The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

Minna had been skipping along near the front of the group, not really paying attention to what anyone was saying in particular. She had been staring up at the sky, lost in thought when she felt someone whiz by her, blinking and looking to see Elissa skate by, seemingly in a panic of sorts. She tilted her head slightly, examining the girl before speaking.

"Are you okay? You seem kinda freaked out!" She exclaimed, completely unaware of the current situation of things. She'd missed the whole conversation between her and Alex.

If you were actually paying attention to your surroundings... She heard Dios chime in, making her furrow her brows a tad. She didn't answer him, but simply sped up a little so she was walking along side Elissa.
Elissa looked over at Minna and gave a short nod.

"I'm fine, it's just the cold must be messing up my head." she laughed sheepishly, slowing slightly so the girls could walk with eachother. She looked down at the way to big gloves to was just given...they were still warm.

", Minna!" she exclaimed, shaking her head. "Are you freezing or what?"
Minna smiled as Elissa slowed down enough for her to catch up. She glanced at the gloves on Elissa's hands, not sure if she had been wearing them earlier or not. She thought briefly about how large they looked on her, but shrugged it off before answering the girl.

"I'm fine! Dios can manipulate the air so the wind doesn't really bother me... Aren't you getting kinda hungry though? I know I am!" She giggled at the end of her statement, taking Elissa's hand and starting to skip again, expecting the girl to keep up with her.

Do you think we'll stop for food along the way?! She shot the thought to Dios.

This isn't some sort of road trip for fun you know... You should be more serious about the situation for all of our sakes.
Dios replied, irritation present in his voice.
Alex reached into his pack and rummaged around, finally finding what he was looking for.

"Hey Jansen, instead of giving the mango to one person, why don't we share it among all of us?"

He lifted a knife he had brought along to show how they could share it.

"After that, we should stock up somewhere nearby, and then find the nearest cell tower. I can use that to find the nearest Eurostar railway, they run all over the country, straight through Canada. Once we hit the Arctic circle we'll be walking on ice the whole way."

How exactly can you use cell towers to find an underground rail system?

"I can bounce radio waves off the ground, kind of like echo location."

But there's no electricity.

"Don't we have a god of energy?"

Elissa gasped as she was suddenly being pulled along. She didn't exactly skip, but she had sort of a strange run to keep up with Minna.

"Um, maybe a little bit." Elissa said. And sure enough, right at that moment, the girl's stomach made a noise. That of a dying animal.

Her face turned red, and Nesa sighed.

You haven't eaten much of anything all week. Nesa said to her partner.

It was true, but it wasn't like there was really much to eat besides some dried things that would never go bad.

"I'm sure we'll stock up on supplies somewhere, right?"
Jansen, has is occurred to you that tunnels are hard to find, as they are buried under metres of snow?

'I was sort of counting on someone to just know.'
Jansen replied back.

Well, they certainly know more than you, Talesyr said.

'Ouch, I might actually be hurt, Koekje.'

I doubt it, nothing can penetrate your thick skull.

'Gee, I think I'll cry in a corner now.'

See what I mean, child?
Talesyr said with a mocking laugh.

Their banter could've gone on for a few more hours, but luckily they both stopped when they heard Alex speak up.

"Okay, whatever floats your boat," Jansen said, as he tossed the mango to Alex.
Minna skidded to a stop when she heard Elissa's stomach growl in response to her question. She had played around in the snow so much back home, that she'd discovered an easy way to pretty much never fall on all of this ice, and that was simply to slide on purpose, as if you were wearing ice skates on your feet. She smiled, turning to face Elissa, ready to catch her if she would fall from the sudden stop. She'd turned just in time to see Jansen toss an oddly colored fruit to Alex. She had never actually seen a mango before, nor had she eaten one.

"Hey! What's that thing taste like?" She asked loudly. They were quite a bit ahead of the others in the group thanks to Minna's skipping. The only one she'd really been paying attention to had been Elissa after all.
Elissa stumbled forward, but didn't fall at the abrupt stop. She skid a bit to gain her balance, and succeeded. Then suddenly, Minna called something in a loud voice. Elissa turned around, and then glanced over and Jansen and Alex.

Her face turned bright red again, and she spun back around.
Alex caught the mango and quickly skinned it, as the skin was quite disgusting tasting. He cut it and quickly portioned it out, handing everyone a piece. He decided against keeping a piece for himself, as he wasn't particularly hungry.

You need to keep up your energy

"I'm not hungry"

But you will be

"We'll have stocked up on food by then"

Alright. Ignir sounded as though he didn't exactly agree.
Elissa held her piece of fruit, and studied it carefully. She looked up, seeing Alex didn't have any. She skid towards him, and held out her piece.

"I'm not hungry." she smiled. It was clear she was going to be persistent. "You take it. I have Nesa, and she keeps my strength up fine on her I don't need this."
Alex smiled at her, but shook his head.

"I'm not hungry, you really should eat. Nesa cannot keep your strength up forever, you need real sustenance too."

So do you

"Shut up Ignir."

Neither of you are that hungry. Just split it.

"Ignir just gave me a good idea." He split the piece of mango and handed her half.

Elissa blinked down at her piece, and then at him. She smiled, then nodded. She popped the small fruit chunk into her mouth and chewed slowly, savoring the flavor. It was surprisingly juicy...she hadn't had something that wasn't dry in a very long time.

"Thank you." she said, swallowing the mango. "And you'd be surprised. I walked all the way across the ocean on about three meals a week."

She once again got lost in the warmth that surrounding the boy, and she closed her eyes. He was lucky. He wouldn't have to deal with the cold.
Alex laughed, before noticing her get closer. She must be cold.

"Hold on."

He put down his pack and took off his jacket, which was warm from his body heat. He placed it on her shoulders.

"You need that more than I do. Ignir keeps me warm"

I can only keep you so warm, unless you'd like to be on fire.

"Could I survive that?"

Possibly. I'm not really sure. I guess we'll find out when the time comes.

"What do you mean when the time comes?"

Nuanen might try to freeze you, and thus cut you off from me. You might need to be on fire to fight her.

"I guess we'll see."
Elissa's as snapped open as she felt the weight of Alex's jacket drape over her shoulders. Her face went bright red again. It was warm...very warm. It was nice.

She would like to try to give it back...but she didn't exactly want to.

Nesa protested silently, but Elissa mentally hushed her.

"T-thank you." she smiled, her blush not fading.
"Not a problem."

He blushed slightly, helping her slip it on, his hands lingering on her for a moment before he pulled away, not sure how she felt.

"Keep it, I won't need it once we get into the tunnels, it'll be warmer and insulated underground."

If you're going to possibly die of hypothermea for a girl, you may as well just kiss her

"Shut up Ignir!"
Elissa stared at him for a moment, and found herself leaning closer to him. She removed one of the large gloves, and reached her bare hand towards his face. She curiously pressed it to his cheek.

It was as warm as she this time, Elissa wasn't really thinking straight, and softly ran her hand across his cheek.

Elissa...what are you doing...Nesa asked, very shocked. Elissa never...EVER did things like this.


Elissa realized what she was doing and her face flushed an even deeper red. She quickly pulled back her hand and started rambling, "Oh no I am so sorry sometimes I get so curious about things that I don't even think about what I'm doing hahahhahaa I totally just molested your face didn't I? Oh goodness, I am so so so so soooo sorry, I really don't know where my head was--I'm just gonna go."
Alex smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her back to him.

"It was fine."

He put his hands on her cheeks and looked into her eyes.

Alex, don't do it.

Alex leaned down and kissed her.
Oh, brother...Ignir, do something! Nesa groaned.

Elissa's eyes widened. His mouth was warm and soft...and if was on hers. Her brain wouldn't shut up as her heart raced.

This boy...was...kissing her.


...his mouth was on hers.

It was a kiss.

No matter how many times Elissa thought this, she couldn't process it. She tried her best to keep her eyes open, but found them closing up.

What was scarier was...she found herself kissing him back.

She let her thoughts melt away...



The girl broke the kiss and just stared at Alex. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words would come out. Her expression was of absolute confusion.
Alex looked at her

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I don't know what came over me."

He quickly backed off, and dropped back to the back of the group.

I told you not to, but you didn't listen.

"Shut it Ignir." Alex said, but with less conviction.

Stop letting this girl distract you.

Alex just put his head down and kept walking.
'Hmm..sweet,' Jansen thought as he finished the piece of mango. It was so sweet, that he scooped up some snow from the ground, and put it into his mouth. The snow melted, and the water washed over his tongue, though he could still taste the sugariness.

Jansen glanced over at Alex and Elissa, whom were locked in a strange embrace, kissing. Almost, instantly, Jansen smirked, he was prepared to say something scathing, when he felt Talesyr creep into his consciousness.

Don't you ever take a break?

'Who else is going to tease everyone?'
Jansen replied.

Jansen walked carefully behind Alex, who was conveniently melting a trail in the snow. Unfortunately, that also exposed the ice, and Jansen skidded haphazardly across, sliding into a snow bank. He was about to pick himself off the ground, when he noticed that something was stuck beneath the foggy surface of the ice.

"What the actual f*ck is that?" He said, an edge of alarm in his voice.

Jansen, calm down. Talesyr said, his voice hard.

Jansen curiously bent down to look into the ice, and he felt his breath quicken.

"holy f*ck, it's a person..." Jansen said, as he stared at his discovery; the frozen corpse, dead in the ground. It was not unusual to occasionally find dead people littered in the streets, but it still made Jansen nervous every time.
Elissa watched him, but then started moving with the group. She put her fingers on her lips, still warm from his.

It was a kiss, Elissa. Get over it.

You're right.

She walked on, and then smiled a bit to herself. Well, she was smiling until she heard someone exclaim behind her. She stopped and turned around. She stepped towards him.

"What, what's wro--AHH!"

She doubled back at the sight of the dead body.
Minna had popped the piece of fruit into her mouth and gulped it down almost instantly. She hadn't tasted anything so sweet in a very long time. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd eaten a piece of raw fruit. She had been watching Elissa and Alex's encounter with a smile on her face. Elissa's shyness seemed to amuse her. It reminded her of a time when she was much younger, before she'd lost her parents. She hadn't always been so loud and obnoxious.

She covered her hands over her mouth at the kiss, blinking a few times and giggling. She was going to yell out to them, but Dios warned her not to be rude and to keep quiet. She looked away just in time to see Jansen skid all the way into a snowbank. To this she couldn't hold in her laughter. She slid over to Jansen, arriving next to him just in time to hear him state that there was a person in the ice. She squealed, losing her balance and slipping on the ice as she caught sight of the dead person. She fell right on her butt, the ice and snow mixture underneath her getting the lower part of her coat wet. She scrambled to get to her feet, feeling the cold creeping through her clothing, but she was so flustered she slipped right down onto her butt once she had finally gotten up.

Calm down Minna. If you don't get up the rest of the trip will be a cold one. She heard Dios state as tears stung the corners of her eyes. She wasn't crying, but she was darn near close to it. She'd fallen on her butt twice in almost the same instance, and she couldn't stop thinking of how silly she must look, after laughing at Jansen only moments ago.
Elissa absently offered Minna a hand, her eyes locked on the corpse.

It's empty eyes were wide open, staring at nothing. It's face was blue, part if its nose was gone.

Elissa couldn't even tell its sex.

She still was not accustomed to seeing dead bodies, but she assumed she since most streets were littered with them.
Minna looked up from the ground to see Elissa's hand extended toward her. She grabbed it thankfully, sniffling quietly and rubbing at her eyes before any tears fell. Now that she was standing again, she was more focused on the cold seeping through her wet coat. A shiver ran up her spine and she let go of Elissa's hand, looking to her face, and then over to where she was staring. The corpse surely was an unnerving sight. She looked away from it quickly, her eyes falling to a snow bank in the distance as her eyes glazed over. She looked quite glum.

Minna was lost in thought, the corpse having reminded her of the only other dead people she had ever seen, her parents. The bloody images of their faces flashed through her mind, making her wince. A quiet sigh escaped from her lips, and she snapped back to reality at Dios's apparent attempt to get her attention.

Minna... Minna.. Minna! Dios had been calling her name, and she hadn't even realized it. Her arms folded across her waist as she hugged her stomach, suddenly feeling a bit queasy. S-sorry Dios... I dont know what's gotten into me... She replied, her tone quite unlike her usual loud self. Dios remained quiet, understanding what had happened.
Jansen chewed on the inside of his cheek, until he could taste the metallic flavour of blood.

Jansen, Talesyr said softly, his voice brushing over soothingly.

'I thought I'd be used to it by now,' Jansen replied back.

Make yourself used to it, Talesyr said, control yourself.

'Okay. I understand.'

Almost instantly, the expression on Jansen's face changed.

"Right. Should we move along and find that cell tower? I'm pretty sure Penn Station is buried somewhere under all this snow. Although, that doesn't seem like it's the only thing buried in the snow." Jansen joked, indicating towards the corpse. He said these words easily and with a smile, his voice had lost its nervousness.

He could feel Talesyr almost humming with satisfaction.

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