⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)

Paethon gently let the pup down when they returned to the clearing. He smelled the air; blood, stress, and strange scents he didn't recognize. "If it weren't for that Omega there wouldn't be so much trouble." He thought to himself as he saw Royce, Dru, and Beau pile in. Within no time the Omega had everyone in a frenzy. Paethon sighed then turned to Kaga, "I'm proud of you pup, you took things in your own hands and that's important in a leader." He nodded before continuing, "The issue is you're untrained, and weak because of it. Though I am proud, it was idiotic. You do not take on any task without Leila's permission, or some support."

There was too much commotion, a howl rang out, a strange wolf was following North. Royce interrupted Leila, it dawned on Paethon at that moment.

" Listen Kaga, that pest, Royce, is going to go complain to Leila. When it's over, I'm not going to be a Selsa anymore. I'm going to request to be placed as Lead Delta to avoid conflict. Besides, they need a leader. I'll allow you to choose, would you like me to train you as a Delta or train with a different Selsa for that position?" Paethon wanted to train the pup, but would not dare to force him into a rank he wouldn't enjoy.​


@Play On Words @Ellieroan @Moolock ]

Nodding to Royce in acknowledgment, she replied in a gentle tone, "I'll hear from you once I'm finished, Royce." She said calmly, turning towards Faolan and giving her a stern nod. "If it's Ikki's request to send you all out, then it has been granted. Now go, young one - And stay safe, we can't lose any more pack members." She said in a stern yet motherly tone, sincerely hoping the pups stay safe as they assist their Lead Zeta-to-be.

Turning back to the possible new member, she lightly dipped her head in respect for the rogue's kindness thus far. "It's not a problem at all, Crow; We're nothing like the Eastern Executioners, I make sure of it." She said, eyes flickering to the tooth pierced through her ear, her symbol of strength from surviving an attack from her own pack. "Now, what may we assist you with dear?"


[ @Chaos Follows ]

Kaga sat upon the dirt as he looked up to Phaethon, claws digging into the dirt in annoyance at how hectic the pack was now compared to how peaceful it was this morning. His ears pressed back against his head, and he cringed as he pawed at one of his ears with a whine. "So loud..." The pup whined, his tail tucking between his legs; He only wished that the chaos would cease quickly, and that everyone would get a good night's sleep... He would find that rogue, he thought with narrowed eyes.

As soon as Phaethon spoke, Kaga sat to attention and lifted his ears to listen closely. He swallowed nervously as it hit him how idiotic his half-baked plan was... But felt pride swell in his chest as he was being praised for his efforts, until they both spotted Royce speaking with Leila. Kaga looked up to Phaethon with a saddened expression, but understood the choice; He would have requested a new rank too, to avoid conflict. It was at that moment, that Kaga saw Phaethon in a new light - He wasn't scary or a jerk, he just wanted to live peacefully and fought for his right to do so. "I'll.. I'll be a Delta, Phaethon!" The pup said, his gaze gardened in determination, "Anything to continue being trained by you!"


[ @Drumonkey @ThatOneWeirdo ]

Upon seeing the wolf growl at her, Aura's eyes widened slightly as she took a step back, until... He recognized her? The she-wolf cocked her head to the side, her ears pressing back against her head as she swallowed timidly. She didn't recognize the wolf, how could he know her? Unless... "Dru..?" She said softly, her tail wagging slightly as her blue eyes twinkled with joy. It seemed like it had been an eternity since she saw her puphood friend, and here he was in this pack!

It was such a small world sometimes, Aura thought to herself with a tiny smile. She glanced down to the pup, and gave her a tiny nod in greeting as she looked back up to the wolf with wide eyes. "Dru.. I never thought I'd see you again after we parted ways!" She exclaimed with a small laugh, happy to have seen her old friend yet again.

The multi-colored wolf breathed a sigh of relief and nodded to the alpha. "Thank you, Alpha Leila." Faolan bowed before taking off away from her alpha. She ran back to the Zeta den and, panting, told all of her packmates there, "Alpha Leila gave us permission, including Leigh. We need to hurry. Who's coming with Leigh and I to get supplies?" Faolan finally caught her breath and looked towards Ikki.

@Chaotic Pastel




Dru and Leigh had left and curently Dru was reconciling with an old friend. "I alost forgot about you, after we seperated a storm hit and it changed my life forever. Since then I haven't had much time to think about my past ... or the heart to. But I'm glad to see that you're ok. We need to hurry though one of our omegas are in danger and we need to get supplies." @Chaotic Pastel @Ellieroan @ThatOneWeirdo
Paethon nodded once more, this time at the pups decision. "You can follow me, I'm going to talk to Leila." He needed to be there when Royce talks to Leila. "She'll understand." He thought to himself. He needed a leadership position. Paethon believed it would cause less theatrics within the ranks. He considered why he didn't take Lead Selsa in the beginning. "No, Royce makes for a fine Lead Selsa. I just can't have anyone who thinks they're my superior." He's thoughts became quieter as he reached the Alpha. "Leila, I apologize for adding more stress to this frenzy, but once you're finished I must speak to you of changing my status. I don't believe Royce and I work efficiently together."


Leigh separated himself from Beau, and jumped to her feet. His confession hardly fazed her, she'd heard much stranger in her life in the pack. She had more important concerns than who Beau cared about. Like trying to not let him die, as inexperienced as she was. If her first experience as a Zeta was to watch someone die, it'd hurt, although it wouldn't change her decision.​
"If it wouldn't cause too much of a stir, I would like to join this pack," Crow replied, gaze flickering to the took for a moment before returning to meeting the alpha's.

@Chaotic Pastel


@Moolock @Chaos Follows @Play On Words ]

Leila glanced about the clearing, claws nervously digging in and out of the ground. They could use more new recruits in the pack, especially with Wintertime on its way and the threat of a bear possibly being in her territory; She gave Crow a kind smile, and nodded lightly, "I would be more than happy to allow you into the pack.." She said softly, then tilted her head, "However, you'll have to prove to me that you may enter a rank - For the meantime, you are an Omega, but only until the Full Moon when wolves are initiated into roles.. Alright? All you must know for the meantime, is that no one is to leave the territory unless approved by me. We have a bear stalking around our territory, and it isn't safe until we get rid of it." She said, her voice somewhat stern yet keeping its kindness.

The she-wolf then glanced to her friend, and her head cocked to the other side; Phaethon, changing roles? She thought, normally trusting the wolf's opinion, after all he was the one who granted her rights as an Alpha. She didn't intend to let him down any time soon. "You may speak, Phaethon." She said softly, allowing herself to sit which was followed by a wince from her movement.


[ @Chaos Follows @Play On Words @Moolock ]

Kaga followed his mentor proudly, looking up to him with a small smile. He looked up to their Alpha afterwards, to see her speaking to a newcomer about how their pack worked, then turned to Royce and gave him a smile; There was no point in him feeling bitter about the dispute between Royce and Phaethon, so he gave him as much respect as he would give Phaethon - After all, he must have done something amazing to prove himself as Leas Selsa to Leila.

Looking back to the newcomer, the pup sat and smiled up at her, "Hello! I'm Kaga!" He greeted happily as Phaethon spoke with Leila, his tail wagging slightly to show he was no harm to the rogue - After living his own life as a rogue before this pack, he understood having to approach a wolf and make the signs of friendliness obvious. It was difficult to trust first impressions as a rogue, he thought to himself, glancing around the pack momentarily and thankful to have made his home within the pack.


[ @Drumonkey ]

Aura nodded to Dru as she listened, her expression softening; Drawing in a breath at the realization of the possibility of both their lives changing over a storm, she nervously clawed at the dirt. "That's strange.." She started, swallowing nervously, "I think we may have been through the same storm.. Because not too long after we parted, in a temporary den we slept in, lightning struck and burned down the den..." She trailed off, her ears pressing back against her head, "Everyone died except me and my mother, but then eventually she was killed by a feral rogue.."
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Dru looked away sadly and whined slightly "that's unfortunate to hear from what little I remember of your parents they were good. The storm struck me and and paralyzed me leaving me near dead. My parents and brother found me then left thinking I was dead. Almost a day later I was able to move and followed their fain trail until I found them.... dead." Dru whispered the last word and his eyes seemed to flash then he spoke again "they seemed to have been murdered but my brother was nowhere to be found." Dru cleared his throat quietly. @Chaotic Pastel
"Royce and I had a dispute in the forest." Patheon stood tall as he gave his explanation, "You know I don't work well under others Leila. I believe it to be best for myself as well as the efficiency of the pack that I be given a leadership role." He took a moment to look at Kaga communicating with the rogue. "I request the role of Lead Delta and to have the promotion this Full Moon, along with that of Ikka and the pups." Paethon stared at his old friend, waiting for her answer.

I hope they come back soon. The little pup thought to himself. His parents had gone hunting, and though it was a usual occurrence, he worried. His father had once told him that even the most skilled hunters could make fatal mistakes, and remembering these words didn't help to alleviate his fears. They'll be fine! He scolded himself. They'll come back alright, and mama can finish her story! At this thought his tail started to wag. His mother had the best stories. They were full of action and adventure, dashing and powerful heroes, and all of them had happy endings. As he reminisced of the last story, one about a dashing wolf who left home in search of treasure, he heard a commotion outside. "They're back!" He yelped with glee. He stood up from the dusty floor, and raced outside. He ran as fast as his little legs would carry him, only stopping to apologize to the pack Iota when he bumped into him. As he finally reached the clearing, he skidded to a stop. He was about to call out to his parents, but something stopped him. His mother wasn't moving. He saw his father, heard his mournful howl, and the little pup's tail slowed to a stop. He felt tears wet his eyes as he understood. For the first time in the little pup's life, he felt utterly alone.

Kato jolted awake, the dust clinging to his sweaty fur. He panicked for a moment, half expecting to see the corpse laying on the ground, but soon regained his bearings. He was still shaken, but less so than before. He glanced at his bed, but soon brushed off the idea of returning to sleep. He'd rather stay up then risk having that nightmare again. Shivering, Kato turned his gaze to the den's entrance. Some fresh air wouldn't be such a bad idea. He quietly padded outside, and started out into the forest. He wouldn't go far, just enough that he could be alone.

Sorry for writing so much. Once I started, I couldn't stop

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Qira stepped away from Beau so Ikki could set the cobweb on his wound "C'mon Beau... You can make it..." It was an emotional for all of them "Poor Beau... Maybe won't even say goodbye to Dru." She thought as she looked at Ikki "Ikki you can do it, i know you can..."

Faolan came up to them and asked about who was going with.

Qira looked at Beau, she looked at Ikki "Ikki, would you mind doing this alone so i can go with Faolan? If you want me here i can stay, its your choice."


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Ikki quickly placed the cobwebs on the big wound and awaited to see what happens next. If the blood slowed, that is perfect and Beau would be fine. If it didn't, well, the search party for the supplies better be quick. Of course, she didn't say this out loud not wanting to cause a panic. "Ooo so you're into the Beta huh? I don't blame you, he is pretty good lookin." Ikki replied to Beau's confession. True, it was weird for her to talk to a wolf who liked the same sex, but it was also intriguing.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Qira who asked to go on the hunt with the others. Ikki nodded, not wanting to hold the she-wolf here if she didn't want to. The Zeta then looked back at Beau awaiting his response, wanting to distract him from the given situation.
@MuffinRPs @Ellieroan @ShadowOwl0123
Aero said:
Ikki quickly placed the cobwebs on the big wound and awaited to see what happens next. If the blood slowed, that is perfect and Beau would be fine. If it didn't, well, the search party for the supplies better be quick. Of course, she didn't say this out loud not wanting to cause a panic. "Ooo so you're into the Beta huh? I don't blame you, he is pretty good lookin." Ikki replied to Beau's confession. True, it was weird for her to talk to a wolf who liked the same sex, but it was also intriguing.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Qira who asked to go on the hunt with the others. Ikki nodded, not wanting to hold the she-wolf here if she didn't want to. The Zeta then looked back at Beau awaiting his response, wanting to distract him from the given situation.
@MuffinRPs @Ellieroan @ShadowOwl0123
"But I shouldn't," Beau said sounding upset, "He's the Beta and I'm just the Omega. He'd never like me back. He'll meet a nice she-wolf who is ten times better than me and fall head first in love," He turned his head from Ikki and mumbled to himself, "and I'll just be here broken."

"I thank you" Qira said looking at Ikki. She turned her head to Faolan "Faolan, i will come with you, but Dru and Leigh are already gone i think, so we have to find them as soon as possible."

She sprinted through the clearing looking for Dru and Leigh, hoping Faolan came with.

She found them talking to a unknown wolf.

She came up to the wolf and let out a low growl.

"Dru, we should go, i know you're talking to this wolf but saving Beau is more important than everything else right now so we have to go."

She looked at the pup "Leigh you're growing up now, no more pup's play.

You'll have to be really serious if you're going with us.

Or else Beau will die, and we won't let that happen, do you understand?"

She wanted that the pup understood that this is situation between life and death.

She knew Leigh would understand it, because Leigh cares for her people too, but she wanted to make sure.





Leigh felt stress snapping at her paws. She looked at Qira. "Dru was talking to this wolf, and I can't go on my own." She reminded her. That seemed kind of obvious to her. She was itching to leave, to help Beau. "Can we leave now?" She pleaded, muzzle raised as she scented the air.

"I know what we need, and I know where it is. But again, I can't go alone." She sighed.

@ShadowOwl0123 @Drumonkey
Faolan nodded to the other female wolf before following her in her spring. When she saw the pup and Dru talking to a mysterious wolf, her hackles rose and a growl let loose from her throat. She wanted to handle the situation, but Qira handled it. Faolan looked to the pup and jerked her head. "You can come with me, if you want. I am going to go search for materials. You can stay with Qira or Dru if you want to, though." Faolan looked at the unknown wolf and turned her head, heading in the opposite direction to fins supplies.





Leigh shrugged, not particularly caring who she went with. She just wanted to go. "Sure." She said after a beat. If Faolan knew what she was doing, it wouldn't let Leigh prove herself, but she'd feel less terrified. Despite her mother's past as a Zeta, she'd never actually helped treat a patient, just collect herbs.

"Let's go, please." She yipped, approaching Faolan. She'd never spoken to the wolf in depth, and hoped the wolf wouldn't mention either of her parents. Most did, and it didn't make her happy at all.​



@Chaos Follows @Moolock @Play On Words ]

Leila tilted her head in confusion, worried for the dispute between two her her best Selsas, but the idea of Phaethon becoming their new Lead Delta did not worry her in the slightest; She knew the wolf as though he were her own brother, and knew that with a lead Delta in the pack - They could have enough food to last them the winter. With a hesitant nod, she finally made her decision, "Well, I would hate for there to be conflict between my Selsas, so I'll grant your request, Phaethon." More strange scents mixed into the scent of panic, and Leila sighed deeply as she glanced up to the sky which was losing its pinkish tint and gradually turning darker.

"If that Omega keeps my Zetas and pups up until the night, I'll have no choice..." She murmured as her voice trailed off, rolling her shoulders back as her ears pressed back against her head in annoyance. "Phaethon, I would greatly appreciate if you and Kaga could escort our newest pack member to one of our vacant dens while I speak with Royce, please?" She asked, her tone turning more from a command from an Alpha - into a desperate plea. All the distraught within her own pack, brought upon by the lowest rank of the pack: the Omega. "Royce, please get on with your report.." She said softly, shaking her fur our to exhaust whatever emotional strain remained to listen.


[ @Drumonkey @Ellieroan @ThatOneWeirdo @ShadowOwl0123 @Play On Words]

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Aura said softly, her expression softening as she gave him a gentle nuzzle in an attempt to perk up his attitude. "Don't worry, I'm here to help now!" She said in a cheerful tone, which was soon cut off by the sudden tension in the air. Her shoulders tensed, and she could sense the distress and agitation within the wolves around them; Her ears laid back against her head in submission, not wishing to cause harm or be harmed by her old friend's packmates. Blue eyes glanced back towards her friend, and she gave a nervous smile, "H-Hey, um.. Help them, okay? That's more important.."

Aura cleared her throat, then forced another smile as she stood, "Come see me once you're done, okay Dru..? I need to seek out the Alpha anyway to ask if I could join.. See you later." Her timid tone managed to escape, before she dashed off and sniffed at the air to find the scent of an Alpha. only to spot them speaking with other wolves. To keep from interrupting, she remained at bay and merely watched from a distance, awaiting for the Alpha to finish speaking with who she guessed was a Selsa, if not the Lead Selsa. She guessed it was from the tension that hung in the air, but the Alpha looked stressed - Which had to be unhealthy considering the huge bandage of leaves over her abdomen. It only made Aura wonder what kind of wolf this Alpha was.

Dru nodded and followed after Leigh and Faolan although his mind was distrated by his old friend. Seeing her had brought back some old memories that he rather stayed hidden. Dru was following after members of his pack but he seemed to be moving as if his muscles were stiff. @Ellieroan @thatonewiredo @ShadowOwl0123
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Qira saw Dru, Faolan and Leigh running off.

She felt a cold breeze gliding over her soft hair.

As she saw the new wolf going elsewhere, she went and followed her group.

After North went looking what happened, she came back to the new wolf and saw Leila talking to her, but also with Phaethom and... Royce. She whispered in a lovely tone.

She went up to them.

"Hey. I see you're talking with our Alpha, Leila.

You can talk to her, i was just checking if you we're still here.

Well i'm off to my den, i need to get some sleep."

Before she went away, she turned her back.

"Hey, i didn't get your name quite yet?"


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Faolan looked behind her and saw Leigh and Dru following her. The she-wolf let out a quiet sigh of relief since she hadn't wanted to go alone, protecting a pup, with that bear out there still. Faolan nodded towards Dru to show her thanks before she set off with the two wolves in search of the medical supplies needed for Beau.


Pocahontas opened her eyes as she heard a commotion of voices within the territory. The silver dame was sitting on the top of one of the large rocks within the pack's territory. The sun was setting, casting a orange glow among the grass and leaves of the surrounding trees. A soft breeze swept through her silver coat. She hadn't spoken to any of the members of this pack yet, having only joined lately. Raising her head, her black nose quivered as she took in all the scents of the territory. As she sniffed, she felt a vibe within the wind. Her ears flicked around, it was an electrical vibe. But there were no clouds in the sky as far as she could see. All she could imagine was that it was a distant thunderstorm which hadn't reached them yet. Standing up, she shook out her silver coat before swiftly jumping from the rock she was perched upon and started making her way towards the Alpha's Rock. Maybe there was someone there she could speak to. The young dame was curious about the others within the pack.

Paethon thanked Leila before turning towards the new wolf, "Follow me." He patted Kaga's heads "You too pup." He walked away from the Alpha, looking for a vacant den. "I'm the Lead Delta, Paethon." He called back at Crow. He found an empty den beside his own. "Alright neighbor, here's your new home. I'm right next to you if you require any assistance." He nodded at Crow.

@Moolock @Chaotic Pastel
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Crow dipped her head to the alpha once again before moving to follow the Lead Delta to a den. She nodded a few times to his directions and stooped slightly to enter. The space was cozy, a wolf-sized dip in the ground marked her sleeping place. It reminded her of home some and the salt-and-pepper wolf flattened her ears slightly. Flexing a claw and reaching to the far end of the den, she scratched something in the dirt, then took a few moments to look it over before resting her paw back on the ground. "Thank you, Lead Delta."

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