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Fandom The Avengers: Now recruiting


The A-Train

New Member
The Avengers were now open for anyone to apply for. But they were not just looking for ordinary Joes with superpowers, they needed people with heart. Someone who would risk their life for others without question. Avengers were people who were tough and unwilling to give up at any costs. Wanda Maximoff knew this and would hope that she would find heroes who will be selfless in this roaster of heroes coming to the Avengers Compound in upstate New York. The world needed the Avengers more than ever now and finally they would get them. She clasped her hands together and waited for them by the window. However, her brother Pietro was bored already and wished that the heroes would come so he could test them in combat. Pietro was pretty immature that way anyway.

"Wanda, you better keep me away from them," Pietro said, "taking long...I am going to punch them into a barn."

Wanda scoffed, "Do that and I will change you into a rabbit." She smiled, pleased with her comment that shut her brother down. Wanda was the more mature sibling of the two and would be the best to interact with the new heroes. Not like she had the high moral ground since Wanda and her brother were Hydra before. She would prefer to not think about that time in her life though. Wanda hoped that they would prove to good Avengers since the world was running out of options.
As Shane finally arrived after a couple miles of jogging, he saw the buildings and the fences. He lifted his backpack over his shoulder, taking out his identity card and allowing the air to scan it. The electrified fence opened, allowing him to finally take in the sight for all its beauty. A couple minutes later, an enraptured Shane stood on the grass, looking at the huge compound with buildings everywhere. “What the heck! This is like the size of my apartment complex!” He mumbled under his breath as he held his backpack tightly, one strap still resting on his shoulder. He looked back at a map, before looking at the buildings one more time. “Where the hell is the entrance? And the people? Where is everyone? Hello?”
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Intent on trying to make a good first impression, Mistral wound be dressed up for the occasion with a form-fitting business suit tailored to her form. She had quite a bit to travel after she had received the invitation, The flight from Quebec to New York had been bad enough with 2 hours crammed on a too-small commercial seat 'Extra Leg Room my foot!'. From there she had to deal with the whole ordeal of immigration, and trying to flag down a Taxi to take her all the way to Westchester which led to more than a few refusals.

That brought her to the moment, having been set to walk the rest of the way with a suitcase held over her shoulder, though luckily now with the compound finally in sight. With a low sigh she rubs her neck with some relief "Finally...Why could they not have this in the city? The transport links are a nightmare.." flashing a card she walks through the security gate and takes in the compound as a whole. Somewhat distracted by the size and various buildings, she somehow misses the only other person in the area, knocking into the back of him. "Ah sorry...I keep forgetting to look down. Do you know which of these buildings is the main one we need to go too?"
Shane turns around at the ginormous woman standing in front of him. "Nice tie." He said examining her for a moment. She was packed with muscle, extremely so. Wish his muscles grew out like that, but for some reason his muscle didn't add on. Sucked, but that was reality. She looked about 2 feet taller than him, with an honestly nice suit and tie. "That's what I'm trying to figure out too. Where in the world is our tour guide or something! This stupid map doesn't exactly work either." He said this angrily, refusing to acknowledge that he couldn't actually read it. He blushed and scratched the back of his neck, handing her the map "sorry bout all that, get ticked off easily. The names Shane." He very suddenly felt underdressed for the occasion, only wearing a shirt and some jeans. The only fancy thing he was wearing were some white sneakers.
She gives a soft smile and a small giggle, her demeanour seeming to be in stark contrast to her physical appearance. "Oh thank you, Papa did say first impressions were important, the whole outfit was meant for interviews, said everyone needs a good power suit". Mistral gives the back of her head somewhat nervous rub before leaning over the mans shoulder curiously to check out the map he had.

Looking at the paper, then a short glance between the buildings and the sky, she waves a finger at an area of the map. "Well we are here, facing this direction....so i think it should be...." she raises a finger and points off at a distant building "That one. Oh and don't worry about getting a little upset, orientation yourself on a map can be a little tricky i guess and Its kind of a new situation for everyone i guess. Im Mistral by the way"
"Nice to meet you mistral." He would reply, quite a bit shocked by her voice and demeanor. He would watch her finish up reading the map, and pick his backpack up from the ground where he had previously placed it.

"Well, I guess we should head over? Or we might as well wait for everyone else here, in case their just as bad at map reading as I am." he chuckled, before sitting down on the grass with his legs crossed and sighing as he looked up at the sky.

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