The Black Conference (Abyssals, Recruiting)

Sorry, Soulsteel just isn't that conducive to mercy. It is kind of the eternal imprisonment and torture of souls made into metal. If it were more a more neutral thing, I might consider it, but Underworld stuff is very decidedly the Bad side of death.
Oh... I understand now... I never said it would actually be a soulsteel artifact and certainly did not think soulsteel could cut it... I was thinking either a plurimetal alloy, or something like White Jade... now that I think of it... I remember something from 1e in the book of bone and ebony about a white jade mace that did EXACTLY that... also had a nice backstory for a weapon.
Hmm well there is indeed his grand goremaul in the BoB&E, but it targets the chains of the ghosts... so not that interesting.

So artifact tied to lethe is a no go... oh well, I'd have to learn more necromancy :roll:
I'm wrapping up the sheet as you read those lines.

Had another idea though, an amulet allowing the Guardian to sense Creatures of Darkness through their evilness on an area and giving bonus to track them down... I also thought I'd combine it with a Death Sense Stone (ab HS from the codex - senses all deaths within a one mile radius).

Incidentally it would help me locating the other members of the team :lol:
Given that the Creature of Darkness classification is an inherently Celestial one, it'd have to be Orichalcum. Probably a 2-dot artifact, and I wouldn't have anything against it having a hearthstone slot.
Oh yeah, definitely Orichalcum.

What do you think would be a reasonable radius of detection, and how do you think the detection should work ? (I have several ideas but don't want to trespass on your turf).

Also, not enough points to do what I want, so I'm going with breastplate + klave or paired short klave.

Fun fact about abyssal melee: no goddamn Bulwark Stance :evil:
One quick question: normally when you are atuning to an artifact not made of your attributed MM, you have 2 options (p.382):

- atune to it like a regular artifact, but you gain no MM bonus

- atune to it like a MM of the wrong material to gain the extra bonuses

My interpretation of this has always been: you can use the powers of the artifact if you commit the regular motes, but can't enjoy the extra benefits. You don't have to commit twice as much motes to attune to the Daiklave of Conquest to use its powers, but if you want the bonuses of the orichalcum, then you must do so. (because it's stupid to pay a 5 dot artifact if you can't use its powers...).

What's your take on this ?
That entry is specifically for artifacts which explicitly confer bonuses to a certain Exalt type, and is specifically talking about those bonuses. Nothing else requires special attunement.
Ok so... an amulet made of orichalcum would not cost double motes right ? (you just implied the opposite a few post before)
cyl said:
Ok so... an amulet made of orichalcum would not cost double motes right ? (you just implied the opposite a few post before)
I did...when you were talking about a weapon. This isn't a weapon, now, is it?
No, I suppose it's not :roll:

Typing down the sheet tonight.

Will need more time to describe every bits and pieces of info (history of the Order / Ally / detailed background of the character).
Sheet 90% updated (I just need to write down the combat stats and the equipment).

I dropped the idea of a sidereal ally for the moment (too complex), I think it would be best for him to show up at some point and if I can show him I can do the job and am not completely lost to the Neverborn then I will have gained his trust and will have him as an ally (paying the normal price).

For now he would have just given me the amulet, to have a chance to prove myself.

Let me know what you think.
Alrighty, y'all. The time has come. I'd like to preface my selections by saying that every single submission was wonderful. I feel positively awful turning any of them down, as they're all above the quality of many of the characters I go through with. But, nonetheless, I'll work best with five, and you don't deserve any less than the best campaign I can give. So, without further ado (ado. HA), here are my selections.

cyl with The Last Guardian (Dusk)

xarvh with Withering Spider of One-Hundred Silent Nights (Day)

MorkaisChosen with The Threefold Ebon Magister (Daybreak)

Bardlebee with Laughing Beauty with Crimson Tears (Moonshadow)

d1ng0d0g with Cestus (Dusk)

Some of these character sheets are incomplete. Please finish up your character sheets, guys.

As always, let me know if you no longer have intention on playing.
Gentlemen, I'm honored to be selected to play with you all. ^^

(And shall hurry to post that cult background...)
Oooh, so close. If only one of those Dusks was a Midnight instead.


Anyway, thanks! I'll go and check my sheet, I thought I was done but I may have missed something.
I just noticed something about Beauty. She has charms she doesn't have the prerequisites for.

Kinda realized because I was wondering why the girl had all those nice charms that cost Cestus so much trouble to obtain.
Beauty seems to be still in draft stage, Bardlebee hasn't yet used all the BPs nor XPs.
Is this game going anywhere or does it get the prize for being the only game dying before even registering a forum? oO
It wouldn't be the first, actually- look up Shadow-Forged Dragon, the recruiting thread should still be there.

From these two data, I conclude that I should never put forward a Twilight-type for a game!


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