mates. The dragon was on the ground, looking to be in shambles, but still alive. Everyone was gathered around the large beast, and they looked like they were debating something. Everything seemed so much calmer than it had been moments ago.

"How long was I out Dios?" She questioned, pushing herself up so she was standing. The fact that she could even do so without getting dizzy made her smile. Her arm felt a bit tight from having the tape on it, but until they found something sterile to bandage it up correctly with, she would have to deal with it.

I'd say somewhere around a half hour. How do you feel? Dios answered. She could tell by his voice that he'd been worried about her. She was thankful to have such a caring God on her side, albeit a serious one.

"I feel okay... I wonder what the others are talking about..." She trailed off and then suddenly gasped and went wide eyed, holding her left arm where she'd been wounded, with her right hand and running for the door. She said nothing else, but Dios didn't need her words to know what was going on. He had access to something even better, her thoughts. She had remembered Elissa and definitely hadn't seen her standing amongst the group in front of the dragon.

Minna exited the building, looking around and spotting Elissa in the snow where she had been when she passed out. She ran over to her, the snow crunching underneath her boots, and knelt down. She placed her hand on the girls cheek, biting her lip at the coldness. She pulled the scarf around her neck off, pulling Elissa's head up from the ground and wrapping the scarf around her neck neatly. She looked around, sighing quietly when she didn't see her gloves anywhere.

They must be somewhere under all of this snow... She thought more to herself than to Dios. She stood, turning and walking off toward the group, speaking when she'd reached them. "Hey guys! I'm worried about Elissa. She's really..." She went quiet when she picked up on what they were talking about. They were debating on what to do with the dragon, now that he was helpless. Her brows furrowed, and she yelled angrily, "There shouldn't be anything to decide! That big flying MONSTER just tried to kill all of us! We should be returning the favor!"
Josh stood by with the rest of the group around the mighty and powerful dragon now brought to his knees to simple looking teenagers, Josh could help but feel slightly sympathetic. He put on his gloves and listened to what Vandubad had to say. Once Vandubad had finished speaking. Josh began to think which decision to make of the three given.

Josh are you really having to think about this? Kill him!

But what if he gives important information? This information could possibly save one of out lives.

True but this foul creature is out for vengeance on us! A red herring could lead you all to your doom!

Yeah that is a valid piont but we don't have to use the information he gave us. Plus he is almost completely crippled, there is now way he's getting up to attack any of us if you're going to try and argue that. Once he finishes talking then we might kill him. MIGHT! Josh sighed as the argument between him and Kxutom going on in his head stopped, arguing with a such a loud god inside your head was stressful work.

"I agree with listening to him. But after he's told his story...honestly killing him would be a mercy. We should listen to what he has to say first though." Josh said to the rest of the group before turning to Raphael.

"By the way thanks for saving our lives. I worry what would've happened if you weren't here."
"Let's not be so short-sighted, Minna. I could tell you what Usere told me and how I think it could affect the journey later on, but that'd take too much time. I'm all for listening to the dragon's story and keeping him alive. Still though I can't exactly do much to protect the dragon if you all suddenly choose to kill him."

Raphael made his sentiments as clear as the endless white snow that fell from the sky. He wanted to hear the dragon's story and let him live, he wasn't about to devolve into a killer, despite the odds. Though he recalled something he heard from his journey to the States, something that kept bothering him for a while now.

On a truly desolate landscape, strength the only real virtue...

Raphael wasn't trying to be strong.

Intelligence? Empathy? Pity? These are the traits of the dead..

He had used his intelligence to thwart the dragon. He empathized with the people who forge on in this new Ice Age. He pitied the souls lost to the endless winter, for the dragon who had only ever been neglected and misunderstood. He wasn't dead at all, though he could die at any instant. He was one of the weaker, if not the weakest of the entire group.

Raphael turned to Josh, who had apparently implied killing off Vandubad.

"Well, Josh, I was always there, none of you just... you know... looked back."

You wish to spare the dragon? At first I had thought you wanted him dead.

I do. However, if your story held some merit, he'd see us in a new light later down the road. He'd see us as us not you, that we aren't just pawns renamed into whatever title you give us. We could use him, exploit him.

How much do you trust him to actually...aid you?

Enough to know that an honorable creature would keep its word.

And how would you know that Vandubad is honorable?

I don't, sometimes even a trickster leaves everything to the cards.

Foolish words.

I learn to play every role. Besides, would my singular voice matter against the majority decision? Would you honestly think that they'd let him go? No. They'd kill. I just want him to think that this time at least one goddess did not abandon him, that at the end, he had received some form of support from someone other than Nuanen. No. I can't blame the group for their actions, but I honestly believe that this dragon would help us down the road. Naive as it is.

Your naivete will kill you.

Let it try. A leap of faith needs to be taken every now and then.

Your convictions do you credit. There is a way to sate both your party's sentiments and your own. Illusion, I, you have enough power to make them see what they want to see. A dead dragon. If you could implant my image in a dragon's head and keep it flying for quite some time then you may attempt to trick your group. I have faith in your ability and the hubris of my siblings.

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Minna grew impatient quickly, folding her arms across her chest. She had a slight pout on her lips, her brows furrowing. "This is rediculous! Why even bother giving a dragon that tried to kill innocent teenagers a chance to explain himself? He could just turn around and try to kill us again! Once a dragon always a dragon." She cried out, looking at the dragon with her angry face. She tried to look angry and scary, but with her childish demeanor it barely looked anything less than adorable. She was never very good at looking upset.

Minna for once it seems like we're on the same page. The dragon must be put down. Kill him. She heard Dios trying to coax her into doing the deed herself, if no one wasn't. Minna knew that anything the dragon told them could quite possibly be a bald faced lie, and could put them on the fast track to death. It made her feel good, that someone was on her side, even if it was just one other person.

Her eyes looked up to scan the faces of the other teens, a pleading look in her eyes. "Please... Look what happened to Elissa!" She said, her hand sweeping out to point in the direction of the small girl, still unconscious on the ground. "And besides! Everything Vandubad says could be a total lie, and we would never know until it was too late!" She argued, trying to get her point across, tears stinging at the corners of her eyes in desperation. If it was one thing Minna was good at, it was being over-dramatic.
Vandubad winced in pain as he shifted to look at the heroes.

Long ago. Long before Nuanen grew into power. Dragons walked the Earth. I am not just boasting when I say this, we were the second most powerful beings next to the gods. We just lacked the immortality and pure invincibility. You could say we grew bold. Cocky. It was our downfall. That's when you humans came. Filthy creatures that thought about nothing but themselves. We had given you the gift of fire, to warm your homes but you hunted us down. Taking our skin for armor, our heads for trophies, our wings for capes. Us dragons weren't able to realize your....potential. It was too late to strike back when we realized you had become a serious threat to us.

Vandubad sighed as he relived the memories of his past.

We were nearly extinct. Back then, I was known as the strongest of all Dragons. Perhaps you could say I was the king of dragons. In any case, I fought back but our numbers dwindled as their's grew. In a last attempt to save my race, I appealed to the gods to control the humans that they created. They refused. They would not help because they favored their 'new' creation than saving their old one. I was angry. I cursed the gods and flew back to my race but it was already too late. They were all gone by the time I returned from the gods. My grief was unimaginable. The only one who comforted me was Nuanen. She came to me and took pity on me. Nuanen whispered to me "Be careful. Revenge is a powerful thing. It may...hurt the ones who made this happen.."

I was confused. She was warning me to not take revenge but yet the warning had another truth hidden inside. She
did want me to get revenge. I realized that her power fueled my revenge, giving me more power. I challenged the gods and I fought them. I hurt them but I lost in the end. For my punishment, I was sentenced to the darkest pits of the Deadlands. To never again see my race in the afterlife. For thousands of years I swore I would get my revenge. Then... I was awakened by Nuanen. She had taken my revenge but promised I would fulfill it soon enough. She told me the heroes would be passing this way and I was to stop them. I failed her. I failed my race. Because of you. You filthy humans and the gods. Curse you all. How do you like your gods now? After hearing what they did to my race?
Alex looked at Vandubad with a mixture of pity and disgust.

"While I understand your desire for revenge, I don't believe the fall of your race was the fault of humans, or of the gods. In all honesty, it's your own fault. All of your faults. You grew over-confident, and cockiness has been the downfall of all great empires. Your blaming humans for your downfall is unjust."

Of course it is, I'm glad you agree with-

"Quiet Ignir. However, you were as much the gods' children as the humans. In your time of need, the gods should have at least offered you some measure of protection. So I understand your anger Vandubad."

He sighed and looked at his companions. Ignir was not yelling at him in his head, so he must have been either humiliated or enraged. He was fine with that.

"Vandubad, I want to know, do you want to die? Or do you want to be let go? And if we let you free in the world, what will you do?"
Jansen was embarrassed that he had unintentionally let Talesyr glimpse an unshared part of his mind. Jansen slowly recoiled even further away from their mental connection. It was too disconcerting. He would have to handle his thoughts with more caution, cut away the rough edges. Package them neatly, so that Talesyr would not be able to rifle through them and read between the lines, so that he would not be able to share the one space that was close enough to be Jansen's home.

If Talesyr felt the shift in their connection, he didn't show it. He remained silent and unresponsive. Perhaps aware that his words would simply add rain to the snow, and create icy animosity. They were both silent as they listened to the dragon's story.

After Vandubad's tale, Talesyr spoke.

That is life, Talesyr said vindictively to Vandubad, in history, species come and go, replaced by another. Before dragons, there were others.

As gods, we watch over our children, but we do not interfere with what course life takes. Humans replaced dragons for a reason.

"And perhaps, one day humans will be eradicated by another species," Jansen said, finishing Talesyr's words. They were on the same page, as infrequent as that was.
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