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Fantasy The Brothers Grimm Fairytales

MissZoeHatter said:
Name: Evelyn
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthday: March 12, 1998

Appearance: Evelyn has long, dark brown hair that flows down the small of her back. She usually wears it pulled back in a small ribbon. Her eyes are a bright, vibrant blue. She has lightly tanned skin which is usually covered by a blue gown and a white cloak. Evelyn is a petite lady. She stands at five feet, four inches and weighs aproximately 120 pounds.

This isn't Evelyn's only appearance though. When she changes form, she becomes a magnificent, yet fearsom dragon. Her eyes stay the same, but her skin transforms into a mass of polished, dark blue scales. A gigantic set wings sprout from between her shoulder blades. The webbing of her wings is again blue, but lighter than that of her scales. Her talons are long and her teeth are sharp. Both are as white as snow. As a dragon, Evelyn could easily snap a tree between her jaws.

Personality: Evelyn knows how to get things done. She doesn't like to procrastinate. She is a fighter when she needs to be, but she doesn't like starting fights. She considers herself some kind of anti-hero. She will kill for what she thinks is right. When not faced with any challenge or danger, Evelyn is a rather kind person. She usually keeps to herself, but accepts the presence of new people, even if she doesn't show it.

From which story?: The Lady and the Lion

Extras?: Evelyn can not change back and forth between her dragon form whenever she pleases. She has to be concealed from the sunlight. This makes her vulnerable during the day, but a force you don't want to face once night falls.
Name: Alisha Duckling

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: March 16th

Appearance: Human Form:


Duck Form:

Personality: She is a kind, brave girl for being strong when all her brothers and sisters made fun of her. She likes to go out and dive in lakes, rivers and oceans, so she's pretty adventurous. Though the second someone makes fun of her, she bursts out in tears, this reminds her to much of her terrible past.

From which story?: The Ugly Duckling

Extras?: none




Adrian Wayne


"Huh I'm kind of A
BIG deal"

Big's or the Big Bad Wolf




Adrian is mostly quiet and aloof even from people he likes and mostly speaks in sign language. Occasionally he speaks out of irritation or when someone isn't able to understand sign language, but largely he doesn't bother to accommodate people who can't communicate with him. Though frequently irritable, he's also capable of small acts of kindness. He likes to pick on people and has a dark and sarcastic sense of humor. He also seems to enjoy fighting, a sadistic side of him which seems to accompany his thrill for blood. When fighting people weaker than himself, he is shown to toy with them for a while before finishing them.

From Which Story

"Hmm I remember being in a story with three little Pigs".


"Well I came up with the phrase blow like a hurricane"

Wolf Form:


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Name: Johnathan Wrise

Alias: The Little Peasant

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Birthday: January 7, 1994

Appearance: Johnathan wears the clothes of a simple peasant. Ragged clothing with multiple patches from multiple repairs from the years of strain the clothes have been through, his pants are ripped at the knee area and the bottom of the leg area is covered with dirt from doing work with different farms. His hair is a dirty brown and his wide eyes are the same color. But in truth this is not his regular clothing, the little peasant when up in the village mansion wears a black suit bought from what looks to be a very talented tailor.

Personality: Johnathan is a very manipulative person, he knows how to fake beg and how to trick people so he may gain what he desires. He doesn't feel much for other peasants and keeps his money and items to himself, the greedy man will do almost anything to gain any amount of money. From copper to gold he will take anything he can get. He values his own life over any other persons, he will kill anyone or anything to keep his life going. For Johnathan death is never an option.

From which story?: The Little Peasant

Extras?: His likes include: Money, steak, expensive items, himself, people he can use.

His dislikes include: Having to share, people that are too smart for their own good, visitors.

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