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The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

Name: Jayden Robinson

Gender: Male

Occupation: Bookstore his Family owns


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Suou.full.804871.jpg.a2a70d6bb06d61584ab2d00574afb20b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Suou.full.804871.jpg.a2a70d6bb06d61584ab2d00574afb20b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18

Hobbies: Relaxing/Sleeping, Art, Music, and Food



  • Suou.full.804871.jpg
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Mizu was making some vanilla coffee when she heard a customer walk in.

"Hello, welcome to the Modan Cafe!" She put on the generic customer smile and turned around, before realizing it was Jayden.

"Oh, Jayden! I didn't realize it was you, sorry!" Mizu blushed slightly and twirled her hair, embarrassed that she didn't look to see if it was someone she knew before spewing off the basic customer talk.

"What brings you to the cafe today?"
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The day was boring as per usual, school had been out for little over thirty minutes and Jayden was lounging around at the park. Back against the lush green grass, his arms crossed over his chest as his music flowed through his ear. His parents were taking care of the bookstore today and didn't expect to need him since it was a weekday. Tomorrow was Friday, so surely he would be needed then. The clouds were moving slowly but progressively. Then a thought crossed his mind.

Why not visit good ol' Mizu.

It wasn't long before the boy was off towards the cafe in a stride. His hands were in his pockets and a grin on his face. His sketchbook was in his bag and he knew the cafe was always a great place to let his ideas come to him. After a good while of walking, he entered the cafe. Of course the girl was going to welcome him like a normal customer.

"No need, Mizu. Old habits die hard, I get it!" He chuckled, after so long of knowing her, she would've thought to recognize his own footsteps. "I just wanted to see you and maybe get a sip of some well-made tea. You know, the usual black with sugar and a couple of those swirly cake rolls you guys are always making?" He flashed a toothy grin at her as he took his seat a two-person table. One arm came to support his head while the other laid against the table. "Do you have any time to chat?"
Mizu gave the other man his vanilla coffee and apologized profusely for the wait before beginning to make Jayden's black tea.

She grabbed the cake rolls as the tea steeped and brought them over to Jayden.

"Yeah, I have some time to chat. My manager is out and you're the only other customer besides Mr. Hyom over there." Mizu sat down across from Jayden. And smiled shyly.

"So, uh, what's going on Jayden?"
(Ugh sorry I'll try to be more detailed. Still a little rusty on rp'ing, it's been a year since I've rp'ed at all, haha.)
((It's okay! You'll make your way to it! C: ))

Jaden tapped the table with his index finger as he awaited for his order and the return of his childhood friend. The girl was working hard, even if the cafe wasn't as busy as they both expected. When Mizu finally returned, he took the teacup by the handle and blew over the cup to cool it down. His sea foam blue eyes shot back to the girl when she spoke up and chuckled.

"Well, I'm glad they're out. Didn't want to get you in trouble over a cup of tea and some chit chat." He said before taking a sugar cube and dropping two in. He took the teaspoon and swirled the teacup's contents to let the sugar dissolve. He hummed a pleasant tune and sipped it afterwards, noticing how shy her smile was.

"Did I catch you at a bad time, princess? Or am I just in time to make the day?"
Mizu blushed intensely when he called her princess, and immediately looked away.

"What? No, um, it's fine." She looked back up at him and smiled, still blushing slightly, and leaned back on the comfy red chair, crossing her hands on the table.

"It's just been a bit of a long day between schoolwork and working here, but I suppose I have to get to the academy somehow, right?" She cracked open an energy drink that she brought over to the table.

"Hehe, remember when we were kids and had a sleepover, and you dared me to chug one of these, so I did and then kept talking to you while you were trying to sleep cause I was so hyper?" Mizu's face lit up at the happy memory of her and Jay.
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Jayden listened intently as she spoke, eyes moving away towards the window. He watched people walk to their destination before looking over to her. He nodded briefly before taking another sip of the hot tea.

"I would say the same, but my parents really have me covered while I do some time with them in the shop." The bookstore wasn't his ideal job, especially when he could be searching for internships to start. Yet, they thought it would be great for him to have a few years of experience under his belt before doing anything else. His attention came to the energy drink and his eyebrow raised while his lips pursed.

"Of course I remember, I had a bad headache the next morning because I only got about four hours of sleep!" He chuckled, picking up a cake roll and taking a bite. "You shouldn't drink too many of those in a day. Don't need you crashing and needing a reboot." Jayden would scold her often about energy drinks, even though he drank coffee and tea every so often. "Just make sure you drink them moderately alright??"
Mizu listened to him speak, it was....nice. Jayden always had a way with words, and therefore having a conversation with him was always relaxing. She noticed him looking out the window and followed suit.

It was a gorgeous day outside, sunny and warm.

"Well your parents probably just want to hold on to you a little longer before you become an adult. You're an only child, right?" Mizu replied.

"Oh, and don't worry, I won't crash, I only drink 3 of them a day." She smiled playfully and winked at him.
"Aahh, they can baby me all they want, but that doesn't mean I'll like it!" Jayden huffed before sharing a small laugh at his friend's reply. Jayden was an only child. His parents had long decided to only have one children and one alone. Yet that didn't stop them from having pets. He was lucky not to be allergic to anything his parents brought into the house. Dogs, cats, hamsters, and even fish. His life now consisted of a singular dog, two prissy cats, and some old goldfish that could give out any time. He considered the cats would've got to the fish at any moment, but it seemed they would prefer something prepared than dying goldfishes.

"The one and only Robinson, thank you very much." He winked back before scowling. "When you're sitting in the dentist's chair complaining about your cavities, don't apologize to me." With a sleight of hand, he took out his sketchbook and a few pencils. With a slight sigh, he brushed his pencil against the surface with the napkin dispenser and the cake rolls as his still-life. Jayden was a self-taught artist. All his projects would come out to his and other's expectations. Yet, every so often a guys gotta have his art blocks.

"Class has got me falling behind in my exercises. I gotta draw something before I go crazy.." He murmured, his other hand against his cheek. "Speaking of which, did you get to work on any of your projects this week? Or did work get to you again?"
"I won't be complaining about cavities silly, you know I'm crazy about good hygiene!" Mizu replied. It was true, if Mizu didn't brush, floss, and use fluoride mouthwash after every meal and snack she felt disgusting. Her parents had to create a seperate section in the budget for her hygiene needs to keep up with her.

Mizu listened to Jayden intently, smiling as he drew, but perked up when he said he was falling behind in excersises. "Oh, that's not good Jay, I hope you get out of your artist's block soon, it's no fun not being able to do the thing you love." Mizu replied.

"Oh yeah, my projects! Well, the voice acting is making me a little bit of money on the side, I'm starting to get my name out there. My parents are a little annoyed though, since they always told me I would never make money off of it and now I'm proving them wrong." She smiled, remembering the night she showed them her first paycheck, as they gawked in awe.

Mizu took another sip of her energy drink, letting the caffeine and taurine hit her. The clock said fifteen minutes had passed already, but her boss wasn't back so it was okay that her and Jay were still talking.

"We need to hang out more, Jayden! I forgot how fun it is to spend time with you." Mizu tilted her head to the left a bit, and smiled at him, the sun hitting her pale face as she did so.
"I'm glad to hear things are working out for so far." Jayden say with a soft tone. Seeing Mizu happy was all he needed today. His pencil stopped scribbling all over the paper for a brief moment. A smile erupting his face before he continued to work. With soft strokes, he began to define some shading to the tea cups.

"Some time to ourselves sounds wonderful. You might need to schedule a whole day off. Because boy, I'm not going to go to work that day!" He chuckled briefly before sea foam blue eyes glanced at her. Mizu was radiant as normal. A smile like that deserves to shine without falter. "Are you sure you're allowed to spend so much time with me?"

Welp, the phrasing of that sounded off.

"I mean, not that I don't want you too- but rather, still don't want to put you in a bad position with the authorities!" He sat up, pen hovering over the drawing as his free arm lifted and a finger scratched his cheek. Ahh, no matter how calm he couple be, he always did say things oddly. He really should assess his speech.

(sorry for the wait!! I've been going through some things uw u ))

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