That one special Night... [Inactive]

"You have to show me her sometime! I love horses. Might you let me ride her sometime?" Yasuo liked riding horses a lot, as he would often be outside with them while training. He wondered what Shadow might look like, how fast she might go.

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"Of course, of course. But you'll have to pass a little test before she'll let you ride her." Airi grinned a little more. "She needs to be able to trust you before any riding will be done. And I'm positive Shadow will like you and you'll pass her little test with flying colors."
"We'll then you can let Shadow know that I'll pass her test no matter what," Yasuo tried to stand up confidently but stumbled a little I'm the process. "...anyway..." Yasuo turned away slightly embarrassed.

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Airi covered her mouth to keep from giggling again. "I'm positive you will Yo-Yo." She felt comfortable now. The nervousness that had been pestering her was all but apparent. It had gone away after a bit and for that, she was glad.
"Aha, yeah..." Yasuo liked hearing his nickname from Airi Even though he detested the nickname. "Say, Lucas and Akari have been gone for awhile. Any clue where they went?"

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His heart was pumping "Oh god why, She's on to me already" this thought raced to his head but with the gentleness of her voice he realized this was not so and regained his composure. "I aim to please my princess it is simply what I do" He said with a deceiving smile. The compliment took hims off guard and he wasn't too sure what to respond with. "And you my princess are a diamond among coal, If I may say so myself." It was quick and on the fly which sounded rather good to him.
Akari blushed alittle "Why thank you.." she giggled softly "I wonder where my siblings are...Oh well." she simply said and looked at him "Maybe we should dance in alittle bit, Lucas. Though, im not the best of dancers. Thats why I went with flats." she pulled up her dress a bit to show him her shoes. Then she dropped it back down. "Do you know how to dance?"
"Well Ehm… No I can't say I do." He let out a slight laugh he continued to stand there nervously for fear of saying the wrong thing but he decided he would atleast make a attempt to do so. "But I we can try now can't we?" He raised up his hand in the hopes she would take it. He had close to no idea on what he was doing at this point but he was enjoying it.
((Why is deciding so hard >:( xD ))

Akari took his hand lightly and she followed him to where the others were dancing "Hey, Lucas..I know the moves, my footing is just bad. If I step on your feet, im sorry.." she said, biting her lip softly. Really scared that she was going to emarrass herself in front of everyone. If that happened, she probably wont come out of her room for a lonh=g time
(Because it's not what he's there to do xD )

"Im sure we will do just fine my princess" He said smiling. Tavian held her hand lightly and at the start his footing was awkward and body movements were off but as they continued he began to count the steps in numbers which began to make it slightly easier for him. "1,2,…1,2,3" He counted in his head.

(Short post is short)
"I honestly have no idea. But I'm sure they're fine." Airi grinned a bit. "My sister can be a bit of a hyper creature so we shouldn't fuss so much. She can handle herself quite well. She probably has Lucas dancing with her." She knew her sister quite well. The girl was probably having a marvelous time.
(( xD and its ok this is a beginner-semi literate rp. So you're okay :) ))

Akari started to follow, making it easier. She smiled "Hey, this isnt as hard as I thought." Wow...I guess I can find my prince without having to panic and run around like a idiot she giggled at her own thoughts and she looked at Luca "You seem to be doing an amazing job, Lucas! I thought you really didnt know how?" she narrowed her eyes but they didnt stay that way for long cause she started giggling
Yasuo was taken aback by Airi's claim that the two were dancing. Lucas and Akari were dancing? ...suddenly, he felt like the matchmaker of the night, even though he was hardly directly related in it at all. "Do you think they've kissed yet, my dear Riri?!" Yasuo grabbed her hands excitedly at the thought. "Maybe they've got even further than that," Yasuo mused, skipping to large conclusions, "oh they're just so perfect! They'll be together for life! For life I tell you!"

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Airi blinked in surprise. Yasuo sure seemed excited about the possibility. "I don't think they have yet Yo-Yo." Her eyes widened a little at the possibility it had gone further, but she knew her sister. "I'm not so sure it's gone further than that. They're most likely still dancing. As for a match," She smiled. "We'll just have to wait and see."
"The suspense is killing me!" Yasuo was conflicted on what to think about Akari and Tavian dancing with one another. It was true love of course! Nothing less!...well, that's a bit naive but... "Say, Riri, do you like to dance?"

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"I'm fond of it yes. Why do you ask?" Airi tilted her head a bit out of curiosity. She was quite fond of dancing. It was such a beautiful thing, accompanied with music of course.
"I just wanted to see if the lady would dance with me, that's all," Yasuo's voice faded, realizing how bold his move must've come off. "Well, crap. I didn't mean to say that, I-I uh,...," Yasuo's voice was practically a whisper now as he turned his head away blushing and extending out his hand towards her.

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Airi's cheeks heated up a bit. She had a feeling he would've asked her to dance eventually. And she was actually quite glad he did. "I....I would love to Yo-Yo." She happily took his hand. She had liked that he was bold. It was unexpected but added to his character.
Yasuo then lead her to then to the general area where others were dancing being careful not to get to close to the others in fear that he would accidentally bump into one of them. He grabbed one of her hands and placed the other a little above her waist, trying to recall his dancing lessons he had received only 6 months ago. "It was... Back, left, right..." He thought trying to move to the pace of the song
Airi carefully followed his lead, matching his pace. She too had had lessons. But they were so long ago she was afraid she'd mess up and embarrass herself. She hoped she was doing alright. Already again she was nervous. She had an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach but she pushed the very thought of it away. Focusing on now, she smiled warmly at Yasuo.
"You are a wonderful dancer, Riri. Did you take lessons?" Yasuo stepped lightly further forward towards her on this beat, quickly correcting his movements to match hers. "Sorry," he said, "it seems like I have forgotten my lessons. Hopefully I don't trip over and fall on you. Haha....that would be bad for e Kazuka and Hanabusa names alike..."
Airi nodded. "Yes I have Yo-Yo. But they were quite a long time ago." She smiled sheepishly. "I'm just trying to recall the steps, to be honest. Yes and hopefully Akari won't see that if it happens. She'd never let us hear the end of it."
"Bet she would get jealous. Not that shed ever admit it," Yasuo laughed. He soon grew more confident in his steps, loosening his muscles as well as his stiff grip he originally had on her. "Of course, I'm joking. I'm sure she doesn't have a second thought of me. Aha..." He paused for a moment thinking of what else he could say and finally decided, "have you met anyone else here yet?"
"She probably has forgotten we're here." Airi chuckled softly. She noticed he was loosening up as she did. Their moves seemed so simple now and she was sure someone would notice it. She had zoned out a little but had heard his question and shook her head. "No I haven't actually. You and Lucas are the only ones."
"I can't say I'd met anyone either," he tried his best to appear confident in his movements, his posture, and his facial expressions. "Maybe this has been what I dreamt for," he thought to himself, letting a his lips form a smirk at the thought. He subconsciously let himself move slightly closer to Airi as he continued to dance.

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