The Beginning of the End







Appearance (No anime):



Currently unknown. Resident of Argonne, Wisconsin.


Happy, positive, cheerful, inspirational, jumpy, socially-deprived.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):


Steel Meat Cleaver:


Damascus Steel Kitchen Knife

Skills (Don't go crazy):

Attentive, good cook, good at uplifting moods, inspires advancement.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

Name: Janice Martinez

Age: 24

Gender: Female


History/Background/Bio: Janice was a single mother of two little boys. Before the apocalypse took place, Janice wasn't well off and had to rely on her shitty cleaning job at the local motel. The pay wasn't good, this left Janice and her boys with not enough money to feed themselves with. Janice made regular trips to the town hall to collect food stamps to help support her and her boys. She used to be quite sneaky with this and go multiple times in a day and collect extra stamps illegally, she then used these stamps to collect food. Janice is a hoarder type, thus making her store lots of canned goods in her house she got from the food stamps.

Personality: Janice is loyal to her boys. She wouldn't hesitate to harm any one who causes a threat to them. She is also quite cunning and devious. An example of this is the scam she pulled off with food stamps. Janice is quite the hoarder as well. Janice is also extremely sarcastic and will take any opportunity to make a smart comment or remark against something or someone.

Equipment and Weapons:

Ordinary meat cleaver from the kitchen.


Traditional Mexican backpack


About 100 cans of various tinned foods.

Skills: Janice possess some unique skills, she has very good and fine tuned observational skilled which she picked up from living in a poor rough area, she feels no remorse, is very loyal to people who she trusts and is close to (in the case at the moment her two sons). Janice is a skilled cook and can pretty much knock up a meal from the most random of ingredients. Lastly she is knowledgeable in social engineering, she can manipulate people into doing things for her, she does this buy confusing dialogue, flirting and showing of her body.

(Optional Stuff: "You mess with him, you mess with all of us" - Morgan Freeman
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James Wilson

Age: 26

Gender: Male



History/Background/Bio: James spent most of his youth as a normal boy, with his parents being middle-class, and having him home-schooled. He got fairly good grades, and went and did mechanical engineering at university. His first job was as a mechanic, so he can fix a car if need be. He's never seen himself as anything special, just getting by as a normal guy.

When the apocalypse hit, and he and his parents tried to run away from the zombie hordes, their car broke down, and they joined the crowds of people running for their lives. It was here that they got separated. James never found out what happened to his parents, but to this day he lives alone, surviving by scavenging.

Personality: Though he tries to play the leader role in a group, he can often be unsure of himself, though any reassurance can go a long way for him. He makes an effort to be a good guy, maybe do people favours once in a while, try to help them if they've got problems.

Equipment and Weapons :

His machete:


A silenced glock, with about nine clips of ammo:


An old hunting shotgun, which his father gave him to protect himself before they were separated:

Skills : He's a damn good shot with the shotgun, as his father took him hunting often, everything from foxes to pheasants. He can fix cars pretty well, and knows how to use the machete and glock properly. From surviving on his own for so long, he knows some decent urban survival skills, and how to keep quiet, stay unseen, and stop himself being found by zombies or robbers.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.): Song - Rain, by Sid. Poem - No man is an island, by John Donne. Favourite actor - Morgan Freeman.
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Woops. I did have it, then I edited it slightly, forgetting to put it back in. 
Alright, fixed it.


Erica Roots





Appearance (No anime):


Erica's parents died when she was five, so she had to move to Chicago to live with her Grandparents, her Grandpa caught the disease first and killed her Grandma, Erica, horrified with what she'd witnessed, couldn't move as Grandpa came after her, It was only by luck, she'd surived, by killing the beast with a knife, that was 3 years ago, and Erica now has no problem with zombies.


Erica is deadly smart, and would happily kill you if you get too close, she has great eyesight and loves making weapons, she also is extremely quiet on her feet.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):


-Has grip

-Semi Auto

-Laser Pointer

-Has 6clips of 36 each


-Has two


-Red Dot Sights

-Has 7clips of 14 each

Skills (Don't go crazy):

-Shadow Walk: Erica has learned how to walk without noise due to her many years of looting

-Looting Expert: Erica's insane eyesight lets her spot hard to see items

-Eyesight Pro: Erica has natural eyesight that lets her see very far.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

"This isn't that bad, right?"

Morgan Freeman 
Sorry, that picture of Erica doesn't work, had to put in link O_o
That's accepted. I'm typing out a timeskip for the RP as we speak, so if you wait until that's posted, you can hop in however you feel :) @Col
@Col - I recommend you fall in with the largest group in Argonne, Wisconsin. It's been around four months since the apocalypse began, and now it's April.

Johnathan McGrath





Appearance (No anime):



Johnathan grew up in Manhattan, New York. His parents were normal. His sister was normal. Everyone was normal. He was an A, B student in school, he was the president of the Beta Club , and was actually pretty popular. he was the president of the Beta Club. Everything... Was... Normal. Then the virus broke out. His life shattered like a broken mirror. His dad was the first person he knew to fall victim to the virus. He left out one day to see what was going on. He never came back. Then Johnathan's mom left to find dad. She never came back. Johnathan and his sister stayed in their house for two days until they ran out of food. Then the monsters found a way in. Johnathan fought of the zombies as long as he possible could before he had to grab his sister and run out the back door. Ever since then he'd been scavenging for food and weapons to keep his sister and himself alive.


Friendly and carefree, Johnathan is extremely loyal and won't let his friends down.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):


(24 Bullets)


44. Magnum

(18 Bullets)




Skills (Don't go crazy):

  • Scavenging
  • Crafting.. of sorts
  • Excellent Leader Ship

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

Johnathan is Maria's brother


Maria McGrath





Appearance (No anime):


History/Background/Bio: Maria's story is similar to Johnathan's. But the apocalypse had a more traumatic effect on her. She stopped talking to anyone other than her close friends and Johnathan.


Maria is very shy and doesn't trust many other people, other than Johnathan.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):



Skills (Don't go crazy):

  • Scavenging

  • Stealth

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

Maria is Johnathan's sister.

Morgan Freeman

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