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Fantasy The Brothers Grimm Fairytales

katiebaby420 said:
Im going to think of a character tonight or tomorrow. do you have any suggestions ? I love disney, and how would i start off
Well- it's Brothers Grimm, so... I would appreciate it if it was a lesser known story. Like maybe... The Three Snake Leaves, or Little brother and Little sister, or Faithful John.
Name: Rupert Stilt

Gender: Male

Age: 17-18

Birthday: unknown


Personality: Mischievous and cruel, with a very unstable personality. Dislikes losing games, but always enjoys one. He can't resist one whenever he is offered it. He also gets angry very fast if he feels vexed.

From which story?: Rumpelstiltskin

Extras?: He is the son of Rumpelstiltskin, and has inherited much of his father's abilities.
DaManofWar said:
Name: Rupert Stilt
Gender: Male

Age: 17-18

Birthday: unknown


Personality: Mischievous and cruel, with a very unstable personality. Dislikes losing games, but always enjoys one. He can't resist one whenever he is offered it. He also gets angry very fast if he feels vexed.

From which story?: Rumpelstiltskin

Extras?: He is the son of Rumpelstiltskin, and has inherited much of his father's abilities.
Accepted! This rp's alive again, thank god!
((Hi! Im interested in joining, but I want to know if there is anything I should avoid (As in it had been taken already) in terms of the characters? :3
Ditto whats been taken and what is preferred maybe i can jump onto someone else's story. who needs a little sister =]
[QUOTE="Amanda Rose]((Hi! Im interested in joining, but I want to know if there is anything I should avoid (As in it had been taken already) in terms of the characters? :3

katiebaby420 said:
Ditto whats been taken and what is preferred maybe i can jump onto someone else's story. who needs a little sister =]
Well, I need more characters that are from lesser known stories of the Brothers Grimm. I've already posted links to some stories.
Name: Echo Willis

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthday: February 18th, 1998

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_n6z98qGkQ51te9jsdo1_500.png.bcff951ca15e089345c65c52b5087f32.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105577" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_n6z98qGkQ51te9jsdo1_500.png.bcff951ca15e089345c65c52b5087f32.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is the youngest of three sisters, all of who ridicule her. She's rather unorganized, sheepish and quiet around most people, yet she knows that once she opens up to someone her personality changes as well... She just hasn't been able to open herself up yet. She's a horrible cook, and it seems like she does everything wrong, considering the awful and never-ending ridicule from both her parents and her sisters. She was ussually put last in her family, recieving only torn and tattered hand me-downs.

From which story?: The Enchanted Quill

Extras?: Enjoys writing, has a tattoo of a quill on her arm.



  • tumblr_n6z98qGkQ51te9jsdo1_500.png
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Jason Sanchez Espiritu









From which story?:

maleficents son


he like to prank people using his magic

(plz accept ehehehe)

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[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]


Jason Sanchez Espiritu









From which story?:

maleficents son


he like to prank people using his magic

(plz accept ehehehe)

Eh? Laughing Jack?

Well, accepted anyway
MariLin said:
Eh? Laughing Jack?
Well, accepted anyway
i know right well thats not gonna be a problem since all my characters are from horror to creepy pasta mostly i use jeff but now ill use L.J ill be starting tomorrow and i promice u that u will never regret on meh mwahahahahahaha
Does it matter if characters are necessarily taken? Like, can there still be characters from that story? (@Astaroth Suzumiya made Maleficent's children. Would I still be able to make a character for the Maleficent story? could be an example._
Niffumdren said:
Does it matter if characters are necessarily taken? Like, can there still be characters from that story? (@Astaroth Suzumiya made Maleficent's children. Would I still be able to make a character for the Maleficent story? could be an example._
we are making a sequel so we add new characters
MischiefMoon said:



-Meaning: Burning Fire

(King Triton's Daughter)






October 31, 1999


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Serefina is one of the three daughters of King Triton. Her sisters' names are Emerald and Xyna. The three sisters are half Ningyo and half Siren; their species is called Rusalka. Rusalka have beautiful, hypnotic singing voices. They use this to their advantage by using them to lure sailors to their deaths. Rusalka feed on the hearts of human men, and are obsessed with human women. As they sing, their eyes glow as bright as fire. Rusalka will lure sailors to dangerous, rocky waters to crash their ship; then they attack the sailors. Each of the sisters have a special power.

Serefina has the ability send flames through the water from her tail; she usually uses this power to catch fire to ships.

Serefina is the oldest of the sisters, she is the leader. She is dark and twisted. She loves to hear the screams of men as she eats their hearts. Her hair is a flaming fire red. Her eyes are a striking ice blue. She is extremely protective of her sisters, and also of a human woman. Rusalka love rituals are called Tenching; tenching is when a Rusalka becomes so obsessed and mesmerized by a human woman that she will stalk her and carry out a plan to capture her. Once the human is captured, she will essentially become the human's guardian. The Rusalka will use the hynotizing glow of her eyes to bond with the human. Once the process is complete, the human's eyes will glow in darkness, and she will come to the Rusalka whenever she calls. This ritual is almost like marriage for Rusalka.

Serefina is currently stalking a human woman, preparing her for the Tenching ritual. The woman lives on the coast of the Carribean sea, and is to marry a human man. It is Serefina's mission to stop this wedding, the only way she knows how- she must kill him.

Serefina's talking voice is very somber, but also sweet. She talks in slow, steady rhythms. This feature is extremely alluring to humans. Serefina is intelligent and cautious. She is very mysterious, and extremely dangerous. She is never regretful, nor forgiving. Serefina is immensely beautiful, radiant. Humans are completely unable to resist her temptations. Serefina, as well as all of Rusalka are able to distort their apperance to humans; they will look sweet and innocent upon arrival, and turn into blood-thirsty monsters before attacking. Serefina is one of the most powerful, young Rusalka. She can disintegrate a being in a matter of seconds.

She is to one day be crowned Queen of the Carribean Sea.

From the story The Little Mermaid

Excuse me, My Little Mermaid was NOT created by the Brothers Grimm. It was created by Hans Christian Andersen.


Date of Birth: January 5th

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Sexuality: Heterosexual

From the story The Seven Ravens.

Alexander is very, well, let's just say he's interesting. Some say he's mentally insane, yet he claims he is "mentally gifted." Although insane, his genius sheds through the insanity most often. He's a very secretive man, who doesn't really even know his own backstory, let alone be able to tell it to any others who request to know it.



What if I told you there were Eight?

( Anything missing? Let me know! :) )
Niffumdren said:


Date of Birth: January 5th

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Sexuality: Heterosexual

From the story The Seven Ravens.

Alexander is very, well, let's just say he's interesting. Some say he's mentally insane, yet he claims he is "mentally gifted." Although insane, his genius sheds through the insanity most often. He's a very secretive man, who doesn't really even know his own backstory, let alone be able to tell it to any others who request to know it.



What if I told you there were Eight?

( Anything missing? Let me know! :) )
I LOVED this story! Accepted!
Gretel Abel

Gender: female

Age: 21

Birthday: November 12th



Gretel has a cold ruff exterior, she is very much the anti-hero; the kind of person who does bad for good. Often sarcastic, blunt and truthful people tend to dislike and even hate her due to the fact she tells them the truth they don't want to hear.

By nature she is unkind and uncaring to those who she doesn't know, but people she gets close to (currently no one) will learn despite her ruff exterior she, deep down, is kind.

From which story?: Hansel and Gretel

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JustCallMeAimee said:
Gretel Abel
Gender: female

Age: 21

Birthday: November 12th



Gretel has a cold ruff exterior, she is very much the anti-hero; the kind of person who does bad for good. Often sarcastic, blunt and truthful people tend to dislike and even hate her due to the fact she tells them the truth they don't want to hear.

By nature she is unkind and uncaring to those who she doesn't know, but people she gets close to (currently no one) will learn despite her ruff exterior she, deep down, is kind.

From which story?: Hansel and Gretel

Finally! Someone in Hansel and Gretel! Accepted! Sorry if it was late, I lost wifi





(ignore the sword)

Personality:Tricky and deceitful, Rumplestiltskin has a violent temper, and often makes deals to advance his own standing, accumulating wealth, knowledge and power. He has formidable skills in magic, and is rumoured to be one of the strongest beings in existence.

From which story?:Rumplestiltskin

Extras?:His magical abilities are not reality altering, but are still very powerful, and are often mistaken as reality warping.
DaManofWar said:




(ignore the sword)

Personality:Tricky and deceitful, Rumplestiltskin has a violent temper, and often makes deals to advance his own standing, accumulating wealth, knowledge and power. He has formidable skills in magic, and is rumoured to be one of the strongest beings in existence.

From which story?:Rumplestiltskin

Extras?:His magical abilities are not reality altering, but are still very powerful, and are often mistaken as reality warping.
Name: Evelyn

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthday: March 12, 1998

Appearance: Evelyn has long, dark brown hair that flows down the small of her back. She usually wears it pulled back in a small ribbon. Her eyes are a bright, vibrant blue. She has lightly tanned skin which is usually covered by a blue gown and a white cloak. Evelyn is a petite lady. She stands at five feet, four inches and weighs aproximately 120 pounds.

This isn't Evelyn's only appearance though. When she changes form, she becomes a magnificent, yet fearsom dragon. Her eyes stay the same, but her skin transforms into a mass of polished, dark blue scales. A gigantic set wings sprout from between her shoulder blades. The webbing of her wings is again blue, but lighter than that of her scales. Her talons are long and her teeth are sharp. Both are as white as snow. As a dragon, Evelyn could easily snap a tree between her jaws.

Personality: Evelyn knows how to get things done. She doesn't like to procrastinate. She is a fighter when she needs to be, but she doesn't like starting fights. She considers herself some kind of anti-hero. She will kill for what she thinks is right. When not faced with any challenge or danger, Evelyn is a rather kind person. She usually keeps to herself, but accepts the presence of new people, even if she doesn't show it.

From which story?: The Lady and the Lion

Extras?: Evelyn can not change back and forth between her dragon form whenever she pleases. She has to be concealed from the sunlight. This makes her vulnerable during the day, but a force you don't want to face once night falls.

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