The Beginning of the End

Name: Lucas Yang

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance (No anime): I'm sorry, but I'm not available to a computer at this very moment, and I can't figure out how to link a photo onto here, so I'll just give the description. Pale, Long Dirty Blonde Hair (dyed). Hazel eyes, and somewhat thin and stocky. 5,4 in height.


Lucas, or more commonly known as Luke among his friends, was quite popular at school. One fine day on break, he was out with his friends. They were at Hooters, and the T.V came on. The disease. Spreading. Avoid all who contain it.

Personality: He is very outgoing, and will always try to protect everyone. He is somewhat patient, but not all the time.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

He has a dog, his parents bought a boxer in which he keeps in his backyard to make sure it avoids contact with his friends. His name his Ali, just because he is a boxer. It's height is around the waist of an adult man, and it's a companion to Luke. Luke also carries a kitchen knife, a knife sharpener, a Swiss army knife, as well as a paintball gun, just to intimidate others. He has a Swiss backpack with water, dog food, and money as well, also he has rations like chips, instant coffee and ramen. He also brings a jacket.

Skills (Don't go crazy): Due to is backpack, Luke has limited movement. He is a fast runner, he did track at school. He also did Taekwondoe, so he knows basic self defense.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.): MORGAN FREEMAN!

@Korean Ghoul - Very nice! Accepted! Do me a favor, though. There's more chance for this to branch off into different parts of the USA, so do me a favor and start in a state that isn't Wisconsin. I can add in characters to RP with you, and I think that could get quite interesting :)
I might make a new character too replace Cece... Good bless her... I liked her even thought she wasn't used that much cuz she died so young...
Real name: Trent Voshtet


Age: 34


Appearance (No anime):


History/Background/Bio: Sputnik is not his real name, the real name of this pilot is unknown. He works for the military by running supply's and ammo from one place to another while in a helicopter. He does not care if there are zombies just that he gets paid and has a chopper.

Personality: Very loyal to the U.S and follows most orders given to him, unless suicidal or trivial.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

Has been given a helicopter for the task of running supplies.


Also has a Gas mask.


And filters.


Skills (Don't go crazy): marine firearms and pilot training.

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Name: Ataka (This is what he states it is, probably not the truth.)


Gender: Male like that of our favorite actor, Morgan Freeman

Appearance (No anime):(I currently do not have access to a computer and don't know how to put a damned photo on this site, here's a link)

'Ataka' was son of two people, a man and a woman, the man was very close to death when his son was born. The child took his firsts steps in only two months, alas the father died a day later. Ataka's mother was devestated she beagn to stop caring for herself and her child. Deemed unworthy of children Ataka was taken from his mother and placed within a foster home. His foster parents were very nice and helped Ataka as he grew into a young man ready for college. He graduated college with a PHD and some of the best scores around. Ataka joined law enforcement for a few years and grew bored quickly, it was not the job for him. He began to jump from job to job never finding what he liked. Finally he found his place as a science teacher for a middle school. Upon the day of the outbreak Ataka was with his class. His phone rung and he saw the warning, gathering the children and locking the door he waited for the all clear signal. A day passed before he did anything. The teacher looked from the windows and saw the corpses milling in daylight. Confused on the current situation he left for help, telling the children to lock the doors and open it for no one but him. As Ataka went for the office he found a minor hoard of zombies. He ran straight to the room full of children. When he arrived the door was open. That day something inside Ataka snapped, he swore an oath of vengance upon not just the zombies but any human lucky enough or evil enough to survive the outbreak. Slowly this oath became a twisted reason to kill within, slowly driving this man insane.

Personality: Ataka is a psychopath, his personality is constantly changing, one second he could be nice and understanding, the next angry and offensive. Underneath the insanity there is still a sane being, something to be reasoned with that is kind hearted and forgiving.

Equipment and Weapons : Civilian clothing.(White tee, black hoodie, jeans and boots.) A Mark XIX Desert Eagle, .50 AE. 20 rounds. Larger hiking backpack with assorted foods and drinks. 3 homemade explosives, materials for making explosives.

Skills (Don't go crazy):
Explosive know how/smith, some amounts of hand to hand combat, side-arm proficiency, auto-mobile engineering.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

@GunzABlazinz - Accepted. Just don't RP as too overpowered, buddy. Other than that, this could get interesting :)
Okay. Feel free to start anywhere near any of the survivors. We've got them all over the country :) or you can start off in a random state and I'll introduce a character to rp with you. (@GunzABlazinz)
Alright, is there a list of characters in which states? That would be helpful to plan run ins and meet ups as well as my starting point.
Majority of us that are easiest to find are in a mall in Woodruff, Wisconsin. If you plan to meet us, you can't pull the whole 'been watching them for weeks' thing due to the characters there. They're your best realistic bet.
Hm, aight. I'm might be awhile before posting on the RP, I've got some work to do but I'll be online here just message me if you need anything.
Name: Scarlet Brown

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Appearance (No anime):


History/Background/Bio: Scarlet had been part of the military task force when the Apocalypse happened, many of her comrades died but she fought to survive and to get home to see if her niece was alright. When she found her niece hiding in the basement in the closet, she quickly told her that they were going to have to pack whatever they needed and that she was going to have to be strong and remember everything she taught her. Her niece, Jenna agreed and quickly helped her pack as they headed out of their house in Bloomington, Indiana.

Her and her niece are currently hiding out in a safe house in a bunker with food and some ammo, Her niece knows how to shoot and kill since she taught her self defense back when she was 10 and retaught her how to defend herself against zombies and people. They both killed, recently Jenna killed a man who threatened her and Scarlet's life and their supplies.

Personality: She's cold, commanding and stoic. she was once a commanding officer which makes sense to why she's commanding. She does have a soft side for young children and for her niece because she's the only family she has left since her sister and brother in law died in a car accident when Jenna was 8.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):


Her sniper rifle from the army


used to carry all their supplies.


Hunting knife she carries in her boot.

Skills (Don't go crazy): She is a good shot, knows how to hunt and kill people. She worked in the military and is a good sniper but also knows hot to make booby traps to catch zeds, humans and prey. She knows how to fight hand to hand combat and long range.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.): [media]



Jenna Davis/Brown


Female, the opposite gender of Morgan Freeman

Appearance (No Anime):


She had been hiding in her aunt's closet when she heard about the outbreak and quickly locked herself in so that nothing could get in without her knowing. When her aunt came and found her, she nearly stabbed her with the kitchen knife before hugging her and crying a bit about how scared she was that she thought something had happened to her.

She's calm and quiet, doesn't talk much but does like to play her harmonica, it was the only thing she had left from her parents and loves listening to music, mostly the guitar. She hasn't really talked since the death of her parents, her aunt doesn't push her to until she ready, she speaks sometimes when needed.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):


Her aunt's sawed off shotgun.


the kitchen knife from her home


Skills (Don't go crazy):

She learned how to defend herself thanks to her aunt, she knows how to fight, how to shoot thanks to her aunt. She learned how to do mixed martial arts when she was around 9-10.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):


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