The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

The smile on Kyouu's face faded away quickly when Aiden made a one-sides agreement to touch the other male later. Great, that wasn't what he asked for...not that he didn't enjoy it. O-Kay, on that note, moving on from the subject. A wave of pleasure flowed over Kyouu as he witnessed his boyfriend tossing away a practically brand new pack of smokes into the closet trash bin. Thank goodness! "What should we check out first?" In all honesty he hardly recalled the faintest memory about this place, even though Aiden declared that they had been here numberous times as kids. He glanced down at Aiden's hand. "I wonder if we ever held hands as kids...? I remember being super close friends but not even liking him until a few years ago." Just glimpsing down at that free hand almost made him reach for it but unfortunately his conscious changed his mind to merely stuffing his own right into his pants pocket.
Noticing the smile fade from his face Aiden assured Kyouu, "You know I'm kidding right? You can calm down. We should go on some rides. There's tattoo place here, we should stop by there and pick you out a tattoo. Something badass right where your parents can see."
"Yeah, and after that you should get your own tattoo of a unicorn on your chest. That'd be pretty $exy." Kyouu giggled at the thought, he was just being sarcastic about the whole thing. ((Wait...guys don't giggle...whatever.)) Again he was thinking about the whole age thing and how he had to be at least eighteen and all that crap, he just worried too much about those little things. Plus what would his parents things if he really did walk in through the front door with a knife or something "badass" actually tattooed onto his arm.
"Yea? You think that would be sexy... Wait! What! Your out your mind." Aiden had a disturbed look on his face, then suddenly his eyes brightened like a child's on Christmas. " You know what? I just might do it... but your the unicorn. The kinky unicorn. Ohhh yeaaa. You'll be sorry you gave me the idea."
"No, no, no!, you know what? Nevermind. Just forget about the whole idea." Kyouu did not want to be the image of a dumb unicorn. He wrapped his arm around Aiden's. "Unicorns are suddenly not so sexy anymore."
"Your fun.", Aiden said amused with Kyouu's reaction. When he felt the other's wrap around his own, he felt reassured and happy, but just let it happen without saying anything.

They had lost track of time. "It's starting to get late we should head back soon." At one of the shops the passed somethings eye. "I think that bracelet would look good on you. What do you think?"
When Aiden had mentioned heading back home, an idea popped into Kyouu's mind. "Or we could stay at a hotel tonight. Isn't there a hotel nearby?" By this he didn't mean to participate in sexual intercourse but just to get a great view of the sunset of the beautiful ocean horizon from the window. Plus, it was an excuse to snuggle. He moved on from the idea when he too spotted the bracelet. "Hey...yeah, I really like it actually." He began rummaging through his pockets to find that there was no wallet. "Crap, I left my wallet at home."
When Kyouu brought up getting a room he played it cool but he was thrilled, he didn't want to go home and be without Kyouu especially after their first date, "Sounds like a great idea." Kyouu mentioned leaving his wallet behind and Aiden spoke, "Well actually I was hoping I could get it for you. It would feel great if you accepted it as a gift, something to remember this night."
Kyouu smiled when Aiden agreed with his idea about the hotel room but it seemed to widen when he offered to buy the bracelet himself. "A-Alright, if you really want to."
Aiden kissed Kyouu on the cheek and gave the money for the bracelet to the shop keep. He raised Kyouu's hand with his own and placed the bracelet on his wrist. "Looks good. So what do you say we grab a room while there's still good one available."
Cliff blushed when his cheek was pecked and the smile didn't seem to fade. He looked down at his own hand, admiring the new bracelet that could now claim his own, feeling a little girly for wearing a thing like that. "I'm definitely the female of this relationship," This was thought with a mental chuckle. "Huh? Oh! Sure, let's go." He took one of Aiden's hand, slipping his own hand in to intertwine their fingers.
Aiden let a small smile form, as Kyouu took his hand. A few minutes later they had reached the hotel. After checking in they were on the way to their room when Aiden asked, "Did you let your parents know what's up, or at least some version of it. I wouldn't want them calling the police. They worry about you."
"Uhh..." Kyouu was basically certain that he had not remembered...and if he did it seems that forgot that too. Pulling out his phone he quickly dialed his home phone number to almost immeditaley receive a freaked out reply from his worried parents. After at least a good ten minutes or so of explaining where he was and that he truthfully wasn't alone, they finally calmed themselves enough to actually listen then hangup, luckily it had taken the two a while to find their room anyways.
"It seems that you've got things sorted out. This is great!" Aiden opened the door to the balcony and peered over the ledge. Leaned back gazing back at Kyouu, "What a great idea this was. The breeze feels great we should leave the balcony open for a bit, order some movies. The bed looks great." He ploped down on his back with his hands behind his head on the bed. "Nice place, and all to ourselves..." his mind wondered. I promised I would behave myself. He intended to keep his promise so he let his thoughts in that direction end there. "How about we get just get close. That's acceptable right?" Stretched out on the bed he looked to his boyfriend.
Kyouu listened to Aiden as he talked about how great everything was, seemed to really like it, and truthfully...he really liked it as well. They could have some REAL alone time even if that didn't involve sex; didn't have to worry about his parents walking in and questioning why they're in eachother's arms.

He set his things aside before slowly crawling onto the bedtop to join his boyfriend. It was kind of embarrassing but whatever! Get over it Kyouu! "You know, you didn't have to pay for the room by yourself. I don't have my wallet with me but I still pay you back later on."
He wrapped an arm around Kyouu and kissed his head, "Can't let you do that. We're sharing the room and nothing drains the romance out of an evening like keeping tabs and collecting debts. Just have a good time and we'll call it even." Aiden turned to the slightly younger man and wondered at him for moment. "You've had some great ideas today. So, you know... thanks n' stuff." For some reason he felt silly saying it, but he figured Kyouu deserved to hear it.
"Thanks n' stuff?" Kyouu smirked as he repeated that particular phrase of Aiden's, holding back the urge to giggle since he was genuinely being serious. "Hey, it's no big deal, t'is your idea too." His eyes widened when he remembered that he needed to call someone. After managing to scramble out from Aiden's one arm, he dialed up a certain number. "Hey Brandon, I know I let you borrow my textbook but I forgot that I'm going to need it. Can you bring it to school tomorrow?"
Brandon reached over the girl in his passenger seat to open her door, "You should go now." The girl seemed more surprised than anything by the sudden notion that she had been dumped for seemingly no reason, "Fine, but can you at least let me know what's going on?" She asked. Brandon answered in a matter of factly way, "It wouldn't have been very fair to you to keep you in my pocket while waiting for something else to happen. Please don't think poorly of me, this was hard for me but after much deliberation it seemed the least harmful path. I have to get going now, I have a call to take." He drove off and answered the call, "Hey Kyouu... your textbook? Yeah I can actually drop it off now are you at home?"
"Oh, no actually I won't be home at all tonight. Like I said, it's fine, tomorrow will be okay then." Kyouu tried to reassure him. It's not like he was lying or anything, it's just that he didn't exactly need to know that he was out with Aiden.
That's curious. "Out all night on a school night? Are you making trouble Kyouu?" Brandon was disappointed. He had hoped for oppertunity for a late rendezvous with Kyouu. His curiousty was digging at him though he was fairly certain where, or atleast who he was with. "We'll I'll see you tommarow then. Use protection."
"Protection?! N-No, it's not like that!" Kyouu attempted to explain but he had lost connection before he could even do so. He tossed his phone aside with a light sigh, snuggling back up next to Aiden. "Why does everyone think that all there is to a relationship is sex?" This was more of an open question, wasn't necessarily talking to himself or directing it at Aiden.
Aiden laughed at Kyouu's conversation, "I'm sure he was just looking out for you, just in case. Besides, it doesn't matter what other people are thinking. Our relationship is what happens between you and me. You can't be so concerned about what other people are thinking. Especially if you want to be happy in a homosexual relationship."
"I know..." Kyouu claimed that he knew and yet he always went back to worrying about what the public would think about certain things. That's a personal thing he'd have to work on alone. "Yeaahh, you're right." Just like as a younger boy he reached down to grab Aiden's hand then ask the same exact like he had used many times along with one of his sugar-sweet smiles, "So whataya wanna do?"
It was times like these Aiden had always wanted to reach in and kiss Kyouu. The difference being now he felt free too. He caressed his face an guided his lips to his own and took time to savor the feeling remembering how long it was only fantasy. "We've done a lot today, I say we take it easy order a movie. And well I don't usually sleep in jeans and shirts, I' d like to get comfortable, at some point if your okay with that.
Kyouu didn't blush from the kiss this time. It seemed that even though it really had only been a few days or at most a week, he was getting used to being close like this. Of course the embarrassing touching would send a rush of blood up to his cheeks but not quite as frequently. Aiden would probably enjoy the amount of less resistance. When Aiden mentioned stripping down to his underwear, that sounded more awkward than embarrassing but whatever, they were close friends and had seen eachother in their undergarments many times -- odd to say. "O-Kay," He wondered what movie they should watch. Dr Who was an idea that immeditaly popped into his mind.

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