The Beginning of the End

Name: Skyler Michele Gavrilescu

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Appearance (No anime):


History/Background/Bio: When Skyler was 18 she joined the marines. By the time she was 28 she had been to boot camp, Iraq (twice), Afghanistan (three times), and Iran (once). She thought she had seen it all until everything went to hell. She had just gotten home from a tour in Afghanistan and walked through the door to her home when the news came on. She had tried to save everyone she could, but it wasn't that many.

Personality: She can be sarcastic, responsible, humorous, courageous, brave, and very supportive.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):


20 bullets left



Skills (Don't go crazy):
Great at accuracy and precision. Great at hand to hand combat. And mild EMS training.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.): "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.' -Edmund Burke.


Morgan Freeman
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@Aryn Harris Ditto right here. Started my second year, getting work crammed down my throat every day. I'm surprised to hear from you, actually - Our last method of contact ended rather abruptly. In regards to the RP, read over what other people have posted, and that's how we're going to be posting things for now. You can add in your character in a little introduction however you see fit, maybe even start them off in Wisconsin ;)
@Aryn Harris - This could get interesting, do go ahead. Maybe she was even close enough to hear the sweet sound of the guitar (Followed by the little punch-up that happened) xP
I should've asked for permission but here I am posting a continuation,is that ok? 
Google told me that Matty's trip would take 2 hours,so I'm gonna wait and let you guys decide when it will turn 5 am
Name: Connor McKinley

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance (No anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-11_18-48-14.jpeg.2167ac446717afd008ad14a7ac40fee3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29671" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-11_18-48-14.jpeg.2167ac446717afd008ad14a7ac40fee3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History/Background/Bio: He was a happy man. He had a wife, kids, even a favorite dog. But all that ended when IT STARTED> No need to say what it is. He has so far survived, but the rest of his family was practically killed right in front of him. When his family died, he snapped mentally. Deciding living in the wild was best, he took his bow, his world war to bayonet, and that was about it. Eventually, he was forced to make his own clothes, shoes, everything, by hand.

Personality: Being alone for a while, he feels almost feels uncomfortable speaking, even in a group he is uncomfortable.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-11_18-59-26.jpeg.affd576d3041bc60c03cdca0080af4c7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29677" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-11_18-59-26.jpeg.affd576d3041bc60c03cdca0080af4c7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-11_19-1-1.jpeg.3a36ce3158e61c04f967c0308ebecf11.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-11_19-1-1.jpeg.3a36ce3158e61c04f967c0308ebecf11.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills (Don't go crazy): Excellent hunter. And knows how to make the essentials, like clothes. Good shot with his bow.

Morgan Freeman.



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Morgan Freeman

Levi J. Valentine

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance (No anime):

Levi is a lean-bodied man, a trait split between his history with dance and cross-country, and only stands at 5'5 or so. This does nothing to hinder his survival skills, and amplifies them if anything since he can zip in and out of places and run for miles without stopping. His hair is dark brown, so dark it's considered black by most standards, and fair skin that burns easily. His eyes seem to falter between a dark blue and green, but are hidden by his thick rimmed glasses most of the time. Without these glasses, he isn't completely helpless; but he is less coordinated and unable to see anything but blurs past 8 feet. He has been able to function without them, it is just extremely dangerous because he will shoot anything that moves near him; not taking into account who it may be or what it wants. His photograph in the appearance is actually pretty accurate, except his face is more grim; his eyes slightly bigger, nose smaller, and skin paler. Since proper showering isn't readily available, his hair has started to curl; a trait he cannot stand, since it is so unkempt and puffed out; luckily for Levi, he has been able to keep his appearance well-kept despite the circumstances.



Levi had finally set up a very stable future, and worked through most of the kinks in his past. He grew up very close to his sister in a rather broken family, so he never built up much a bond with his mother or father. By broken family, there wasn't any connection with anyone outside of his immediate family; to which he assumed they were all dead, or convicts (or something else unmentionable). His parents were always working, fighting, and suffering in their poverty and struggles. While his boyhood was filled with bullies and emotional abuse from his overworked parents, moving around until the family settled in New York, resulted in a very difficult adolescence. He is diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety from high school. This didn't hinder his ability to get stellar grades or support himself; his life actually improved drastically when their money situation got a little easier. There was still a lot of discord, but when he and his sister were always out at school or at work there wasn't much reason for anyone to argue. Interestingly enough, he has identified as pansexual and when his fiancee died he began to doubt he could love another woman without only seeing her. He did go to college; and he has achieved a lot in the time between his high school life and adult life. He was an aspiring writer, but as soon as he'd sorted out a stable future; engaged, approaching middle upper-class, and signed on for his second book to be published, the plague hit. Some people argue he could have mild OCD, since he is obsessive about cleanliness and order; but he never took the time to get diagnosed, since he already had G.A.


Levi is a very perceptive young man, always able to read people and dig through the layers of personality and words; which makes him such a phenomenal writer. He enjoys looking at the big picture before stressing on the little details. However, the downfall of his intelligence comes with the fact he is awkward and often comes off as more abrasive than he intended to, if not entirely antisocial. He is extremely cautious, going so far as to clean wherever he is staying from top to bottom on the slim chance the disease is spread through bacteria, and he always makes sure everything is set in place so he can make a quick getaway if necessary. This is a handy trait in the apocalypse; since he was already used to keeping his condo clean, locking the doors/windows every night, and double-checking the radio to make sure they were okay. While he was very reliant on his sister as a child, he struggles with the notion of finding her or going off on his own in the apocalypse. Even around 5 months, or so, in he still keeps her in the back of his mind. Unbeknownst to him, his sister is dealing with her own problems; at the top of the food chain in this new world, but her own fiance is becoming the target of governmental folk on account of his massive intellect and involvement in medical research before.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

He wasn't ever too well-prepared for the apocalypse, so to say, which meant he had to fight tooth and nail to make his way out of the flurry. He isn't the best shot with a gun, since his hands shake so much when he is nervous, and so he carries around a frying pan, surprising amounts of knives, and baseball bat. After a while, he still has these things; he's lost a few knives he lodged too far into walker's skulls to remove, and he broke his wooden baseball bat (replacing it with a metal one). He has also acquired Nick's guns, which he has used only a few times since he was separated by his other group. He looks more prepared as far as arsenal goes than he actually is; he still has his fiancee's pepper spray, and hasn't had to use it just yet.

Skills (Don't go crazy):

His best skill by far, would be holding down the fort; since he is tidy, diligent, and always on-guard. But in the retrospect of fighting, he is just like his sister except less flexible and precise. Levi is fast, he is better at being stealthy and running away than brunt force; but his quickness aids him in fast kills and relative silence. The only downside of his fighting skills is that when he does have a sloppy near-death experience, he is almost always acting out of anxiety and can get irrational. Levi's small stature leads him to be a bad opponent in solely fist fighting, since he is light on his feet and fights more to stun than to kill. He's someone who would hit a pressure point to disorient, then run like hell. He hasn't come in contact with any situations he must actually fight yet, being lucky enough to avoid people by driving faster. With Tina and Nick, he knows they do not dare cross him; since he is someone who has the default expression of someone who would kill you in your sleep.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

- Just turned 30, only a few days before the apocalypse hit.

- Has been engaged for nearly a year to his girlfriend of 4 years, and planned to have a winter wedding after the holiday season. She died because he was being arrogant about distracting the walkers and finding supplies. They got far together, in comparison by most people who died, but after a few close encounters they got more cautious. The final straw that has solidified Levi's obsessive wariness was the fact she was brutally killed, he took her body after another group member shot her in the head; unable to even say goodbye. He, in turn, shot that group member and took her body with him while the lurkers were distracted. He was in the back of someone's pickup, heading back to their camp with the supplies- The walkers got closer when the car stalled, just as the car started up he kicked her corpse off to distract them; and had to watch all over again while the zombies tore her to shreds.

- Smokes to "calm his nerves", and also drinks his fair share of coffee and tea

- Actually has prescribed medication for anxiety, but he is trying to ration it the best he can and avoid it at all costs.

- Very close to his little sister, who is 26 and just got engaged to Felix Fitzgerald (only a plot point since I may bring him/her in later)

- Carries around a lot of stuff, that is actually surprisingly useful, the only significant thing of his bountiful supplies is photos of his ex-fiancee; some of them just lazy photos of her laughing in the morning making coffee, and some of them borderline boudoir cheeky photos of her that really capture her beauty.


Felix F:


Name: Delaney N. Wiltz

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Appearance (No anime):

Delaney is a relatively small woman, with broad hips and shoulders. She has crazy curly brown hair and naturally thin eyebrows. Her eyes are large, doleful, and brown; an entire aura of peace comes off of her, as she isn't intimidating in any way shape or form. There is a light splatter of freckles on her shoulders and bridge of her nose, but only evident when she is in the sun long enough. Delaney stands at about 5'2, give or take an inch; and only looks smaller on account of her narrow bones and fluctuating weight. As she has gotten further along in her pregnancy, she has gained weight; but because of the fact it's the apocalypse she's probably not putting it on as fast as she's meant to be. Her photo I used is entirely accurate; her eyes are dark, hair naturally curly, skin light, eyebrows straight and thin; rather attractive, but not too out of the ordinary.




Delaney has never considered herself to be a 'victim', she was Kansas born and raised, married her high school sweetheart and gave up on college. Eventually, being a housewife, she found a bizarre peace in cleaning and cooking and just doing as she'd always been expected to do. Her husband's increasing manipulation, anger, and abuse started to get worse and worse; as he'd always been a protective jock during high school. Soon she found herself at the mercy of this man she loved so much, pushed from room to room and cheated on because she wasn't good enough. She suffered abuse to which she refused to tell her family about, shutting herself out from everyone in isolation, and seeming unable to conceive a child for her husband.

After a while, she conceived with her husband's friend; their neighbor, adding an entirely new layer to how messed up her love life was. On top of that, she (while not involved with) has mentally concluded she is attached to Brad now. They are essentially equivalent to a pair, but that has taken on an entirely new meaning since the apocalypse; he is the only person, and first person, she came into contact with in the apocalypse; they have been inseparable since. Her feelings for him are not clear, the only thing that is set-in-stone is that she is undoubtedly connected to him with emotional intimacy.


She's very gentle, and seems like the kind of person who "couldn't hurt a fly". She manages to be very responsible, and will always do as she is told to since she has had such a difficult time with her husband. Despite this, she is very quirky and humorous under the right circumstances; just summed up as an overall easygoing and helpful companion. She's never been a leader, but now seems to crumble when she has to take that role. Delaney is very quiet and seems to be daydreaming or lost in some sort of stupor, but snaps into action when it calls for it. However, after a kill she seems to just zone out and disconnect from her body. Once she gets comfortable enough, an old spark arises in her and she blossoms under support and affection and speaks like there's no tomorrow.

Since the apocalypse, she has proven herself to be almost psychotic in the way she can kill with the utmost precision; but has stopped disconnecting afterwards, she just does it on instinct at this point. Delaney is someone who could either become the biggest underdog of the apocalypse; someone who dies for love, devotes herself entirely, and does whatever she's told... Or someone who, if pushed enough, could break and harden into someone who holds little-to-no remorse; blocking herself out and acting on instinct, as she does when she accurately murders with clean headshots.

Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

Her husband's shotgun and a few spare kitchen knives.

Skills (Don't go crazy):

She is amazing at following orders, but her best skill is cooking a good meal under any circumstances. She is an excellent scavenger, and has a strong enough mental-strength to keep her body moving when it is beaten past recognition. Her newfound skills have become the fact she can shoot like the best of them, and doesn't dwell on it too much (because her reason that it is 'okay' is because they have wronged her directly, or endangered her or Brad's life.) She would never shoot a bystander or hurt someone innocent; her entirely pure morals have slowly turned more and more gray, the lines between right and wrong blurred.

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

- Delaney is pregnant. Nearing the end of her second trimester.

- She has a very strong Kansas accent

- Is a pretty good shot since her husband taught her to shoot the gun, in case of intruders.

- She can also ride a horse and knows how to generally grow a garden and "live off the land".

- Has nervous tendency to bite her lips and nails, resulting in her lips almost always being chapped and her nails always nubs.

- She cheated on her husband with his friend, since he would abuse her and disappear to a bar or work to avoid facing what he'd done. This could've been where the child came from. Delaney is a very romantic person, more or less someone who needs some sort of validation in its most intimate form. She is deeply drawn to protective men, but has only ever been with an abusive partner in the long term; this has created a gap in what is normal and what's not when it comes to relationsips.

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I realized how stupid of me it was to turn Caitlyn 3 fron apparently 2 or 1 so I'll edit Matty's intro to fit better.I decided I'll make Caitlyn 3 and a half,Should I also make a CS?
@DryPunishment - Yeah, go ahead and make a CS. Spread out a little for now, guys. I'd rather not have us all in the same place. 
@DryPunishment - Where exactly are your characters right now? And who are they interacting with?
Well they just got into Woodruff's suburbia and they are interacting with Isam,Brian and Elizabeth I guess
There were lights around the house,their flashlights
I'm guessing your characters would also hear the horde coming,after all that house may or may not be the one they're in
Excuse my lack of information but what's a Cul De Sac?
A Cul De Sac is a dead-ended street, essentially, it's like a circle of houses. There's only one way in, and one way out of the street that the said houses are located on.


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