That one special Night... [Inactive]

"As your soul desires," Yasuo responded, grabbing a carton of apple juice (as he was only sixteen ((though I'm uncertain whether or not they actually had cartons of apple juice at the time))). "So, Lucas. Have you set your eyes on a woman tonight? One from the Kazuka I'd assume? Unless you had your eyes on my dear Juliana?" Yasuo joked obviously, seeing as she was only 11.

Despite the frail age of his sister, Yasuo very much enjoyed playing around with his sister and had developed a protective instinct towards her. She was quite possibly the only family member who he felt as if needed his help, and so he often provided her help and guidance of all kind.

Yasuo sipped from his grabbing a chair to sit on. "Wow, this place is mystifying, isn't it? So full of riches. Once the rest of the party arrives, I'm sure things will go wonderfully. I just sure hope Juliana will be okay in such a big party..."

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Tavian pulled one of the bottles of wine out of the bucket filled with ice and poured himself a glass, the wine was blood red, it was obviously fine wine fit for kings. He raised the glass to his lips and began drinking it, the taste of it was something that he had ever experienced before in his life. "Women of that sort would want nothing of me or at least I don't think they would. I merely come here for business opportunities and whatever deciders to come my way, my prince. He once again raised the glass up to his lips without hesitation and took another gulp but choked on some of it when Yasuo made the remark of his sister. "It truly it is my prince, these events are the things dreams are made of" He stopped to look around at the party. Tavian was beginning to lose sight of what he was doing here until he looked at his cup it was a beautiful crystal chalice. Tavian let out a sigh "Perhaps i'll enjoy myself a little bit before I do anything hasty" thought to himself starring off. "Im sure the princess will be fine my prince she dose have her brother to protect her after all, along with a army" He said with a grin on his face.
"I suppose that's true, but I just worry no one would pay her a second thought because of her age. Maybe you're right though. I suppose she'll find some way to enjoy herself," Yasuo fretted about his sister. "But on another note, you said you were looking for business opportunities? Of what sort?" Yasuo took another gulp of his drink, attempting to remain sitting straight in his chair.

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"Ah yes my business" Tavian said while setting down his glass. He adjusted the way he was sitting and looked at the Prince. "My Prince, What if I were to say I could make any piece of jewelry even more beautiful than before! Jewelry so glorious it could only be held by that of royalty." Tavian said with a bit of enthusiasm. He was sure he was selling this bluff pretty well now he was hoping the prince was going to buy it.
"A-ah, well I've never been much of one for luxury goods such as gems," he admitted, "wasting money on such things is foolish in my opinion when we can give that money to who needs it most, the lower classes. I plan on giving a large portion of my money to the thieves and peasants in my older years. Oh but I'm off topic again. Maybe I'd like to get a gem polished for Juliana. I'm sure she'd like that, yes?" Yasuo didn't realize the hypocrisy of his words. However much he wanted to help the poor and the humbled, he usually ended up spending too much money on his family members. It was a vice he was currently trying to correct.

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Tavian was a bit in shock of what he said about the peasants and giving them money " That would be quite the good deed my dear prince." Tavian said quietly but loud enough for him to hear it. Tavian knew if he swindled this man out of a gem that he would most likely hate himself for it but he knew what was on the line and was willing to live with the guilt. "I'm sure she would adore one my prince. If you have one on you it would be my honor to do this piece of work for you."
Layfon walked inside the ballroom, being greeted by many people and being bowed to. He shook his head "No need to bow.We're all civilized people. Make the best of it." he smiled and shook hands with some men and hugged woman who wanted a hug. He didnt mind being so kind. He looked over at the entrance as Akari and her sister came in. Looks like Akari was dragging her sister and now, Akari was looking around, saying hi to others. He chuckled softly

Akari giggled as they got there. She took off, saying high to the people in dresses and tux's. She never found her prince this way. Somehow she found herself by 2 boys. Looking again, She noticed it was the prince and someone else "Prince Yasuo! I didnt really expect myself to bump into you!" she giggled softly and she blushed slightly. She looked at the other boy, he was quite hansome I cannot have 2 princes. Keep it at that, Akari. I'm not going to be stupid... "Hello" she smiled warmly
Durring their conversation the women who sat next to them spooked Tavien, sense he was so close to what he wanted and what surprised him even more was that it was the princess. He was rather nervous sense he thought someone caught onto what he was doing "Good evening princess" Tavian lowered his head to in attempt to show respect. "My name is Lucas and it is my honor to meet you".
((Sorry, I understood the situation! Ignore the post that was here please!))
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Looking at Akari, Yasuo set down his drink then he started to talk to Akari "O-oh Akari of the Kazuka family! It's been awhile. It's always a pleasure," he kissed her hand before looking up at her and smiling. "And yes, this is Lucas. He shines gems." Yasuo added excitedly. "Maybe tonight will go better than I thought after all." Yasuo murmured under his breath.

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Akari giggled softly with a blush, not really used to having her hand kissed. "Well, its nice to Meet someone new huh?" she smiled and looked at Lucas, "I feel as if I know you, then again, I wouldnt remember because I see so many people in a day." she looked at Yasuo "So what were you talking about? You dont have to tell me, Prince Yasuo." she said.
Airi smiled softly as she watched her sister. The girl was so active and cheery, it could always bring a smile to her face. She observed the two men she was talking to. She recognized only one of them as Prince Yasuo. Perhaps her little sister wouldn't mind if she headed over there and join in. She was quite curious as to the identity of the other man as well so she was well motivated to join in on the conversation. She smiled softly as she headed over. "Hello Prince Yasuo. It's lovely to see you here."
Oh no, it's alright. I was just going to fix up a diamond for Juliana. I figured Juliana might like a surprise like that," Yasuo admitted shyly. "But I can always worry about that later. Surely, you don't mind, Lucas? I'll be sure to have the gem to you by the end of the night." He then turned himself to Akari, "S-so, Akari... Has the rest of your family arrived yet?"

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Akari smiled and shook her head "Nope, but my sister is here!" she looked at her sister "Hello Airi! I'm glad you kept up with me." she giggled and then folded her hands behind her back "Mr. Lucas, this is my sister, Airi, but I'm sure you already knew that." she got a bit embarassed and her cheeks turned pink "I'm sorry, im blabbering." she said and she thought to herself Gosh im so stupid!!
((Sorry, can't make too long of posts as I'm in school))

"Don't worry, Akari. You aren't blabbering," Yasuo assured her while turning her attention to Airi, "Princess look very cute, just like your sister. It's nice to see you! But seriously, you two outdid yourselves. Your dresses are phenoomonal!" He adored their fashion selections

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He felt as I he was in the hot seat at the moment considering the princess most likely has seen him somewhere. "Pherhaps the tailor?" He said quietly to himself. "Y-yes prince I shall wait for and like I said it would be of the upmost honor for me to do it." He sipped on his wine until he saw yet another one of the royal family. "I'm surrounded by royalty this is quite a thing! And it's my honor to make your aquintance princess" Tavian knew at this point surely he was being watched by guards which scared the hell out of him.
Akari looked at her sister and the prince "I'll leave you guys to talk, I wish to talk with lucas." she said as she walked over to lucas, pulling him away from his sister and the prince "You are a kind gentleman, you know that? So brave to take on a task that would make the Prince and Princess happy." she giggled softly "I like your suit by the way. it fits you well."
Airi flushed slightly. "Thank're too kind Yasuo." She smiled slightly. "I adore you attire as well. It's quite clever." She watched as Akari pulled a man away from the two. She was such a bubbly girl. She was sure her sister could handle herself. "So....How are you enjoying the ball so far?"
"Huh? W-wait, Akari! You can't just-! Ah, what's the use. It seems like your sister has turned me down for a gem polisher," Yasuo laughed rather forcefully, as he had never really talked to Airi for long periods of time before, if he had remembered correctly that is. He had seen her at various parties before though, so he had at least been around her for some time. "So uh, Airi-, er, no- Princess Airi... It's been awhile, right? Yes, I believe it has. Correct me if I'm wrong but you like animals don't you? And yes! I'm enjoying the ball very much. But really, my attire is nothing in comparison to yours."

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"Akari is unpredictable at times." Airi giggled softly. "You can call me Iri or Riri if you'd like. Formalities are not needed at the moment, right? Yes, I like animals." She nodded, a small grin forming on her face. "Again you're too kind Yasuo." She had seen Yasuo at parties but had never spoken to him for so long. She was a bit nervous and hoped it didn't show.
"Riri? ...I like it. It's adorable! I shall call you Riri from now on, if you don't mind," Yasuo was excited by the new nickname. "I don't think there are any good nicknames for Yasuo... Though I do remember being called Yo-Yo once," Yasuo admitted, "but you don't have to call me that! I mean....never mind." Yasuo was very embarrassed that he gave such a detail to one of the princesses of the Kazuka family.

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((Vin hasn't been on. But I know she'll post as soon as she gets on))

Ezra stood outside on the palace steps. He hadn't originally planned to attend the ball, he'd intended to stay home with his mother. But the sickly woman had insisted he go.

"Go, have fun! Dance with some nice girls. Who knows? You may meet your future bride." His mother smiled weakly sitting up in her bed. The covers fell, revealing a very thick white nightgown that hung loosely on her frame. Her dirty blonde hair hung lifelessly, making her cheeks look all the more shallow.

It'd taken her a bit of coercion, but she had eventually gotten the boy to put on a suit he hadn't even been aware he'd owned. Looking down at the black ensemble, he made sure his white shirt was tucked into his slacks properly and his tie was straight; he made his way up the last few remaining steps. Once inside he stopped. The entire building was gorgeous. You'd think he'd be used to seeing sights like this, with how often he was around the Hanabusa family's palace; but he'd never gone to a ball before. The young male didn't have much of a social life outside of work, his mother and Roel.

The decorations were beautiful, and the lighting made it look magical. There were a lot of people, some in really fancy clothes, others in about the same formal wear as he was in. Finally he took a breath and made his way inside. The inside was even more breathtaking. He made his way through the crowd, trying not to push too much. This wasn't the kind of situation he was used to so he figured he'd just sit back and watch for the most part. Maybe ease into it at some point. Maybe even get lucky and Roel would show up at some point and maybe talk to him for a bit before Ezra would head home. He found an open area near a window, and stood leaning against the wall while his eyes scanned over the crowd.
"Of course I don't mind." Airi giggled softly at the nickname. "Yo-Yo's a cute nickname. I hope you don't mind if I call you that." She couldn't help but giggle at his embarrassment. She had a bit embarrassing nicknames herself. But she wasn't quite ready to tell him that. She was having a pretty nice time. And she was getting less nervous by the minute.
"H-hey! Well...I mean I guess you can if you're that adamant about it, Riri..."Yasuo scratched his head considering the consequences that might follow if he allowed her to call him that name. "Just make sure Akari doesn't find out, alright?...That would be the end of me," Yasuo sighed. He took a deep breath, thinking of nothing but the party in front of him. "So have you been? What have you been up to since we saw one another last?" He asked her becoming a little more lax in his tone and diction.

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"Oh of course. Akari won't know a thing. Besides, she's a bit distracted at the moment." Airi smiled reassuringly. "I've been fine. I've been helping out with the horses, mainly with the brushing. My own horse, Shadow, prefers when I care for her. She's quite the handful at times but she's a terrific horse."

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