The Black Conference (Abyssals, Recruiting)

Added a brief description of the Cult background, ie the survivors and refugees from his city.

Ravening Mouth requires an excellency.

I may exchange Just Another Branch Deceit with Archery II, or maybe get rid or Ravening Mouth and take Stealth II.

I am considering dropping Martial Arts, is not really in-character.

Any suggestion for where to put the favorite ability?

(War would make a lot of sense, but not necessarily effective or useful. Medicine?)
Char is 100% completed and polished.

i went for 3 dots in war and Lore favorite (mostly for the nice willpower-sucking charms...)

Removed Just Another Branch Deceit and Spider Pounce for a Stealth and an Archery Excellency.
Looking for a new game - this is one of the few Exalted ones that haven't started yet. Any chance there's a spot open? Either as an Abyssal or someones Lunar mate (which would be a blast in an Abyssal game).
CrazyIvan said:
Looking for a new game - this is one of the few Exalted ones that haven't started yet. Any chance there's a spot open? Either as an Abyssal or someones Lunar mate (which would be a blast in an Abyssal game).
Yup, too bad Fire & Water is dying... =(

I can vouch for Crazy Ivan to be an awesome Lunar Mate! ^^
Sorry, it's a circle of five. Said that right in the beginning post.

No worries, man, something will open up in a week or two somewhere, it's a near-guarantee.
TherealBrickwall said:
Sorry, it's a circle of five. Said that right in the beginning post.
No worries, man, something will open up in a week or two somewhere, it's a near-guarantee.
Meh, no problem, figured I would check
I'm still interested in this game, we have some awesome concepts here.

Am I the only one?

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