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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Bachelor


Basic Bitches Not Wanted



The Bachelor: Taken by


Bachelorette 1: Charlotte Smyth

Bachelorette 2: Elaine Francois

Bachelorette 3: Isabella Owens

Bachelorette 4: Hazel Love

Bachelorette 5: Kiara Vox

Bachelorette 6: Amberlynn Carmichael

Bachelorette 7: Rosey Applegate

Bachelorette 8: Mariah Chanell

Bachelorette 9: Alexandria Woods

Bachelorette 10: Akira Okamoto

Bachelorette 11: Saved

Bachelorette 12:


1) Please be respectful and nice to others

2) Drama Drama Drama but just in the ICC

3) If you are not going to be active, please let me know

4) Like= Accepted

5) This probably won't be exactly like the show, but will be similar

Character Sheet

* is optional

Realistic Pic/GIF's only



Age (19-21):





Current Residence:

General Appearance:



Hair Color:

Eye Color:


Clothing Style:

Personality (2 Paragraphs):

Likes (5+):

Dislikes (5+):

Bio (1-2 Paragraphs):

Past Relationships:

Why you decided to join the show:

What would winning mean to you:

Your Bachelor



Name: Liam Thompson

Age: 21

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Birthday: October 11

Nationality: Canadian

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

Current Residence: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania




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Jordan Avery Flint

{ hold on tight, this ride is a wild one }



jordan avery flint




twenty one




may 10th


latin american


phoenix, arizona

current residence

san antonio, texas







brunette, long down to her waist





clothing style




jordi is very much so an extrovert and thoroughly loves to be around them. she's all about living in the moment and all enjoying all the small things that can bring joy to her life or to the lives of others. she always wears a smile on her face. her decisions are often risky and spontaneous. despite her spontaneity she knows when to lay down the law when the situation calls for it.

jordi knows what she believes in a doesn't let anyone change that; her decisions are genuinely her own. although she has a massive deficit when it comes to communication about her feelings. she tends to keep things bottled up inside and tries to figure things out on her own. because of this she can tend to come off a little cold and closed off, but in reality when you get to know her she starts to open up more about her past and sometimes her emotions.

on top of all of this jordi is a dreamer, she has plans for her future and thinks hard about them. this is the only time she thinks hard about her plans. but there is a reason for that. she knows she is capable of having a life she would be happy living.


butterflies, sunsets, cats, sweaters, traveling & feeling cozy


the cold, spiders, heights, feeling unsteady & seafood



jordi came into this world on may 10th to her happy parents, antonia and thomas flint. unfortunately jordi was their only child. growing up her imagination flourished as she had to find new ways to keep her interested, especially since she was growing up on an navy base. about every four years or so her family would be stationed at a new base. due to all the moving she found herself to be quite adaptable and outgoing, making friends on the first day on base or at school. the cycle continued though her high school years. when she turned 18 she chose to set out on her own and go back to her roots in arizona by attending arizona state university.

in college is where she finally felt like she was starting to live herself and lay down some real roots for herself. she started to make friends, real friends, the kind that she would sit down and have lunch with in 15 years while they talked about their kids and husbands. not just the kind she would have meaningless conversations with just to sit with them at lunch. she met one particular person who made her feel at home the instant she met her. her college roommate, olivia. the two of them were inseparable and sometimes even mistaken as sisters.

but all of this was short lived. their junior year olivia was stuck and killed in a drunk driving accident. the new ripped new ripped jordi apart, but never for a second did she let it show. the passing of her best friend did nothing but fuel her, and transform her into a happier person who took in everything life had to offer. she started taking more risks knowing that life could cease to exist at any moment. that's partially why she chose to come on this show. it's a risk, but one she was okay with taking. she knew she would be okay no matter what the outcome was.
past relationships

6 month relationship- broke up because she wasn't getting enough out of the relationship

1 year relationship- broke up because she realized she didn't see herself with him for the rest of her life

8 month relationship- broke up because he cheated on her.

why you decided to join the show

why not? it's an opportunity to meet someone who is ready to open their heart up as much as she is.

what would winning mean to you

winning isn't really the right term when it applies to love. but if she were be loved back it would mean that she could move forward with her life with hopefully someone who makes her feel at home no matter where they are.

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Camille Oakes.

Nickname: Cammy or Oaky.

Age: Nineteen.

Birthday: February 20th//Pisces.

Gender: Cisgender Female; she/her.

Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic.

Nationality: American.

Hometown: Brisbane, Australia.

Current Residence: New York, New York.


Silvery Blue.









Unique Characteristics

tattoo on her right shoulder and left arm (pictured).

Clothing Style:



Camille is one of the most to earth girls you will ever meet. She's calm and collective, never one to cause trouble. Camille is a creative person, her major talent and passion is, she's never seen with a sketch book a pencil tucked behind her ear. She's cheerful, always smiling and giggling. Yet she's very emotional, Camille tends to bottle up her emotions, this is because she's hates the idea of being weak. Camille can also be naive, always believing what people tell her.


Comics - Drawing - Music - Ice cream - The beach


Liers - Drama - Cats (Allergy) - Heights - Clowns


Camille Oakes was born by accident, she wasn't suppose to be created. On a cold, chilly night, Cammy's biological mother was drunk and just turned sixteen, she was partying at a nightclub in Brisbane with her best friend when a handsome and brooding stranger came up to Camille's mother and charmed the drunk sixteen-year-old. The next thing Cammy's mother was impregnated by the unknown stranger. After the birth of Camille, she was put up for adoption.
A young couple from Perth were looking for another child to bring into their family. The family saw Camille and feel in love with the baby girl. They signed the paper and flew the baby to Perth to raise. Cammy was raised on a large cattle farm, her parents took great care of Camille, treating her as if they were really related. Camille had an older sister named Kacey. Kacey was always jealous of Camille, always getting attention from their parents.

When Camille was seventeen, she met her first love. They were in the same biology class at school. It was a week before Valentine's dance at school and Camille went up to Alex and asked him out, he said yes and they fell in love. Kacey wanted revenge on her sister, she was tired of all the attention her sister was getting. She called Alex to meet in secret at school. Kacey met Alex there and seduced him on the spot, taking a selfie as evidence. Kacey went up to Camille the next day and showed her the photo. Camille was heartbroken, she broke up with Alex and pulled herself out of high-school. She finished her studies online and started university to gain her degree in graphic arts.

Her sister felt bad after what she did, Kacey didn't mean for Camille to be pulled out. When she found out about the Bachelor, she secretly applied Camille for a spot. After getting a phone call for being accepted, Camille was confused but went with it. After getting accepted a spot, her sister explained everything. Camille first hated her sister but forgave her for everything. The sisters are now on good terms and Camille is terribly nervous about going on the show.

Past Relationships:

Camille has only had one lover for her life. Yet her boyfriend, Alex cheated on her with Camille's older sister Kacey.

Why you decided to join the show:

Camille thought it would be a cool and quirky way of meeting someone you could fall in love with. Plus her sister felt really bad and forced her onto the show.

What would winning mean to you:

Not a lot. Although it would be cool, Camille just wants someone who will love her back.



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Name: Amberlynn Carmichael

Age: Twenty

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Birthday: December, 15th.

Nationality: Polish and American

Hometown: Port Saint Lucie, Florida

Current Residence: Los Angeles, California

General Appearance:

Height: 5'4

Weight: 113lbs.

Hair Color: Platinum Blonde.

Eye Color: Sea Blue.

Build: Petite, with slight curves.

Clothing Style:
x o x o

Personality: Timid and gentle, but not shy. A genuinely warmhearted person, with a smile made of diamonds and a laugh crafted by an orchestra. She's selfless, always setting others needs before her own. Even still, she's far from shy - actually it's quite the contrary. She's bold, offering conversation whenever presented a chance.

Though her perfections aren't without faults, and just like any human being - she's not all cotton candy and sugar flowers. She's a bit dimwitted, unknowingly voicing silly opinions and unsupported facts. She's extremely picky, finding fault in something on the daily.

Likes (5+): Pastels, Disney Movies, Baking, Romance Novels, Violin

Dislikes (5+): Boating, Reptiles, Losing, Horror Movies, Rap

Bio: At the age of five, Amberlynn lost her parents to a house fire. Off at kindergarten, the victims of arson were planning an extravagant sixth birthday party for the younger girl, even scheduling overtimes at both of their jobs to make it work. Losing her parents was a tragedy the young girl wasn't at all prepared for, and before she could even get on the bus, her aunt was waiting with tears in her eyes. In an instant, Amberlynn was tugged away from the life she had once known, and throttled head first into the lap of luxury.

Over the next few years, Amberlynn would grow used to the lifestyle - but she wouldn't embrace the additude her family had adapted. In high school she landed plenty of lead roles in the play, and even ventured to try out for color guard. Though, she would find something else to take up most of her day. A boy by the name of Harvey Gorvac, her biology partner. Falling was barely a feat, and within months the couple was madly in love.

Three years later, Harvey's car collided with another in a head-on collision, drunk and high out of his mind, while Amberlynn was home sick. It wasn't until the next morning that she was given the news, told that she was 'lucky' she hadn't been in the car with him. Amber seemed to have a different idea, instantly curling into herself and becoming a shell of the human being she was once.

Now three years later, and she's willing to try again. Though she's still unsure, that her heart will be able to handle it.

Past Relationships: Harvey Gorvac - 16 through 18, died in car crash.

Why you decided to join the show: "My high school sweetheart died two days before graduation, leaving me behind and ruining my vision of love for the next two years. Sure, I tried to date. I know he would have wanted me happy..would have wanted me to find love. But, I've never had a lot of luck..I hope maybe, this experience, will change that."

What would winning mean to you: "Winning would mean finding that person, finding my very own version of a happily ever after.."

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Isabella May Flores


Izzy, Bella or May

Age (19-21):

20 years old




December 31st


She's American with Filipino, Chinese and Latin from her mother and Irish and Indian American from her father.


Current Residence:

General Appearance:


5'3 feet


110 pounds

Hair Color:


Eye Color:




Clothing Style:

Personality (2 Paragraphs):

Likes (5+):

Dislikes (5+):

Bio (2 Paragraphs):

Past Relationships:

Why you decided to join the show:

What would winning mean to you:



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Name: Elaine Francois

Nickname: Lanie

"Although I prefer my given name, thanks."

Age (19-21): Twenty

Sexuality: Bisexual

"... next question."

Birthday: December 13

Nationality: French-American

"I was born in France and moved to America when I was 17, so yes, I have a killer accent."

Hometown: Versailles, France

Current Residence: Boulder, Colorado

"Well, if you don't count coming here."

Height: 5'10

Weight: 117 lbs.

"I've checked with multiple doctors, I'm just naturally that way."

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Build: Tall and lanky, quite thin naturally

"Told you it was natural."

Clothing Style:


Personality (2 Paragraphs): Elaine is a very straight-forward and to-the-point kind of person, and will tell you her opinion of you without concern for the consequences (even if it is all in French). This has gotten her into trouble a few times, but it usually just annoys those around her. She is a kind-hearted person, but her tendency for straight-forwardness often convinces people otherwise.

She loves magic and slight-of-hand and has been mastering it since she was 6 years old. Whenever she is allowed to preform for someone even just one friend, she visibly lights up in glee. She comes from a family of wealth who are much of the stereotype of dysfunctional and a bit snobbish, but don't insult her with a comparison to her parents, or she may just be the reason you wish you'd never lived at all.

Likes (5+):

Cats, Wine, Adrenaline rushes, Magic/slight-of-hand, Trustworthy people

Dislikes (5+):

Her parents/Being compared to her parents, Grapefruit, late nights "I'm a morning person", Fake people, Coffee "it is so terribly bitter"

Bio (2 Paragraphs): Elaine has grown up in wealth all of her life, but it really isn't a big deal to her. She would prefer a good bike ride over a Ferrari any day, and dislikes when people get close to her just for her money. Her parents have always pressured her to be a "proper lady", but she's nearly always ignored them. Her flat-out and calm-seeming manner did result however, as her parents have the same attitude but with a certain amount of snobbish behaviour added.

Her love for slight-of-hand and magic started when she was age 6 and has pursued since. She is scarily good at card tricks and pick-pocketing, as well as other basics of distraction and 'magic'. It was the thing that interested her, as the kinds of kids around her were usually snobbish like her parents, and she was less than enthused with that type of behaviour. Along with this, she loves to perform and usually makes a grand entrance into any new place.

Past Relationships:

"4 months was my first, but he was so égocentrique that it didn't work. My next and most recent went 3 years, and I thought he was the one, but apparently he did not."

Why you decided to join the show: "The decision was actually made for me, by my mère, who has always adored this type of television show. She signed me up when I agreed, believing I wouldn't get in. Well, I was obviously wrong."

What would winning mean to you: "Hopefully a worthy relationship, one in which the both of us enjoy each other's company for years to come."
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Isabella Owens
TV taught me how to feel, now real life has no appeal

Name: Isabella Owens

Nickname: Izzy, O, anything but Isabella.

Age: 20

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: March 15th

Nationality: American, French and Russian ancestry

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Current Residence: Philadelphia, PA

General Appearance:

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 115

Hair Color: Naturally brunette, usually has some other colors in it. Shoulder length, naturally very curly but usually kept wavy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caff8979c_ScreenShot2016-06-19at3.09.47PM.png.bdd8f50482924939e2706894d878b0b3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caff8979c_ScreenShot2016-06-19at3.09.47PM.png.bdd8f50482924939e2706894d878b0b3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Eye Color: Grey-Blue

Build: Waifish, lithe

Clothing Style: Minimalist, androgynous


In Depth
Personality: Most people would describe Izzy as a tomboy but she isn't a fan of that word. She thinks it perpetuates gender stereotypes and implies there's something inherently 'male' about her interests and attitude. That tells you more about her than calling her a tomboy anyway. She does have a certain boyish charm to her though- confident, if a little arrogant, goofy, fun-loving, and slightly whimsical, she treats the world like her own personal playground. Every day is a new adventure for her and she just wants to explore and have a good time as much as possible. Sure, she's a little (or very) irresponsible but isn't that being young is all about? She'll try anything once and can be reckless, rarely thinking anything through which can land her in some weird situations. Like being on this show.

She isn't afraid of getting dirty, both literally and metaphorically. The captain of her roller derby league, she also works as a gardener and just loves nature in general so most of her free time is spent outside. Her life-long goal is to own her own organic farm/animal sanctuary- she's been vegan for about five years, which ties into a lot of her other politics. She's outspoken and can be a bit blunt which makes her come across as rude a lot. She's fiercely independent and hates the idea of being tied down, but is still somewhat of a sappy romantic- she loves crushes and dates, just not anything serious.

Likes: Rollerskating, cheesy horror movies, beer, sci-fi novels, plants

Dislikes:meat/animal products, being told how to behave, hypermasculinity, the color orange, people who dress their animals in dumb outfits, being inside all the time
Bio: Izzy has had a pretty normal life. Nothing dramatic has ever really happened to her but it's been fun. She's the youngest child of five and the only girl so she grew up surrounded by boys and is pretty used to them and their occasional weird behavior. Her parents were semi-reformed hippies and she spent a lot of her childhood camping, playing in the woods, and running around mostly naked covered in flowers. They fostered her independent spirit and raised her to believe she could do anything she wanted, so she has.

School was a little bit tough. She's smart as hell but not great in an academic setting because she gets restless and hates busywork. But she was involved in a lot of extracurricular. There was a bit of bullying when she came out as bi her freshman year of high school and just in general since she's always been a bit... weird but a few well placed punches and most people left her alone. She was on the wild side, the kind of girl you'd find doing keg stands with the football team before she ran outside to get high with the art kids. Somehow she managed to graduate high school and get into college, where she's currently studying Art History.

Past Relationships: "Ha, gross. My longest relationship to date lasted about four months then she got boring. Other than that, I can list off my flings but we might be here for a while."

Why you decided to join the show: "Well, me and my friends couldn't sleep one night so we were watching reruns of one of the other seasons and making fun of it, you know? And one of my friends said I'd be the first one kicked off, if I managed to make it on the show at all. So I bet them I could get on The Bachelor if I wanted to and then all of the sudden I was auditioning and now here I am. And like, hello, I get to live in a mansion for free and get tons of free food and probably some drinks, so why the hell not?"

What would winning mean to you: "Bragging rights with my friends and a chance to prove I am truly the master of emotional manipulation. Plus, maybe I'll get a spin-off series and never have to work again."



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Hazel Love


Love Bug

Age (19-21):









Perth, Australia

Current Residence:

Dayton, California

General Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.dc388c201bfeb2ea028cc3d9dc26d6ca.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.dc388c201bfeb2ea028cc3d9dc26d6ca.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Hair Colour:

Dark brown

Eye Colour:



Short and thin

Clothing Style:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.dff4c836823b8f2e4b7dcd71592788ca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136371" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.dff4c836823b8f2e4b7dcd71592788ca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality (2 Paragraphs):

Out of all her friends' she's the most likely to cop a bullet wound, saving another person. She's rambunctious and strong willed, when she makes up her mind, she won't change it, you can count on that.

When she gets home and away from all the pressure of the world, she just likes to sit down and read a book... For about half an hour. Then she will eat as much as she can before relaxing with her phone and virtuality.

Likes (5+):

+ Stuffed toys

+ Balloons

+ Social media

+ Zebras

+ Selfies

Dislikes (5+):

- Liquorice

- Dolls

- Clowns

- Lions

- Bears

Bio (2 Paragraphs):

When she was young, her father served in the army, one day, they got a call saying that he'd gone put on patrol, only to be found dumped in the river riddled with bullets the next day. Something inside her mother broke that day, and she refused to get out of bed, eat or take care of herself.

Hazel had to learn to care for herself and her mother because, with no father around and her mother in this mental state, she'd have to be the woman around the house. When she turned 17, her mother was wheeled to a mental institution and the house has been feeling quite empty to Hazel.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.6bb3e73971257b86032dee357fc9e273.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136368" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.6bb3e73971257b86032dee357fc9e273.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Past Relationships:

She had a serious boyfriend in high school, but he left her for a cheerleader. *gags*

Why you decided to join the show:

When her mother was wheeled off and her boyfriend left her, she realised how much she'd depended on them for company and decided to sign up for the show.

What would winning mean to you:

If she won, it would mean that she would be getting someone to fill a massive gap in her life, and she might be able to get back to her laughing self. Eventually.



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yehaw! wip cowboy!



no slide


Rosey Lynne Applegate


Rose, Lynne, Princess






July 21st




Rosey was born and raised in LA and that is where she still lives.



English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, Australian, German, Welsh


Rosey is a lovely sight to see. She stands tall at 5'10 which doesn't discourage her from wearing heels. Even for her tall stature, she has a small frame. Rosey has a very model looking body. She has dark brunette hair and light brown eyes. She has a twinkle in her eyes and often has a far off look in them. She has sun kissed skin due to her spending so much time outside.


120 pounds


5 foot 10 inches


Dark Brown


Light Brown


Tall & Skinny,


Rosey loves to wear things that are
90's inspired. She likes the grudge styles, denim and chokers.



Rosey is what you'd call a dumb brunette. She is very beautiful but most of the things that come out of her mouth are less than intelligent. She seems very childish in the way she acts but its very lovable. She has an innocent demeanor and is playful and harmless. While Rosey is cheery, bubbly, upbeat, energetic, and is smiling most of the time, she can be somewhat absent-minded, random, and slightly naive. She can be very sensitive and her feelings are easily hurt, especially when yelling is involved. Rosey is also very flirtatious, she is always flirting with boys. One of her flirting techniques is to poke the boys in the stomach, around the belly button, then say how nice their abs are. Another one is to laugh and grab the boys arm then complement how nice their arms are.

Despite how absent minded Rosey she is, Rosey is still intelligent. Not all the time but she shows intelligence every now and again. Probably the rarest part of Rosey is the angry side of her. When Rosey gets angry she pouts, throws tantrums and gives people the silent treatment. But this part of Rosey is never rarely is ever shown.


? Clothes

? Dogs

? Cute Boys

? Swimming

? Shopping


? Mean People

? Orange

? Fishes

? The Thrift Store

? Slasher Films



Rosey was born on a sunny day in the great ol south. Louisiana to be exact. Her parents raised her to be a sweet southern belle. The accent, the manners, all of it. Rosey was a sweet girl since day one and she always has been. Now Rosey may not be the brightest star in the sky but she makes up for it with her being a nice girl. Rosey went to elementary and middle school in Louisiana then moved with her mother to LA for high school. Rosey had always watched 90210 on high school and she wanted to be like Annie so she did. They couldn't really afford much but Rosey was living her dream. She took the hand me downs from her friends and got a job at DQ and they made it work. Everything in Rosey's life changed when she was discovered at the mall.

He was a scout from H&M and they took a few pictures and put them up. This was just the start of her career. They took a few pictures of her whenever the needed her and she started to get work from other agencies. The majority of her work was from runway shows, since she had like the best body for clothes. Now she is a model and has a part time job at Starbucks.



Ayden Chance - "He was my first boyfriend and he was so cute. We held hands all the time but then I found him holding hands with Lisa Silvers from 3rd grade."

Wiley Montgomery - "My second boyfriend. He was so cute. I dated him from 6th grade to 8th grade. Then he went to a different high school so I dumped him."

Jack Games - "He was a senior when I was a freshman. He was probably the most beautiful person ever. He was built like a god."

Matt Tracey - "Matt was sweet and mysterious but he totally had issues."

Austin Matthews - "Austin was super clingy but really hot. We dated for like 3 months?'

Erin Gaunts - "This is a boy I swear. I dated him my sophomore year. He was the class clown but he never bought me anything."

Eric Gaunts - "He was Erin's twin brother. He bought me stuff and he was hot but kind of a bully. he called me stupid a lot."

Lilianna Tate Horpits - "I dated Lili because dating boys wasn't working out for me but she was a nice friend but like Im not a lesbian."


"Well I dated like a lot of guys and like none of them work out so Im hoping that the bachelor is my soul mate!"


"Winning would mean a lot to me! I think it would show girls that you don't have to be the smartest girl in the room to get someone to love you. Even if you're like me, a little absent minded and a little childish it's okay because that's who you are and that is fine. Don't let the smart girls get you down!"

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Charlotte Smyth








23rd December




Dublin, Ireland

Current Residence


General Appearance


5 ft 4



Hair Color


Eye Color


Clothing Style

Sort of alternative. She doesnt really have a style, she dresses more so to her mood.


Charlotte is a very sweet, kind, affectionate, generous girl who holds other peoples best interests at heart. She cares greatly for her friends and family and would do anything for them. She is a great listener and tries to help people in need, in anyway that she can. Charlotte is brutally honest and seems to have no filter between her brain and her mouth as she says what she is thinking, even if it shouldnt be said outloud. She is very stubborn, quite sarcastic and a little spontaneous. However, be warned she is very feisty and isn't afraid to kick off if you attack her or her friends/family or if her trust is broken.

Charlotte is always up for going out , trying something new and having fun. She's a humorous girl who is always smiling. She is very confident in herself and isn't afraid to laugh at herself. The girl has no shame and is very open in her choice of topics. She is very ditsy and while artistically and socially she is quite intelligent. Academically she isnt great. But its in a funny, lovable way not annoying, she hopes. (especially when she comes out with stuff like this)
She's also quite clumsy and manages to hurt herself or fall alot. Charlotte loves exploring new places and meeting new people, she can be described as a social butterfly or a welcoming character because her happy, carefree~easy going attitude tends to relax those around her.


The rain


All animals


exploring new places

thunder storms

Childlike fun such as building forts, playing chase , jumping on the bed etc


insects especially spiders

Heights (fear)

Enclosed spaces (fear)

Mean people/ bullies

seeing her friends or family in pain

Being told what to do


Charlotte was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. When she was six her father got a huge promotion to be a shareholder within the business and so the family packed up and moved to America to live closer to the business headquarters in New York. The family moved around alot before settling in LA, where he father brought a new part of his company to LA and her mother began to get into the fashion industry. Charlotte helped her mother set up her own clothing brand but never really had any interest in fashion and still doesnt so she stopped and let her mother do her own thing. After school, she decided to move out and live with one of her best friends, not that far away from her own house.

Past Relationships

"Ehh to be honest, I havnt really had that many. I moved around far too much. Oh actually wait , no, there was a few guys but they were only silly ones that lasted a few days or so.

Oh wait hold on, there was one guy. I was crazy about him. We went out for about a year but he cheated and yeah im not seeing him anymore"

Why you decided to join the show

"For a bit of a laugh I suppose, My friend suggested it when we were watching the old series and I thought it would be something to do while i try to figure my life out. *laughs* Who knows, He could be the one. I really hope he's good looking"

What would winning mean to you

"I haven't really thought about it. It would be good to win like but yeah I dont know. If im lucky it might be a good relationship with a good looking guy, if not well I got to be on tv"


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Name: Kiara Vox

Nickname: Kiki

Age: 20

Birthday: November 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: British

Hometown: London England

Current residence: Manhattan, New York


General appereance: Kiara is short and curvy. Her breasts are in a scale between medium and large and she has a nice size butt. So you could say that she has an hourglass figure, that she loves to show. She has curly purple hair that goes down to her shoulder. She has dark brown eyes

Height: 5'4

Weight: 136

Hair Color: Black but dyed purple

Eye Color: Dark brown

Build: Short and curvy

Clothing style:She prefers to wear things that define her
curves. But when she's dressed casual she's in shorts or jeans. But she's always wearing a crop top. Occasionally she wears skirts.


Personality: kiara is very independent. She does what she wants. She always gets what she wants and she doesn't like when people are in the way of her goals or plans. She is INSANELY flirty. She is very intelligent but she'll sometimes dumber down for guys.

When she's with her friends she is very funny and childish. She is very sarcastic too. But she is also hot headed. So many people try to stay on her good side. She loves to party with her friends, anywhere any time. But through all that she's still the life of the party.


+ Sleep

+ Dancing

+ Being with friends

+ Food

+ Parties


- People who act fake

- Know-it-alls

- Being told what to do

- Being pushed around

- Being called "short" or "shorty"


Bio: Kiara had a picture perfect family. Well that's what everyone thought. Her dad was a very busy man. He always came home late. He'd miss dinner,date nights, and family outings. It was as if she didn't have a father. The closest thing to a father was her brother. This went on for at least 2 years. That was until they saw her father at the store with his other girlfriend. Their family was heart broken. That made Kiara afraid of love and to fall in love. That's what made her loose trust in all men. Especially when she got into an abuseful relationship.

Past Relationships:

- Her first relationship lasted 3 months, but he moved so they broke up.

-her second one lasted almost a year, but it wasn't working out so they broke up

-her last one lasted 3 and half years, but he was abusive toward her so he went to jail.

Why you decided to join the show: To see if she can actually trust men again and fall in love.

What would winning mean to you: "It would mean that not all men horrible and that it's possible for anyone to find love."

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My girl's 5'3 xD

Tola said:


Name: Kiara Vox

Nickname: Kiki

Age: 20

Birthday: November 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: British

Hometown: London England

Current residence: Manhattan, New York


General appereance: Kiara is short and curvy. Her breasts are in a scale between medium and large and she has a nice size butt. So you could say that she has an hourglass figure, that she loves to show. She has curly that goes down to her shoulder. She has dark brown eyes

Height: 5'4

Weight: 136

Hair Color: Black but dyed purple

Eye Color: Dark brown

Build: Short and curvy

Clothing style:She prefers to wear things that define her
curves. But when she's dressed casual she's in shorts or jeans. But she's always wearing a crop top. Occasionally she wears skirts.


Personality: kiara is very independent. She does what she wants. She always gets what she wants and she doesn't like when people are in the way of her goals or plans. She is INSANELY flirty. She is very intelligent but she'll sometimes dumber down for guys.

When she's with her friends she is very funny and childish. She is very sarcastic too. But she is also hot headed. So many people try to stay on her good side. She loves to party with her friends, anywhere any time. But through all that she's still the life of the party.


+ Sleep

+ Dancing

+ Being with friends

+ Food

+ Parties


- People who act fake

- Know-it-alls

- Being told what to do

- Being pushed around

- Being called "short" or "shorty"


Bio: Kiara had a picture perfect family. Well that's what everyone thought. Her dad was a very busy man. He always came home late. He'd miss dinner,date nights, and family outings. It was as if she didn't have a father. The closest thing to a father was her brother. This went on for at least 2 years. That was until they saw her father at the store with his other girlfriend. Their family was heart broken. That made Kiara afraid of love and to fall in love. That's what made her loose trust in all men. Especially when she got into an abuseful relationship.

Past Relationships:

- Her first relationship lasted 3 months, but he moved so they broke up.

-her second one lasted almost a year, but it wasn't working out so they broke up

-her last one lasted 3 and half years, but he was abusive toward her so he went to jail.

Why you decided to join the show: To see if she can actually trust men again and fall in love.

What would winning mean to you: "It would mean that not all men horrible and that it's possible for anyone to find love."

Name: Mariah Chanell

*Nickname: Riah, MC, PRINCESS, PUPPYY

Age (19-21):19

Sexuality: BISEXUAL

Birthday:June 30th

Nationality:Black,Jamaican, Puerto Rican

Hometown:Silver Spring, Maryland

Current Residence:Washington DC


General Appearance: Brown Skin, Wavy hair, THICK, Pretty Smile, seductive eyes, Big tatassss



Hair Color:CHANGES (as of now its Brownish Blackish reddish)

Eye Color: Browwwwnnnn

Build: Curvy, nice breast

Clothing Style: Anything fashionable with my own twist, or something basic. I can go from jeans and a shirt to a sparklyyy purpleee dressss


Personality (2 Paragraphs): Mariah is goofy, loving, free spirited, romantic. She loves adventure and meeting new people. She's definitely a thrill-seeker. Open minded to various ideas..she has a general trust in others, often seen as sincere and generous. However she generally has good self discipline and is recognized as being able to plan and think ahead. Mariah is poised, confident, and clear-thinking when stressed, however often resist any cravings or urges that she has, but sometimes gives in. experiences a range of positive feelings, including happiness, enthusiasm, optimism, and joy. she is tender hearten and compassionate, feeling the pain of others vicariously and are easily moved to pity, however she feels superior to those around her and sometimes tend to be seen as arrogant by other people.a calm person who is considered almost fearless by some. rarely gets angry and it takes a lot to make her angry. she genuinely likes other people and openly demonstrate positive feelings toward others.makes friends quickly and it is easy for her to form close, intimate relationships. she finds the company of others pleasantly stimulating and rewarding, and you enjoy the excitement that crowds provide. she likes to speak out, take charge, and direct the activities of others. shes usually the leader in group activities. she leads a fast-paced and busy life. moves about quickly, energetically, and vigorously and are involved in many activities. she loves bright lights yet shes still a hustler.

Likes (5+):Candy, Outgoing people, parties,cuddling, eating

Dislikes (5+):liars. spiders. BO, boring people, lack of communication

Bio (1-2 Paragraphs):Mariah Chanell Summers, born in raised in Maryland. Lived a life filled with Sex,Drugs,Booze, and money. Her friends always thought she lived the good life, when in reality she was suffering. Her mom Adriana would drink her days away and prostitute her nights, leaving Mariah alone to raise herself, Her father Desmond was the drug lord in their neighborhood, he was never around but when he was he always made sure to comment how fat her ass was or how she wish she was his wife. Her escape was through her music, she loved singing and dancing and writing music. It was her life, throughout her teen years shes been trying to find herself especially in the crazy world shes forced to live in.


Past Relationships: Mariah really only had one boyfriend. His name was Aaron. He was her prince, they were together for 2 years and 9 months before he had to move away. He got into the college of his dreams and Mariah wasn't going to hinder his chances of going to Harvard. Once again she was alone.

Why you decided to join the show:She wants to finally settle down and find love and have more good memories than bad and she's very determined to win.

What would winning mean to you: It would mean the world..to know that she could love again would make her heart flutter every second.




alexandria woods








july 28, leo.




weston, toronto

Current Residence:

boston, massachusetts
no slide
no slide
p e r s o n a

You could think of Alexandria as a serpent. Sweet and alluring on the outside, but capturing and demonic on the inside. She has a sarcastic and arrogant attitude. She is blunt and upfront, and doesn't take shit from anyone. If someone is rude to her, she bites back. She has an alluring sex appeal, and that's how she gets what she wants.

However, if it's a good day, she could be semi-welcoming. She won't be
that sarcastic to you, but her voice would definitely have a rude undertone. Her stepmother wonders if she was born with it. However, despite her sexy attitude, she is a virgin. And has never dated anyone. Simply because she has always been unsure about her sexuality.


+French Fries

+Tim Hortons


+Water Parks






+Public Bathrooms

+Arrogant Behavior (Except her own)
i n - d e p t h

Alexandria unexpectedly came into the world on July, 28. And by unexpectedly, I mean she was 1 and a half weeks premature. She was put into urgent care with extra oxygen; and didn't get to go home for 30 days. Luckily, she was fine and got to go home, unlike her mother. While she was in urgent care, her mom was diagnosed with ovary cancer.

Lexa was taken home, while her mother stayed int he hospital. By the time she was 1, her mom had beaten and gotten cancer again. Her mother died 2 months after she wad diagnosed again. Lexa never knew her mom, so she cant really be sad. When she was 5, her dad remarried. Her stepmothers name was Iantha, and she hates her.

Past Relationships: She has never had a boyfriend, and is still a virgin.

Why she wanted to join: Forever, she has had a missing space in her heart. All she wants is to feel it with eternal love.

What it would mean to win: Nothing, really. Alexandria will be used to not being loved.

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April 6th





Current Residence


General Appearance





100 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color

Dark Brown



Clothing Style



Akira is a small person,but you wouldn't guess that from her explosive personality. She has strong opinions about everything and won't be afraid to showdown her thoughts to anyone,without caring about the result from her actions. This trait obviously show some impulsiveness from her part,but she is honestly not embarrassed about it.

Despite the above,Akira is a surprisingly good listener. She is always willing to lend a friendly ear to whoever needs her,keeping their secrets close to her heart. Her complete disgust of the betrayals she has suffered in the past turned her into an extremely loyal person. She will not betray your trust.

Akira has a fondness for Japanese culture,although she has no intentions of going back to the place where she was born.

Akira has commitments issues rising from the past betrayals she suffered,but she is fighting to overcome this particular trait.


+ Nature

+ Independence

+ Creativity

+ Sincerity

+ Dancing

+ Alcohol

+ Feminism


+ Hot weather

+ Meat (vegetarian)

+ Cigarettes

+ Misogyny

+ Her family in general


"I love the person that I became because I fought to become her."

Akira wasn't always the strong woman you see in front of you. Actually,her current personality is somewhat of an achievement. The younger version of her was quiet and submissive,completely happy to allow her father to choose the paths of her life and where she should be going. Still,the pressure she put into was eventually bound to make her snap. Everything in her life was controlled by her family,even her relationships. The bigotry of her family never allowed her to fully explore her bisexuality,although she wanted to do so more than anything.

The pressure kept rising,until the moment that Akira took the first brave decision in her life. She found a girlfriend. Of course,that cause her family to basically explode. A relationship that was already tense became unbearable,and Akira did the only thing she could: she walked away. Japan suddenly seemed small for the new person she had become,and she wanted much more. She wanted freedom,she wanted to travel. Her path eventually turned towards the United States,and she knew that was the place where she had to be.

Her father originally intended for Akira to take over his business,but she wasn't the cold businessman type. She loves nature beyond anything,and that love was where she got her idea of opening a flower shop. She met a boy during her years in America,but like her first relationship it didn't work out. Eventually she learned about The Bachelor program. Exposing herself like that would scandalize her family,which only sparkled her interest.

Past Relationships

Nathan Darrow - 1 year - Ended when Akira found him cheating on her with one of her friends.

Saomi Kirow - 8 months - Ended because of the bigotry of her family.

Why you decided to join the show

"Because I'm tired of the same men,the same women. I want something different in my life,and I want to meet a new person. Whether he chooses me or not,the experience will definitely be fun."

What would winning mean to you

"Being chosen between so many women? That would definitely make me feel special. Not only that,but I would start a new life by someone's side."



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