That one special Night... [Inactive]

"Oh? I thought someone of your stature would attract more attention than mine and Akari's. You have that special...something about you that people find charming." Airi couldn't help but stare into Yasuo's eyes. She felt so confident and safe around him. He seemed to have an affect on her she just couldn't recognize. Subconsciously, she let herself move a little closer to him.
"I picked up a few things here and there my princess" Tavian said in a gentle tone of voice. Tabu an could"int help but to be mesmerized by Akari's eyes until she started giggling and for him it was rather contagious sense he started to giggle a little bit himself. "What's so funny, my princess?" He politely asked

(Gonna be gone for a bit but I'll be back in a few hours)
(in a few hours i'll be sleeping xD )

Akari shook her head "Oh nothing, just thought of something funny is all." she said, having a pretty fun time, dancing with him "I love to dance, dispite how bad I could be." she said as she tripped slightly and she leaned more onto him but not enough to knock them down. She turned pink and she pulled herself away "I'm so sorry, Lucas..I didnt mean to!"
"Me? Of high stature? Oh, no no, my brothers outrank me in almost every sense of the word. I'd hardly call myself of high stature. My charm must be of a rare taste, as not many find it attractive. But I guess that just makes you all the more rare, doesn't it?" Yasuo smiled at her, "I mean, I don't think I've ever quite met someone as unique as you. You're so graceful and nice..." He was surprised he didn't stutter more as he was giving her this c0mpliment, as he usually was very bad at telling other people what he liked about them. But...Airi was different somehow. Different from Akari even. Something about her very presence just eased Yasuo almost instantaneously.
I enter the ball room silently with no one to dance with and i see the other four princesses and princes and head over to the punch silently and shyly
"It's fine my princess" Tavian said quietly and placed his head closer to hers. "Perhaps we should go somewhere quieter my princess.." He whispered to her. Tavian's original intentions from the beginning of the night had slightly changed.
I keep to myself and let them dance then sit down worrying if i will get asked to dance"well at least everyone is having fun"i whisper silently
Akari blushed as she looked at him "Bu-But Lucas..." she said "Why would you want to do that? Are you getting a headache?" she asked him. "Or its just too loud for you?" ok, akari was crazy half the time but he wanted to be alone with her it kinda made her worry a bit...
Walks over to her seeing as shes a little distressed"princess are you ok? You seem upset? 
"Never mind"i return to my table and lay my head down
Airi giggled softly. "Well I find you charming and more interesting than your brothers." Her cheeks flushed slightly at his compliments. He seemed to cause her to do that more than once this evening. And he eased her worry and nerve. Not many made her feel this way. She liked the feeling. "I don't think I'm as kid as you. And I know I've never met a person like you."
I see every one dancing then actually start to want to go and dance but theres no one for me to dance with so i just sit at my table staring at my glass and sigh
"In that case, we can be weirdos together, right?" Yasuo said impulsively, not realizing the strangeness of his words until about a minute later. His cheeks turned red as his muscles tensed up yet again, "I-i mean I didn't mean it like that! I just, you know! I, uh....Haha..." Yasuo had never been at a loss of words as often as he had tonight nor had he ever made such rash statements. Ah what an idiot he was.
Layfon had already spotted him and he followed "Prince? Why are you out here?" he asked as he looked up at the prince from the Kazuka family
"Darn well Leyfon there was no girl to dance with at the ball and im too shy to ask to dance with one of the others plus i would probably get turned down"sits and swings a leg looking at the stars
"You wont get turned down, I could promise you that. You just need to try." Layfon told him, crossing his arms "Come back down."
"Who do i ask then your the only person i can talk to with out blushing like an idiot but i will give it a shot"jumps down and walks with him to the ball room
"My sister. I'm sure she'll love dancing with you." he smiled warmly and walked with him into the room "She is very sweet, and I know she wouldnt want to reject you."
Airi smiled softly and stifled a giggle. She didn't think Yasuo's choice of words was far off. She was sure Akari would agree with that they were both odd and quite weird. She didn't think he was an idiot. No she thought he was far from it. He seemed kinder than most of the guards here and a lot of the people she had met prior. Suddenly she felt bold and decided to ask something. "Maybe we could go out into the garden later."
"Oh no I'm fine, It's a beautiful night out I thought we would go enjoy it…. Together" Tavian said with a grin on his face. Tavian looked around the room and saw the same thing he did before laughter, drinking, and dancing all around although surrounded by the joy he still felt the guile deep inside him. "I'm going to enjoy myself tonight, Perhaps she would understand if I told her" This thought quickly raced through his mind over and over. "So what do you say princess shall we go?" He said while still keeping in step.

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