That one special Night... [Inactive]

((its okay! :D ))

Before layfon went into the kitchen...((this is to invcuse arnado xD I do not wish to leave people out of this rp!))

Layfon chuckled softly "It's alright, Arnado. Dont worry." he said, patting his shoulder "You do not have to say your sorry to me. Even if it was something just barely minor." he was a good prince. He never commanded people unless needed. He treated staff as if they were part of his family as well. Which made him a even better man. "Also, Arnado, Are you going to the ball? I mean, dressed up or a guard. I never seen you take time for yourself." he looked at his father "If he wants to go without guarding, would that be okay, father?"

Began to stoke his beard, his expression clearly showed he was thinking, "Hmmm.....well he can do as he wishes we will have plenty of guards as it is so Arnado you can dress in what ever you wish." Taking a his spoon he takes a bit of soup and smile tot the task.


Stood there confused not knowing what to think, it wasn't quite a order was it? The family was truly good people to let him come in another Attire? He looked to both the King and Prince, "I do not wish to offend either of you bu I will keep my armor my lords I wish to only be a guard in such events." He looked forward thinking that he has really not been to many choices not like he was ordered constantly but for them to say such a thing made him feel odd not use to such decisions.
Yasuo very much enjoyed the idea of taking Arnado to the ball as well. "He needs a break," he remarked taking a knife in hand to cut a few apples and oranges. Yasuo very much liked the knights of his family. As a kid, he used to bug them asking them all sorts of questions about their line of profession. He was always fascinated with heir swords, their armor, their subtle courage and loyalty..."I have some fruit cut if anyone wishes to indulge themselves," he said walking over to go wash his hands

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Layfon looked back at Arnado "You dont want to come to the ball and have fun, Arnado?" he asked as he brang in a platter of different fruits. He put it onto the table and fixed his sleeves. His hands had been washed before hand. "Everyone is going pretty much be there. I'm sure one guard short wouldnt do anything bad. Its about time you layed back, had fun and dance. For all your hard work, you deserve it. But if you dont want to go as a guest, its alright with me." he smiled

Stood in place watching as Layfon smiles, give me a break? I never got a break before. I prefer to keep my armor on it is what makes me feel safe, he bows to him and says, "I prefer to be a guard I am not much for festivities or dancing.
Airi yawned slightly as she opened her eyes. "Mm..." She arose and stretched a bit, smiling a little as she heard the chirping of little birds near her window. She made her way over and opened the window to greet the little creatures. "Good morning little birds." She giggled softly as the birds chirped at her. She loved the way they chirped. It sounded like sweet little music to her, though everyone might not agree.
Yasuo was a little disappointed at Arnado's reply to Layfon, as he really wished for his knights to accompany him to the ball, he understood where he was coming from. After all, Yasuo didn't particularly care for dances or festivities. But the romance if it all, it warmed his heart! He found it honorable for a knight to stay back and protect the family while there was the temptation of festivities around. He wished he could be as slow to temptation as Arnado was.

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The maid glanced over at Akari momentarily, eyebrow raised before she bowed. "Good morning your highness." She greeted, locking her hands in front of her uniform as she looked blankly towards the princess. When she spoke she tilted her head to the side, a small humm pasing her pursed lips before she shook her head. "Not much. Some simple things I can ask another maid to do. Is there something you need your highness?" She asked curiously, raising a brow to her.


Juliana nodded, swaying the bottom of her dress side to side with wide, happy eyes as she laughed softly. "I did!~" She chimed softly, glancing over at Nelii with a wide smile. "It sounds like so much fun! We will get to dance and talk to other people!~ Oh aren't you excited Nelii?" She asked, tilting her head as she looked up at the taller woman with wide, curious eyes. "Of course, Nelii will be coming with me right?"
((Back Home On my Computer!!!))


Arnado Bowed to Layfon and Yasuo and said, "If you wish my lords I can accompany either one of you if you wish." Arnado though it right to offer his service for them being so kind to him, Lord Layfon and Lord Yasuo were kind people, for them to give his a choice truely showed they were nice people, so he believes that they deserve his accompany


took a few more sips from his soup as he looked left and right he shrugs grabbing the bowl as he drinks it all down. setting it down he lets out a, "Aaaahhhh..." taking a cloth he wipes his Face.
Airi smiled at the little birds before roaming to her closet. Her eyes scanned each article of clothing she owned. "Hm...what to wear...what to wear..." After deciding and changing, she stretched once more before exiting her room. She wasn't worried about the open window. The little birds and other animals were quite clean.
"Armando, we'd love to have you! Besides, it's very knightly to accompany one's princes wherever they may go!" Yasuo attempted to subtly express his enthusiasm and appreciation for Armando's decision. "I bet you'll meet a lady there. If you need a wingman, I'd be more than happy to hook you up," Yasuo'a dedication to finding his knight a woman would not be wavered by anything. Well that's at least what Yasuo hoped

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Does anyone wish for me to skip to the time of the ball? Where everyone is going already while some are still dressing? Speak now or forever hold your cookies. lol 
Akari was freaking out right about now, she was trying to look for the perfect dress but all she kept doing was changing and changing, leaving a pike of dresses on her bed and on the floor. not sure what to pick. The maids tried helping her the best they could till they found her a dress. It was red and had a nice gold trim at the bottom. She had help with the maids getting it on and she smiled "Perfect!" she giggled softly "I'm so prince..." she went to her dresser and sat down, letting her maids do her hair. ((dress is below but not the character))

Layfon was fixing up his tie with his white suit. He thought that a white suit and a red tie would be nice. And it was. It made him seem almost like an angel. Once his tie was fixed, he walked out onto his balcony and watched as people came to the castle, the guards letting them in. There was guards everywhere. Even guarding doors that didnt need to be used. "This is going to be one good night."
Tavian inspected himself once more sense he was rather nervous but nothing changed the gold trim was still gold and his coat was still white. He went to his bedroom and placed his hand around the handle of a draw grasping it then breathing in and out. When he opened it he was greeted by the sight of his dagger "No one is going to get hurt Tavian it's just for....... A last resort." he said quietly to himself. He slipped the dagger into one of his many secret pockets as well as a lockpick. Tavian turned around and saw Troy. "Are you leaving brother?" Troy asked, Tavian didn't want to answer the question and instead kneeled down then hugged his brother for fear that he may no return. "Yes I am leaving and If I don't come back by sunrise go to uncle Ted. Do you understand Troy?" He said holding back his emotions. Troy nodded to show that he understood and Tavien went over to the nearly broken wooden door that marked the entrance into their house and placed his hand on the door feeling it the grooves in the door, He then opened it and began walking to the palace
((The dress in the picture is her dress. Don't mind the character.))

Airi smiled as she twirled around in her dress. She wanted to test it out a little before she was ready for the night. She hoped it wasn't to showy but she wasn't worried about it. It was a lovely blue dress in her opinion. She smiled in approval as she sat down to let the maids help her get ready. She was excited for tonight and nervous as well. Who knows what could happen?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/AnimeGirlBlackDress_zps19fcecf1.jpg.1c372bcdd9924e1eb8bf8f9dbba1112c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10358" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/AnimeGirlBlackDress_zps19fcecf1.jpg.1c372bcdd9924e1eb8bf8f9dbba1112c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yasuo straightened his jet black tie, shoving it between his black vest and polished, new white undershirt. He had made sure his similarly black pants were without a single wrinkle and his dress boots were polished to the toe. He unbuttoned his top button, as he found it very uncomfortable, and wore a long, intricately designed coat over his attire. He debated whether or not he should put his hair up in a small ponytail for the night but ultimately decided to ditch the idea. After all, he had a feeling one of his two brothers might wear their hair similarly. Instead, he made sure his dark long hair covered his entire forehead without blemish, the hair occasionally crossing over his eyes due to it's long length particularly in the front of his face. He sighed, hoping he looked alright. Slouched slightly forward, he rushed out of his room at a brisk pace hoping to avoid the personal inspection of his family.

((A sample of what his apparel may have looked like))
He walked silently through the night with his footsteps being his only company on the way to the palace. Tavian could easily see his breath in the cold night. "Damn this coat dosen't do jack..." He grumbled to himself

Tavian crossed the bridge which a river flowed under it and saw the Palace in the darkness of the night sky. It was definitely a beautiful sight to behold, Tavain remembers looking at it durring his younger days and always wanting to become a royal knight for his people. with that thought he lets out a quiet chuckle "Funny how things change."

He stood there near the gate leaning against the fence waiting for people to start arriving.
Yasuo, eager to see what the ball would end up looking like, had gone before his brothers and presumably before most to the location of the ball. At the gate in front, he spotted Tavian looking rather lonely leaning against the nearby fence. "Excuse me sir, but are you here for the ball?" Yasuo asked him before realizing how cold Tavian looked. "Oh, and you look very cold! you should hurry inside. Where is your pass? I'll hand it to guards for you if you so desire."
Tavian was caught rather off guard by the sudden voice speaking to him and looked up, his heart started beating as if the prince already knew what his intentions were for the night. With out hesitation he kneeled for the prince. "Y-yes that would be quite the gesture sir" Tavian did'int enjoy to this type of thing but if it got the princes approval he would be willing to do anything
Airi grinned a little as the maids finished her hair. "It looks fantastic. Thank you." The maids smiled and bowed as they left the room. She stood up and walked over to a full length mirror. Twirling around, her grin widened. "They did such a wonderful job." She stepped into her shoes and quickly left her room. She didn't want to disturb her family so she quietly headed in the direction of the ball.
Akari smiled widly once she was finished "Thank you so much!" she said and got up, rushing out "Airiiii!!! We need to get going! I wish to meet my prince tonight." she giggled as she grabbed her sister's hand "Come on slow poke! Mom and dad and the others will meet us there. Come on! I dont wanna lose my chance at finding my prince!" she really wanted to get to the ball before many other people because if more people were there, they just might take her prince and she wouldnt want anything like that.
"No need to get on one knee, sir. I dressed down specifically today so that I might avoid such formality. Really, it's alright. We're all here to have fun with one another, not to show reverence to each other. Come, join the fun! Also, do not hesitate to ask me any questions concerning the ball. I'd gladly help," Yasuo managed a sort of half smile for his new friend, beckoning him to follow him inside.
"This is you dressing down?" Tavian thought to himself as he followed Yasuo inside. He looked at the guards as they walked passed they were all armed a few even had scratches from battle against their enemies which chilled Tavian down to his core. As they walked in the dinning hall was alive with music and laughter. The aura of food hit Tavian like a hit to the face in the best of ways it was almost hypnotic for him and as he looked around the dinning hall he saw obviously important people from Merchants to Blacksmiths. "So is it true that the Kazuka family will be here tonight? Quite the beautiful daughters if I may say so." Tavian let out a small laugh. He thought about giving the prince a nudge in a joking manner but he reconsidered that sense he didn't want to be neck deep in guards.
Yasuo's mind fluttered at the idea of the Kazuka family's daughters. All the princesses he would be able to meet tonight! His face turned a bright red at the thought of it. "Yes, I guess there might be princesses here. To be honest, I hope to meet one tonight. Ah but that is beside the point. I never asked for your name! Who are you? What brings you to this ball today?"
Tavian knew telling a lie to a prince would be a criminal offense all by itself but he couldn't afford for any mistakes or leads "Lucas my name is Lucas, my prince." He said with politely then he continued on. "Shall we have a drink? Not very often I get to do so with a prince" he said letting out a obviously nervous chuckle and walked towards a table.

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