The Beginning of the End

Oh okay thanks.About Caitlyn's CS,it might take a while since I'm on mobile
I think I'm gonna do Caitlyn's CS when I get home,the past couple of days I wasn't home and I just replied on my tablet,I'm gonna be home tommorow,is it okay?
Name:Caitlyn Huffman

Age:3 and a half


Appearance (No anime):

History/Background/Bio:Her father got bit and killed her mother all while she was asleep.The same night someone named Matty took the situations in his own hands and got to take care of her.She's now with him.

Personality:Very friendly and curious she is a very sweet child.She doesn't know her parents are dead yet.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

A warm bubble jacket,jeans,a warm hat and sneakers.

Skills (Don't go crazy):She can melt your heart like Morgan Freeman's voice?

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):I'll add more later.
Name:Tina "Viva" Roscoe



Appearance (No anime):



Born in LA.Mother was addicted to Heroine and died when Tina was 10.Father always was a hopeless alcohoolic,his booze always over his or her needs. Tina had a passion with music. As soon as she could afford it she bought a laptop and a launch pad. After that she dominated the underground LA clubs with EDM music. She got the money by singing at a stand-up bar. She singed with her voice and could play the flute pretty well,but on stage she was accompanied by a man who would play the piano with great skill. After 1 year worth of salary she could afford a laptop and later when she hit the clubs she also got a launch pad which she used to give live performances. She moved out when she was 19 to go to college. One night the outbreak happened. She became friends with some old fans who were now living south so she is traveling there.


She has a short-fuse when it comes to getting her angry. She is usually calm and open-minded. She made a promise to herself to never drink or do any drugs. A promise she has kept very well. She was almost raped when she was 16 and had since taken kick-boxing lessons so she is slightly muscular. She won 2 medium-weight championships. Her coach was like a father to her. He died of a heart-attack when she was 20. Also since her father never cared about her health or even her existance she spent most of the time with the coach.His grandson moved to the East Coast so he was lonely too. She hates the day she visited her coach ,Davis the last time. He was lying on the bead with his eyes and mouth wide open and his hand on his chest. She blames herself for not being there sooner. Throughout her teenage years she had attempted suicides,but she failed every time leaving some scars on her body. By this time other artists like herself would have been doing drugs and commited crimes,but she didn't. She knows the difference between right and wrong.She has her coach to thank for that. She takes her anger out by creating music,but since the outbreak had taken that away from her she setlles with her flute or by bludgeoning zombies.

Equipment and Weapons :

A hatchet she scavanged from a hardware store,a screwdiver and some nails. Also a bat. Which she put the nails in.

A black hoodie with blue stripes that is surprisingly warm. A backpack .Short jeans that go down to her knees and knee high stockings which again are surprisingly warm. A beanie.

Skills (Don't go crazy):

Can play the flute and create music with a laptop,nice right? 7 years of kickboxing. Can use a gun and is strong enough to contain the kick.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):



HA! I ain't dead yo!
Name: Nicholas E. Bremur

Age: 26

Gender: M

Appearance (No anime):


(photo not super accurate)

Nick doesn't fit the stereotype for 'sexually confused', but West is the one exception to what seems to be his heteronormative exterior. He has black hair and skin that tans easily; his eyes are icy blue, an unusual and beautiful stark contrast to his appearance. Unlike the photo I found, his face is more drawn out like a cat's; with almond eyes and a lower brow, higher/more prominent cheekbones, and thin lips. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and never has much a poker face. His shoulders and hips are broad, he is relatively fit; but not to the extent that he's been blessed with abs. However, his body can seem bulkier with the amount of clothes he wears. His muscle is from working on his grandfather's farm, not from his own pursuit of athleticism. Nick is growing stubble on his chin, and his hair is getting shaggy. He stands at maybe 5'9 or so, give or take an inch. He has also lost weight since the apocalypse, since he is limited in when and what he can eat. Nick's most prominent feature by far is his voice, because he has a Southern accent that is just so slight that it makes people try to trace his origins and while he consciously tries to make his voice lower and more intimidating; his natural tone is rather soft, low, and pleasant to listen to. He can also impersonate Morgan Freeman pretty well I guess.


He had an absent scumbag father and a mother with barely enough time for him. This resulted in him being cared for mostly by his grandfather, an old fashioned bastard who never thought Nick was worth much anything since his father jumped on the family right from the get-go. This has resulted in Nick to have low self-esteem and anger issues; in which he flies off the handle easily and drowns himself in alcohol, or whatever he can get his hands on. His grandfather took him hunting a lot when he was younger, which he wasn't natural at all; he failed miserably and nearly shot his own foot, then almost took out his grandfather. His busy mother and emotionally-degrading grandfather meant he would do anything to not deal with it, and he eventually convinced his mom to let one of her boyfriends babysit him. This didn't end well, and he was physically pushed around; of course, he was so young that it's a very distant memory, but he has scars from himself and others. Ended up spending most of his time with his neighbor West, and they were literally attached at the hip; even when West went to college and Nick didn't. He was a troublemaker in his boyhood, going so far as to drink, have sex, and almost try to ruin his life; despite this, his mother and West were the only people who really stuck by him. What most people might not know about him is that he was a teenage father, at 17 or 18; but he lost contact with her, unsure if she carried through with the abortion she said she was going to get or if she really didn't want him in her life to that extent. That has severely damaged what connection he has with children, especially considering he is essentially homosexual- having that in his life story isn't one of his proudest moments.


Nick is a hot-headed individual that can easily let his temper get the better of him. Shaped by his experiences after the outbreak, Nick appears to show little concern for other survivors, considering them a risk to his own people's safety, and tends to be rude to them. Due to his impulsive nature, Nick tends to make hasty and aggressive decisions, which often lead to mishaps. Although he can initially be very reluctant to admit his blunders, Nick ultimately comes through most of the times, following which he will try to rectify his mistakes, and actually may be one of the most loyal companions if someone takes the time to get used to him. He is significantly subdued with West around, but very twitchy and panic-prone without him. He's fixated in on this primal self-preservation, which his grandfather called out as cowardice-a dog that had a bark worse than it's bite that was dumb enough to bite the hand that fed it. However, since the apocalypse, he has started to develop more into a survivor; his outer shell beginning to harden and his entire demeanor beginning to shift into one of a hunter and not prey.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

He's a shaky shot, still remembering the tough-training he'd gotten; but he still has a handheld gun and a larger one for distance (which have been moved to Levi's arsenal). Nick is best with a knife, having lost his axe due to Levi. The knife is his favorite in hand-to-hand combat since the axe gets stuck; West made fun of the fact that the way he panicked and killed a zombie was to jump on it like a banshee and stab its head before it could get him, literally going so far as to end up bruised on the ground just to make sure it was dead. Even if he's not the best shot, he prefers guns since he doesn't have to get so close to the lurkers; but when he is, he is surprisingly good at getting away and/or killing them at all costs.---- He has been reduced now to have nothing after Wellington, except for whatever he may snatch on his way out. He's a decent fighter, a bit uncoordinated; but he is pretty good at fighting to severely injure (going right for an uppercut, nose, or sternum hit)

Skills (Don't go crazy):

His skills are far and few, or so it seems. He is a great companion, and even if he doesn't always follow instructions and messes up frequently- he pulls through when he really needs too. His blunders are becoming less and less.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

- Has been diagnosed with depression pre-dating the apocalypse.

- His previous group was wary of him being a liability

- Has an 'almost-dating' relationship with West, where they haven't said it but things have gone far enough to definitely be a couple. Nobody wants to admit it with the world ending and all.

- Extremely paranoid and anxious in the apocalypse, causing this constant irrational spur of mess-ups.

- Slight Tennessee twang that's more evident when he's upset/excited; very self-conscious about a lot of things about himself so he tries to change them even if it's just a bit. He also has a very soft voice with the slightest hiss of rasp to it; but tries to sound assertive and louder, to sound a little more like his grandfather and father.

- Was a teen-father himself

- Had a very rocky relationship with his mother, but despite this she's probably one of his favorite people in the world; and she is still alive despite how crazy the apocalypse has gotten.

- Really admires his apocalypse-buddy Tina, even if they bang heads more often than not b/c of their equally assertive and aggressive demeanor. He has become less difficult with her, growing accustomed to her poking fun at him- he actually has found it easier to laugh with her, and doesn't really feel like he needs to tell her things for her to know them.

"When there's nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire"
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:) I've literally never done a roleplay like this before so I might struggle. But I hope to learn from you, Senpai! Also, I'm bad at character sheets. I prefer to develop characters in roleplay. Anyway, hi. I freaking love Morgan Freeman, by the way. Who doesn't? Anyway....


Nor Abernathy

Age: 14

Gender: Female


Nor was born in England. She grew up in England. In fact, she'd never even been to America where the majority of her relatives live until around Christmas time, when she came to stay with her family and to sightsee. Well, that was a mistake. She found out about what was going on from TV and when the hotel her and her parents was staying in was attacked, she had to run for it. Her parents didn't make it, unfortunately.


- Bubbly

- Intelligent

- Violent

- Sporty

- Enthusiastic

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

Kitchen knife


Baseball bat


Skills (Don't go crazy):

- Fast runner

- Good at picking locks​
@Fallen from Heaven - Consider yourself accepted. Start off wherever you please, I'll be sure to create RP for you regardless :)
Name: Hunter Dylans

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance (No anime):


History/Background/Bio: Hunter is the oldest between her and Riley but she's more cautious and slow trusting. She doesn't get along with many because no one seems to take her seriously. Even in school, people always compared her to her twin so she dyed her hair and changed her attitude and became more reserved and hardcore. She became a bit of a bad girl but didn't do drugs, nor smoked since it was disgusting but she did drink occasionally.

When the break out happened, she immediately began grabbing whatever she could from the house and quickly ran to find her twin so they could get the hell out of the city. She had stolen most of the stuff they have now and had to fight another survivor who had been bitten to get it. She doesn't mind getting dirty and easily killed off their foster parents since it was better that they had no ties and wouldn't have to worry about seeing them rise up again.

They met Cece along the way and immediately decided that she could come along since their chances of survival would be better in bigger numbers, so they have been currently making there way towards anywhere that could be considered safe, however upon getting there they mostly ran into corpses and zombies. They have been doing well so far but they are slowly running out of food and need to find some before the winter gets harsher.

Personality: Cold and reserved, she doesn't talk much unless directly spoken too. She doesn't mind taking orders and can get the job done without being bothered by what she's doing. However she does care and have a soft side for children and for those she considers family. She doesn't trust people very easily unless they gain her trust by proving that they know what they are doing.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):




Skills (Don't go crazy):

She's rather skilled with her machete and prefers slashing and hacking weapons to guns so she let's Riley use her dual .50 caliber pistols while she slashes off the heads or arms so that Riley can shoot the heads. She usually went on hunting trips with their foster dad and Riley so she knows how to hunt for food and kill, she isn't a terrible shot but she'd rather keep her hands on the close range weapons.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.): [media]


Name: Riley Dylans

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance (No anime):


History/Background/Bio: Riley is the younger twin between her and Hunter, she was the rather serious but trusting sister. She likes to help people in need and hates it when Hunter closes up on her and doesn't talk to her. She was quite a good student and a quick learner which became a good skill to have when the outbreak happened, she quickly learned how to use whatever she could to help defend herself.

Riley knows that Hunter killed their foster parents but knows that they are in a better place and that they won't have to suffer anymore. She tries to be optimistic about things rather then pessimistic like Hunter. She usually tries to put a smile on her face and act like nothing is wrong when really, she's nervous and a bit scared. She adores children and hates seeing the corpses of them when they are travelling.

They met Cece along the way and immediately decided that she could come along since their chances of survival would be better in bigger numbers, so they have been currently making there way towards anywhere that could be considered safe, however upon getting there they mostly ran into corpses and zombies. They have been doing well so far but they are slowly running out of food and need to find some before the winter gets harsher.

Personality: Kind and Optimistic, she often ops to help others rather then worry about herself. She believes that if you help someone in need that they will return the favor. Even thought the world is currently in a bad spot, she believes things will get better. Even if they don't she's just glad to be alive and with her sister. She usually frowns a bit when she has to kill, not because it bothers her but because she actually enjoys it.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):




Skills (Don't go crazy): Since she and Hunter always went on hunting trips with their dad, they know how to kill and hunt. She's got rather good aim and is a good observer and a quick learner so she can easily pick up new skills once she's seen how because of her photographic memory, she uses it sometimes to help them out of sticky spots by being able to replicate a certain move or technique to help them.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.): [media]


Name: Cece McCormick

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance (No anime):


Before all this happened, Cece was just graduating College for Biochemistry and Chemistry. So she's quite curious to how the outbreak started and wishes she could figure out away to cure or reverse it. Her father was in the military when she was younger so he had taught her how to shoot and how to throw a knife. She is quite thankful for that and put her father out of his misery after he was bit, she promised she would keep on fighting for him and has a tattoo of his name on her arm, along with the name of her mother, sister and little sister who had all died during the outbreak.

She has quite a few tattoos that she got over the years before the outbreak and ones she did herself from having worked at a tattoo shop for a few years. Her body is like a work of art and full of many different tattoos that each have a meaning. She doesn't like to talk about tattoos that have a very special meaning and often snaps at others sometimes because the wounds are still fresh.

Personality: She is quiet and calm, she doesn't talk often and likes to be on her own. She doesn't mind company every once and awhile which is probably why she joined up with Hunter and Riley. She has a bit of a soft spot for young children because they remind her of her younger sister who was always full of spirit and energy, she had high hopes and dreams and this still hurts Cece because she'll never get to reach them.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):




Skills (Don't go crazy):

Her father was in the military and taught her how to shot, reload and throw a knife. She even knows how to disable a gun and reassemble it again and can reload in the dark. She is a good thrower and a good shooter, which is probably why the twins took to her so easily.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.): [media]

MORGAN FREEEMAN! Morgan Freeman, Morgan Freeman.
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(@Soul OMU accepted. Rp the dual guns as a lower caliber though, as te desert Eagles would break your wrists ;)
Name: Adelaide Delaine

Age: 17

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-28_9-37-41.jpeg.71b5be6eca0165c9464acf3e2c1e05a3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-28_9-37-41.jpeg.71b5be6eca0165c9464acf3e2c1e05a3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History/Background/Bio: Adelaide didn't have a lot before the end, but it was still more than after. She had a family: She had a plan: She had a future. But now she is alone, in desperate need of a safe place, and with very little hope for a future. Adelaide tries her best to forget the past, but some things are not so easily forgotten.

Personality: Adelaide has never been a reserved person. She is too trusting and it often places her into line of danger. Adelaide has a bad habit of rambling when she is nervous. She is also stubborn and hot-headed, but will go to any length to protect those she cares about most. She has a soft spot for those who are vulnerable and especially, and most unfortunately, a 'pretty face'.

Equipment and Weapons:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-28_9-41-28.jpeg.9a8c6ffe49ce0166e196621edcf10fb8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-28_9-41-28.jpeg.9a8c6ffe49ce0166e196621edcf10fb8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-28_9-42-2.jpeg.984a80924a8c0c8169e5aab76bc2245a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-28_9-42-2.jpeg.984a80924a8c0c8169e5aab76bc2245a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(12 bullets)

(Cannot/Does not use the pistol-she lacks skill with guns)

Skills: Other than being fast, Adelaide lacks skills involving any type of physicality. Her strongest skills are her mentality. She is a quick thinker and is extremely clever.

Morgan Freeman

((I may make another character later))



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Neva Williams


| 19 | Female | March 14 |

Back ground:

Neva was born one of 4, to two wonderful parents. They both supported everything their children were a part of, from clothes to club activities. At 12 Neva finally came out as homosexual, though both parents believed it to be a phase they supported her completely. The support shown allowed her younger brother the strength to come out as well. She was very involved with her girlfriend of 3 years and had everything going for her, college a family with her lover and a wonderful family behind her. When everything was falling apart she tried everything she could, being the oldest to try and save her family and her lover though nothing she did seemed to work. God seemed to betray her, or at least in her own mind. She didn't understand exactly why she had the will to live, but she did. And now she's trying her hardest to find more like her.


Neva is a very outgoing person. She tries everything she possibly can to make everyone around her happy. From singing to just talking. She's very strong willed and has a very soft heart. Though she now tends to angry and upset easier she tries to keep it to herself.


Strong willed




Easily angered



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-28_17-49-23.jpeg.156fc1400c85d2f63b5f4d5973a01bff.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-28_17-49-23.jpeg.156fc1400c85d2f63b5f4d5973a01bff.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 11 left
2 other outfits, three pairs of socks, 3 cans of fruit stolen from homes, small bandages.

Skills include:

Athletic abilities, Nursing skills, Responsible, Assertive, Quick learner.

Morgan Freeman




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