The Black Conference (Abyssals, Recruiting)

Thing is, there's the chance to resist it by rolling Valour or Willpower, which lets you attack, then there's "may spend three Willpower to resist the effects of Majestic Radiant Presence for this scene." Dread Lord is identical to MRP, so that's 3wp to resist the effects of DLD, and Heart-Stopping Mien adds another effect to DLD; I'd rule that "resist the effects" means all the effects, including the extra ones froma follow-up Charm.

3wp isn't an insignificant payment by any means...
Sensible, but I'm not completely convinced.

I would like to know the ST opinion.
xarvh said:
Sensible, but I'm not completely convinced.
I would like to know the ST opinion.
Fair enough, it's definitely open to differing interpretations, I just wanted to make my thought processes clear. ST opinion's what we need to go on, of course.

(For extra giggles, take Killing Words Technique so that 3wp becomes 3 lethal health levels...)
Wouldn't you know it, this isn't anywhere in the Scroll of Errata.

Still, there's one thing I have to agree with: Heart-Stopping Mien adds an effect of Dread Lord's Demeanor. Three willpower resists all effects of Dread Lord's Demeanor, and, by extension, the effect granted by Heart Stopping Mien. The penalty and damage are only levied upon those who attack by passing the (rather negligible) roll, rather than paying the full WP. And, if you ask me, HSM makes DLD a much more effective Charm, one I'd actually bother using if I were a player. I shall have to make a Solar version to affect the Unholy, because it just makes so much sense.

Obviously, the Killing Words Technique combination with this Charm is perfectly legal and, unless I miss my guess, intentional. If you want to blow 2 wp at the start of battle, you are welcome to such a perfectly nasty effect (which does essentially render you immune to the attacks of Extras, I am aware).
Update from me with added Concept and pictorial inspiration (i.e. where the idea for the character came from originally).

On an unrelated note, would you be alright with me taking this here charm? It wouldn't make much difference at character creation (though I'd have to shuffle things round a bit to make the numbers add up), but it makes Thaumaturgy a slightly less useless choice.
So far mechanics only. Descriptions forthcoming (mostly done, just prettying things up).

Name[/b] Catechism and Darkest Glory

Exalt Type and Caste Dusk Caste Abyssal

Anima An ever-whirling torrent of pitch black blades around Glory, occasionally coalescing into shapes and scripts from the Void mocking the light of the sun

Motivation To bring the peace of final death to the Neverborn




Strength â—â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—

Wits â—â—



Martial Arts

Melee â—â—â—â—â— (Einhander â—)


War â—â—â—

Integrity â—â—â—


Presence â—â—

Resistance â—â—â—â—

Survival â—â—



Lore â—



Athletics â—â—â—

Awareness â—â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—


Stealth â—â—


Linguistics â—â— (Old Realm, Riverspeak (Skytongue is native))





Liege â— (The Lover Clad in Raiment of Tears)

Whispers â—â—â—â—

Artifact â—â— (Undying Contempt, soulsteel reaver daiklave)

Artifact â—â—â— (That Which Eternal Devours, soulsteel reinforced breastplate)

Artifact â—â— (Shadow Viper Bracers, soulsteel hearthstone bracers)

Manse â—â— (Palace of Waxing Sorrow, creates a Ghostwalker Crystal)

Artifacts and Equipment



Second Melee Excellency

Elegant Flowing Deflection

Vengeful Riposte

Death-Deflecting Technique (Temperance Flaw)

Five-Shadow Feint

Unfurling Iron Lotus


Eternal Enmity Approach (hate of creatures of death)


Armor-Calling Kata

Ghost Armor Prana

Ox-Body Technique (x2)

Deathly Gasp of the Eventide - Second Melee Excellency, Five Shadow Feint, Death-Deflecting Technique and Unfurling Iron Lotus

Join Combat: 5


Dodge DV

Parry DV

Soak: B/L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV

Parry MDV


Compassion â—

Conviction â—â—â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—

Flawed Virtue



Creatures of death (undying hatred)

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—â—


Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: 16/16 (0 Committed)

Peripheral: 22/38 (16 Committed)

Bonus Points (0 / 15 bp)

Melee â—â— (2 bp)

Whispers â— (2 bp)

Conviction â— (3 bp)

Resistance â— (1 bp)

Artifact â—â—â— (3 bp)

Artifact â—â— (2 bp)

Manse â—â—p)

Experience Points (0 / 50 xp)

Essence â— (16 xp)

Specialties â— (3 xp)

Manipulation â— (8 xp)

Presence â—â— (5 xp)

Unfurling Iron Lotus (8 xp)

Combo (10 xp)
MorkaisChosen said:
On an unrelated note, would you be alright with me taking this here charm? It wouldn't make much difference at character creation (though I'd have to shuffle things round a bit to make the numbers add up), but it makes Thaumaturgy a slightly less useless choice.
Seems fine. I wouldn't even require the Avatar part (though feel free to have as much Whispers as you like).
Ok as I have a hard time deciding which character I want to play more, I'm gonna answer your "questions" for both of them, and you pick (if you're interested in one of them of course) the one that interests you the most so I can build him.

To tell you the truth both are ok to me, but I feel a strong pull from the Dusk, I love anti heroes ! :twisted:

Here comes the Dusk

-The end of a world that left us to die: the only thing I want to destroy is Evil... make life hard so hard on evil creatures that they will stay away... before I died I did it because of my beliefs, now, I have been gifted with hatred and anger.

-The end of a world we couldn't leave behind: I want to destroy evil from the face of Creation, I devoted my life to fighting evil, I died and refused to quit, so I let myself be tainted to fulfill my purpose. I wanted to free mankind from evil... and I still do... even if I have become an agent of evil... I still want Creation to be freed from evil, and not just be merged to a world of horrors like the underworld.

-Remembered for who we were: my people, I was a lord and had lands once, and the organization I worked for... which was secretely lead by a sidereal who's now my main ally in my fight against darkness.

-Remembered for who we weren't: I know I have a few scores to settle with some gods and not just from this life, and I remember being in love with an Elemental Dragon and having been married to a distant partner who preferred swimming in rivers than spending time with me...though it's still a bit fuzzy.

-Our masters: I despise my Lord (Walker in the Darkness), he's a powerful being so he can't be messed with right now... but I hope I can have a crack at him once I'm powerful enough... for now I barely play knight for the sake of appearances, but we both know we have no love for each other... he knows I'm after other monsters, but I still feign serving his best interests whenever I can. He hasn't caught me acting directly against him... and I take every precaution to make sure he doesn't.

-Our TRUE masters: though I fear them and I know they're the last beings I'll see before I die, wether I'm successful or I fail. But as much as I fear and hate them... I also feel sorry for them... they're like me... they could not let go and move on with their deaths and it doesn't seem like they had a choice. If I had no focus and was forced to slumber as well, I'd probably be just as pissed at Creation and be like them.

Nevertheless I respect their power and try to upset them as little as possible to stay under the radar as I spent much of my time in Creation and in the Underworld hunting... I haven't heard their voices yet, but I feel their presence, I know they are watching... but I have figured that either they are playing with me, or they were not as perceptive and chose me for the wrong reasons. In the end I hope I know which it is.

-Each other: I don't like it... not one bit. I work better solo, as I do not follow well orders from monsters while trying to fight evil... and now this whole Neverborn quest will make life complicated for me. I don't know what can of monsters I'd have to ride with... but I'm thinking that perhaps it's also a good opportunity to take some of them out if I have a good opportunity.

- So why are you here?: I fought ghosts and demons most of my life with my brethren, and I guess that ambush I fell in had the mark of my Lord. Maybe he wanted to make an example out of me, and perhaps use and develop my skills to fight his enemies in Great Forks.

- How does this make you feel (Creation being doomed) ?: I know this world is doomed, as long as evil still walks freely among men and nobody fights it face to face... I have become Evil to fight my kin !

- Do you want to believe that you believe it? I know it. I've been surrounded by evil all of my life, ghosts, demons, spirits, beasts and men. Evil is omnipresent just like water flows. But as you can direct the flow of a river through hard work, you can do the same with evil... regulate its behavior.

- Do you think you could ever have hope for anything again?: I haven't lost all hope... I know the world is doomed if some people do not take action, though I've made the mistake of clinging on to existence while I know I should not have, I try to make the most of it and the few evil I choose to inflict upon Creation serves a greater good.

- Why do you want to? Because if not, I'd just kill myself to get this over with... at least if I were to die, no poor bastard would have inherited my sinful soul !

And there's the placeholder for the Day

I'm sorry this soul is being consumed by the Void at this moment, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible in the next exaltation (I needz sleep !).
I'd missed it was an Avatar Charm. Oops...

I'm about to go and edit the other post with this in mind.

EDIT: Done. Dread Lord's Demeanour had to go to make the numbers work out properly, so I'll have to pick it up later. Oh well...

On the subject of Sorcery and Necromancy: giving people a spell free with the initiation seems to be quite common, what are your thoughts on that? (A brusque "No, we're using the rules that are written in the book" is, of course, a perfectly perfectly reasonable response for dealing with this kind of blatant angling.)
Bwahaha. I do love me some brusqeuness. However, I pretty much always grant a free spell with ever Sorcery/Necromancy Charm. It means less lag between involving Sorcery in your story and involving Sorcery in your game, and that's good. So, yeah, go ahead.
What could be the requirements of an upgrade to Exquisite Relic Bow to make it last longer than "one scene"?

The Essence would need to stay committed.
xarvh said:
What could be the requirements of an upgrade to Exquisite Relic Bow to make it last longer than "one scene"?
The Essence would need to stay committed.
Artifact 2 :P

Best I can do for you is allow you a custom Charm that lets you perform it reflexively. Creating weapons out of Essence is supposed to be costly. That's why artifact weapons exist.
Yup, I had an Artifact-Bow build for the same character, but I just found it boring.

An upgrade to make it Reflexive would be just what I wanted.

Archery 5 and Essence 4?
Be sure to include that one Archery Charm that gives you Reflexive as a prerequisite. I don't remember what it's called, but it makes sense as a prereq.

And I honestly don't think it needs to be higher than Essence 3. It's simply not an Essence 4 effect. Archery 5 for sure, though.
So prerequisite: Doom Drawn and Imminent (Mirror: Flashing Vengeance Draw)?

Well, it makes a lot of sense, but I will have to buy three charms (two of which I don't find more than marginally useful) just to fill the requisites... T_T

It will be long before I will be able to actually purchase this.

The Relic Within

Cost: -

Mins: Archery 5, Essence 3

Type: Permanent

Keywords: Avatar (1), Mirror (Sudden Ray of Light)

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Doom Drawn and Imminent, Exquisite Relic Bow

The Charm permanently upgrades Exquisite Relic Bow, making it Reflexive.

It also allows Doom Drawn and Imminent and Exquisite Relic Bow to be invoked together as part of the same action without the need of a Combo.
xarvh said:
So prerequisite: Doom Drawn and Imminent (Mirror: Flashing Vengeance Draw)?
Well, it makes a lot of sense, but I will have to buy three charms (two of which I don't find more than marginally useful) just to fill the requisites... T_T

It will be long before I will be able to actually purchase this.
What, you don't want an Extra Action Charm? You are a weird man, my friend, to not like Extra Action Charms. Still, it's what made the most sense to me. Also, the Charm looks perfect.

Bardlebee said:
How many entries do you have Brick?
A number of incomplete ones (yours included) and I think four characters that are finished. Either way, it's still gonna be at least a week before I am even going to think about starting selections. Don't give up on a character because you feel rushed!
Alright, so here's a question for you all, because almost all of you need to answer it: what was your Motivation before you died? Most of the characters submitted seem to have Motivations that rely completely or at least near-completely on their Abyssal state. Yes, Exaltation changes your perspective, but it doesn't change your personality. Abyssals are very often people who are so tied to their old life that they weren't willing to go gently into that dark night. Like ghosts, their ties to their lives are the only thing keeping them from allowing death to take them. What in your character's life inspired them to kill the world instead of letting their business go unfinished? You can answer that directly if you want, but like with the other questions, it's better if you let the answers show through your character.
If I may object (at the risk of being disqualified :mrgreen: )... only deathknights who have rejected at least parts of their conditionning (the whole philosophy of the Void thing and training before being presented to the Neverborn for their confirmation) maintain such ties to their previous lives and motivations...

Most become deranged, vicious, sad, broken etc etc and some even have personality disorders (Shards of Basalt), so it depends greatly on the background and the choices of the players.

Since we're playing deathknights with a bit of experience, it might not be a strict necessity to have ties to your old life... unless it's part of the themes you want in the game in which case... *** waives hand and uses jedi mind tricks*** We never had this conversation !

Anyway, that was my first intention with the Dusk to have strong ties with his former existence and to create some conflicts / interferences... so... it's kinda cool to know you want to go in this direction :wink:

Quick question: I wanted my Dusk character to be a witch hunter before his death, so can I "pretend" that he knew Sorcery before his death ?! (which means he had essence 3)... it's just that I don't see a Deathlord teaching sorcery, apart perhaps from MoW.
cyl, I think that as not-entirely-loyalist abyssal, your character and mine are very much following what they were doing as mortals, just bigger.
Any Deathlord would provide Sorcery education, as it's an extremely effective tool in Creation, especially when going against other Sorcerers. Besides, it's pretty much impossible for a mortal to learn Sorcery before he's a geezer, do to the years of study into Geomancy and years of meditation and Essence purification.

As far as ties to old life, yes, Abyssals are still supposed to have them. Initiation corrupts them and sends them to ruin, but it does not eliminate them. If an Abyssal had a True Love in life, the Initiation would more likely cause them to despise that person more than anything, rather than just making them not care. An Abyssal whose life goal was to make Chiaroscuro the most prosperous nation in the South would instead start wanting to give Chiaroscuro an iron-fisted death-grip over the South. That sort of thing. Characters who live only to serve are not heroes, and they are not villains, and as such, they will inevitably have much less dramatic presence (which is more of a problem for you guys than it is for me; I'm trying to help you get the most out of your character).

As I said, I will be providing a large amount of opportunities to explore different themes of Abyssal games. The ones we'll go with are the ones you guys end up getting interested in.

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