The Academy of Secrets

Name: Trinity Everhaze

Age: 16

Height: 5'5"

Weight(optional): 90 pounds

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Half Fox

Features(optional): xD

Personality: To be roleplayyyyed

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Also to be roleplayyyyed

Anything else you want to add(optional): She can turn into a little fox at will
Name: Aayame Mathis

Age: 16

Height: 182cm


Looks: Aayame has long tan-blonde hair with tanish skin and mostly wears dresses. She wears contacts to cover her red eyes because for whatever reason she unlike her mother cannot hide them. {Link}

Job in school: Student

Species: Wolf vampire

Features: Tan wolf ears. (She lacks human ones so mostly lays her hair down.)

Personality: Aayame is very sadistic for one who starves herself. She enjoys blood shed torture and mind manipulation. However through this she is a very shy sickly girl, she does NOT and has not made someone she can call a friend because alias she always tortures them to death. She lost almost every sense of what herself truly was and developed a spitfire front that causes her to appear to be mean but deep down inside she is a kind heated person. Deep, deep down inside

Secret/background story: Aayame was born to her mother nothing wrong here, her mother was a wolf and a vampire so it was no surprise when little Aaya had wolf ears and tail as well as a thirst for blood. It was however strange that at nine years old vampire hunters wanted her because she was a full fledged vampire at age nine. Even her own older brother Mika wanted her head on a plate. Her mother could not watch the two go at eachothers thorats and so decided that Aayame to go to school and Mika to go to an academy. So she sent her children away having nothing more to do and prayed this would work.

Anything else you want to add(optional): Aayame habing been able to hide her inhuman side often goes weeks to months without feeding and though she may be strong she often collapses due to not feeding
Name: Sedrian

Age: 18

Height: 6 ft 11

Weight(optional): 289 Ibs(not includng clothes or hair.)

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):
only the hair is longer and is pitch black. His eye color is onyx unless he is fighting which it then turns crimson. Also he wears a black trench coat over all this.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): student

Species: vampire/Demon mix

Features(optional): ???

Personality: Sedrian is very cool and composed, he is calculating, able to detect the weaknesses of any opponent through simply looking them in the eyes. Sedrian is normally distant, but he is prone to psychotic outbursts seeing as he is mentally unstable.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Sedrian slaughtered his entire family at age 8, and this was before he became a vampire. Ever since he has developed a killing impulse. Other then that Sedrian has blocked out his memory up until he became a vampire.

Anything else you want to add(optional): Sedrian is actually very lonely and wants to find love. Sedrian's mother and father were demons.
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
Name: Aayame Mathis Age: 16 Height: 182cm Weight(optional): Looks: Aayame has long tan-blonde hair with tanish skin and mostly wears dresses. She wears contacts to cover her red eyes because for whatever reason she unlike her mother cannot hide them. {Link} Job in school: Student Species: Wolf vampire Features: Tan wolf ears. (She lacks human ones so mostly lays her hair down.) Personality: Aayame is very sadistic for one who starves herself. She enjoys blood shed torture and mind manipulation. However through this she is a very shy sickly girl, she does NOT and has not made someone she can call a friend because alias she always tortures them to death. She lost almost every sense of what herself truly was and developed a spitfire front that causes her to appear to be mean but deep down inside she is a kind heated person. Deep, deep down inside Secret/background story: Aayame was born to her mother nothing wrong here, her mother was a wolf and a vampire so it was no surprise when little Aaya had wolf ears and tail as well as a thirst for blood. It was however strange that at nine years old vampire hunters wanted her because she was a full fledged vampire at age nine. Even her own older brother Mika wanted her head on a plate. Her mother could not watch the two go at eachothers thorats and so decided that Aayame to go to school and Mika to go to an academy. So she sent her children away having nothing more to do and prayed this would work. Anything else you want to add(optional): Aayame habing been able to hide her inhuman side often goes weeks to months without feeding and though she may be strong she often collapses due to not feeding
Aayame Mathis. She isn't one to show love right away though... rather diguest at first but trust me working with her will pay off.

Name: Keith Dorando

Age: 23

Height: 8'1''



Job in School: Hunting class's teacher/Hunting club's teacher

Species: Wind Spirit

Features: Meh.

Personality: Keith likes to tease, likes to be immature (but is actually mature), can be jerky, and is annoying. He can be flirty, and is quite playful, for the fact that he's a popular handsome teacher in school he is always hanging out with girls. But when he truly loves someone he can be caring and big-bro type. He cares for people important to him....Bleh. Can be forceful sometimes, meh. Serious when needed, smirks a lot. Is actually a responsible, mature guy who has a lot going through in his mind. Always seem close but is actually distant, appearing mysterious. Surprisingly he does take the job as a hunting class's teacher quite well and is good at handling with students. Will develop more throughout the RP.

Background: Known to be Tavia's lots-of-years older brother, it is surprising that one is human who became a vampire and one is wind spirit. Keith has turned himself into one when his village, which is also Tavia's, was destroyed. He sets himself the same goal as Tavia's then--To revenge for the village. To seek out those vampires that ruined their homes. His beloved lover, parents, friends, and even his dear friends' graves, all gone. When Tavia was forced to turn into a vampire--a being she hates herself--he watched with hatred and realizes his own uselessness. Because of that, he seek for the wind spirits' helps as well as trained himself into the he today. When he found the vampires that destroyed the village, he had challenged them once, only to be defeated badly with serious wounds. Furthermore, because of the challenge, as if to prove how strong they are, even the wind spirits were killed......Will develop more throughout the RP.

Extra: Is Tavia's older brother. Has guns. Nice to Tavia. Has scars. Likes coffees. Smoke. Has long hair tied up meh. Will develop more throughout the RP. 
Sedrian, accepted. 
Name: Anari Derix

Age: 16

Height: 5'4

Weight(optional): 112 lbs

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Werewolf

Features(optional): Full moon tattoo on her left arm

Personality: Anari tends to be shy and gets nervous really easily. But once you meet her she tends to open up and she is the nicest and bubbly person you've met.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Anari was born with the ability to turn into a werewolf. Maybe because of a curse or how her family tree was, she never really knew since her parents never bothered to tell her the story. As she grew up she never noticed it really since mainly her predominant human side showed but pains, on certain nights came to her during her sleep and half of the time she either woke up in a cold sweat or outside on the front lawn. Mostly all her life she was homeschooled since her parents were afraid that her werewolf side would show at school. Once she turned 16 her parents decided to send her to the academy.

Anything else you want to add(optional):



Weight(optional):129 lbs

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):student


Personality: a major hot head and is sweet once you earn his trust

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Both of his parents died when he was young

Anything else you want to add(optional):
Name: Ashlynn Nonan

Age: 16

Height: five foot three

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): my profile picture

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): student

Species: witch

Personality: smart funny can be highly sarcastic at times

Secret/background story(the story of the character):

Ashlynn's parents put her in foster care at age six. She grew up not knowing about her powers. She is new to them and doesn't know what to do about them

Anything else you want to add:

-Has four powers

--Teleport (herself, other people, objects)

--Make people think things that aren't true (Includes seeing/hearing things that aren't there)

--See the future (She uses playing cards. They look different to her.)

--Deflect other peoples powers (Only if it is used against her. Such as reading her mind or something)

-Is really nice

-Has a temper

Okay, if you don't like it, I can change it.
Name: Krow

Age: inapplicable

Height: 7' 3"

Weight(optional): 200

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): Crow has long jet black hair that reaches almost to his feet. His eyes are a darkish yellow and he has a long scar running from the bottom of his left eye to his mouth. He usually wears a pair of tight black pants and a black shirt with a skull on it claiming it is his "new human attire". He sometimes wears an upside down cross around his neck or a black leather bracelet. When he wants to get serious his hands change to sharp claws like that of a bird and his shirt changes into a long robe made of crow feathers. If he gets mad his eyes glow.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Familiar to Maximus he is forced to play student.

Species: Demon

Features(optional): Yellow eyes, facial scar, creepy hands when angry.

Personality: Crow seems despises his role as familiar having been brought down from being a feared demon to the familiar of Maximus. He does enjoy all the women in the human world but also pretends he hates the fame Maximus is gaining from his use. Secretly he admires Maximus.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Krow became famous as a demon for winning a popular death match tournament three years in a row. His biggest secret is that he actually admires Maximus having entered the contest so many times due to his desire to fight against the demon world without actually declaring war.

Anything else you want to add(optional): So sorry for the delay
Name: Amber

Age: 16

Height: 5' 5"

Looks: Long red curly hair, green skin, pink dress, black slip-on shoes, blue monkey tail (sorry, I don't really have a pic)

Job in school: She's a teacher's assistant, meaning she'll help the teacher during a period and sometimes even fill in for one.

Species: Alien

Personality: kind and sweet, and always caring of others. She's not afraid to stand up for what's right, and thinks an element of fun should be in everything.

Secret/background story: As a young alien she was left on the doorstep of their queen's home. She took in the child and raised her with her own children; her daughter Kenna, and son Michal. As the kids grew up, Michal was forced to become a soldier in their army by their dad... who happened to be a giant. Kenna was taught how to use a flute to control the minds of spiders, and Amber was going to be wed to a prince to combine two societies... however, she wanted to go and explore the world. Maybe even find someone to help her discover what she was capable of. So before she would be wed (since they get married young) Amber took a space pod and ran away from home, and ended up on earth. she disguised herself as a human until she finally enrolled herself in the academy.

Anything else you want to add: She has the ability to control plants, water, and fire (avatar, lol). She can fly/float and shape-shift into any species... meaning she can look like a human, other alien, etc. but still look like herself (idk if that makes sense). And lastly, she has the ability to turn into a blue cat :)
Name: Mikahmia Mathis

Age: 17 (At his change point he looks to be more of 26 or 27 though. XP)

Height: 198cm


Looks: Mikah, like his sister has two forms aside from his cat form. In his (closest to human form) He has longish blonde hair, it is long enough to conceal the lack of human ears he has and is slightly wavy like his mother hair. He has soft blue eyes and a nice tan coloured skin. He mostly wears suits, ties vests ect. Likes looking older then he is. His demonic form (Or vampy form) He has slightly longer colourless (or white) Hair, grey eyes like his mother or red when he is hungry. Clothing is the same: Reference photos:

Human: {link}

Demonic: {Link} (Really, I must excuse this picture before you click, I will edit it later...)

Cat: {Link}

Job in school: Guardian of the school

Species: Neko Vamp (Kinda like jack only he was not born a cat species and was changed into a vampire by his sister.)

Features: Cat ears, always houses a hidden weapon somewhere, beware he is VERY skilled in his hunting.

Personality: Mikah in his human form and Mikah in his demon form are as different as a person with MPD. He is very social in his human form, talks to people a lot, has friends without even trying and is incredibly loving and kind. He is sweet and adores to be around large mass of friends, however he hates strangers... thus the friend making ideals. So his demonic form is the opposite, he is severely anti social in this form, he is cold and withdrawn. He only harvests love for his sister in this form because even though he hates it he understands his sister more in this form.

Secret/background story: Mikahmia and Aayame were born within seconds from each other. They though due to possibly their gene pool or maybe Mikah having dipped his toe in the wrong pool would up having the "major hate in vampires" trait. He grew up with Aayame and his other siblings happily though. Until Aayame somehow changed into a vampire early. By this time Mikah had learned to accept being a cat, but he could not handle Aayame's change. He begun from that point on hunting the poor girl trying to end her life no matter how close they were before all ties up until then were severed.

The two continued to fight until Mikah was asked to join a hunters academy where he was actually trained in hunting for the creature that was his sister. He hunted her and though skilled as she if not more let his guard down or something and managed to have the girl change him into what she was. Scared he hid himself from society for a few years, but infuriated again after deciding not to hide any more he begun hunting his sister once more. He is still known as the best hunter of the academy he was a member f though he is no loner a member (being what you hunt... yeah really tends to do that to a person Not a good mix xD ) He is famous for his hunting, to the humans he is seen as a animal hunter, and to the creatures he is a vampire hunter, and only hunts vampires.

Anything else you want to add: He and Aaya do NOT get along, they get into fights all the time. Both hold grudges against each other and both seemingly like most siblings cannot be in a room together for more then thirty seconds without going off at each other. Their fights are VERY bloody usually leaving if not one but both hospitalised for several days. His hunters academy still sees him as a member and always will but basically kicked him from the program though he still hunts vampires.

{~Headdesks~ Kay, I think my eyes are going to fall from their sockets. Sorry it took so long I had to re-folder everything on my mum's computer because it was a MASS explosion... O.o }
Name: Maxais Inazuma

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5 ft 8 inches

Weight: 146 lbs

Appearance: Scrawny pale red head with striking green eyes. Although he respects the dress code, he prefers his casual wear to be loose and comfortable, so as not to hinder his movements. Though not very muscular, he isn't an absolute twig, and was a hit with the ladies at his old school.

Job in school: student

Species: Guardian of Fire(basically a dragon that can change appearance into a human)


Shy in the presence of absolute strangers, Max is the opposite in the company of friends. Talkative and quick-witted, he is never without something to say, though often lacks the courage to say it. When he and those close to him are threatened, he becomes very serious and quick-tempered, and can be very stubborn when it comes to doing what he believes is right. He is very intelligent and studies hard in school and does his best to overcome his shy nature in order to make friends. He seems to attract the attention of women, though he would rather stay single.


Grew up in the mountains of Japan, and did not socialize much until was told to attend a school for humans. Due to an accident caused by a lack of control of his powers, he was expelled. Now looking to attend a special school for others who are similar to him.

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