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Fantasy [temp OOC + info] ʙᴏʀʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ

If super low-key, sure. But anything can be free to obtain if you're intimidating enough.

From the detective's perspective, WE are the aberrations.
What if we have a detective npc, and he ends up pissing off the Seraphim to the point of releasing ancient horrors beyond his understanding onto the world.
What if we have a detective npc, and he ends up pissing off the Seraphim to the point of releasing ancient horrors beyond his understanding onto the world.
The irony is that when the world ends and he dies, there's a chance he gets to become an Agent and the cycle repeats itself.
And who knows, maybe we'll get an infinite loop of him going back in time to fix it, and then that story is the sequel of the current story, which is also the prequel to the current story. Talk about a time paradox. Haha.
The irony is that when the world ends and he dies, there's a chance he gets to become an Agent and the cycle repeats itself.
And who knows, maybe we'll get an infinite loop of him going back in time to fix it, and then that story is the sequel of the current story, which is also the prequel to the current story. Talk about a time paradox. Haha.
If Ze takes this and runs with it, we're all done for lmao.
... Do not use your gifts to rob a bank 😭😭😭
The seraphim are about to put these agents in those human leashes moms use on their kids.

A detective ain't a bad idea. They could show up at the end of every scene - barely missing out on witnessing something unquestionably supernatural while shaking their fists as our agents retreat.

Now I wonder who would be the agent most likely to raise this detective's suspicions. I'm betting on Fifth even though he's powerless atm, the dude will find a way to screw things up. The new magician is a good second choice.

Auda Auda
The way Gabriel's death is so goofy when compared to the way that the other agents died makes it even funnier. I can imagine them all gathering to socialize before the subject of how they all died comes up, with him desperately trying to change the subject. With him dying in such an impromptu way, I can see a lot of goals left unfulfilled. What would you say his greatest goal is, in chasing his dream of having lived a more fulfilling life? is saving other lives enough, or is he looking for something else?
I can imagine them all gathering to socialize before the subject of how they all died comes up, with him desperately trying to change the subject

Gabriel’s death is definitely his most kept secret and he’s a little glad that the people in his previous life won’t recognize him. Best believe he’ll try his damnedest to prevent the other agents knowing how he died because he didn’t want to appear as a joke to them or as someone who’s stupid enough to drown while doing a magic show.

What would you say his greatest goal is

The dream of living a more fulfilling life is his main driving force starting out since he thinks that the life he previously lived was a waste of time and now he’s given a chance to basically redo and start over with a new identity with new people etc. Although I can see that as the story progresses that he’ll slowly realize that the life he has lived before wasn’t all that bad. In a very corny way that he made children smile by being himself and he had people in his life that supported him. So, his false bravado and risky tendencies will slowly disappear, and maybe he’ll go back to being a street magician on the side making people happy on top of being an agent trying to protect people. Or maybe he’ll move on to the afterlife.
Gabriel’s death is definitely his most kept secret and he’s a little glad that the people in his previous life won’t recognize him. Best believe he’ll try his damnedest to prevent the other agents knowing how he died because he didn’t want to appear as a joke to them or as someone who’s stupid enough to drown while doing a magic show.

The dream of living a more fulfilling life is his main driving force starting out since he thinks that the life he previously lived was a waste of time and now he’s given a chance to basically redo and start over with a new identity with new people etc. Although I can see that as the story progresses that he’ll slowly realize that the life he has lived before wasn’t all that bad. In a very corny way that he made children smile by being himself and he had people in his life that supported him. So, his false bravado and risky tendencies will slowly disappear, and maybe he’ll go back to being a street magician on the side making people happy on top of being an agent trying to protect people. Or maybe he’ll move on to the afterlife.
Gabe died terribly for someone so wholesome, this is stressful ; 0 ;

That said, it'd be nice if he met Angela, talked to the literal therapist about this, in a very, very indirect way.
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That said, it'd be nice if he met Angela, talked to the literal therapist about this, in a very, very indirect way.
LMAO yeah, a huge emphasis on indirect. There will definitely some friction at first as I can see Gabriel being a pain in the ass to be paired with on missions because of his reckless nature, especially once he discovers Angela’s ability. Also the fact that he is very much avoidant when it comes to his death and past life.

There’s also a contrast between Gabriel’s life and Angela’s where he dropped out of college and struggled to find work, but it was his drive and choice to do so compared to Angela where she graduated the top of her class and has a very prestigious career but it wasn’t her choice entirely as she was forced to compromise. Idk where it’ll lead but I think there’s something we can cook up in there.
LMAO yeah, a huge emphasis on indirect. There will definitely some friction at first as I can see Gabriel being a pain in the ass to be paired with on missions because of his reckless nature, especially once he discovers Angela’s ability. Also the fact that he is very much avoidant when it comes to his death and past life.

There’s also a contrast between Gabriel’s life and Angela’s where he dropped out of college and struggled to find work, but it was his drive and choice to do so compared to Angela where she graduated the top of her class and has a very prestigious career but it wasn’t her choice entirely as she was forced to compromise. Idk where it’ll lead but I think there’s something we can cook up in there.
He realizes she's a living, breathing painkiller and decides to be her 13th reason 💀 one of these days she's gonna snap you know
Maybe there's a bit of tension, he might see Angie as someone who's the ideal for society, she shouldn't have shit to regret or worry about like the rest of them, she literally shouldn't be there, as far as he's concerned, and she's stubbornly being an eyesore out of her own ego-selfishness.
Gabriel’s death is definitely his most kept secret and he’s a little glad that the people in his previous life won’t recognize him. Best believe he’ll try his damnedest to prevent the other agents knowing how he died because he didn’t want to appear as a joke to them or as someone who’s stupid enough to drown while doing a magic show.

The dream of living a more fulfilling life is his main driving force starting out since he thinks that the life he previously lived was a waste of time and now he’s given a chance to basically redo and start over with a new identity with new people etc. Although I can see that as the story progresses that he’ll slowly realize that the life he has lived before wasn’t all that bad. In a very corny way that he made children smile by being himself and he had people in his life that supported him. So, his false bravado and risky tendencies will slowly disappear, and maybe he’ll go back to being a street magician on the side making people happy on top of being an agent trying to protect people. Or maybe he’ll move on to the afterlife.
Aw, that’s a very sweet idea! I’m confident he’ll be able to create a sort of found family among the agents. Maybe in the end it will be a mix of both, not regretting the life he had before, but coming to love the life he has now. I hope that he’ll eventually open up about his death and they’ll all be able to laugh about it and make funny little inside jokes
Lmao it totally slipped my mind to say - AURS AURS I'm gonna edit Nick's CS to honor yours by t'night o7
... Do not use your gifts to rob a bank 😭😭😭
The seraphim are about to put these agents in those human leashes moms use on their kids.
Why not? What're the Seraphim gonna do, kill us? We've been through that once already!
Maybe there's a bit of tension, he might see Angie as someone who's the ideal for society, she shouldn't have shit to regret or worry about like the rest of them, she literally shouldn't be there, as far as he's concerned, and she's stubbornly being an eyesore out of her own ego-selfishness.
Oh definitely. In their first few meetings he'll definitely start to wonder why Angela was dissatisfied with her life because in his perspective, it was a successful one. Once they get to know each other more however he'll start to realize that maybe his idea of a 'succcessful' life is not about prestige or whatnot etc. Though, I don't think he'll think of her as an eyesore or be annoyed by her pressence LMAO just curious and maybe a little jealous that she has achieved so much and they're not far off in terms of age.

Sure it was risky, though was it really his supposed amateur effort in an advanced magic technique that was at fault here? Or was it the actual fault of the locks getting stuck, the mechanism of the thing, etc;?

To be honest at the start I was planning that someone sabotaged him and his main goal is finding out who did it etc, but it didn't really fit with what I was going with. I like the idea of how he just died because he was too ambitious and he made a mistake at the end despite practicing a lot because he got too reckless. Part of it was because of the pressure but most of it was because there was a big crowd watching him and it made him feel great which then made him careless. So his death is entirely his fault. Though I guess I didn't really made that clear in the end since I kinda wanted his death to be a brief part of his history. Something that happened just fast and it ended just as quick.

And since this is modern times, besides the party gigs, did he have a social media presence of some sort centered around his magic tricks? Fans that he accrued over time, etc;?

Oh he definitely doesn't have a social media acocunt. He's too ashamed of his job of being a second-rate magician to reach his family at home so he didn't really promote himself. His reputation was growing but he has only been doing it for a couple of months so I don't think it has reached the point where he has dedicated fans or fanpages. He'll just be a go to performer when there are parties in the area and a tiktok taken of him can reach 5k likes max. He was planning on changing that once he finished his underwater trick and actually start promoting himself but.... yeah.
To be honest at the start I was planning that someone sabotaged him and his main goal is finding out who did it etc, but it didn't really fit with what I was going with. I like the idea of how he just died because he was too ambitious and he made a mistake at the end despite practicing a lot because he got too reckless. Part of it was because of the pressure but most of it was because there was a big crowd watching him and it made him feel great which then made him careless. So his death is entirely his fault. Though I guess I didn't really made that clear in the end since I kinda wanted his death to be a brief part of his history. Something that happened just fast and it ended just as quick.
If you want to go the too ambitious route/failed to work under pressure of the audience route, you could say he was so confident in his abilities (paired with the desire to give an electrifying show), that he himself made sure there was no extra safety cushion around - no emergency break-the-glass axe, no one nearby to come to his rescue, the vessel itself blocked behind barriers. He would save himself. Except of course, he fucks up the execution this one time, and despite everyone's best efforts, he drowns and cannot be resuscitated. I only say this because it wasn't exactly clear what, if any, safety precautions he was supposed to put into place for this sort of trick in the backstory

Oh he definitely doesn't have a social media acocunt. He's too ashamed of his job of being a second-rate magician to reach his family at home so he didn't really promote himself. His reputation was growing but he has only been doing it for a couple of months so I don't think it has reached the point where he has dedicated fans or fanpages. He'll just be a go to performer when there are parties in the area and a tiktok taken of him can reach 5k likes max. He was planning on changing that once he finished his underwater trick and actually start promoting himself but.... yeah.
He pursued a passion he was deep down ashamed of, interesting. My impression was that he had been doing magic for more than a few years now under that mentor of his, but he really wanted to pull something truly show-stopping for people. He never went to uni, right?
He pursued a passion he was deep down ashamed of, interesting. My impression was that he had been doing magic for more than a few years now under that mentor of his, but he really wanted to pull something truly show-stopping for people. He never went to uni, right?
Ah yeah he has only been doing it for months. That's why he wasn't good at it at all and his specialty became a magician that couldn't do tricks. Almost like a comedy sketch. He technically went to uni but didn't finish because he believed he will accomplish more if he went to the city immediately.

If you want to go the too ambitious route/failed to work under pressure of the audience route, you could say he was so confident in his abilities (paired with the desire to give an electrifying show), that he himself made sure there was no extra safety cushion around - no emergency break-the-glass axe, no one nearby to come to his rescue, the vessel itself blocked behind barriers. He would save himself. Except of course, he fucks up the execution this one time, and despite everyone's best efforts, he drowns and cannot be resuscitated. I only say this because it wasn't exactly clear what, if any, safety precautions he was supposed to put into place for this sort of trick in the backstory
I guess I left it to the reader on how they believed the accident happened. Like maybe there was a malfunction in the equipment in the middle of the trick or maybe in the moment, he forgot a crucial step that he had to do, etc,. I just wanted to show that he died in the middle of an accident in front of multiple people in hopes of elevating his image. I didn't think that how he died or the exact specifics of his death was important in his story. ><

Again, I also wanted to keep it as brief as possible in a purely artistic (?) choice. Like in my head it would be funny that I've written all his struggles, how he's trying to be worth something more and how his insecurities was affecting him so he tried to do something about it, just for all of it to abruptly end in a sentence or two.

Though I can see how being more specific about his death would clear up some confusion and help with the narrative I'm trying to push.
Zedalith Zedalith just watching us talk about all the ways we can take power for ourselves and just going "what sort of rag tag group of misfits did i get in here?"

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