The Band [Inactive]

"Associating with them means life or death. Sooner or later they will come for us. The X-Men fight for equality,the Brotherhood fights for superiority, and the Hellfire club fights world domination.I only met the Brotherhood once,but I have evaded the X-Men a few times,but I know they will get to me sooner or later. "Cria grumbled even though she knew that they couldn't find her psychically. Cria turned to Alek,"I don't see why they would fear or run away from you. "
James laughed, but held a quizzical look on his face, "Hey? What's so bad about the X-Men? They sound like the good guys, at least from your description."
"I have no problems with them, I just prefer to stay away from alliances that could get me killed."

"I just want to tag along and cause as much chaos as possible." giggling madly she goes back to her guitar and plays quietly.
James frowned. This didn't sound quite like the group he wanted to be fostering. "Look, we're not here to cause destruction, we're here to help people. We need to help mutants, got it?"
"I didn't mean the groups,I ment the mutants you knew. "Cria shook her head and grabbed a chair to sit down. The young mutant looked over to James,"Obviously she wants to destroy not help."
"Okay guys, we need to get something straight here. If you want to be part of this team, there's going to be no unnecessary killing, that's where I'm drawing the line, okay?"
"I only kill if necessary. Even then I try to think of the other possibilities."Cria lied through her teeth,but it didn't show on her face at all.
"That's exactly the mentality I want this group to have. Thank you Cria. Now we just need to think of a way to outreach to these mutants and protect them. Any ideas?"
Derek laughed. "Well. Looks like we're a band of assholes and rejects. If you're here to kill and cause destruction you're on your own. I'll take no part in that. I became a musician to make people smile and be happy. Maybe even help them. So that's what I'm going to do, help people."
"Listen. Right now we are looked down apon. Like a nussience, or scum of the earth. The only way we can change that is if we band together, and rise above the call of a normal citizen. We can use these for good and earn our place in society. It's the right and only thing to do." Derek stopped and looked apon his fellow mutants.

"So. Are you willing to do that?"
Xobic knocked on the audition door he was thinking that they need someone to carry all of their equipment since has a van"okay I think I have a 50 percent chance with these people anyways carrying stuff for a band is awesome since I can't do what they can do"he waited for someone to call him in
When the knock came, James jumped. "Alright, everyone be quiet about that for now, just act like a normal band." James walked to the door, opened it up and welcomed the guy in. "My name's James Milhouse, come on in. What are you auditioning for?"
he walked inside "my name is Xobic Winchester and I'm here 4 the guy who carries all the equipment if you don't have one already and I can drive you guys around"he looked at the other people in the room and wink at the girls
James sighed, so it was one of those guys. "Well, we don't really have anything like that yet, but can I ask you one question first? Are you a mutant?"
Xobic heart started beating hard no one really ask that question before yes he is a mutant but no one figure this out yet if he tells them A. he will get figured out that he is a mutant or B. they are mutants he decided to put it all on the line and go with B"yes I am"he is hoping that he didn't mess up as he look at the other people with a straight face
James stepped up to Xobic with a serious face, trying to test the man's courage. Then he slowly extended a hand. "Welcome, friend."
he smiled body at 20 percent and shook his hand with a strong grip that we'll nearly break a human hand"good to meet more people like me am I right you guys can call me X for short"

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