The Beginning of the End

Allright,thanks.I'll try to sketch it up today and probably be done by tomorrow.



Carter Free





Appearance (No anime):

Overall, Carter has thin, yet moderate features. She has some minimal muscles in her arms meant for jabbing and twirling her spears, along with other muscles that help her to move quick and do her reflex flips. At the same time, she is only about 5'5" and 119 pounds, which helps her slip into small places and climb with out too much trouble (as long as she isn't carrying too much weight). Her pale face is angled and soft with dashing grey eyes that change color according to the light. Her straw blond hair is shaved bald on her left side and layered shoulder-length on the other. When she isn't dressed up as a Victorian princess or Joan-of-Arc Knight, you'll usually catch her in something trendy and feminine. She has a little silver charm bracelet on her right wrist that she often fidgets with.


Carter grew up in a family of nerds. While other little girls played sports or had sleepovers, she read comics and went to Friday Night Magic. She was allergic to a lot of things, so she never ate very much. When she was about eight she stopped watching her parents LARP from the sidelines and began to join in. At first she was only allow to play small roles like a princess or a lady-in-waiting, but after a while she managed to convince her parents to let her train as well. While practicing with a variety of weapons, this is where she found her passion for spear fighting. She spent most of her time growing up mastering each move and creating new ones; even taking lessons in tumbling so she could move quicker. By the time she was eighteen, she had had a few movie agencies calling her to work as a stunt double for some mid-evil films.

She was in the studio in Hollywood when the alert came and suddenly she realized the screams in the adjacent studio weren't quite as fake as she thought.


Carter has a competition problem. Now she knows that she can't do everything(even though that took a while to learn), but for the things she can do she is always willing for a challenge. When she wins anything she gets excited and has been known to boast, but when she loses she will become hell-bent on winning the next time. She believes things are either right or wrong and she has trouble understanding things that are in-between. She is stubborn and when she knows she is wrong, she tends to lash out. But when it comes down to it, she'll be the first to jump in front of your bullet.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):


The head is detachable as a dagger. This is a performance spear that she was using at the studio. She has three of these, plus an antique wood-and-iron spear.

Skills (Don't go crazy):

Other then her mad knowledge of MTG drafting, she is a trained expert at spear fighting and moderate at other weaponry such as dual-edged swords and war-axes. She's quick and has trained her reflexes to react to attackers. She's not very good with guns or lying.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

Morgan Freeman
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Jason Scronce





Appearance (No anime):



Jason never planned to amount to much.. he shirked his school and home responsibilities, and ignored everyone but his closest friends and his girlfriend. The only passion he ever had or pursued was freerunning and parkour. He loved the feeling of running from rooftop to rooftop, the wind and adrenaline, it made him feel free. After shit hit the fan, and people were dying left and right, he would simply watch from the rooftops above, wearing a surgical mask to keep the virus away. He had been approached by many to help feed their families, as he was unafraid to go outdoors, and every once in a while, he would help, though only for the rush.

It was the death of his sister, Janice that fueled him to actually help people just to help, he began to make more and more daring runs to get food and medical supplies that seemed to be more and more rare. Eventually it got to the point that there was no way to help, without Jason himself suffering.

now, on New Years, he is lost, unwilling to move forward and move on, but equally unwilling to stay


people called him a slacker, he simply wasn't interested in petty things, and knew that ultimately, school was a waste of time. Jason, in truth, was a hard worker, at the things he felt interested in

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

after the virus hit, he began carrying two cleavers with him at all times, as assurance

Skills (Don't go crazy):

freerunning, he can mimic Morgan Freeman on demand

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

Theme- My Immortal by Evanesance

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Name:Matthew "Jazz" Vaughan or Matty


Gender: Male

Appearance (No anime):


Might Update his look cause my pen tablet is being crappy.

History/Background/Bio:A former SAS Lieutenant with an experience of 9 years.Immigrated to the US because there was nothing left for him in the UK.Born in Brighton.Father was a banker,mother was a lawyer.They did not care much for their child.He developed a sense of honor from the one nanny he loved almost like a mother.Since his parents weren't there.She raised him right.He joined the police academy and went on to pursue his career in the SAS.He retired at 24 and moved to the US.

Personality:Stubborn,but very determined,he was one of the best policemen in London.Because of this,he was offered to join the SAS much quicker.Knows how to be a good leader and a bit arrogant at times.Can be very sarcastic.Has a lot of common sense.Smart as he used to study tactics back in the day.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

A handy survival knife.


A duffel bag full of canned food and medical supplies.He used to think that one day the world may suffer some kind of apocalypse.He was right.


A G17c with a beat up old suppressor and a tac-light that also has a weak laser dot.Two Standard full mags(17 .9mm bullets) and an extended mag (31 .9mm bullets)

(Note:A suppressor doesn't magically silence the weapon,it just makes it highly difficult to identify where the sound came from)

A standard L85A2 with 2 fully loaded standard mags.(30 5.56mm rounds)


Still has his SAS gear and with it on he looks something like this.

(minus the headset and backpack)

Skills (Don't go crazy):Very skilled in hand to hand combat,can immobilize a target very easily.Deadly aim and precision with his firearms,and also deadly from up close with his knife.Can climb on pretty much everything and his perception is highly honed meaning he can hear and see very well.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

"I wonder what Morgan Freeman is doing.Is he safe?Is he dead?Hmm...the world may never know..."

He loves Jazz and therefore got his nickname while his teammates and him were on their way to bust a druglord's flat in downtown London.The junkies inside were playing jazz music on a stereo and once they arrested the criminals he said

"That's my bloody jam right there,chaps.It inspired me to beat your bums jazzy style"

Theme song:


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I don't really plan for either of my characters to be in any certain states. So whoever wants to interact with them, they're free game =P 
Also, I'll post for Isam later.

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