The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

Aki nodded to all of the other teenagers, bowing respectfully to each of them.

"Is everyone here..?" Aki asked, wondering if they should start soon.

Then he realized. He didn't really know how they should start. Where do they head to first?

We must head north brethren and humans. North is where our enemy lies in wait. Zeorexe said, projecting her voice to everyone.

"North? Why north?" Aki wondered.

North is where Nuanen first created the ice. That is where she will be defeated or prevail. It is her weakness and her strength.
Elissa clutched a hand over her chest and thought for a moment. She glanced around, listening to Zeorexe's words carefully. She stared down at her feet and took it all in, processing each word.

"...and what she does prevail?" Elissa couldn't help but ask, speaking up slightly. "What will happen then?"
Maya scooted further into the shadows, the one blue eye that worked closed slightly as she peered at the others from behind the thick white lashes. She could only murmur a few soft words to keep herself calm because Christopher had long since explained how the 'Alter' took her place within this body. It scared even her. 'Maya, relax. Let us change the topic to that of your training. It need to continue.' She smiled slightly, leaning back against the wall as she continued her conversation with her Gods. 'He is right! You have the right ability with a sword due to your fencing lessons but you are weakened due to your vision being cut at a certain point!' Of course, by the change in tone she could recognize Esol.

I know.'

Frowning, Maya looked towards Aki as the voice of Zeorexe, revealed as the Goddess by her own Gods, began to appear. "North huh..." She murmured softly before sighing. After a moment she smiled slightly, seeming to have cheered up. "Once this is over everyone will be safe..." Whispering she nodded, determination in her eye as she continued to watch everyone. Esisc and Esol remained silent. Being quite young themselves in terms of Gods, they waited to see what would be decided before they would speak.


Christopher studied them each, raising a brow to some before she brushed off others. Some appealed to his interest while others simply made the guy scowl with irritation. He was not interested in spending any time at all with some of these people but what happened...well happened. Eventually, he set his eyes upon the one named Weiss. After studying him for a moment he nodded before heading over to him, making sure to whisper his actions to Maya first.

Reaching the boy he grinned softly, making the male seem polite or at least kind hearted. Such an act disgusted him but it was normally necessary.
"Pleasure to meet you, I am Christopher Alden. My God is the God of fear, Xsokat." He introduced calmly. 'Christopher...What are you planning?' The soft but haunting voice of Xsokat asked as the boy's eyes darkened slightly. 'Nothing that will interrupt your goal Xsokat. I will assist in the removal of that Goddess.' Was his quick reply before he turned to look towards the voice.

'She is right, it is the best route to complete the task effectively.' Xsokat projected, making the yellow eyed mad close his eye for a moment before he began to speak again. "It may be so but I wish to know how we will all get along and complete this. Under the shadows there are already complications and there is probably going to be a few of us that will begin to hate one another. How will we work as a large group effectively?"
Virtues was about to say she had only been to london once or twice as a kid with her parents, but quieted down when Aki's god began to speak. She pressed her pale pink lips into a tight line noticing Tihathua nodding beside her in agreement with Zeorexe. She lifted one foot and then the other every once in a while to keep her body warm. Ready to get going whenever the gods seemed fit.
Minna looked around the giant hall she had entered minutes ago, blinking as her eyes scanned the people who had come inside. None of them had even stopped to look at her. If there was one thing she hated, it was being ignored. She crossed her arms over her chest, pouting for just a moment before sighing heavily. "How rude..." She mumbled to herself quietly, scoffing at Dios's response.

Maybe they didn't hear you. He had stated in a matter of fact manner, as if he'd had some sort of part in it. She hated when he manipulated the air around her, making his presence known despite his rarely talking to her. She was just about to get started yelling at him, most likely making herself seem like an idiot for standing in the middle of this large hall and yelling at someone no one else could see, before a large burst of wind seemed to pinpoint her, bursting through the door of the building and making it slam open as the wind rushed to meet her. She shivered, shaking her head as she walked over to the door, shutting it promptly and sighing.

"If you wanted me to be quiet you could have asked nicely!" She called out, her hands going to her now rosy cheeks to rub them and return their warmth. Minna turned back toward the room, walking over to a set of stairs and sitting at the foot of them, whining quietly as she managed to get dust all over her coat on the spot she'd sat on. "This place is just gross..."

Are you even listening Minna? Dios's thought filling her head once again. She swore this was the most he had talked to her since she'd found the card in the first place. Her head rose from having been examining her coat and trying to pat the dust spots clean with a cloth she had pulled out of her small purse.

"Yeah yeah... North or whatever... Lets get going already! All of this dust is seriously grossing me out!" She exclaimed, giving up on the coat and sighing as she rested an elbow on her knee and let her chin fall to rest in her hand.
Elissa's ear twitched at the sound of a girl's complaining. She sighed and muttered as she glanced behind her shoulder, "There are words for girls like her, aren't there...?"

She folded her arms and turned her attention away from the obnoxious female and back to the conversing gods and goddesses. She brushed a loose strand of hair away from her face and tilted her head slightly. She stuffed her bare hands into the pockets of her coat to soothe the numbness of them.

Nesa couldn't do much to warm up her companion, but was able to get rid of any cold induced injuries...for the most part.

Elissa turned again to the loud girl as she began complaining about the dust...of all things! The world was turning into a huge ice cube...and all this girl could worry about...was dust?
Virtues shivered and looked over at her goddess with a soft sigh,

"Do you mind giving us a bit of warmth please, Tihathaua?" She asked politely, her god was the goddess of nature and therefore could control the sunlight if she chose to. Tihathaua looked at Virtues with kind eyes and nodded once, peering up towards the sky she parted the clouds that formed a thick sheet over the sun and created a spot where it could shine through on the spot were all of the teens and gods had gathered, the ice around them flawing away slowly, but not quick enough for it to be very noticeable.

"Thank you!" She beamed happily with a bright smile, taking her hands out of her pockets, pulling the gloves off her hands, feeling warmer already.

"Just for a few moments Tihathaua, I know it can't be easy to use your abilities right now."

Darling, isn't this a lovely bunch of...humans. Kaku purred. Hurry we must though. We want to defeat the Ice Goddess yes? Of course we do. We must defeat her or we all die, yada yada. This is boring me. Let's hurry up and get some action.

Zeorexe conscious studied Kaku for a moment.

For some reason, I cannot remember you that well Kaku but you are right. Let us start our journey.

"Let's try not to think about what happens if Nuanen prevails." Aki said, addressing Elissa (@Rai-Chan )
Elissa looked back at Aki and gave a short sigh. She nodded and replied with a trying-to-be-confident smile, " reason to worry about the 'what ifs', right?"

Nesa gave a soft smile towards Elissa and said, That is right. Just focus on the light of the situation, yes?

Elissa pulled her hands from her pockets and swiftly removed her cap once again. Before her hair could really even fall, she snatched it up in one hand and tucked it in a loose ponytail. She put her hat in her pocket, and mumbled something about the cold.

"Do you know anyone here, yet?" she asked, not looking at Aki, but leaning down to adjust her boots.
This one is not confident. How strange for her to be chosen. Zeorexe said to Aki.

Aki gave a mental nod to Zeorexe. Nervous more like it. I'm sure she has power hidden within her. He said mentally back to Zeorexe.

He turned to her and replied. "No, I don't think I've met anyone I know here yet. I didn't think I would. I guess we'll all be friends soon though. Teamwork, am I right?"

Aki gave a chuckle.
"We really have no choice but to get along." Elissa said a bit bluntly, straightening back up and smiling. "It shouldn't be too difficult to make friends."

She attempted to make eye contact, but not even one second after she let her amber eyes lock on his, they darted away. She felt her face redden and she could hear Nesa's snickering in her head.

"U-um, where are you from?" she stuttered, awkwardly shifting back and forth. Conversation wasn't really Elissa's forte.
Josh stood and listened to everyone conversing about what they were going to do first

Go north...were it's even colder? Great Josh thought to himself as he walked over to a bench to sit down on and reached into his pocket to pull out his phone.

Josh! This a serious issue don't even think about going on that phone! boomed Kxutom. Josh jumped at how loud Kxutom was and glanced at the others before realising they wouldn't hear him.

"Geez you sound like my mum" Josh mumbled.

Josh you can't go and be a loner, all of you need to work together okay so at the very least talk to them Kxutom said with a sigh. Josh was happy for his ears now that Kxutom's thunder sounding voice had quietened down , he certainly wasn't a god you would want to get in an argument with for the sake of your ears.

Josh tried casually act like he was tying his shoelaces before walking back over to the group.

" Just out of curiosity how are we going to get all the way up north, and how far Canada? The North pole? We will probably die from the cold to be honest. I'm not trying to be a pessimist by the way".
Minna sat quietly, watching the group of people from afar and listening to their conversations. She pulled her small purse up onto her lap, opening the top of it and peeking inside before pulling out a small juice box. It was still cold from when she'd taken it out of the fridge before leaving home thanks to how cold the outdoors really was. She set the juice down next to her, pulling her gloves on before picking it back up. Even indoors, it seemed as if the cold would freeze her very bones given the chance. She took a sip of juice before standing and skipping over to the group that seemed to have gotten quite large so far. This many people have cards like mine huh? She shot the thought to Dios as she approached a girl who looked to be around the same height as her and had amber colored eyes. She had never seen that color before, and it intrigued her.

It would seem so. He replied simply. She could feel him growing more attentive as they neared the group. Was he really that excited to be reunited with his brothers and sisters? It was a foreign feeling to her, as she was an only child, and had been alone most of her life anyways. She shrugged this thought off, finally reaching the amber hued girl and extending a gloved hand in a friendly gesture.

"Heya! The name's Minna! Pleasure to make your acquaintance!" She belted out happily, looking to the girl, and then to the boy she'd been talking to. With her other hand, she pulled a small card from her pocket, holding it in her palm and showing it to amber eyes. "Oh yeah and this is Dios! He's like super cool and stuff!" She smiled after saying this, her ringlet pigtails bobbing up and down slightly as she fidgeted.
Elissa gasped at the sudden voice and jumped back. Before skidding on any ice, she did a strange dance looking thing and kept her balance. She let out a sigh of relief, then looked at the girl. Ah, this was the loud one...

"U-um..." she stuttered. She fumbled around a bit for her card, then reached down and yanked it out of her boot.

"I'm Elissa." she managed. "I am partnered with Nesa, goddess of Life."

As Nesa greeted her brother and his partner, Elissa gave Dios a small curtsy. She placed her card back into her boot, and straightened herself up. She blinked at the girl and slightly tilted her head.

"Why are you so loud?" she asked abruptly. Not rudely...just...suddenly.
Minna watched and felt a little bad about startling the girl so badly. She glanced at the girl's card and smiled before letting her extended hand drop and placing her own card back into a pocket on the inside of her coat. She waved , as if she were looking at Nesa, as she was introduced to her. Perhaps if she had grown up under different circumstances, she would have been taught better manners.

Minna could practically see the smirk on Dios's face at Elissa's question, making her blush just slightly. She ducked down a bit, hiding her cheeks behind the scarf around her neck as she spoke, furrowing her brows. "I'm not loud... I talk in a normal voice!" She exclaimed in response, clasping her hands together behind her back as her eyes shifted to the floor for a few seconds, then back up to meet Elissa's.

She wasn't sure what else to say to the girl, so she blurted out, "I like your eyes!" before she could think of anything else to say. At this she felt Dios smirk, then go on talking to Nesa seemingly. It has been a long time sister. Excuse the manners of this one. She could have been better taught by her elders. Minna bit her lower lip at this, crossing her arms over her chest and staying quiet.
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Aki smiled and bowed to Minna and Dios.

"Pleasure to meet you Minna and it's an honor to be in your presence Dios." Aki said respectfully. "My name is Aki Kurosawa and my partner is Zeorexe, goddess of Day."

Brother. Zeorexe acknowledged Dios. It is nice to see you once again. Don't be too hard on your partner. No doubt she is still nervous around so many new people.

Aki chuckled once again.

"I agree, it is alright."
"Thank you, I like my eyes, too." Elissa said, blinking a few times at the girl's sudden compliment. She glanced back at Aki, then at Minna, then at the ground once more. Her ponytail slipped over her shoulder and she awkwardly played with the the ring on her finger.

"Minna, Aki, where are you from?" she asked glancing up at them for a moment as she tried to make conversation. Nesa gave a smile at Elissa's attempt, but then turned her focus back to Dios and Zeorexe. She looked down on Aki for a moment, and thought. Something was about this boy. Not enough for anyone to notice other than maybe a few of the other gods and goddesses, especially Zeorexe, but there was something that wasn't right. He acted happy, he was kind, and he was obviously pure of heart...but there was something missing. Something has happened to him that took something...but what?

This boy, Elissa. Make him your ally.

Nesa's words chimed through Elissa's head in way only she could hear, and then the girl replied, Why? He seems like a good person, but what makes him important enough to where even you want him to be an ally? Aren't we all allies?

Maybe we all are...then again...sometimes you need to makes certain relationships that might save you later.
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I applaud your subtle style Raf. You introduced yourself in the loudest voice you could muster yet no one glanced at your direction. Impressive, most impressive. I can make a trickster out of you yet, though I'm not handing over magic to you. Things are more fun without magic, just wit and skill and luck.

The voice of Usere echoed in his head again. Raf wanted to go introduce himself again but found it redundant. It just didn't feel right, if he was to be an unnoticed presence by even the Gods and Goddesses himself, he might as well stay one. Usere's sister wouldn't notice him sprinting toward her face and wind up a haymaker. He doubted the evil goddess would even know that a punch landed on her face. Raf could do a silly dance here and no one would bat an eyelash, much less scream at him.

He picked up bits and pieces of their conversations. Something about heading up north to face Nuanen. Although he was worried about the general awareness factor of the group. If they can't even detect one of their own, how could they detect the more malevolent forces then? The one's sneakier than him? It was there that he found his role. He would need to scout, identify and assess the routes that they would take and leave some sort of way to communicate with them. It was brilliant plan that all hinged on his abilities in stealth and awareness of at least one of the chosen. If they don't see what he leaves for them, then scouting out a place would be null and void to begin with.

He spoke no word, but rather sat down and watched like only a few of them actually discussing something. He had no qualms about going North and neither did Usere it seemed. Raf was also sure Usere could at least make her presence known to her siblings. Of course, whether or not she was doing it was something Raf could not answer at the moment or any moment.

"Well this is going to be interesting, right Usere?"
Weiss looked at the guy's hand and remembered he had to be nice to these people, he took Janson's hand and shook it. "Hello, Janson. The name is Weiss." He said and looked down to his pocket. "This is Kaku, as I've said." he said. He sighed as he heard Kaku speak. "Yes of course, we wish to defeat the Ice Goddess." he snorted. If anyone was going to defeat the Goddess it wouldn't be this ragtag gang. He turned to Chris and sighed "It's nice to meet you too, Christopher." he didn't know how to answer the next question and a look flashed in the ice boy's eyes. "I think that only time will tell when or if we get along, and hate is such a strong word. Don't you think, all journeys have complications. I think that if we put our dislikes aside and work together we will succeed." his eyes glinted "I'm sure we will face many trials, though there is no if ands or buts about working together. If we don't we die." he chuckled.

He looked to the group and put his foot down and looked at them with a fierce glare "Alright! It's time to get a move on. Canada is our way point, we must head north. We must work together or we die in the snow! So put your differences aside and work as a group!" he said trying to take charge.
Minna turned so she was facing Aki now, tilting her head to the side slightly as she smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you both!" She giggled out the exclamation. She placed a hand on her chest as she referred to herself. "I'm from a few hours outside of this city. I live in a little town called Reimir. You've probably never heard of it." She looked back to Elissa, then back to Aki again before simply smiling and going silent. She glanced over to the loud voice that was making demands. One of her eyebrows raised slightly and she crossed her arms over her chest. She wasn't a big fan of being told what to do, especially by someone she'd barely even met.

"Who elected you mayor?" She looked toward Weiss, sticking her tongue out at him. She could feel Dios's annoyance at her. It seemed she could rarely do right by him, but that was probably because of how stubborn they both could be, one of the various things they had in common.

Minna... We don't have time for petty disagreements over authority... She heard him say in her head. She pouted her bottom lip out, keeping her arms crossed as she replied to him. Well it's not fair! He responded swiftly, You will come to learn that everything in life is not meant to be fair. Minna let her arms drop to her sides with a sigh, shifting her eyes to the ground in defeat.
Don't sigh at me Weiss. You wouldn't want me to get...upset. Would you?" Kaku said, sweetly. Oh don't you worry Minna my dear. Weiss knows much more than any of you combined. You should let him take charge.

Aki glanced at Weiss and nodded a greeting.

"Well..Weiss does seem to know the most.." Aki agreed slowly.
Elissa slowly raised an eyebrow at the comment of Weiss being more...knowing. She didn't argue, though. There was no point in it. She cupped her hands around her mouth and exhaled a warm breath, the rubbed then together. She glanced at Minna again and raised the other eyebrow. This girl was loud...and obnoxious.

Nesa didn't like this Kaku one bit...nor did she remember her one bit.

Forgive me, sister, for saying, but I...

"So are we going to go?" Elissa asked quietly, cutting off Nesa.
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A smile blossomed onto Jansen's face, as Weiss shook his hand. "I like Canada. The original land of the true north, strong and free," he said, quoting the nation's national anthem. "I guess you can say that Canada was cold before it was cool!" Jansen said, laughing at his own joke.

Jansen, you are so terribly clever, Talesyr said coldly, but Jansen swore he could hear a hint of amusement hidden in his voice.

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine, Koekje?" Jansen replied.

Talesyr gave no response. 
"Okay, but all jokes aside," Jansen said, seriousness creeping in to his voice, "we have no plan, we have nothing. And how do we know that Nuanen's up in Canada? If it's just a matter of 'northness' Siberia is also quite north, and so are other places. How do we know where to go? Nuanen is the goddess of deceit after all, what if we shouldn't be going north? What if she's trying to trick us into going in the wrong direction?" Jansen paused, and took in a breath.

"...And, we are marching on to destroy a goddess we know nothing about, or at least, I will be the first to admit, I know nothing about. We are marching on into the Canadian wilderness, without knowing which path to take, what to bring, what to do, and most of all; we don't understand our enemy. Or if she's even the enemy at all."

Jansen smiled wryly, "heh, but good start guys, at least we're sure of one thing; we all hate being cold all the time," he said, voice laced with sarcasm. Talesyr chuckled, repeating back Jansen's own words, Aren't you a ray of sunshine, child?
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"Well we have to start north so let's get going then. At least the oceans are frozen over. That way we can just walk across but darn. That's a lot of walking." Aki sighed.

Walking is more than enough sacrifice to defeat Nuanen. Zeorexe scolded gently.

Aki grinned sheepishly.

"Of course. You know what I mean."

He gestured for everyone to follow him. Aki didn't want to be the leader but it didn't seem anyone else wanted to lead so he figured he would at least get everyone started.

Aki started to head north.
Alex started behind the boy that had decided to take the lead and stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Whoa, frozen oceans? You mean like ice? N-no, me and ice, we don't mix too well." As if to prove his point the snow under his feet melted quickly.

"See what I mean? My partner is Ignir, God of Fire and all that. Ice and fire are pretty much opposites, so frozen ocean, bad plan for me."

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