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Fantasy The Border Princes

Turn 2
Kloudy Kloudy

Grimm wanted to gather some boyz, but the question remained.... where did he look? Located near the hills and small mountains near Barak Varr, he could go looking around there.. Or he could go south into the edge of the badlands and look there, or perhaps find some caves or caverns in the hills to look for some runts. It wasn't a simple matter of meeting them and having a civilized discussion on the perks and bonuses of following a new boss, no, Greenskins recruited in a pure way. The biggest and strongest ruled, recruiting would likely involve fighting the current boss or leader of any band they find and either winning or dying, such was the way of the Gork and Mork.

What did Grimm do?

Decision Point [Pick One]
1. Search the hills
2. Search the edges of the Badlands
3. Search for caverns
4. Just try to gather roaming groups [Autoresolve - Likely goblins and snotlings]

Whatever one he picked [outside of 4] is likely to result in a duel to the death.. But that only meant the fight would be a right propa scrap!


Grimm likely meant to raid smaller hamlets and take some humie slaves, but sadly, they were too loud and obvious and so the easier pickings fled or avoided them, long used to moving and abandoning their homes before oncoming storms and returning later once it abated [Somehow not a single dice was above a 5.] This left only one real target, a place many of the humies ran to, a large fortification held by humies with funny hats and large mustaches. The palisade walls were strong, and the ditch was deep. Assaulting it directly would be difficult, and they'd need to fight through two layers unless they wanted to try and break through to the keep directly, but that hill was so steep as to be near impossible to climb, especially if the defenders were firing or throwing things at them... It would be a difficult fight especially with little way to breach the walls or gates. It could be done with a right propa kunning, or just brutally smashing his head through until something gives.. But either way, it would prove a challenge.

There was another option, of course, and that was to place it under siege and use the remainder of the season, and scrap, to construct siege weapons to help breaching [We will do some rolling to see what you and Twist manage to create and how much it cost, as Twist is 'tinkering' this turn, you'll get a bonus for this]

[You may roll a perception {Intelligence} check, at +20 since you have time to really examine it, to get a feel for the defenders.]

Decision Point
1. Assault!
2. Place Under Siege
3. Move on

Visual Representation of a Motte and Bailey
Turn 2
Kent Kent

Trying to convert elves to the worship of chaos was not easy, especially when he just had to flee the Swordmasters of his homeland because of accusations of heresy. These men and women trusted him, believed in his innocence even if they had reasons not to, and now.. Now they would find out that they had been wrong. He had been corrupt, he had been a servant of the dark gods, they had left their home, their families, forsaken their oaths to their homeland in the name of lies. Ailluin is well aware this is a risk, one that may be too large to even consider, but he does it anyways, offering up a prayer to the Changer of Ways for guidance.. the changer blasts his minds with dozens of alternate and possible futures, some he is burnt alive as his family returns to their home to face judgement, others his wife is mutated into a great chaos spawn that he rides into battle... So many visions haunt his mind, so many outcomes, that it becomes too much to handle, but Ailluin's mind is strong, and he resist the call to insanity such numerous realities present.

The Mother

The first one he approaches is his mother. His mother loved him, and always had, despite his flaws. What choice did she have, as his mother? He told her his lies, that he was a true follower of the elven gods and it was only when the swordmasters accused him, that he turned to be saved. It wasn't he who betrayed the world, no, no, it was the world that betrayed him! His mother locked herself in her chambers for weeks, and let no one in.. Screams could be heard echoing from her chambers, but Ailluin told everyone it was merely 'homesickness'... Eilralei eventually emerged from her chambers, but something in her had changed. She was pale and gaunt, from starving herself for so long, but behind her beautiful eyes now lurked a murderous fury...

She strangled and stabbed those that did not turn, and for a brief time, even wore their skinned faces on her belt. She would become withdrawn, distant most of the time, before suddenly erupting into a sadistic frenzy, looking for someone to hurt, someone to bleed, someone to kill. All the pain within being channeled outwards, to break the world that tried to break her..

Eilralei gained 5 Insanity Points. Reset to 0. Gain Insanity Trait [18]: Sanguinary


A character with this trait may never opt to do non-lethal hits. If it is, in any way, possible for her to kill her foe, she will do so. She may never heal or give medical aid to anyone, under any circumstance, as she'd much rather watch them bleed out or finish them herself. If your faction has anyone considered 'helpless', be this prisoners, civilians, or slaves, the character must take a willpower test, each game turn, else murder and mutilate some of them. Any romantic partners counts as 'helpless' for the purpose of this trait [they stab them in their sleep or slowly grow obsessed with the idea of killing them]. Attempting to stop this, or restrain them, during these murderous rampages will make them attack the ones trying to stop them.

The Wife

Eldira was the hardest one to tell the truth to, but she was also the one that suspected him the most. She was not blinded by parental love, like Eilralei, but she did love her husband. And because of that, she watched him. Often. She knew when he lied, she knew when he hid things from her, he knew when he skulked around and didn't think she watched him.. She was also very aware that she loved her husband much more then he ever loved her. If he did at all. When Ailluin told her his lies, she smiled at him, held him, told him it was okay, but inside, she wept for the man she always hoped he'd become and now knew he never would be. When he left her chambers, proud of his 'convincing,' she broke down and wept knowing she should kill him for what he was becoming, but unable to draw her sword to do it. She was trapped. Trapped in a web of her own making. She could do nothing, but exist in this new broken world.

Eldira Gains 3 Insanity Points

The Guard

The houseguard reactions are more varied. Some seem to embrace Tzeentch, afterall, they were forsaken by their homeland, why shouldn't they forsake them back? Pride and ego was always a powerful force within the High Elves and was ample space for Tzeentchian worship to grow from. Others gritted their teeth, burying their shame and guilt for this treachery under the iron walls of 'duty' and 'purpose', believing in what Ailluin told them and foolishly believing their duty would guard their souls from damnation, in time, they would fall to the worship of the true god. Three Housguard... refused. They were proud, stubborn, and full of righteous wrath. They pretended to obey, but attempted to murder Ailluin in his private study.. They were cut down by Eilralei and the loyal guard... Eilralei even taking grizzy trophies from them..

Three Houseguard Dead. Retain their equipment [3 suits of Elven Scale, 3 Bows and 3 Swords]

Tzeentch is pleased with these events. Ailluin has decieved his family, and then broke their will with the truth, such actions amuse the Changer of Ways to no ends...

Roll on the Tzeentch Path to Glory [d100]

The journey to Steyr is a quiet and peaceful one, they arrive to see the town surrounded by a mass of tents and slums, a large number of refugees lay encamped outside, with heavily armored humans patrolling it to keep the peace. Ailluin learns a band of human knights called the 'Order of Silver' led the refugees and was trying to keep the peace within.

Walking through the stinking, dirty humans [who were both dirtier and smeller without homes], Ailluin was allowed through the gate as High Elves, while often held with suspicion for being elves by men of the Empire, were still Elves and so fair, mysterious and, often, wealthy... Steyr was a pathetic sight to High Elves of Ulthuan, who had cities of gleaming marble that pierced the skies, but for a human settlement within the border princes it was... adequate. It held a strong strategic position, was fairly large sized, had numerous facilities, yes, it would do well as a place to gather power and support in.

Making inquiries within, Ailluin learned there are six people of some power and standing within Steyr:

Baron Müller
The ruler of the town, the Baron surrounded himself with advises and powerful members of the town, so he was either a wise man who knew how to listen to good advice, or a weak man who needed to be guided... It was hard to tell which until he was met. Still, the Baron commanded the most 'raw' political power in town although anyone getting close to the Baron would likely draw eyes from all others

Charles Meyer
The wealthiest of the merchants in town, he held considerable means in both resources and coin. His wealth had grown considerably with the arrival of the refugees, his peddlers charging outrageous prices for goods the refugees could not live without while buying what little they had at cutthroat rates because... where else could they go to sell? A man that chased profit above all else, such men had their uses.

Albrecht Weber
A priest of the human god Ulric. It was said Albrecht was in charge of keeping the refugees warm and fed through donations from the town, and had grown greatly in power and influence from this especially with the refugees. Such a man held a lot of sway over the spiritual needs of the people and would make a useful ally.

Chloé Aicart
The Guard Captain of the town. She was a stern woman with a strong sense of honor and duty, she seemed to disdain knights and nobility. She ran a tight ship and the town guard seemed extremely well trained and disciplined for such a place. She was worth keeping an eye on, and would make a useful pawn and solider if he could manage it.

Volker Kant
A shadow wizard from the empire, currently serving as 'Court Mage' to Baron Müller. Shadow Wizards tend to be spies and assassins, so it would be wise to keep an eye on it. While they were just a human wizard [and so clearly inferior to elven ones!] caution was always wise... perhaps gaining the favor of such a being could be of use? Two wizards working from the shadows could be great enemies.. or great allies of convenience.

Kaiden Home
The leader of the Order of Silver, and 'caretaker' of the refugees outside. From what Ailluin was able to gather, their original town fell to an army of the dead and they fled west to escape them. The refugees are currently barred from entering as the town debates what to do, although the Order of Silver was able to negotiate entrance by their members so long as they entered disarmed. It seemed their order prided themselves on being 'spell blades', wizard warriors. They lacked a home, and had a decent force of well armed men, perhaps they could be of use and would benefit from the wisdom of a wizard such as yourself.

You may either:
Pick 2 to 'auto-resolve' meetings with, or pick 1 to do a scene diplomacy with.

You may be wondering, 'Why would I use an action to talk to Kaiden or Volker? Those are players, I can do that for free'. If you do it as part of this action, both players will gain a bonus once your discussion ends. [So talk to Dest, and you and he gain a bonus after the discussion is over, good or bad discussion, doesn't matter]

Volker Kant
Turn 02

Volker Kant stood again at the window looking down upon the town square of Steyr, puffing on his pipe as he considers events in play. His power was growing in the city despite the efforts of the fraud posing as an Ulrican priest. He questioned if the man might be a follower of Tzeentch, considering his methods thus far but there were other potential forces at work. Then the refugees had come, forcing Volker to quietly counsel their refusal into the city, knowing that the priest would use them against the Baron. His position was precarious if he lost his patron to the whims of rabble rousers and do-gooders feeding said rabble rousers.

Then the Elves came. How curious. He had studied them carefully and discreetly. Wary of such influence should Ulthuan somehow have an interest here. What he saw though made him far more wary now. He already had quietly counseled the Baron about these new arrivals. Carefully moving piece into place like the teachings had shown him. Like his own schooling in the Shadow College had taught him. A word whispered at the right time in the right ear was worth more than honed steel a thousand times over.

"Where do we begin? The board is set, the players moving. Who do we eliminate? Who do we champion?" Volker mutters aloud as he puffs his pipe thoughtfully, continuing to watch the people below go about their business. He had enemies to eliminate, but now new forces were scuttling about the board. It was all a great game to master for Steyr was to be his. No one else would take this place from him, for his work demanded a stable base of operations. He would have to knock some pieces off the board.

1-Whispers in the Dark (Secret)
2-The Unseen Hand (Secret)
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Verg Roteater
Turn 2
Mechking Mechking

The human slaves didn't really know what to make of Verg, the large horribly smelling troll that made them get dizzy and vomit upon getting close to. It was horrifying, looking and smelling, especially with the hundreds of fingers poking out of its skin.. None of the slaves smelt much better, kept in relative squalor, but human filth and troll filth was not exactly equal. Verg tried to 'protect' some of the little ones by redirecting anger away from them and to himself, where they'd cut, whip and beat him for awhile before growing tired and bored and leaving. This did not go unnoticed. Efforts to 'share culture' was... interesting. The humans did most of the chatting [often from as far away as possible from the stench] while Verg spent more time listening. Or at least, the humans hoped he was listening and the often vacant expression on his face didn't mean his mind was in another realm of existence most of the time.

Verg quickly learned that these humans were divided into 'three' groups, but it more seemed to him there were two groups as two of the three had 'joined together' to ensure the third always 'lost' the competitions and so was always forced to give one up to be sacrificed.. As they were outnumbered, and the status quo enforced by the majority, there wasn't much this small group could really do. The question remained... Which group did Verg wish to side with? The minority was oppressed and more bitter and angry, but were also the smallest and weakest group. The majority were oppressed by the chaos dwarfs, and had numbers on their side, but Verg had seen levels of cruelty similar to what the chaos dwarfs, themselves, often gave out..

Decision Point
1. Side with the larger group
2. Side with the smaller group
3. Go your own path


The effort to 'make peace' doesn't go very well, mostly because 'making peace' meant the larger group had to put their own members up to be sacrificed, which they didn't see a reason to do so long as the smaller one existed for them to sacrifice instead. It was a big ask, after all, to 'make the game fair' when the price of losing was watching someone they cared about die. No, the smaller group would continue to suffer from the lopsided and rigged games because in a world of suffering, so long as someone else was suffering just a bit more, well, it made your own life not as bad.

Still, despite being unable to make peace between the groups, and doing so so long as the current system was in place was impossible, Verg was able to emerge as a bit of a 'pillar of neutrality', mostly because the massive troll could take a head off with a single swipe and it was hard to breath too close to him anyways [so a head was really more of a hinderance] which helped keep the peace and allow some talking.... Although what talking there was tended to be the smaller group begging for the larger group to stop which they always refused to do so.

Verg eventually gives the vial over to a small human, he thinks they're called a 'Chai-dron' from the larger group. The smaller group would likely have used it on the larger group and so wasted it to settle petty vengeance, well, that was the logic behind it, but Verg may have simply done it because he liked the 'Chai-dron'. What they would do with the vial... only time would tell.

Slaves Acquire Vial of Poison
[Best not to think of where they keep it... or where Verg kept it]

Grandfather Nurgle

Verg prays to Grandfather Nurgle, but does not get any reasonable response, no strange dreams, no new pulsating puss sacks, just.. nothing. Maybe he wasn't doing it right? The act of 'praying' and 'idolization' was a fairly new one after all. The teaching of Nurgle doesn't go anywhere with the Chaos Dwarfs, who openly mock him, smacking him with whips [as no one wanted to get even closer to his stench]. Their worship of Hashut is far, far too close to them to make any grounds with Nurgle.

His preaching to the humans goes better. All the humans have their own gods, although Verg doesn't know their names [or likely cares], but obviously their gods are not answering, and it isn't like their life is going to get all that much worse so... why not Nurgle? Why not accept the finality of death? Verg's stench keeps him from getting beaten as bad, as the dwarfs can't stomach being that close to him, if they pray to Nurgle, maybe they too could get this gift? To accept the pain, to ignore it, to keep the dwarfs away, to embrace the inevitable end they are all marching to, because slave or master alike, all are the same when they are covered in sores and hacking out a lung..

The faith of Nurgle grows faster in the smaller group of humans, as they are appressed and need more support then the larger group which has some level of 'control'. In fact, the larger group seem to be resisting, almost as if they are clinging to some opposing belief.. perhaps rather then accepting the inevitably of death and decay, they are hoping for a change..

Decision Point
1. Find the source of opposition in the large group and kill them
2. Ignore them, the truth of Nurgle is self-evident.

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The Order of Silver
Turn 2

The Flame in the Dark

Kaiden rolled his shoulder, adjusting the reins he held in one hand with the other refusing to leave the pistol at his side, as he glanced over his shoulder at the column of refugees that he was leading. Around him several of the other members of the order formed the rest of the vanguard, ready to act should the encounter a hostile force. Turning to face the front once more he couldn't help but smile, the pair of young girls who were riding on his horse having braided his hair into a series of intricate styles.

"I do believe that Fiern likes how you've arranged her mane," Kaiden couldn't keep the smile out of his voice, nor hide the chuckle as a baleful eye was turned to glare at him. Snorting, the horse returned her eyes forward, watching the road as they continued on their long path. "Oh don't be like that Fiern, you know Cadok and Snowfire will be jealous!"

The girls giggled, grinning wildly as their mother looked on from the side with a smile tugging at her own lips for the first time since the village had fallen, her husband having fallen with it. Next to her Vivian gave her own sad smile, resting a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it comfortingly.

"Grandmaster!" Baltheth Bruckburg rushed up to the small group, puffing slightly from the weight of his arms and armor. "Possible word about Lord Aurel, we see a rider in the distance approaching from the east at a fair pace. They aren't yet close enough to make out if they are alone or with a party, but Lorenz believes it to be them and I trust his eyes far more than mine."

"Good man! I'm sorry children, but I am afraid I must take Fiern back from you for now," Kaiden chuckled as the duo of girls pouted, giving him pitiful looks as Vivian and their mother picked them up. The former smiled at him, raising the child and allowing her to sit on her shoulder. "You're in charge till Alice returns love, keep them moving for me please."

"Of course, do make sure our beastly friend hasn't lost himself," Vivian chuckled, adjusting how she was holding the child as her hair was pulled out of the bun she kept it in, and turned her gaze once more to the front.

"Of course, though I doubt he has," Mounting was the work of a moment, and Kaiden was quick to wheeled around the direction that the Seargent had indicated. Leaving the column, even for as short a distance as it was, always shocked him simply by virtue of how much it had  shrunken since they had escaped. So many dead, so many more leaving, all of them having relied on the Order only for them to fail. Kaiden did not blame Gideon for it of course, he knew the man would stare down the gods themselves if he had to, but it was still a harsh blow to their internal morale after their failures with the vampire. To have failed once more, frankly the only reason he knew the seargents didn't try to abandon them was the fact that the nineteen that remained were true to their oaths and beliefs.

As he approached the party that had been spotted it was easy to tell that it was the ranging Knight and about half of those he had left with, though the lack of injury to any of them bored well for the rest still living. And, indeed, he saw that one of Gideon's hands was raised in greeting and a smile was on the giant of a man's face.

"Kaiden, it's good news I bring!" As the duo got close enough, the Titan put a hand out and was met in turn with one of Kaidens as the two clasped forearms. "Had quite a bit of good hunting, and we'll be bringing back meat a plenty. I came to gather some wagons before we return to bring it all back."

"Ha! That will make people happy to hear!" Kaiden didn't bother to hide his own smile at the news, already replanting how their supplies would be used for the rest of the journey. "Come then, we'll get you those wagons and get you back to your men quickly!"

As he wheeled around once more, Kaiden's smile only grew. Perhaps their column wouldn't shrink quite as much as he feared after all.

Kaiden's eyes remained on the envoy as he spoke, but his mind wandered far from the topic of their discussion. He had forgotten how, distrusting, people could be, and yet he could not blame the Baron either. The man had to care for his own people first and foremost as winter came ver closer, but the fact of the matter was that none of the citizens of Alsfield would be able to put up much of a fight if they did try to cause trouble. Even with the good hunting that Gideon had been able to have, they were poorly nourished, poorly watered, and in rough shape to be causing any kind of fuss.

"Please leave for an hour while I discuss Baron Müller's terms with my advisors," Kaiden dismissed the man when he was done, sighing once he had left the open tent that was acting as his command post for now. "Useless bloody bureaucracy, why was I the damned pick for the Grandmaster."

"You found Grandmaster Arian where he lay dieing, you were the leader of our Dagger before it broke apart to form the command, you are, frankly, the best with people among us, take your pick of reasons," Alice smirked at him from the side, quill stopping for the moment as she stopped recording the meeting. "But all of them say that you are the best Grandmaster we could have under both the circumstances and, even before them, Arian was grooming you to be a successor of sorts. Maybe not to him, we all know Naron was to be the next in line, but as a Grandmaster down the line."

"And frankly you're the only reason some are staying around, myself included," Gideon cracked one eye, having been leaned back looking to be asleep for the latter half of the meeting. "If it weren't for you being the leader I'd likely have hung up my sword and found a small place somewhere who had use for an Amber wizard."

"Well, I'm glad that you didn't, would hate to have to hunt your ugly mug down for abandoning your vows," Alice smirked at him, a twinkly in her eyes forward the first time in a while.

"Before you two start in on each other, we must discuss this offer of theirs," Kaiden glanced at both of them before sighing, looking down at his own notes of their columns size. "I fear we must accept their harboring of the children, ill, and elderly. We don't have the supplies to ensure their safety, and many of them will die if we do not get them proper shelter quickly."

"Aye, our supplies are meager enough even with Gideon's hunting, there's simply no way to stretch them long enough to reach another settlement alive," Alice glanced over her own notes, scowling as she did. "Its of no matter though, we do not plan to betray these people after all."

"This is also true, and I have a way that we might be able to gain their trust a bit quicker," Gideon pushed himself up and leaned forward. "We have near twenty men and women who are fully trained and now have a chance to rest after pulling guard duty for so long, but when they are recovered they will have little else to do that a militia of sorts cannot. I say we put them to work aiding me and training this settlements troops, making inroads with them that will lead to full acceptance."

"Not a bad idea, the best we have frankly," Kaiden looked at Alice for her opinion, getting a nod of agreement at his words. "I suppose I will make the proposal, when the man returns anyway. Till then, give me a full assessment of our numbers and supplies." Kaiden kept a grin from showing on his face as Gideon groaned, the larger man grumbling as Alice began to list things off.

A Light Among the Shadows

Alice cursed under her breath, adjusting the unfamiliar and ill-fitting armor to take some of the pressure off her injured leg. The battle was barely concluded, by the gods they had just managed to get far enough to remove themselves from the fighting! And so she was still stuck in Gideon's much heavier armor, which was certainly a boon to him in his much more injured state but was a drain on her already much weakened strength.

"Sigmar's will love, come here," The voice came from her injured side, and it was a bare moment before a slightly taller frame was under her arm and taking some of the weight off her. "Vivian mentioned that you had been injured but I wasn't sure how bad it was."

"Serena, thank Sigmar you are alright," Alice could feel a weight lift from her shoulders, the fear that burdened her every time one of them entered battle fleeing for the moment. She leaned heavily on her wife, a sigh escaping her at the relief. "Aye, I'll be alright but it will still slow me down for a time." A grimace shot over her face as the undercoating of the armor was pulled away, the meager scabbing breaking and allowing the blood to sluggishly flow once more.

"You're still bleeding love, you did not pack it?" Serena caught the deepening reddening, far to used to the White Wizard hiding injuries to not pick up on it. "Or was there simply no time?"

"There was no time and not enough supplies to be found quick enough," Realizing she had been caught, Alice didn't bother trying to lie about how bad it was. It wasn't like she could lie to Serena anyway after all. "I planned to stitch it closed, or find someone to, as soon as we made camp for the evening. I know there is still needle and thread in Snowfire's saddlebags."

"And where is that demon of a horse? Eating from the remains of our foes?" A scowl formed on the taller woman's face at the mention of the horse, the duo never having gotten along. "Or perhaps he is terrorizing our foes as the rearguard?"

"He, Fiern, and Cadok are all carrying the worst of the injured, they are worth more there after all," Alice couldn't help but let loose a giggle at the suggestions, swaying slightly as exhaustion and blood loss dragged at the edges of her mind for a moment. "By the gods, I need to rest soon or I will fall asleep on my feet..."

"Soon my love, soon," Pulling a small handful of berries from a pouch at her side she pressed them into Alice's hand. "Eat these, it will take the edge off it and keep you moving."

Barely questioning her, Alice was quick to swallow them with a grimace, the bitter taste shocking her. Opening her mouth for a moment to ask what they were, she stumbled as a fresh wave of exhaustion washed over her. Eyelids growing heavy, she just barely felt as the other woman swept low and picked her up, one hand under her knees and the other wrapping around her shoulder. And, as her mind began to drift as if in the wind, the last thing she felt was her wife lean down and lay a chaste kiss upon her lips.

"You were thrown into her and this was the only injury? I'm rather surprised there weren't more," The voice was just barely at the edge of her hearing, her head feeling as if it was wrapped in cotton. A repeated tugging at her leg kept her from drifting back off, instead the tugging turned to light pain as the cloth surrounding her hearing seemed to fade away more and more. "Though I really shouldn't be, the both of you have the oddest luck in avoiding injury that I've seen."

"You say that, and yet I've never heard of you taking a single wound in all the time I've known you," One of Alice's eyes cracked open a sliver, allowing her to watch as Serena pulled a needle through her skin a final time before cutting the attached thread. Sitting across a fire from her was Vivian, the Ostlander polishing a familiar looking greave even as she spoke. "Hells, I've never even heard of you having so much as a pinprick from all the times I've seen you sew up an injury."

"Pure luck is all it is, now be a dear and fetch some of the wine would you? I need to disinfect her leg," After receiving a quick nod, Serena turned back as Vivian left for the requested wine. "You can stop pretending to still be asleep love, she's gone."

"How do you always tell?" Alice forced both eyes fully open before groaning as she adjusted her seating.

"The way you breath changes just slightly, enough for me to notice," A grin played across the other woman's face before she let out a sigh. "I'm sorry for lying about the berries, but I knew you would never rest unless I made you."

"I do wish you hadn't done it, but i can hardly say anything when I've done the same," A sigh escaped her own lips before she reached out and grabbed her hand. "How bad was it truly?"

"The injury itself wasn't awful, but it had been bleeding the entire time," Serena squeezed her hand, unshed tears pricking at the edge of her eyes. "After seeing the state Gideon was left in, gods I was scared we would get back and I'd find you dead or dieing with nothing to be done. It didn't help that the first one I saw was Kaiden, looking to be not much better."

"Its alright, I'm still here and I don't plan to leave any time soon," Taking advantage of her wife's tight grip, Alice pulled her down against her side, ignoring the slight squeak that accompanied the action, and pulled the taller woman's against her. "Now, I'm still tired and it's far to cold tonight, so you'll be staying right here."

Serena didn't even have a chance to say a word before Alice had already drifted off, trapping her within her wife's embrace. Looking up, she gave a half-hearted glare to the snickering form of Vivian before she adjusted, settling herself in for the night to come.

A Man and Beast, Chained as One

The leaves rustled around Gideon as he looked down from his perch, swaying lightly in time with them. In the distance he could hear the shouts of his men and the crashing of the beast that they were chasing towards him, though he couldn't quite tell what it was yet. A grin found it's way across his face, his blood beginning to run hot as the sounds drew closer and closer. As it did he finally heard an identifying roar, the sound of a cave bear.

"Oh those magnificent bastards," Gideon couldn't help but to whisper the words as his grin grew even wider, a borrowed dagger making its way into his hand. Looking down, he watched as first a few of his men came into view and passed just under his tree before, at last, the bear itself finally did the same. Even before it had fully made it though, Gideon was falling with his booming laugh echoing into the forest. And, as the beast ran under him, a burst of blood shot up and covered his gleaming teeth. "Come on you big beast! Die for me!"

As man and beast fought it became obvious that the beast would not win, the damage already done to it crippling and slowing it more and more with every brief moment until, at last, the beast finally fell dead.

"Gods sakes man, I swear on me mam's life yer crazy!" One of the men who had been running, a hunter from the village whose name that Gideon couldn't remember, approached the man with a shaking head. "Fighting one of those damned things when its injured, bah only either the bravest of men or a fool would do it!"

"Hah, not the craziest thing that Lord Aurel's done in a fight," Dether pack, friend smirked as he looked up, hands on his knees as he gasped for air. "I've seen the man charge right into a line of pikes laughing the entire way."

"Mad men, the lot of ye," The hunter shook his head, wandering towards the bear and yanking out the dagger in its head. "Good steel this, its Boryslav's ain't it?"

"Aye, was able to borrow it for the hunt while he stayed back at camp on guard duty Coward, weakling," Gideon spat to the side, the blood that had coated his teeth starting to slowly fill his mouth. Turning back to the hunter ally, not of pack he accepted the dagger from the other man. "Need to ensure that I get it back to him when we get back, but for now? Lets get to dragging that beast back to butcher!"

As the men around him erupted into cheers, a quiet noise drew Gideon's eye to the side of the clearing that the bear had come from. Approaching it, the giant of a man pushed his way through the brush and, to his shock, found a pair of deep black eyes staring at him.


Action 1: Trade and gather information from within Steyr
"We need information, without it we are crippled!"
"We need supplies just as much and you damn well know it!"
"Blast it, we can gather both at once you two!"

Action 2: Training day(s)
Kaiden, Gideon, and Daggers Dawn, Hallow, and Obsidian - Steyr's Militia and other forces. 23 Initiates to the Order
Alice, Dagger Jade (with reinforcement from Dawn) - Village of Koar and Ekol.
"We are being sent on a mission together my love, one that I hope will be a chance for some peace after so much suffering."

Movement: Alice, Dagger Dawn to Koar and Ekol's village.
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Order of Silver
Turn 2
Dest Dest

The training with the local guards and militia is.. interesting. It was sometimes strange to listen to what Captain Aicart said as her bretonnian {French} accent was fairly thick, making her voice melodic and soft which was a stark contrast to the teachers the knights of the Order used to have, most of which were veterans of the state troops and so tended to bark in harsh Reik {German}. While her voice was soft, and she was a fetching woman with hair the color of wheat and even the scar that ran from the corner of her eye to her jaw could not hide this fact, she held an air of command that demanded respect. When one of her own stepped out of line, she slapped them with the flat of her blade so fast most of her men didn't realize she had slapped them until the metallic tang had reached their ears moments before the sharp pain made its way to their minds. The Steyr Guard were incredibly well trained and disciplined, they reminded Kaiden more of the veteran state troops of his homeland more then town guards, they understood orders, showed impressive order and discipline and followed commands without question or hesistation, the only real flaw he could see was their equipment. Most of it was scared and worn from use and had yet to be replaced. Either the Baron could not afford to do so, or thought the coin was better spent elsewhere.

The Steyr Guard, when deployed in their companies, seem to favor voulge with hefty blades on the end, it seems this was something the Captain had imported from her homeland, a preference for the voulge over halberds or pikes. When questioned, she says while she thinks a sword is a fine weapon, and a shield has much use, the Border Princes often lack the discipline to break a well drilled polearm block and the polearms were more adept at bringing down beastmen and orc who tended to be hardy. Supporting the polearms were bowmen, almost all pulled from the militia. Captain Aicart dedicated a small portion of the guard's funds, as well as a sizeable poertion of her own money, as an incentive to the common folk of the town. Those who took up the bow as a 'hobby' and practiced enough, were given a pittance. It seemed she was trying to start a tradition of archery within the town, likely another thing she inherited from her homeland. This effort was starting to bear fruit, but only just starting and it would likely be a bit more before the town was able to call upon true professional bowmen, but the militia bowmen were considerably better then most. Lastly, there was a small, but well equipped, squadron of mounted men-at-arms that both served as scouts and the captain's personal unit when deployed on the battlefield.. While Steyr seemed peaceful, wars and battles were common place in the Border Prince, and these men and women had seen their fair shares of battles even, if by the Order's standards, these would be more akin to skirmishes. The army of Steyr, when deployed, was fairly formidable, that gave the Order some hope. If the undead came from Alsfield, at least the guard of Steyr were better trained.

The Sergeants, while not as good as the knights or Captain Aicart, knew their business and, unlike those four, could be spread and distributed out to the guard, militia and initiates to better disperse the training and keep an eye out for those who need to improve or required assistance. The training goes extremely well, for both sides.

Kaiden, Gideon and Alice all gain +5 Weaponskill and 1 Martial Skill from their personal spars with Chloé. The Sergeants gain 'Drilled', when reacting to new forces, surpises, or doing a quick reform, they may do so without a test. The Initiates learn much and are able to ascend to 'Squires' if you wish {Or whatever rank you want after Initiate}


Chloé seems particularly fond of sparring with Gideon, perhaps enjoying testing her speed and quick blade against the bulk and strength of the giant man. They spar often, enough to start to learn about one another, while she scoffs at nobility and 'knights', Gideon has noticed she often talks about knights, and her father, especially when deep in her cups.. Tales of Virtues and Ideals, which seem strange to the man who is barely controlling the beast within, but perhaps something in her stories call to him:

Pick One
1. Virtue of Empathy
2. Virtue of Knightly Temper
3. Virtue of Heroism


Information Gathering/Shopping


Steyr, despite its inland position, was fairly wealthy due to its location as a trade hub for goods flowing east to Matorea or west to Brasov. As such, despite the struggles of the coastline, its markets were fairly well stocked with most common goods and equipment. Some more rare or unique items may prove difficult to find, but the traders of Steyr awaited the Order...

Tag me in Discord with what you're looking to buy/sell

Information gathering was a bit different. It was always hard to try and separate the 'rumors' from 'fact'. Like a group of walking lizards taking over a small town and freeing it from dark elves? Pure fantasy. A champion of the dark gods going around declaring challenges to knights? A bit more plausible. A large undead host spilling out of Alsfeld? All too true, as the Order was painfully aware of.

Still, efforts were made to find and uncover the truth. You may ask me three questions in discord, if you do not have three questions, you can ask for a general topic [whats going on with X? Anything important rising in the mountains? Hows the Empire?]. The first question will get the most information, the second less and the third least.

Information within the town was much easier to come by... Things were getting tense. Albrecht Weber had managed to get his hooks deep into the refugees, and many looked to him, and not the Order of Silver, for hope or supplies when they started to starve and the priest was only too happy to supply it. This growing base of power and influence with the refugees made Baron Müller wary, it seemed he had a paranoid streak and any sudden change in the political landscapes made him... question. Because of his paranoid, Captain Aicart was being pushed harder for 'results', forced to increase patrols throughout the town and even send out patrols to the refugees, although she did her best to inform Gideon when and where the patrols would be so as to not interfere with their own efforts. This increase in security made the people even more nervous, many wondering if something was going to a head, especially the refugees who saw the guard patrols as a stark reminder of their fate stuck outside the walls.. Already they had to suffer in the heat of summer, with little supplies, their loved ones safe within while they were stuck outside, unable to see them.. And now the guards were patrolling and checking their tents? What right did they have to check on those they outcast? Albrecht preached peace, but those that listened could not help but hint the words of encouragement, of 'rising to claim equality'.

It seemed the new arrival, the high elf Ailluin, had set the town on edge even more. Another powerful figure had arrived in Steyr at such a turbulent time? Some of the foolish hoped that a wise ancient like an Asur could bring peace and stability, but that was why they were foolish. Ailluin was not here to make peace, he was here to get supplies and support for his tower nearby.. Another player then. The merchant, Charles Meyers, put a lot of support behind the elf, and the merchant was already hated by the people in the refugee camps as the merchant gave unfair deals knowing the refugees could not afford to turn down his lowball offers nor did they have other options to his exorbitant prices as he squeezed them of what little they had left. Albrecht seemed to understand this, and started to spread rhetoric against Charles Meyer and his Elven Overlords who were too busy staring at their sky with their noses in the air to notice the refugees he strode upon.. In the midst of this, was the Baron, growing more and more uneasy with these rising factions..

It all came to a head when Albrecht was returning to the temple after a sermon with the refugees when a group of cutthroats leapt from the shadows and attacked him. The old priest was stabbed twice and lost a finger, but managed to escape through the sacrifice of many of the faithful. Who else would hire armed thugs to kill him save for the Merchant? Likely to shut him up and get the heat off his elven master... At least, that was Albrecht said from within the refugee camp, surrounding himself with his faithful which grew in number and now walked around with large bludgeons, some even had swords and spears, no doubt provided to them by Albrecht. While Albrecht blamed Meyers, some whispered that maybe it had been the Baron who hired them, to kill the priest and attempt to restore order with his death.. Captain Aicart was working herself ragged trying to keep some level of order in the streets that were threatening to explode in violence.. For the sake of the town, no one was allowed to leave until the Baron gave the clear... But with Albrecht outside, rallying support, Meyer surrounding himself with armed thugs and the soldiers stretched thin... Something was going to give. And give soon.

Dest Dest Due to the lockdown, Kaiden and Alice are locked outside of Steyr, while Gideon is stuck inside.
Crocodile Crocodile Volker is likewise trapped in Steyr for the time being
Kent Kent Ailluin and his guards are trapped in Steyr, housing with Charles Meyer, until this resolves itself next turn.​
Turn 2
Koar and Ekol-ekoatl


What good is such mighty strength?

We have found ourselves a place to wait, and yet! We are far busier now than before. A different sort of busy, perhaps, but! Busy all the same. There is no need to navigate, no great distances to cross at this time. Instead it is the movement of strong hands and watchful eyes. For yes! The watch is kept, as it must be! There is no telling, what dangers may appear, or the enemies that may re-appear! For this, yes, the watch is kept just as before. Koar takes the lead, of course. First to rise, last to sleep, it serves his habits well. No strain falls upon him.

Indeed, how impressive! He is always in the deepest of thought and taking the hardest of labors. It is upon his judgment that our risks are taken. Koar is in this way the stones of the old temple. Crucial! Yes, to the worshippers who kneel and peer into the pools. But it is only when he is gone do the unwise see! Yes, see with their own eyes! The importance he played into each and every moment. This! Yes yes! This must be the reason for his presence here.

Even this first step, simple in concept, could not have been! Now as we prepare for what is to come, he is invaluable once more. All is left able to weather what is to come in his wake. Be it structure or guided spear. Even Norar is greater for his presence, a light coming to her eyes! Yes, a light of understanding! As he attends to her, away from the warm-bloods. Alarion too, shattered as he is, steadies himself by his presence. The claws that shattered his chains one in the same as those that don his armor. An odd warm-blood, this Alarion, for Koar finds comfort in his presence as well. Comfort for comfort.

It is strange! Is it not? A great warrior giving comfort to the feeble. Not by acts of violence or power, but by mere proximity. Yet, comforting is not the correct term for Koar. No! For there is no comfort offered. It is simply taken. It is puzzling, yes. Do others feel it? Or just Alarion and I? Maybe it is only for the wise to praise the unadorned stones. Yes, yes. As they know the calamity that will befall them when their strength fails. Let it be prayed that when that day dawns, the wise will see the cracks that spread before all that is good come toppling down.

What good is a cunning mind?

Foolish to think that the young serpent would cease his flight just because his goals are met. He was observed once, before the ship set sail for this land, fawning over one of the great scaled snakes kept within the temple. That same tone and way of voice is seen here. He speaks as if he does not expect an answer, feeling delight at hearing such simple words from these warm-bloods spoken back. Surely, much of what he says is lost on them, for how can any warm-blood keep up day after day.

Confusion does not stop him, nor does the sign of any challenge on the horizon. His is a mind in constant motion, a wall of air, the benefits of surprise, creatures brought into the light, lumber saved and moved, a use elsewhere, always a use.

The future is unknown, and yet Ekol-ekoatl races towards it. He plans, he builds, he instructs, and yet he trusts. A mind so fast, and yet he does not carry it all himself. Not the warm-bloods, no, with their simple thoughts. They are the snakes of the temple, and he is the priest. Faith in those that walk before him, and in the sureness of those steps. He feels the wind in his feathers and he knows. Wind with such strength that I am beckoned to reach out and grasp it. Such is the ability of the young serpent.

The skies have been cloudy since our arrival, word sent back, a port secured. Uncertainty, and yet as the warriors lay low, the serpent winds his way. Gold and materials, knowledge and skill, through the clouds of the dark sky, it matters not which. All obstacles he shall surpass, it is the mere goal of the rest of us to catch his form when he comes to land.

Action 1: Restoration of Gordes. Much was destroyed in the raid, and they can hardly use this place as a base of operations if it's falling apart around them. Ekol-ekoatl will cordinate the humans for salvaging what they can of the ruined buildings and rebuilding and Koar will assemble the Saurus to assist in much of the heavy lifting. They will pool their resources in to begin the rebuilding.
Spending: 90 Gold (unsure if I have to pay now or when processed)

Action 2: A Look Around. There are few things Ekol-ekoatl hates more than waiting around. Why not take a look around and see what this hamlet has to work with? Ekol-ekoatl will speak with the surviving warm-bloods to get a sense of what resources are around and go investigate, bringing more people if he finds anything noteworthy.
Relevant Spells: Wings of Heaven and Project Spirit


Port at the Hamlet of Gordes is secured.

Training from the Order of Silver
The deal with the Order of Silver, weapons for training, is being done this turn. The goal is to improve Gordes' Militia, but Koar and Ekol-ekoatl will watch over the process. (Ekol might be better for directly helping due to his smaller stature.) Gordes has the building: Training Grounds, which will help this.

Alarion's Songweaver rolled 1 success!
Any settlement where Alarion is present will never suffer from negative morale events. Each turn, roll a d10, on an 8+, an influx of visitors have arrived at the village to hear Alarion sing. This can net you population, bonus income or a magical item or object given to him as a gift [which he in turn gives to you].
Uncertain SkiesTiernan Ol'Dorche

Turn 2 - Siernai9071fde4b497975206a8c282a4df4b97.jpg
Tiernan Stats

Weapon Skill 31
Ballistic Skill 36
Strength 18
Toughness 31
Agility 46
Intelligence 43
Willpower 44
Fellowship 37
Wounds 13

Cool headed: +5 willpower {Already added to total}
'Skilled Craftsmen [Carpentry]'
Fable of the Blind Gambler
3 Fate
Loremaster (+3)
Arming Sword, Repeating Crossbow
1 attack, 3 Magical Power
60 Gold
  • 20 Wolves, 5 Handlers, 20 Rangers
Wolf Pack
Large pack of giant wolves shepherded into battle by handlers. If you lose all the handlers, the giant wolves also 'die' as they are returned to the city, unable to be fielded anymore. 20 wolves and 5 handlers. Handlers have spears and padded armor.

Siernai Rangers
20 Rangers, skilled and experienced warriors often used to patrol the wilderness. They have Siernai repeating crossbows and clubs for if enemies get too close.. they really don't want enemies getting close. They wear padded gambeson armor and have rather lovely brown cloaks.

Bamboozle CV14

You fool one humanoid creature within range into doing your bidding unless it makes a successful Will Power Test. On its next turn, you may decide what actions you want the character to take and it will do as you say. The affected creature does whatever you say short of actively harming itself. You could, however, instruct the creature to do something foolish that might result in its harm. Bamboozle does not work on Daemons or Mindless Undead.

Inspiration CV16
You open your mind to Oro and let the light of wisdom illuminate a vexing problem. Upon the spell's completion, you can make a single knowledge check at +30.

Eavesdrop CV15
You can listen to what is happening in any area that you can see, no matter the distance. You hear things as if you were standing right there.

Oro's Wisdom CV17
Your prayers flood your mind with wisdom of your God. Double any degrees of success scored with any intelligence test. Further, you can reroll one failed intelligence test, but doing this immediately ends the spell. Last one minute per magic level [1 minute = 6 rounds]

Cure Wounds CV10
Your prayers heal an injured character of a number of wounds equal to d10 plus your magic power.

Open CV9
You cause any one lock, bolt or latch to unlock, unbolt or lift. The object cannot be forced shut in time [though you, the caster, may shut it if you wish]. Open can override magic locks if you succeed a will power test.
Damarel Structures

Herbalist, Inn, Bowyer & Fletcher, and Smithy. Palisade & Temple of Oro.
Bowyer & Fletcher will cut down on any bows/crossbows you purchase in the future to outfit new units with.

Palisade acts as a wall should you be attacked

Smithy gives a slight reduction to producing armor and melee weaponry in the future, but it can't make any armor better then Armor 2 and weapons are considered of 'Poor' quality [-5 Weapon skill]

Inn gives a bonus if you use an action to hire mercenaries

Herbalist is useful if you wanna grow special herbs and, if using a 'shop' action, you'll get more potion/herbal options

Each turn, you may pray at the temple to attempt to gain insight from Oro. You will roll a d5 to see what, if any, insights the God has granted his priest.

Iron Mine & Steel Production
[Post Theme] - [Damarel]
Nothing is as it seems. Nothing betrays its true nature at first. Perhaps that is the nature of things, a rite of passage from darkness to light. And the question arises as bubbles in the spring, "So what is the point of the mask? What is it?". And answers spring immediately from many. Deception, lies, evil; dancing up to the state to make their claim. And yet it makes no difference to the task at hand. Masks stand more than cover of the hidden, shields from investigation, and set pieces. They are physical and tangible in their own right and weave intracate tales that betray what they are. Like any object of study, careful consideration of its environment, its connections to other factors, and its use can illuminate the first steps. But, with all journeys, not all of the steps are defined, for they do not exist in the realm of the known. They lie in discovery as the question, as the quarry. One must come to understand these steps, these checkpoints in the journey to truly understand, to find the means of inquiry. That lies the difference between the scholar and the philosopher. To the scholar, the world is formed of many forms of earth, water, fire, and air. To the philosopher, the deep seas and the mountain peaks make no difference. Truth expressed in opposing methods. The mask and the face are not different, they are simply the same formed of different methodologies. Intent, application, variation. And indeed, when one grasps the sense of method, they find the elusive knowledge they seek and the means to understand its place, its use.

The folly of those that seek it beyond their means. Illusion, ill-ready, ill-meaned; the fallacious scholar finds themselves in ruin. For the knowledge they posses is yet a mask applied to them through the method of damnation and ill follows. Patience and endurance still the mind from the tricks that plague the mind. Endurance to make the payments for which their means require. Temperance to consider and form as needed. Forethought to understand that it will not be your effort alone that will uncover all that is. Pass, teach, record; rest to know that in the end, others shall build and restructure for which you lay today.

Uncertainly breeds inquiry, investigation. Thus, seek the mask, understand its method. And allow what comes from you efforts to prosper your understanding.

  • Free Action: Pray at Temple of Oro to possibly gain insight. [Result: 1]
    • Each turn, you may pray at this temple to attempt to gain insight from Oro. You will roll a d5 to see what, if any, insights the God has granted his priest.
  • Paid Action: Spell Research
    • Tiernan decides that the situation in Susa require additional tools to deal with the dark threat. Something to cut the ties that bind and deal with the affliction that affects the denizens if that is remotely possible anymore. And yet, Tiernan knows that the monstrous condition does offer a twisted inspiration of some kind. Not the puppetry, but the strings. Considering the other project, a spell of the like would be useful for evergreen use. And if time allowed, additional research in other spells.
      • Relevant Spells: Inspiration & Oro's Wisdom.
  • Paid Action: Siege Net Tower Construction & Return to Susa
    • The central idea was to whisk up the stringed puppets and render them harmless by suspending them in the air. Like clothes on a clothes rack. A simple idea, but hopefully to aid an effective end to the darkness in Susa. And end the darkness in Susa once and for all.
      • Relevant Spells: Inspiration & Oro's Wisdom.
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Ekol and Koar
Turn 2
LucasGhost LucasGhost

With the port secured, the Lizardmen were able to bring in the reinforcements sent from Lustria, but they were met with grim news as the first ship docked.. A great sea beast had begun to roam the area [ Abstracty Abstracty ] and had devoured one of the ships, reducing the support that Ekol and Koar were expecting, critically, the ship that was devoured carried much of the resources and materials they could have used to expand their foothold. However, the ship containing reinforcements, in the form of 20 Skink Skirmishers, as well as a Javelin blessed by the Sun God did manage to arrive which helped the lizards feel more secure in this foreign land. The humans of Gordes, the town liberated by Ekol and Koar from the Dark Elf Slavers was... unsure. Ekol seemed friendly enough, but many couldn't help but wonder what their fate would be when these strange creatures completed whatever it was they'd come to do. The fact Saurus rarely spoke, and never in a tongue or language they could understand, did not help [Also the fact they were large, hulking creatures with great toothed maw also made them wary]. The arrival of the skinks was.. an interesting change of pace in the town. Skinks were small, smaller then humans, and tended to be extremely curious and excitable. The human villagers having to shoe them from their homes or out of their pantries was a common practice especially since most of the skinks couldn't speak Reikspiel. Some of the humans would speak to Ekol about their concerns, but the problem with speaking to Ekol was getting the colorful feathered skink to stop talking. But Gordes remained a peaceful enough Hamlet.

The first task of order was to attempt to restore or salvage the ruined buildings that were destroyed and burnt in the initial Dark Elf raid.. Many were damaged beyond repair, but others could be brought back, or, enough useable lumber could be salvaged to create other buildings. All these buildings would still take resources and time, but it was a good start.

Pick Up To Two
Shrine [Decide if dedicated or pantheon] - 30 Gold
Farmsteads - 30 gold
Fishery - 20 Gold
Smithy - 50 Gold
Inn - 70 Gold
Brewery {Must have Farmstead} - 60 Gold
Hunting Lodge - 30 Gold
Leather Tannery - 40 Gold
Fletcher&Bowyer - 60 Gold
Antiquarian [Alarion Unlock] - 30 Gold
Port - 90 Gold

During the Restoration, tales of Alarion's songs and tales, brings many new visitors to Gordes who come to hear his stories and tales... Many of these people buy food and goods, what little there is in Gordes to be had, and many even stay deciding to help rebuild some of the homes to call their own [since there is a whole lot of free real estate right now].

Gain 14 Gold and progress towards growing the Hamlet into a Village [1/2]

Gordes Income

15 Gold

Order Militia Training

There isn't much the Sergeants could teach the Saurus, but there is a lot they can teach the militia, especially the Sergeants who seems fairly well versed in training and expanding the skills of civilians. Considering Gordes was about to be sold as slaves to the Dark Elves, and lost many loved ones in the raiders, they threw themselves at the training with an impressive ferocity. By the end of Alice's time there, the militia are veterans, able to follow orders and keep up with the swordplay of soldiers [for a short while]. They can now be counted on to hold the line should the worst occur.

Add [Veteran Militia] modifer to the Training Grounds. If you gain a Bowyer&Fletcher or a Hunting Lodge, add [Huntsmen] modifier to the Training Grounds as well.


With his divine connection to Tepok, Ekol makes an incredibly scout. Able to use his power to fly and sepreate his spirit from his corporeal form, becoming invisible. With this, he can freely scour the nearby areas without fear of danger and at a rapid pace. Sure, he can only do both for a short period, but even that short time lets him do far more then someone walking or riding could hope to achieve, and being able to gaze at the land from above gave him a lot of strengths and advantages over others. And there was certainly a lot to find in this new, strange land! Like a mysterious opening in the ground that had a strange amount of sand near it, sand in the middle of the plains, how peculiar!

Swooping down to land by the large hole, Ekol peeked in to see if there was anything of interest in.. The entrance seemed empty, so the brave Skink [who was invisible and ethereal] took a few steps within, listening for anything.. but heard nothing. Sand caked the floors, but it wasn't the sand of a beach, it was coarse and held an ugly tan coloration to it. How did it get here? Deeper Ekol went, until the natural cave transformed, the rocky roof was replaced by a smooth sandstone archway broken up only by glyphs carved into the surface. Passing through the archway, Ekol spotted large statues lining the hall, many had the heads of some kind of dog, but there was one, perched at the end, blocking an ornate door that was different. It was massive, like a great bird.. It seemed to be made of stone, or perhaps some other material. As Ekol stepped another foot, the bird statue moved. Its head lifted, its gemstone eyes lighting up..

Ekol held his breath, or, well, thought about it as a spirit he did not have 'breath'. He was fine. He was a spirit. It couldn't see him.. Yet as he tried to step to the left, the bird's head turned to face him.. Slowly it spread its wings and let out a loud shrill cry.. Before it lunged at him. Letting out a shriek nearly as loud [but not as ferocious], Ekol flapped his wings and flew towards the exist, the great beating sounds of wings behind him as the statue was on his tail, somehow flying despite being made of stone..

Out the tunnels he flew, the creature on his tail. Gazing behind him, he can see the great bird gaining, its beak opening, closing around him..

Before the world blurred and Ekol was pulled down, as if a great hand had wrapped around his very being and was yoinking him down to the earth. As the ground came to meet him, Ekol was met by the sight of a solitary wagon with three figures, and one, a human [Female possibly? It was hard to tell warmblood sex] had glowing tattoos.. The next thing Ekol knew was he was surrounded by darkness, wisp of fog on all sides of him.. And the awareness of a mind pressing down upon his. A question looming within the darkness that he could.. somehow understand.

"Who are you?"

[ deer deer ]

Shiyama Xiùlán

Weapons skill







1. Yùxuān would set up a traveling service, advertising Xiùlán’s ability to speak with the dead. For a fee, those seeking closure or final messages could connect with lost loved ones.​
2. As they traveled, Xiùlán would find a place for Brokk to craft—perhaps Gordes—where he could forge useful items for trade or barter.​

With a slight arch of her back, Xiùlán stretched, an attempt to ease the ache in her muscles. The journey remained relentless—a nonstop travel through various landscapes and ever-shifting terrains. Although her wagon provided shelter, the enclosed space brought a faint queasiness to the pit of her stomach. A restlessness stirred within her as she longed to stretch her wings, to move and feel the ground beneath her feet, rather than endure the confinement of the wagon.

Whenever possible, Yùxuān and Brokk would stop the wagon for a brief respite in the open air. But, Xiùlán couldn’t shake the growing unease within her. They weren't any closer to finding information about the city she sought, nor the answers her uncle had tasked her.

I'll find you.

The last words she received in the letter echoed in her mind, a promise she clung to amidst the uncertainty.

After making headway, they stopped for the night. Unable to bear the restlessness any longer, Xiùlán felt a sudden urge to release her pent-up energy. She waited near one of the horses, her gaze locking with it. Without hesitation, she mounted the horse and took hold of the reins. With a firm grip and steady motion, she urged the horse forward, not giving any warning to Yùxuān or Brokk of where she was headed. The horse's hooves drummed against the earth, the rhythmic sound reverberated through her as she galloped in looping circles in the open field.

The rush of wind against her face, the drum of the horse beneath her, brought a fleeting reprieve—a moment of freedom she desperately craved.

Underneath the moonlight, the swirling patterns of her tattoos shimmered faintly, sensing various presences around. Gradually, when she became weary, she slowed the horse to a trot, her breaths coming heavy, her thoughts heavy still. Tiredness clung to her like a shadow.

There was no shortage of wandering spirits and ghosts. Their restless whispers carried on the night wind, brushing against her senses like distant echoes. Xiùlán had seen them, felt their presence lingering in the corners of her awareness.

There were pressing matters. They needed resources—gold.

Reluctantly, she turned the horse back toward the campsite where Yùxuān and Brokk waited. Neither seemed overly concerned by her brief disappearance. Why would they? With the wagon and another horse at their disposal, their journey would continue, regardless of her restlessness.

“A life debt to be paid.”

“An adventure to be seen.”

The words they had spoken before swirled in her mind as she dismounted and approached the firelight. Their faces were calm, their smiles carrying a mix of knowing and reassurance, as though her stolen reprieve was but a ripple in their shared journey.

“You’ve been gone a while,” Yùxuān remarked lightly, her voice tinged with curiosity. “Feeling better?”

Brokk sat silently by the fire, his stocky form hunched forward as he stoked the flames with a thick branch. “How ye git yer wits about ye is no thought 'aye have to bear,” he said, shifting slightly to glance her way. “But 'em spirits yer always talkin’ about—aye, they’d best keep their distance if they know what’s good for 'em.”

Xiùlán offered a faint smile. She sat next to the Dawi, eyes focusing on him. "They chose a path, sometimes unknowingly holding onto one, never letting go. As is the same with the living. Different. Yet the same."

"Aye, lass. Ye alright to continue like this?"

For just a moment, a flicker of light in her eye remained before Xiùlán pushed her legs against herself, finding warmth within her embrace.

"You’ve mentioned it before, and we’ve seen you sending them off," Yùxuān interjected, her curiosity piqued. "Are most of them filled with regret? Do they wish to say goodbyes to their family?"

Yùxuān’s eyes were sharp, though, as if piecing together the restless energy that had driven Xiùlán to take off. "With all that’s been weighing on us, I’ve been thinking,” She hesitated, testing the waters. "We could try to gain more information—maybe even some gold—by offering people a chance to speak to their dead. You’ve done it before, haven’t you? Maybe it’s something people would pay for."

Brokk grunted, not looking up from the fire. “Don’t care for speakin’ to dead folk. But if yer doin’ it for kin,” He paused, glancing at Xiùlán. “then aye can understand that.”

A small shudder released from her frame. Xiùlán met his gaze but didn’t speak. The idea wasn’t hers, but more opportunity for trade meant they could move forward, find the city, and uncover the truth. Nothing ever came free, this she knew very well.

Yùxuān continued, “Some need closure, or peace, and for that, they'd pay. Whether through magic or prayers, it’s something they seek.” She glanced at Xiùlán with a small, knowing smile. “We could offer that. It’s a dangerous path, sure, but it could be our next step.”

Xiùlán remained quiet, her gaze distant, her mind turning over the possibility. It was tempting. If it meant progress it could be worth considering.

Brokk shifted, the firelight flickering in his eyes. “Aye, that’s one way to go about it. But if ye’re after gold, ye’d best be thinkin’ about craftin’ too. If there’s a smithery, aye can put it to good use.”

Yùxuān’s eyes lit up at the mention of a smithery. “That could work. We can always barter with what we can’t sell outright—traded goods, crafted items. Weapons or tools are always needed. It could be an avenue without putting ourselves at risk.”

Brokk drew his attention towards Xiùlán, determined,“If ye’re willin’ to find a place with a forge, aye can make sure we don’t go empty-handed. But don’t expect me to work for free. A good craft takes time.”

Xiùlán gave them a silent nod, contemplating both Yuxuan and Brokk's reasonings. They’d find a way to make it work and the journey needed to move forward.

Yùxuān leaned back, a grin tugging at her lips. “We’ll take what comes our way.”

Said you were going to come find me

Jacob is very pleased. He's met a potential ally, and gotten plenty of valuable cargo! Now it's time to head somewhere else, and see if any of their cargo is more valuable there. He doesn't really want to go down one of the rivers though. Easy way to get trapped. They'll visit Somjek.

Go to Somjek to trade goods.
Try to gain information on where his enemies might be.​
Turn 2
Auriel Maza Auriel Maza

Tiernan prays at the Temple of Oro, hoping the God of Knowledge would impart some of his wisdom this season, especially under such dire times at Susa, but his Lord does not answer, the various small objects and cards at the temple remain undisturbed.. There is no insight to be gained this season. Perhaps that meant they were on the right path, and their plan, one that would succeed, or this was simply a time and chance for the siernai to show their worth and their resilience in facing off, and defeating, a threat, of avenging their people with the strength of their arms and the cunning of their minds.

No Insight Gained

From his last run-in with the threads and the 'oracle', it seemed normal weaponry could not hurt nor sever the strands.. It left only one avenue, magic but they did not have any sources of magical damage. Tiernan had always favored support and aid spells over the brutish and simplistic spells. After all, a priest of the God of Knowledge using his connect just to mindlessly blast people was hardly befitting of a servant of such a being! But in certain times, at certain points, violence is the necessary answer to the problem, while it is not a particularly thoughtful or inventive one, it was often an effective one. To this end, Tiernan spends a long time in the temple, studying over the ancient tomes of his Lord, praying and paying tithe in the hopes that Oro would illuminate his way. Through his hard work, and diligence, Oro manages to gain much ground in his endeavor...

Pick One
1. Gain 4 New Spells [Pick from old list, if you do not want any more from that list, tell me]
2. Gain 2 New Spells and 3 Celestial inquiries
3. Gain 2 New Spells and 2 Skills
4. Gain 2 New Spells and 10 Stat Points [may give 2 stats 5 or 1 stat 10]

- Celestial Inquiries: Ask me a question about the world, people, etc and you will get some kind of answer. The more the question relates to you, the more information gained.

Return to Susa
Construction of the tower goes slowly, many siernai have ideas for how the mechanism should work, and after a few failed prototypes, settle on a simple crank and pully system. When the crank is turned, a pully slowly raises, pulling on a large iron bar [fresh from the newly constructed mines] that begins its ascend up the tower. There are numerous groves where the bar can fall into to 'rest' and ensure that the bar is able to hold up the string, or whatever else it is called to do, even if the crank was damaged or malfunctioned. The crank, itself, was grueling work and required two siernai to do it, but it had passed a few test and was deemed 'workable'. There was only one flaw in the desigin and even then the flaw was mostly due to their home then it was the design.

It was hard to push a large wood and iron tower through the mountains and forest, so instead, the tower was made to 'assemble'. Kept in several large parts, the tower could be carried in pieces and then assembled on the battlefield, of course, there was an issue in that they'd be doing this in line of sight of the enemy, as the tower would need to be constructed on fairly flat ground to ensure it worked properly.. Last time the corpse puppets did nothing until they attacked, but it is likely this time they will attack them on sight having seen them already. They'd need to fight the puppets, and hold them off, until the tower could be constructed and then push their way through the puppets to get it near the temple where it could lift all the puppets at once.. It would be risky, and some siernai may fall, but if they succeeded, all of the puppets could be dealt with at once and their seemingly immortality would count for nothing.

*Gain Mechanical Siege Tower*
You retain this siege tower [unless its destroyed] and so should you ever get into a siege, or find another use for it, you can bring it out again for it as this tower would be taken back apart and left in storage until you had need of it again. With quick modifications that bar could be replaced with a rising platform to allow troops to scale walls or siege weaponry placed ontop of it to fire over walls or get more range through elevation.

Deduct 63 Gold for the Tower's Construction

*Natural Rsources*
Limestone [Unexploited]
Oak [Unexploited]
Iron [Mining]
Silver [Unexploited]

70 Gold​
Shiyama Xiùlán
Turn 2
deer deer

Whenever the wagon entered a village, the trio attracted a lot of attention as they were a bit of an odd group. Cathayans were not a common sight, the Cathayan trade convoys tended to go to more prosperous locations like Altdorf, Marienburg, Karaz-a-Karak so to see the people from the Dragon Empire in the backwaters of the Border Princes was unusual, especially so far from their homeland.. The fact it was two women and a single dwarf also raised some eyebrows as it was just not an expected trio. Although no one ever got close enough to ask. While the older woman wore a practiced smile that invited people in, the frosty distant demeanor of the second woman and the general grumpy nature of older dwarfs tended to dissuade all but the most determined [or stupid] of inquires.

The plan to speak to the ghost of the dead, and make a small bit of coin for their troubles, was a wise one. Ghost did exist and, if left long enough, tended to turn violent. Dealing with them early, before that happened, and allowing them to rest was a noble calling, especially for the sake of her Grandsire. It was her duty, and family calling, to help guide the souls of the passed to the ten courts so that they may be judged and their souls prepared for the next step in their journey. As the wagon pulled into a small village, and Yŭxuān went about setting up for Xiùlán's debut. She used the wagon cover to create a large onoing, blocking out the light, Brokk, much to his confusion, was tasked with making a simple door for the entrance and she went about setting candles and dim lighting, a table was set in the middle with a large ball... Neither Brokk or Xiùlán really understood why she was doing it, but Yŭxuān insisted it was for the 'ambience'. If they wanted to do well, they had to present themselves well. It seemed like a lot of smoke and mirrors [And Yŭxuān was very disappointed they did not have a large mirror to suspend over the small makeshit tent and did a soft click of her tongue when Xiùlán told her, no, she could not make ghostly fog on demand..]
It started fine, but there was a few things she quickly learned about this whole 'consulship'. People often hoped the spirits of their loved ones were around, and that was not always the case. She was met with a range of emotions from those who were turned away, disappointment, anger, relief.. the small village was a good test, but to truly make gold from this endeavor, they'd need to go to one of the larger towns where large groups of people, and lots of coins, could be gathered...
But in this small town, Xiùlán did run into a bit of a dilemma. The town was mostly owned and ran by the Bianchi family, who owned the largest ranch and many, many heads of cattle. The matron of the bianchi family, a large round woman, had proudly told Xiùlán the exact number, but it was such worthless information that didn't pertain to her that it went in one ear and out the other with a simple taciturn, 'Right.'

The woman was coming to speak to her deceased husband who, she claims, had hidden away a will giving away large tracts of land to his bastard child.. She wanted to know who that child was for... innocent reasons. The ghost of the Bianchi Patriarch was particularly chatty, talking about his numerous conquest and that he did not have a bastard, he had many.. of which he had divided his estate between all of them. Neither of these people seemed like.. good people. Did she even want to help either? She had no doubt what fate awaited the patriarch when he appeared before the ten courts. Yŭxuān has her own idea.. They're both awful people, so why don't they render a bit of early judgement? Tell the matron of the bastard she is aware of, get a large reward, and then apprehend the matron before she murders the bastard to get a reward from the new head of the Bianchi family..

1. Support the Matron: Tell the Matron of the multiple bastards and their names/location
2. Support the Patriarch: Do not tell the Matron
3. Support Yŭxuān: Con both of these terrible people
4. Your Idea

Of Brokk and Locks
Brokk's services are immediately in demand wherever he goes as he is a dwarf smith.. That alone means he is one of the best in the world and people of means and wealth line up wherever he goes to have something made. Jewelry, trinkets, it doesn't really matter. In fact, while they're paying for quality, they don't even really carea bout that, they just want to be able to point to it and brag that it is of 'Dwarf-Make'. Manlings were truly too soft. It is amusing to watch Brokk 'take over' smithies in every town they visit, it tends to be him shoving the door open, stomping into it, grumbling about the shoddy manling equipment and loudly telling the manling to step away from the forge before he hurts himself and his ancestors with his pitiful technique.. Somehow this always works likely because the manling in question hopes to learn from Brokk, and to his credit, he does seem to take the time to show and correct their technique although Xiùlán is unsure about his teaching methods. He is like a very disapproving grandfather, constantly shaking his head, grumbling about the work or otherwise never being satisified, but the human smiths do seem to improve.
Brokk manages to earn quite a bit from this endeavor, a whole 31 Gold! But Xiùlán only gets 11 Gold from that as Brokk keeps the rest and spends most of what he kept on beer, guzzling tankard after tankard even as he grumbles about the weak manling brew.. How he can inhale so much beer is a wonder.
Gain 11 Gold
Brokk also manages to gather enough material, through his work, to make a single item for the group. What does Xiùlán want him to make?

1. Weapon
2. Armor
3. Misc Item
4. Upgrade the Wagon

You may attempt to make more if you wish, btu it is advised to have a place to make stuff at [Using Lucas's smithy, if he makes one, is a good idea].
The Laughing Dead
Turn 2
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
The local sea had a large guest, a massive black leviathan that was sinking and devouring any ships that had come to pass. It had all but put a strangehold on local sea trade, and so trade in general. There were rumors abound that both the Pirates of Sartosa and the Dwarfs of Barak Varr were currently working on a plan to deal with the creature, although what that was, was anyone's guess. Some assumed a big cannon the likes of which no one has ever seen, others of a 'bomb ship' while a few whispered of secret dwarf metal ships that traveled under the water and would duel the great beast beneath the very waves! Either way, it wasn't Jacob's problem. No, he had shipments to carry! Most of the people thought he was a handsome, but utterly insane man to take his ship out into those waters where so many others had been lost.. But Jacob was no stranger to a monstrous entity devouring the souls of men of which no escape was possible, he was a bit of an expert in the handling of such beast. The Laughing Dead's crew were remarkably less confident then their captain, but they went along with his decision, mostly because he had sipped on each of them and so they were bound to their master by more then just oaths or gold.

Luckily for all of them, the trip was peaceful, downright pleasant, really, as they made their way to Somjek. In fact, before he left, Jacob had even taken a contract to transport some goods.. What did Jacob transport?

Pick One
Foodstuffs [Mostly Grains]
Wines and Spirits
Arms and Armor
They arrived at Somjek to find a fairly humble, but nice, walled settlement with a single port that lay open as no other ship had tried to come. Because of the beast, the market happily threw it doors open... eager for goods to flow into it to help stabilize the market.

Lower Item Availability, Worse Buying Prices, Better Sale Prices

Jacob spent some time in the Somjek inns and taverns, talking to the locals, attemping to gain information on his former mistress... which proved very difficult. It was unlikely 'Natalia' was using her actual name, Jacob was fairly confident 'Natalia' wasn't even her real name in the first place, just one of hundreds of alias the spymaster had likely used in her lifetime and it was simply the one he associated with her. Still, he did what he could, floated the names he knew her by, but he heard nothing.. still there was other news that he was able to gather. A large undead army was marauding across the central plains, and people weren't sure where ti would go next, but many whispered that Steyr may be where the hammerblow fell while others disagreed and that it would be north, at Mentreda. There were rumors of Beastmen sightings... which was not unusual, in itself, but the beast had been rather quiet lately, and some whispered some dark purpose may be building, while orcs were said to be gathering in the mountains, many people whispered dark times were ahead, and that it was the 'end of days', but then again, people always thought the days they lived in were worse then the day before. So it was hard to say what was real, what was false, and what was just nonsensical.

Still, Jacob can learn a few things if he wishes:
Pick Two
[Can pick same thing twice to get more information on them]
1. Mercenary/Transportation Jobs
2. Rare Points of Interest
3. Emerging Threats
4. Good Deals​

Krull Skulltaker​
Turn III


A beastman of Slaanesh, oh what a horrid sight,
Without a hesitation or consideration Krull sought a fight.
As the time passed and the start of the battle drew near,
Krull's opponent pulled a trick and proceeded to disappear.
With axe in hand and Khorne's bloodlust in tow,
The battle still wasn't easy as they struck to and fro.
One final play for spawndom to save his life of excess,
But soon enough it ended as Krulls axe found success.

-- Archibald “Archie” Holkvist - 13th Bard of Kreutzhafen


“These Beastmen…are you sure this is wise?” One of Krull's companions questioned.

“We are all of the Blood God. Worst case scenario, our blood is spilled in his name and we die a true warrior’s death. Best case…we gain a horde of vicious, bloodthirsty allies so that we can start to enact His plan.” Krulls gruff voice managed to convey some level of hope, but his companion would not buy it.

“Well if today is the day I die, it will be with blood on my axe and a sword in my chest…Blood for the Blood God!” The other four warriors and Krull responded in kind.

”Blood for the Blood God!”

In the midst of the discussion Krull eyed his hosts, the closest thing to a female Beastman, Gu’rl, was intriguing. The name was not lost on him and neither was her seemingly higher level of intelligence, amongst the Beastmen at least. Her apparent bodyguard, the brass covered doom bull was a towering hulk of strength and ferocity. Then the small horde of Khorngors in tow, they lacked the bulk of Krull and his cohort but they did not lack in ferocity. They were a beastly bunch, random grunts and snorts escaping every few minutes but it was clear they would be more useful in a fight than any one man. They would be worthy allies…or followers…


⦿ Actions:
• Fate:
Regain 1 for new turn - 1/2

• Action 1:
Meet with Torval and convince him and the herd to follow Krull and if he refuses, challenge him in the name of the Blood God, a festival of Blood in honour of his name, for leadership of the herd. On a success, the herd will be led through the Beast Paths to take up residency within the home of Deathhammer.
  • [Automatic Scene if convincing is successful, played scene for battle otherwise]
  • Spend 1 Dark Glory to impress upon Torval and the Herd, Krull's worth.

• Action 2:
Attack a village/hamlet. Before the slaughter begins, offer the villagers a place at his side in service to Khorne. Those who refuse to be slaughtered. Those who accept to undergo an initiation ritual involving the scarification of the icon of Khorne onto their backs. They will then be sent out into other villages to spread the word of Khorne and start the creation of cults. Village will then be completely looted.
  • Force and target size will be determined after action 1 is resolved.
  • Scene if action 1 is auto-resolve unless you want to auto resolve this also.

Turn 3
Goal: Find Torval and establish a base (Complete)​

The Target Sighted
For the first time, Veer'nan had laid eyes on his target. The pungent odor of chaos and its corruption filled the air and it was no surprise. From his hiding place the Wood Elf looked over what appeared to be an army; a combined force of Khorne's servants and Torval's herd. A host the likes of which he had not anticipated to face, nor did he expect to win as things were. He knew where to find his enemy though and would prepare for th day they'd face off against one another. The Norscan dog included.

The Village Claimed​
The village wasn't much before it was burnt to ashes, but now even less so. Thankfully through hard work and determination, Guy and the soldiers were able to restore; the lumbermill, the farmstead, and the smithy. All of these would not make the village whole again, but their restoration would consecrate this territory as the Green Owl Outpost! A territory in the Border Princes to call their own would allow the Wood Elves to bolster themselves for the battles to come.

  • Construct a wall around Green Owl Outpost
  • Guy with explore the surrounding area.
Illumbe Rodrigo Alejandro Desidero Figueroa

Weak. As I expected you would be. Soft. You are a swordsman, not a purveyor of tricks and wits.

Illumbe reads the letter with a hand that nearly begins to shake. He knew he was taking a risk with Conti. He might have dressed it up as best as he could, but it still was... well. Mortal weakness, frankly. Not that he regretted it. Not one bit. If they had fought, the child would have died. Whether it was him who won, or if Antonia was wounded in victory... no. There was only one outcome that he could have lived with. Illumbe reads on, prepared for a sentence of death, muscles braced for a blade to suddenly come for his heart from any direction.

But you showed a little bit of ingenuity. And your choice was bold, in its own way. Enclosed is a scroll of swordsmanship, and a second name. Consider it your... remedial homework.

Do not disappoint me again.

He lets out a long breath, even though he was dead, and needed breath not. Mortal habits. He looks over the slip of paper, scanning it for a moment. Hm. Grogkrad Bellygut. Mercenary warband of ogres. Should be a simple enough target. Better than Conti, he prayed. Though few gods would hear such a prayer. Illumbe turns to the page of swordsmanship. It seemed like he would have some long nights of practice ahead.

There's a chuckle behind him, Antonia sipping her bottle as usual.

"Congratulations, Illumbe. You have survived half a year. Much better than I expected."

Illumbe just looks up at the night sky, and gives the moon his own little grin.

"... I can't say I disagree."

1. Hunt the Ogre Warband with the assistance of Tiernan , Veernan, and Jacob
2. Train at the Somjek Training Grounds. He is about to go on the hunt. (Training with Auriel Maza Auriel Maza , LucasGhost LucasGhost , and deer deer )
Last edited:
Verg Roteater
Turn 3

Content warning: Gross stuff and mentions of self harm

It has been months now that Verg has lost his freedom but his initial anger has long faded. Despite the initial distrust of the other slaves they nonetheless bonded with him. Sharing tales and pieces of knowledge, which Verg did try to retain as much as possible...Which wasn't a lot. Still, with him aiding them, his influence grew. And with it his word of Nurgle.

There was a small hiccup though. A different slave tried to spread their own influence among the slaves. So Verg crushed them. This obviously frightened the others and hightened their distrust once more, as Verg did try to be neutral. But a follower of the Eagle does not deserve such mercy. Even if master Deathhammer punished him severely for it.

Meanwhile, Vergs plans were going great. His leg grew back and he could moisten his dry skin by popping some of his pus sacks, growing on top of his warts. The stinking liquid soothed him and so thoroughly "bathed" himself with it. The smell was intense which greatly helped Vergs next idea. The Slave collars binding him. By vomiting up his stomach acid he figured out he could damage the collar by smearing it on top of it. With the pus and other filth covering it, the damage wouldn't be easy to spot. Even if a dwarf was willing enough to inspect them up close.

With it seemingly working, Verg began smearing the acid on the collars of his followers. As they were not trolls, he was quite careful and burned his hands quite a lot in the process. He knew how frail they were and they couldn't exactly grow back limbs, so he took all the danger and pain unto himself. Verg hated how his hands couldn't regenerate properly, each time he successfully covered one of the collars, so in his frustration he bit and tore out the damaged skin. It worked as his wounds properly regenerated afterwards, and so his work could continue.

Verg most enjoyed the finishing touches to initiate his followers. After damaging the collars, he would then cover them in other filth, hopefully hiding the damage parts. While it did smell a lot, it also seemed to keep the dwarves away, which earned Verg adoration from his followers. The most devoted of which even adorned the mark of Nurgle on their bodies, some carving it into their skin while others painted it with Vergs filth.

Sadly the days of easy labour where over as Deathhammer ordered that they dig out a mine. And while Verg grumbled about the lack of brewing he still got to work. He carved out the main tunnel with large tools, and when necessary, his hands. Initially Verg assumed that once they were deep enough he could try and plot more with his fellow slaves, away from prying eyes, but the tunnels were the dwarves home, so no such luck. Though with the minimal airflow, Vergs odor clung to every breath and every stone taken, that granting him a bit more reprieve from his enslavers...and his followers. Even if some of them could endure the stench, the air felt heavy and acidic, each exhale more exhausting than the last. Needless to say, productivity around was not high.

And so more time passed, with Verg somewhat diligently digging the earth and filling his stomach with dirt and rocks. With the constant vomiting he became quite hungry and so just filled himself with the easiest available material. Though thankfully another boring day came to an end as the supervisors called for rest.

Verg strutted a bit faster than usual towards the entrance, looking forward to a meal of rotten and spoiled bread and decaying "meat". Though just as he was about to pass one of the smart shield-rehn, Verg felt an unusual vibration. He felt a a trickle of rocks pouring on his head and could only shout a "RUN!" at the tiny one before it happened.

A part of the ceiling caved in.

And the child was right under it.

Reflexively Verg took a large step towards them and shielded them with his massive body. He felt massive weights crushing on top of him. Bones cracked and flesh got torn off. Pain surged through him the likes Verg had not felt before. His eyes became blurry but he saw the little one running further ahead. Relieved, he mustered the last of his strength and took a step forward. Verg tore himself free from the debris and collapsed in front of it.

With a splitting migraine Verg jolted awake. Pain surged through his whole body. He looked around to see a bunch of exhausted huh-mahns surrounding him.

"What happened?"

"Verg! Thank Nurgle you're awake."

They let out a sigh of relief, a few of them even hugging him in their joy. Verg looked around. They had dragged him away from the collapsed tunnel and further towards the entrance. And once he checked his limbs, which were hurting a lot but still all attached, Verged properly inspected those that helped him.

They weren't all from the same camp, hell, they weren't even all his followers. And their eyes conveyed genuine gratitude and relief. The child that he saved clung to his right arm, sobbing but unharmed. Slowly, he lifted his left arm and patted her head.

"Verg is okay now, little one."

They stopped sobbing and smiled at Verg with tear filled eyes. Weird emotions welled up within him. This wasn't the pity he felt towards those lesser than him, no, this was genuine gratitude and kindness. This was empathy. A weird new feeling to discover.

Verg didn't quite know what to do with it, or himself for now. The humans helped him stumble back to the surface, actually helped him, the fat, strong Troll, who was supposed to shield them. And they celebrated with what little they had, offering their best food to Verg, which he declined and instead asked for their "worst" food.

And while the humans laughed and mistook it for humility, the rotten stuff just tasted better.


Action 1: Help Deathhammer build a mine Trektek Trektek

Action 2: Weaken the slave collars of Verg and willing slaves with his stomach acid and engraving Nurgle's symbol into their skin

Free Action: Adaptability. Verg will consume 1 unit of...something metal?...and change his form from a decay troll to something else.
Turn 3
Leifr Olfsson - The Trickster, The Ironside, The Beloved, The Tide Caller, The Flying Sarlsman


"Hold tight, lads! HERE IT GOES!", Leifrs yell bellowed across the tumultous seas surrounding them. The longship was thrown precariously from side to side, a mere toy for the gigantic forces propelling it skywards. With each of the Sarlsmen holding on for dear life, their fate lay entirely in different hands, as the world closed in on them. A monstrous maw, attempting to swallow their ship whole, snapped shut and everything around them went darker and darker - until the Milkmaid defied the abyss against all odds! Curses, prayers and blood-curdling screams all mixed as the darkness spat them out in the last moment, the Milkmaid flying away in a gust of saltwater, as the leviathans mouth fell shut. An allmighty crack thundered behind them and for a moment the world seemed at peace. Then came the impact. Saltwater washed all over the deck, every last sailor swept from their positions as they impacted the oceans surface hard. Tumbling and teetering, swaying and bouncing the longship shot forwards, still propelled by its own momentum until finally the waves relented. Silent disbelief overcame the deck until Leifr Olfsson broke out into hysterical laughter. Others soon followed with shouts of pure joy and relief, men stumbling back to their feet, hugging one another or looking back at the mountain of a beast slowly descending back into the ocean behind them. "The finest longship in all the seas and above them too!", Leifr was already boasting, but his knees shook with each step towards the front. "No bastard shark shall dare nibble on us again!", he declared, but it didn't take long for them to get to rowing swiftly away, as his statement didn't need further testing. By nightfall, the crew had abandoned their plans to plunder and salvage behind the leviathan, its path of destruction no longer followed. The tale of the Flying Sarlsman was enough to keep from their adventure.

"Well, let us see... we could have dried fish or... dried fish. Perhaps you would like some dried fish instead?", Erik Flamecaller nagged, as rations were handed out a few days after the encounter with a hungry Megalodon. "You could bite down on my fist as well.", Leifr offered in a foul mood. He had to admit, their rations had been quite one-sided and they seemed to near their end as well. It didn't help that Sadakos behaviour had grown much more eratic after the encounter with the Megalodon, leaving the captain no choice but to have her restrained to the ships mast, lest she blows up another sailor into crabs and guts. She could be heard often, wailing or shouting. Still, nobody understood her words, but they sounded threatening enough. "We won't be eating fish for much longer!", Leifr then declared, much to the surprise of his crew. Most had gathered around by now and the captain looked around and at his group. "We have spend much time in these strange lands! Found much adventure. But there is yet much glory to be found! And Winter will be upon us soon!", another of his improvised speeches began, but the promise of less fishy rations gave the men enough hope to listen. Some crossed their arms, others contemplated returning to their maintenance work on the ship. In the end, they all stayed and listened. "These lands are foreign to us, but we will bend them to us! It is Olric who will ascend before long, bringing struggle and winter! But do we despair, like the weak Southlings? NO! We rejoice at the challenge! Let us hunt in these strange lands! Let us fight! We will grow stronger, each and every one of us! And at the Mittherbst, Olric will smile as he watches us!", the Trickster spoke louder and louder, moving his arms with much determination to support each statement with a strong gesture. By the end, no arms were crossed, as the crew shouted and cheered with him. They began chanting an old verse:

"Old Wolf White Back prowls the hills,
Belly craving fresh new kills.
Bloody Blitzbeil wants him dead,
So, it slices off his head!
Old Wolf White Back howls out loud,
To the cheers of Olric's crowd.

Similar songs filled their throats as the work on their ship was continued. They would stop regularly now to complete repairs and find suitable hunting grounds. Leifr was confident in his skill to navigate them even without Sadako, but he need not do much anyways, as they were moving on river by now. The Hunters were especially busy scouting each time they landed until a suitable spot had been decided upon. Soon, they would venture out into the forests and hillsides, laying traps and ambushes or driving their prey out into the open. Leifr allowed them little time for respite, as he meant what he had said about struggle and growing stronger. Near the ship, large branches marked a very makeshift training ground where those who weren't currently hunting drilled in harsh combat training. Nobody was spared a few scrapes and bruises. In Olrics eyes, those only made you stronger. The larger of the Bondsmen were in especially high demand for the training. Garth Godraksson used his shield to push his opponents around until Astrid managed to trip him and get him off his feet. Gunthar learned from her trickery, earning her a nasty shiner when his elbow found her face as she attempted the same maneuvre again. Erik muttered and complained about the training ground, but was always one of the first to enter and last to leave. Henri, on the other hand, was grimly determined to be the best hunter, devoting it to his brother Jürgen, ripped apart by the Megalodon. He was also the one to help Leifr drive a heavy stake into the ground in hopes of binding a wolf to it soon. Hunting for meat and furs was one thing, but hunting wolves would be another. But Leifr knew he would show no fear, for he was Beloved.

For this Turn, Leifr will turn his worship to OLRIC
"Old White Wolf will sniff you out, Old White Wolf with braided hair,
Old White Wolf will hunt you down, Old White Wolf will rip and tear!

Movement: Further inland, bringing the Milkmaid ashore and setting up camp

Action 1: The Wolfpack Hunt
The Crew will spend much time hunting in preparation for the coming winter. They try to gain as much meat and furs as they can. If possible, they will hunt for wolves and Leifr would try to capture one or slay one bare-handed to honor Olric. Of course, the rest of the crew is eager to capture wolves too, though the bare-handed slaying is reserved for the captain.

Action 2: The Mittherbst Brawl
The crew spends the time inbetween hunts training their fighting skills, including Leifr, hoping to improve Weapon Skill, Strength or gaining new abilities. As winter approaches, they celebrate Mittherbst (Fall Equinox/Less Growth) in Olrics honor with a big old brawl as the final act of their training. They are expected to behave honorably during the brawl and at the end they will feast and sacrifice some of their game meat to Olric. If Leifr managed to capture a wolf or other animal during Action 1, it could be sacrificed here depending on the omens he sees. May the White Wolf grant strength and adventure during the winter time.
Turn 3
CaptainSully CaptainSully

What awaited Krull, deep in the woods, was beyond expectation. It was not a tribe. It was not tribes. It was a horde. Tents upon tents, as far as his eyes could see [which wasn't far in the dense forest], dimly lit fires, the sound and smells of it was enough to make a lesser man gag as the cacophony of noise was blinding. Large monsters smashed their way through trees as gors and bestigors rammed into one another, locking their horns before drawing blades and getting into more... deadly combat. Ungors and Brays scattered around the camp, cleaning, preparing, being slain or feasted on for stepping out of line for a moment. Gu'rl lead Krull and his warriors through the mass, and to the center of the gathering, where a great throne of skulls had been assembled and upon it was Torval.

This was no gor. This was a Beastlord. A true Beastlord. His sheer size made a wonder of how the skulls under him could hold his weight without shattering into pieces. His face was not that of a bovine, but a snarling hound.. A Fleshhound. His fur was a blood red, at least, the fur Krull was able to see for his body was covered in a strange brass that seemed to move before him as if his body was somehow covered in liquid brass, no.. that is exactly what it was. It radiated heat like a blazing campfire, how could this creature wear molten metal as if he was simply enjoying a bath? Upon the chest piece of this molten armor was the burning emblem of their lord, Khorne. Upon his head sat a great brass crown with a large amber gemstone centered in it. Embedded into the earth next to him were two large axes, that seemed.. old. The wooden hafts were almost dyed red in ancient dried blood and the blades were the shape of crecent moons, the 'center' of the blade was embedded into the wood, and while it looked old, it looked wicked sharp and both blades were glowing, illuminating the throne and Torval in a red light.

Torval said nothing as Gu'rl introduced Krull.. Nor did he say a word as Krull attempted to take control of the brayherd.. or when he issued his challenge. After a few moments, Torval threw his head back and the hound howled in the air, the nearby beastmen all threw their own heads back and let out a roar, joining their Beastlord.. As the howl died down, Torval rose from his throne, "I accept your challenge."


[WARNING: This is the final boss of an entire player's campaign, meant to be faced when they've gathered every ally they can, prepared, stocked, tracked and hopefully weakened, as such, I will not nerf him in any way. You will face Torval as he is in single combat. If you win, it'll be huge, if not, well, at least you have fate!]


Its not especially hard to find a small hamlet, and what could such a place do to them? A handful of buildings formed it, with many of the people living in outlying farmsteads and other small holdfast... The arrival of the Warriors of Khorne and the demands was... Strange. For a warrior who proclaimed to only want to face the best, to now be slaughtering random villagers, it was an interesting choice. What use would followers who gave up before a fight, sniveling cowards who kneeled at his feet rather then fight for their people, truly be worth? His demand was met with silence, at first. Then many came over, but likely not what he wanted. Most of them were mothers with their children, hoping to spare them death, while there was a few that simply wanted to not die. More then a few, families and single adults, attempted to flee in the night, but were captured and taken by the Bestigors, their screams echoing in the night..

Those that stayed, and refused to come to Krull, were slain the next day. Men and women armed with tools and basic weapons, likely expecting protection for a larger nearby settlement but the attack had come too soon and quick to get word out, just souls to be lost to the Border Princes... The Warriors of Khorne killed with a joyous precision, but hte Bestigors killed with wild abandon, feasting on people as they still lived, dragging them into homes, engaging in a blood rampage as befit their nature. When the slaughter was complete, the Bestigors constructed an obelisk of their skulls in the cneter of the hamlet, it was neither large nor impressive, but they seemed reverent to it none the less.

As for the ones who came to him, they were stripped and the rune of khorne carved into their backs with red hot blades, so that the wounds would cauterize and scar over, making the emblem of Khorne unmistakable and without hope of ever disappearing. When he was young, Krull dreamed of wandering the world and facing the greatest warriors, proving his skill and the superiorty of the blood god, to face and slay only those worthy of his blade, to offer up the greatest skulls... And here he was now, watching mothers trying to save their children, children screaming in agony, wailing for their parents as the hot blade touched the skin, cowardly southlander sycophants eager to please their new lord if it spared them... Was this his future? Did Krull feel like a Champion now?

It is unlikely many of them will spread any word of khorne, likely flee and carry word of him and attempt to ingrain themsevles into other settlements, hiding the mark as best they can until it is eventually discovered and many of the discovered are killed for it... A few, terrified of Krull and his butchers, may do so, but will Khorne abide the cowards?

Well, either way, the small hamlet had a small amount of gold that could be gathered:

17 Gold
'Sated Slaughter' for Bestigors
Knowledge of Krull Spreads.​
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The Border Princes

Lord Dukeovitch DeathHammer

Turn 3

Lord Dukeovitch Deathhammer was many things. A Ruthless Tyrant. An Intelligent Businessman. A Scheming Strategist. An Elite Craftsman.

He was all these things as a prodigal Chaos Dwarf. All these things and more. He needed to get the slave trade up and running. Which even for one as skilled as he is a monumental task in these strange Umi infested lands.

So far, he has just amounted to a shallow trickle from a Goblin Raider. Its a start. But what he truly needs is a large continuous spray as if a river or waterfall. A monumental flow of slaves heading into this fort, to parts unknown.

But to make the sorts of contact he needed to gain access to those sorts of suppliers, he would need even more capital than what he has. For a Chaos Dwarf, what he has is but a pittience. Even though to those Umi and others of this strange lands, it is a bounty to be hold.

In order to get access to that sort of capital, he would need to craft more. And in order to craft more. He would need more supplies.
What better way to get supplies than to reopen the very Dawi lumberyard that they had taken over. To get it back into operational status and reap the benefits of infrastructure that was already in place.

But the greater bounty would also be one that they would be after.

Which was to use his newest toy, the Troll named Verg alongside his slaves to dig out a mine. The metals could be used to create great works of weapons and armor to sell to the others. Those that could be allies or to those who its just business.

For his plans to reach fruition, these things MUST happen and they MUST work. Or else his time in these lands will have been for naught. And that would make him especially upset.


Deathhammer laid back in a comfortable chair, outside of his powerful armor as his personal servant, an Elgi named Nyria Zerlosa rubbed his shoulders. Heavy lay the crown and she was his personal servant who has been forced to take care of his whims since he was but a babe.

The Chaos Dwarf sighed as he stroked his beard and spoke aloud.

“If all goes well, Krull will be bringing that group of Beastmen to the Fort. Hehehe. What sort of delicious chaos they would be able to trundle up. At least as long as they go where its useful.”

Deathhammer chuckled again as he was momentarily lost in thought before he began to speak out loud once more.

“As long as they arrive and are keen to listening to their betters, I shall endeavor to make them some hovels inside the fort to house them. And maybe a Training yard to keep them from killing each other where I do not wish them to.”

The Dwarven Lord stops stroking his beard as he holds out his hand. Nyria recognises this movement and stops kneading his shoulders. She take quick steps on her long legs to another room to fetch her Lord’s Ale Mug and returns in but a handful of heart beats as a practed maneuver.

He chugs the container, frothy ale smattering on his beard.

“Aye. Krull can be a fine ally. A proper killing machine, that one. And with him at the forefront, I can stay behind the lines and assemble the slave trade with an alliance of the Chaos Factions in the region.”

Duekovitch wipes away the froth as he waves Nyria away. She deftly moves to his bed and undoes the blankets before vacating the room just as quickly as she had previously, but this time, not returning.

The Dwarf Lord crawls into bed as his nearby armor smokes and hisses, drifting him off to pleasant slumber of subjugation in the name of his god.

Action 1:
- Using Verg and the Slaves, build a Mine to gain access to metals.
- Get the Dwarven Lumberyard that is the Deathhammer Fort back up and running to gain access to Lumber.
- Upgrade the poor quality Forge to Weaponsmith
Action 2: Craft the 3 units of living Marble into a Marble Ogre
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Turn 3

The morning sun stretched across the square as Jilliam shuffled toward his usual spot, lute slung over his shoulder, and his feathered cap tilted just so. The cobblestones, still wet with dew, gleamed beneath his boots as he yawned, already humming the melody of yesterday’s triumph. He had packed up to the cheers of the crowd and now it was time to continue the saga. But as he turned the corner, his stride faltered.

There, atop an upturned barrel in the square, stood a stout dwarf clad in travel-worn leather and bearing a lute of polished oak. The dwarf’s voice boomed, carrying across the early morning market like a hammer striking an anvil. Jilliam’s heart sank as the words hit his ears.

"Steel and stone made Deathhammers fort
An imposing image for those so short.
The Big Loss and it's crew drove up to its door.
The towering gate opening like a hungry maw."

Jilliam froze. The dwarf was singing about Pick. About the Big Loss. About his story.

The audacity!

He ducked behind a cart piled with onions, peering over the edge like a general surveying a battlefield. The dwarf swayed as he sang, his thick fingers plucking at the strings of his lute with surprising dexterity.

"Beckoned in by the Dawi,
The Snotlings were cowardly,
Shivering in place as they gave up their gold.
Despite the dwarf offering them riches untold."

A small crowd had gathered, chuckling at the dwarf’s exaggerated impression of Pick—complete with nose-picking gestures and a wild, screeching falsetto to mimic the Snotlings’ chaos. Jilliam felt his blood boil. Thief!!

He’d poured his heart into that song. Crafted every line with precision, every note with care. And now here was this grubby interloper stealing his thunder with ham-fisted rhymes and slapstick antics. But Jilliam Tingle was no ordinary bard. He wouldn’t sulk in the shadows while his artistry was trampled upon. 'No,' he thought, gripping the neck of his lute like a warrior seizing his sword. 'The square is mine, and so is this tale.'

With a flourish of his feathered cap, Jilliam strode into the square, his boots clicking purposefully against the cobblestones. His arrival was heralded by a sharp strum of his lute, the rich sound cutting through the dwarf’s brassy voice like a knife. The crowd turned, eyes darting between the two bards as Jilliam took his place on an overturned crate across the square.

The dwarf faltered, glancing at Jilliam with a flicker of recognition. But he didn’t stop.

"Unteliigeble, uneducated and unbecoming in nature,
Deathhammer still bestowed upon them something greater,
Better than their sticks, stones and kart,
The Dawi bestowed a Daemon called Arf."

Jilliam smirked. So it’s war, then.

Without missing a beat, he launched into his own song—a continuation of the tale, spinning the next chapter of Pick and the Big Loss. His voice rose like the morning sun, golden and commanding, weaving melody and story into a tapestry that demanded attention.

"For Pick and Krew, Brutal Kunnin was planned,
But it seemed perhaps Mork worked his hand.
As the Krew took the Big Loss,
To meet Da Big Boss.

Or so was what Grimm Smokhuffa proclaimed,
In truth just his aim.
Standing tall, with iron jaw and blackish hue,
This Black Orc wanted his due.
But as finger touched brain,
Pick decided he should reign."

He strummed his lute, eyes burning holes in his competitor, the dwarfs brows furrowing.

On paper this duel was such a farce,
But how epic this fight, a battlefield dance.
Ducking and dodging, Pick got his shot,
A blow to the knee, but he was a Snot.
No strength, no muscle, not even a ding,
Just an attack from the Orc that sent him running."

All eyes were back on Tingle, the three early birds laughing along. He could see curtains begin to move in the houses and the sound of life waking to the day.

"Back to his Krew and the Pump,
For da Big Boss planned a krump.
Needing more greenskins to start a Waagh
Grimm called out a challenge to anotha.

Battle was joined, the two thinking small,
With Grimm on the wagon, and Gitbreaka a wall.
Four orcs wielding shields to two Snots as Krew,
So it came down to Pick to pull his boss through."

The large woman from the day before appeared, her fat frame enveloping the dwarf from Tingles sight, a bottle to his hairy lips, as she tapped her foot and clapped along.

"Often too reckless, or eager, or dumb,
Pick at one point gave the Wagon a run.
Until he came back with a smack,
Hitting Gitbreaka with his Flappas flap flap.

All in all, the fight could have been tragic,
If Picks armour, a buckler, hadn't revealed it's magic.
Winning the day,
With Gitbreaka's slay!"

Pick did a final mad strum of his lute, jumping on top his crate. As he straightened, his eyes met the dwarf’s across the square. No words were exchanged, but the gauntlet had been thrown. Jilliam smirked.

1. Footzie Stealin! Find Loot and Scrap. Kunnin Brutal! Sneaky Stealin!
2. Da Raid!! Kloudy Kloudy
The ExiledTiernan Ol'Dorche
Turn 3 - Siernai9071fde4b497975206a8c282a4df4b97.jpg
Tiernan Stats

Weapon Skill 31
Ballistic Skill 36
Strength 18
Toughness 31
Agility 46
Intelligence 43
Willpower 44
Fellowship 37
Wounds 13

Cool headed: +5 willpower {Already added to total}
'Skilled Craftsmen [Carpentry]'
Fable of the Blind Gambler
3 Fate
Loremaster (+3)
Arming Sword, Repeating Crossbow
Armor 2 Leather Chest
Armor 1 Leather Full body.
1 attack, 3 Magical Power
100 Gold
4 Units of Strange Silk

Gain Mechanical Siege Tower
You retain this siege tower [unless its destroyed] and so should you ever get into a siege, or find another use for it, you can bring it out again for it as this tower would be taken back apart and left in storage until you had need of it again. With quick modifications that bar could be replaced with a rising platform to allow troops to scale walls or siege weaponry place
  • 20 Wolves, 5 Handlers, 13 Rangers
Wolf Pack
Large pack of giant wolves shepherded into battle by handlers. If you lose all the handlers, the giant wolves also 'die' as they are returned to the city, unable to be fielded anymore. 20 wolves and 5 handlers. Handlers have spears and padded armor.

Siernai Rangers
13 Rangers, skilled and experienced warriors often used to patrol the wilderness. They have Siernai repeating crossbows and clubs for if enemies get too close.. they really don't want enemies getting close. They wear padded gambeson armor and have rather lovely brown cloaks.

Bamboozle CV14

You fool one humanoid creature within range into doing your bidding unless it makes a successful Will Power Test. On its next turn, you may decide what actions you want the character to take and it will do as you say. The affected creature does whatever you say short of actively harming itself. You could, however, instruct the creature to do something foolish that might result in its harm. Bamboozle does not work on Daemons or Mindless Undead.

Inspiration CV16
You open your mind to Oro and let the light of wisdom illuminate a vexing problem. Upon the spell's completion, you can make a single knowledge check at +30.

Eavesdrop CV15
You can listen to what is happening in any area that you can see, no matter the distance. You hear things as if you were standing right there.

Oro's Wisdom CV17
Your prayers flood your mind with wisdom of your God. Double any degrees of success scored with any intelligence test. Further, you can reroll one failed intelligence test, but doing this immediately ends the spell. Last one minute per magic level [1 minute = 6 rounds]

Cure Wounds CV10
Your prayers heal an injured character of a number of wounds equal to d10 plus your magic power.

Open CV9
You cause any one lock, bolt or latch to unlock, unbolt or lift. The object cannot be forced shut in time [though you, the caster, may shut it if you wish]. Open can override magic locks if you succeed a will power test.

Good Fortune CV7
You gift on character with luck of the five sided die. During that time, the subject of the spell [this can be yourself], can reverse the order of the percentile dice on any one skill or characteristic test. A stealth check of 82, for example, could be made into a 28 instead. This spell last 1 minute per magic power level [1 minute = 6 rounds]. Once used, the effect ends.
Once a scene. You cast it on a character, and they may do that once per scene.

Searing Light CV7
You unleash a bolt of light that is a magic missile with Damage 4 [D10+4] at a foe within 20 yards.
Tiernan's Skills

Artist [Sculptor]
- When a crafting action is used, you may attempt to create a piece of art [May do this once per crafting action]. Depending on what is produced, it may be converted into gold or it may give a passive buff to your settlement. Better, more exotic resources, increases the effects. Pick artist type: Painter, Sculptor, Weaver, etc. You may take this multiple times, uses per crafting action increases each time this is taken.

Soft-Paws - +10 to Stealth Checks, take half damage from falls

Exterminator - When rolling damage against Insectoids, roll with advantage

Champion of the Siernai - +10 Fellowship when dealing with Siernai, counts as 'Inspiring' to all Siernai

'Skilled Craftsmen [Carpentry]'
Damarel Structures | Income: 70 Gold

Herbalist, Inn, Bowyer & Fletcher, and Smithy. Palisade & Temple of Oro. Production: Iron Mine & Steel Production
Bowyer & Fletcher will cut down on any bows/crossbows you purchase in the future to outfit new units with.

Palisade acts as a wall should you be attacked

Smithy gives a slight reduction to producing armor and melee weaponry in the future, but it can't make any armor better then Armor 2 and weapons are considered of 'Poor' quality [-5 Weapon skill]

Inn gives a bonus if you use an action to hire mercenaries

Herbalist is useful if you wanna grow special herbs and, if using a 'shop' action, you'll get more potion/herbal options

Each turn, you may pray at the temple to attempt to gain insight from Oro. You will roll a d5 to see what, if any, insights the God has granted his priest.
Lucky Break
[Post Theme] - [Damarel]

Visitor, outlander, traveler; names for the unknown, names for the steps and breaths that meander into town. Each tell a story at a glance, but glances tell little to the open mind. Perhaps the cascading mysteries show the folly to such quick conclusions. To take appearance at face value. The trader, the band of adventurers, the odd band of settlers pass by time to time. Out of the way and isolated few come to Damarel. So the outside trading posts do better for traffic. But, on the cloudy, foggy day, one human would enter town, clutching his stomach with rags stained in crimson. Stumbling, swaying as a mast in a storm, he collapsed just past the post of the guards. Looking out into the forest, the guards waited and waited. Nothing came. Why would a random maimed human come here of all places? A quick inspection and the lacerations began to pile across the human's body. Multiple across the chest forming a two tailed comet, five across the stomach, four stretched down in pairs by the shoulder blades. Bruises everywhere, small cutouts of flesh from various weapons, and four pronged holes spaced across the line of the belly button. Once his hood laid on the cobblestone, the stain of blood down his chin laid fresh and revealed blood across his upper chest. Two black eyes, Extensive injuries. And yet, the human survived against all odds. And his youth struck all who stood in the forming crowd around him. Certainly no child, but not quite 'adult' adult. A teenager is what the humans call them, him at his stage.

Swiftly, the human found himself in a bedding of fur and soft leaves. Cleaned, purified wrappings across his many wounds, hair fluffed and combed; a good grooming and cleaning, something that he lacked for some time based on the package of dirt and grime. But, yet not too long. Lack of a farmer's tan but not pale enough to be considered a day walker. Or a vampire of any kind. Wavy black hair, smooth face with wide cheeks and a compact mouth with a white cherry blossom skin tone mixed with a glaze of vanilla honey. Someone generally placed either from the Empire or Bretonnia. Not a working build but a soldier's build, at least one for his younger age. Maybe more advanced than expected. While certainly intrusive, the guards and the arriving Tiernan worked to gauge who exactly stumbled into town today. Where was he from? What type of family did he hail from? And the origin of the wounds across his body.

Bladed weapons, decent quality... the cuts looked to be from human weapons. Tiernan gauged the age of the wounds, not more than a couple days old. But, Tiernan could tell by the minute that the wounds close. Some sort of regenerative factor? Tiernan scratched his ears. Perhaps an exile of some kind and based from the wounds, from a nearby town. Perhaps Mortensholm? Maybe a kid mistaken for a mutant? The rags of clothing he wore crinkled to pieces as the guards removed them, and a healer from the herbalist carefully covered the waist for his privacy. But more and more wounds appeared at the waist. More cuts, more bruises, some of the suspicious kind... ones that indicated horrific acts. Mostly around the back. A fire lit and warmed water flowed through the piping of the bed. Tiernan carefully gazed at the youth's face now that the hustle of his collapse faded. Familiar, eerily familiar. Did Tiernan know him from somewhere? The Mortensholm theory appeared more likely. Jakzki. The Jakzki family in Mortensholm. Not the most important, supposedly a merchant family. Explaining the lack of tan on him. Tiernan pondered further, but he knew the best course would be to wait until the young human awoke from his slumber.

Not the Mold
[Section Theme]

It was days before he awoke, laying in a slumber. Fingers twitching, a sigh, a grit of pain; he rises from bed, from the fur blankets and straw. Straw hitching a ride in his hair. A cough and his eyes stare around the room. A fire, a cocktail of herbs and leaves in a slow burner by a counter, various ointments and creams gently applied to his skin; he reached for the cup finding a drink of carefully steeped herbs and takes it to his lips. The sight of claws over his fingers jostled hot drink over his chest and he ruffled around to cool off the liquid. And as he huffs in pain, a hand massages his shoulder. He looks back at the fur and all air fades from him. A brief moment of silence as the figure shifts to in front of him. And the young man coughs as he takes in the rapid realizations.

"It wasn't a nightmare?" He says.

The figure shakes his head, "For what happened to you, I wish that. I know that this isn't home, but I suspect that you can't go home. I am Tiernan. What may I call you?"

He yawped, falling into Tiernan's arms at the head of the bed, "Ulfreun. Ulfreun Jakzki. I know you... you're the priest here aren't you?" With a soft pull, Tiernan supported Ulfreun, easing him onto the headboard of the bed. With clawed hands dripping out each side, Ulfreun gulped and whimpered as Tiernan took hold of his hand and observed the claws.

"Appears to be good shifting." Tiernan looks for other signs across Ulfreun's body. A field of hair across the chest cavity, canine ears, and the brown of his eyes fell to a blood moon rose. Tiernan paused and considered the signs, wandering away for a moment before a squeak of anxiety peeped out of Ulfreun. With a meander, Tiernan returned, "Yes, I am. I know that some of your father's contacts trade in our outer trade posts from time to time. Don't worry, local traders rarely come into Damarel."

"You're not going to do something to me?" Tiernan motioned his hands around the room, to the furs that cover Ulfreun, and the various items that laid by him. The young human raised an eyebrow, "I don't have to say much do I?" Tiernan shook his head. Ulfreun meeped, "Well, I always heard something about you guys being smart." His tone shifted, felt disingenuine. Like a persona of some kind. Perhaps some reflection of his father? Tiernan waited, pulling a chair from nearby. Ulfreun fell silent watching, "I have no where to go... Please let me stay."

Tiernan took Ulfreun's hand, "Did you think I choose otherwise? I deduced what happened in Mortenshold, and I see that you did not ask for this. That you are blameless. Something awakened inside of you and here you found yourself." Perhaps finally, the realization sunk down in his heart. Rain, rivers, floods; however you could describe it, tears fell all the same. Laying back in bed, sobs continued followed by murmured phrases and anxious tumbling. And Tiernan watched. Sighing, reaching out with his hand before stopping. Not now. Things... needed to be processed. While the questions swirled in Tiernan's mind, who wounded him? Why wasn't he killed? Did they know where he went? Some would be answered in time, some when Ulfreun felt up to speak on the matter.

But as Ulfreun grabbed the sides of his bed, Tiernan cupped one, "I'm fine." Looking away to hide the redness around his eyes.

"We both know that is false. To be not okay isn't a failing. It simply is. That their accusations born of ignorance are the tragedy that occurred. Not what you have."

Ulfreun turned around, supporting his chest as it twitched and his voice wheezed. Hand slipped through. And so Tiernan carefully adjusted the fur and opened the cover for light. Leaving shortly into the other rooms then after.

  • Free Action: Pray at Temple of Oro to possibly gain insight. [Result: 2]
    • Each turn, you may pray at this temple to attempt to gain insight from Oro. You will roll a d5 to see what, if any, insights the God has granted his priest.
  • Paid Action: Resource Extraction Construction
    • To continue Damarel's development and promote the settlement's trade and productive capabilities, Tiernan will authorize the construction of a lumber mill, a quarry, and a tannery in that order. Completed in order as gold and time permits.
      • Relevant Skills: 'Skilled Craftsmen [Carpentry]', Champion of the Siernai. | Relevant Spells: Inspiration & Oro's Wisdom.
  • Paid Action: Skill Development
    • After his encounter with the spider, Tiernan sought to learn more to aid in his future battles, future encounters. Words of hordes and enemies arrive swiftly, and he ought to learn much before it all comes to bear. Also, he will travel to Gordes to meet up with others regarding the ogres and training opportunities. Perhaps impart some knowledge if time allows.
      • Relevant Spells: Inspiration & Oro's Wisdom.

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