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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Wait, but the one problem with curing, say, a cold is that it's not caused by just one thing. For instance just one virus that causes it has over 100 different strands. :v
SubSonicSausage said:
Lets create a plot for each of the groups out there.
For Arkhaious it could be something about finding out the location of a powerful artefact that they really need for some reason.

For the brotherhood it could be the same, except they probably wouldn't know the location and could seek to find it out (spies, mind games) or even try to steal it.

I am not too sure about the fauna royalty. Maybe the king is about to die and there starts a power struggle between some of the siblings and upper nobles (up to @StoneWolf18 of cource).

To wrap everything up, there is an outbreak of an unusual disease (the king could be one of the victims) and the artefact is the only way to stop it.

How does that sound? Too complex?
StoneWolf18 said:
That's what I was thinking...
StoneyJr said:
A human disease from the past that affects Kemonomimi Aura over time?
Karcen said:
might as well be real so they can seek out healers though how they have healing magic that can't fix it is funny
Sorry, what has been going on? Can someone give me a synopsis please?
MrLlama said:
Wait, but the one problem with curing, say, a cold is that it's not caused by just one thing. For instance just one virus that causes it has over 100 different strands. :v
So the humans just made a cure-all for it. Impossible? Maybe. But Simple.
Zareh said:
Sorry, what has been going on? Can someone give me a synopsis please?
What I have gathered:

The common cold has resurfaced, and kills by slowly messing with one's aura. I nominated Fero to be the first victim. (Not die, hopefully) Listen to @SubSonicSausage
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SubSonicSausage said:
Lets create a plot for each of the groups out there.
For Arkhaious it could be something about finding out the location of a powerful artefact that they really need for some reason.

For the brotherhood it could be the same, except they probably wouldn't know the location and could seek to find it out (spies, mind games) or even try to steal it.

I am not too sure about the fauna royalty. Maybe the king is about to die and there starts a power struggle between some of the siblings and upper nobles (up to @StoneWolf18 of cource).

To wrap everything up, there is an outbreak of an unusual disease (the king could be one of the victims) and the artefact is the only way to stop it.

How does that sound? Too complex?
Uhm... Is this what this chat is talking about??

The latest news:

SubSonicSausage said:
Lets create a plot for each of the groups out there.
For Arkhaious it could be something about finding out the location of a powerful artefact that they really need for some reason.

For the brotherhood it could be the same, except they probably wouldn't know the location and could seek to find it out (spies, mind games) or even try to steal it.

I am not too sure about the fauna royalty. Maybe the king is about to die and there starts a power struggle between some of the siblings and upper nobles (up to @StoneWolf18 of cource).

To wrap everything up, there is an outbreak of an unusual disease (the king could be one of the victims) and the artefact is the only way to stop it.

How does that sound? Too complex?
SubSonicSausage said:
Apparently common flue makes aura go wild and slowly kills the host with his own warped aura.
StoneWolf18 said:
0-0 well ain't that just bloody lovely
StoneyJr said:
The humans could've discovered a cure for the common flu before they all died. Humanities final, and one of their greatest, creations.
SubSonicSausage said:
...But why would the brohood want the cure? You can't use it to conquire the world.
Unless they plan to become the messiahs or something and only give the cure to those choose who follow them.
@MrLlama But don't you see? That's what's so magnificent about their last creation/the artifact! It really is a cure all! We could go into the whole scientific debate about it..but to the Kemonomimi, it's just human ingenuity.
I feel like we need to make more, smaller, plots though. This is also a pretty big ass plot like our other war one unless we want to find the artifact quickly.
@SubSonicSausage @Zareh

And I figured Fero coming down with the "cold" (So named because his aura goes crazy, making him freezing cold) would be a good reason for you and @TheHappyPikachu to start searching. I hope he wouldn't die. He needs to be able to confess. And hopefully be able to be cured and live happily with Arona! (:3)
Well it's not that unreasonable. It could be some form of nanobot that specifically targets different variations of flu bacteria, to create a cure for that variation.
@Kayzo @The Mythic Dragon @Wild Born @SummerWolf @theglassangel @JessBeth @StoneyJr @TheHappyPikachu @Archdemon @NightCasterZ @IceSolstice

Ok so first off, I just wanna say, @Zareh you guys came up with a great idea, and it's cool to see so many people that are so eager to participate. There's a first time for everything, and managing an RP this large can be balls to the wall hard. Especially with the fleeting nature of most RPers I've come across in my short time as a member. Many people lose interest, or one person gets several people caught in a post chain, or maybe a guy pressures people to post TOO fast and causes people to feel rushed when posting. My advice would be to trim the fat at this point. It may seem mean but sometimes cuts have to be made if a character isn't doing anything to enhance the narrative. Also, I wouldn't stick to a rigid 20 post time cycle, because two or three people can easily take up 20 posts going back and forth, and it would just end up in more time warped puzzles. What I would do is simply check with everyone to see when they're ready for a timeskip, and then go from there. If people don't get back to you soon enough, timeskip without them. But yo, your RP, your rules. Waiting to timeskip would take loner to transition, but it would give players who can't post as much a chance to catch up.

Aight onto the actual ideas. It is important to develop each of the faction's goals and motivations. Let's take a look at our main conflict.

"Holy shitballs, there be robots now."

So everything going on with the motivations of each faction should revolve around this conflict. But in order to make this into a BIG problem, there needs to be more robots! And all of them can't be as civil as Alexander and Charon. If they have benevolent personalities, it goes to say that some of the awakened robots would have violent tendencies. Hell, some of them might just be malfunctioning by now and just attack or destroy anything they see, be it Kemonomimi, nature, or another robot.

Now that doesn't mean we have to make a FUCKTON more robot characters, in fact, that'd be ill advised. We could simply make robot NPCs of varying intelligence to use as plot devices. I personally think it would be really cool if the huge one from one of the pictures woke up and went on a rampage, causing the Kemonomimi to re-evaluate their place in the world. Such a catastrophic event could cause a SPIRAL of amazing subplots that orbit the main conflict, and open the door for new factions to form.

The Royals & The Guardians & The Guild

The citizens of Fauna kingdom would look to the royals in a time of crisis. The nature of the royal's plot could be more political as the public becomes terrified of robots. This would allow the creation for another faction: The beginning of a rebellion. We can have a group of characters lose so much faith in the royals' abilities to govern the kingdom, that they put together a political militia. This militia could at first start out as non violent, and simply demand audiences with the royals and the guardians, or stage protests. But as the story develops, this could faction could develop into a full blown rebellion.

While the Royals are attempting to maintain the political peace within the kingdom, the Guardians can be tasked with hunting and destroying violent or rampaging bots. The Guild could be tasked by the Royals to cooperate with the Guardians and uncover human secrets and artifacts and ultimately attempt to disable the robots. But whose help would they need to do that? The good robots! The Guardians, The Guild, and The robots working with the Kemonomimi can work together to stop rampaging robots and figure out a solution to their
HUGE UNDERLYING PROBLEM. What place do robots have in this world now? Perhaps the royals believe that robots should be treated as equals and allowed to live, but a portion of the public deems them too dangerous! This would divide the citizens and the ultimate political conflict would be finding a way to establish peace for robots and Kemonomimi alike. The rebellion group could monger fear and promote racism against the bots, and another civilian group in support of the royals can promote equality!

Now for the big one. In case that was TL;DR

  • Royals are trying to find a way to integrate civil robots into the land, and are using the research power of the Guild and the physical might of the Guardians to take down rampaging or violent bots and discover a way to bring peace and equality. This could lead to the formation of two civilian factions: Those who are anti-bot, and those who are pro-bot.
  • But what about the Brotherhood?

The Brotherhood would be the primary antagonists. Now I think this is important to get straight: The people in the brotherhood aren't actually evil. I mean sure, Zenario's a bad guy, but his intentions are not. It's his methods. Indigo and Rune aren't bad guys either! The Brotherhood believes that human technology will help the Kemonomimi to develop as a society. And when rampaging bots become a problem, this would only validate their opinion. They see themselves at helping, but because people who are simply interested in the humans are ostracized, they're forced to work in hiding. The Brotherhood as antagonists should be a slooooooow burn. They should have members who are also members of each faction, quietly pulling the strings. Stealing artifacts and knowledge from the guild, creating their own robots to weaken the force of the Guardians, encouraging the pro-bot people to accept human technology and culture, and encouraging the anti-bot people to overthrow the rebels.

Now when I say a slooooow burn, I mean, it should in no way be apparent to characters who are not in the Brotherhood that it exists. And the Brotherhood should be stealthy and secretive, only getting their hands dirty when they are sure they won't be traced. The Brotherhood would need a robot to help them recreate human technology. Now this might be a stretch, but I had a thought.

With people divided on their bot positions, the Brotherhood could take the opportunity to slowly but surely introduce helpful human technology. Like say, a printing press so that there are more books to go around and literacy can increase. Slowly but surely the brotherhood can spoonfeed seemingly harmless human technology to Kemonomimi. And then, when they've sewed enough unrest, they can make their major push to take over the kingdom. Ideally, if everything were to go right for them, no one should be the wiser that the Sapient Brotherhood ever existed.

K I'm not proofreading that and I gotta go do some stuff. So if some of that is "wot" or cunfuzzling, feel free to ask for clarification. And these are just some ideas, ya feel? Kthxbye.


Thanks! I got an idea from this, I'll be right back. Going to do some thinking work.


This is well thought out! Hold that thought! I'll be adding some more things to it at the moment!
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it is super science i mean technically no robot should be able to "sleep" with a battery with power and not be dead after 50,000 years
also if we need robots i have mentioned 100 bots that are "dead" but if someone could repair them
Also, going off with that entire bad robot thing; I know for Alexander, were he to be manipulated/persuaded or whatever else you wanted to call it that him doing something (Though that something would be in terms of going boomboom on everything) he could easily partake a whole not so passive stance.
Holy, I just had a big ass plot twist idea for my character.

... I have no idea whats going on...

Also speaking of attemptingnto get everyone on the same note...

Would it be possible for me to somehow...

Switch Ryke out, for possibly a character that could be used to help enhance the rp/plot/whatever you want to call it?

Because at this point im gonna end up losing interest due to not really having anything to post about... something I didnt really think about when making Ryke...


Not that I dont have the patience to wait upon interaction and just watch mostly.... thats fine and all...I just have a really short attention span and that would get boring fast...Ill just shut up now and wonder on back to my quiet corner or the earth.
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