Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Lia looked confused as she ate her chocolate bar contently. Yum. She looked at the boys and noticed the one standing by the cadillac and shrugged. She had hopped off the hummer before Evan sped away. Now she's sitting on the ground

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Ryker ripped his arrow out of a zeds head. He'd been cut off from Matthew and the others when the herd had come threw. He hoped they were alive but he didn't have time to dwell on it. Another zombie came at him and he shoved the gore covered arrow threw its jaw and into its brain. Blood splattered onto his face but he ignored it. He'd done some gruesome things to survive before Crawford and covering himself in blood and rotten flesh wasn't the worst. His body reeked of the dead and he had attached a severed arm to his belt for good measure. Ryker began shuffling along again trying to mimic the dead. Once and awhile one or two would see threw his disguise and he'd have to put an arrow through thier heads. Ryker heard a vehicle and saw the faint glow of headlights through the trees. It could be the others he thought hopefully before dismissing the thought. The others had abandoned them. Still the living no matter who they might be we're better company to keep than the dead. Ryker headed for the light resisting the urge to yell for help as it'd only make his situation worse. Suddenly fat drops of rain began falling threw the holes in the canopy. Ryker threw caution to the wind. Running through the trees and dodging the dead he began to yell to help.
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It's raining; it's pouring.

Everyone is going to die.

The music had given them a brief moment of rest, to develop a strategy and take a breath. Now the rain was going to kill them, like it fed the plants of the earth, it was going to drown them with walkers. Matthew had realized it first, breaking into a frenzy as the dead started to turn their rotting faces. Jon did not have a knife, he had a rifle.

He jerked the rifle's bolt lever back and upwards, a movement he had gone through time and time again. Rain coated his face as the rifle jerked back, ripping a walker's face to shreds. They were going to die if that Jeep didn't come in time. Bullet casings littered the floor as he pumped out bullet after bullet, trying to keep the walkers off his friends.

Then the sound of a horn bled through the pitter-patter of rain. He looked, seeing the Jeep seated just there, in reach. His rifle ran dry just as he whipped his head back.

"No..." Everyone around him was engaged in close quarters combat, but he couldn't help. With a shake of his head, he gripped the rifle like a spear before ramming it directly under a walker's mandible.

Jon dropped into a dead sprint and screamed in Evan's direction. "Cover me dammit!"
Aylaela watched as Lia quickly agreed and skipped into the pharmacy. How could she be so gay in this grim situation? Shaking her head, she almost goes to grab her bag, before realizing it was in the Jeep. Unhappy, she turns to Sam, wanting to help with what was within her grasp.

"Wanna head in? I can clean that up for you, if you'd like," she says, as she heads inside, even if he didn't follow.
What the-? Sam turned as Evan turned on the Jeep. The boy pressed on the gas and sped off, wheels kicking small rocks and pebbles at their feet.

"What do you think you're doing!" Sam yelled after him. That boy was reckless. Sam considered running after him, but the subtle ache of his injury forced him to back down.

A new problem arose. Sam watched them carefully. Two men with tattoos dark clothing came in their equally dark Cadillac. So many new people were arriving. He only truly knew Aylaela and Lia out of the group. The military man and the teenage girl, he didn't trust completely just yet but for now he would rely on Nathan to protect him and the original members of the group.

The two men didn't seem hostile, but Sam was ready for anything. As Aylaela entered the pharmacy upon the new guys' suggestion, Sam understood her furtive message. He followed her inside as she added that she was willing to clean up his wound for him. Sam didn't object.
Matthew yelled to the sound of the horn, and continued swinging the machete into the walker's heads. They were sliced up everywhere, until he saw someone fighting them off. Someone having trouble. Ryker. Matthew pushed past and sliced, trying his best to get to him. He finally approached Ryker, and tapped him on the shoulder. "There's a hummer up ahead! We need to fight our way to it!" Matthew yelled over the thunder blasting in the sky, he got just a few seconds before more walkers surrounded them. He had to keep fighting, he had to survive. And he was going to save Ryker too. He vowed to.

Matthew watched Ryker nod, and that's when a walker grabbed him from behind. "Shit!" Ryker yelled, then kicked it back and hit it in it's stomach. The monster fell over, and grabbed Ryker's leg. It reached in and bit.

Ryker fell over in pain, screaming from the bite on his leg. He was bitten. It was over. It was over. Matthew kicked the crawler's head in, then looked at Ryker lying on the ground.

A promise was a promise.

Matthew began hacking away at his leg, hopefully he would cut it off before the infection ran up Ryker's leg. He screamed out in pain once more, and a lightning bolt flashed across the sky.
Hunter nodded his head as he stepped back a little bit. "We should go now, ya know before it gets dark." Norman looked at Nathan with a questioning look. "So you sure you want to help us? We only have a bit of gas left but it shouldn't be a problem from getting to the gas station and back." Hunter glanced over at Norman wondering why he was questioning help. The other guy did seem suspicious with the whole army look but still they would need someone to show them where the gas station is or they could be driving around until there car runs out. Hunter stepped up again with more convincing smile and shook Nathan's hand without warning. "Nice to meet you Nathan, I'm Hunter by the way and thanks again for the offer of help but if were doing this then we should go now." Norman glanced over at the pharmacy then looked at Nathan. "Will they be alright on there own for a few?"
Lia laid down on the floor giggling. She realized they're in a pharmacy and that there's lot of pills, she could take some of those and maybe die. Silently. They'd just think she's sleeping until they try to wake her. Perfect plan

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Aylaela gestures to the counter, "Take a seat," she says before reaching in to a pocket of her pants, procuring a strip of fabric. Luckily she foresaw the possibility of being separated from her possessions and wanted to be prepared at least minimally. Pulling her canteen from her shoulder, she dampened the cloth and approached Sam.

"It may hurt just a bit," the girl says before beginning to clean the dried blood from his forehead, brushing away his damp hair to have more access to the wound, attempting to be gentle in the process. Within such close quarters, the girl felt nervous, before dismissing thoughts of romance. Aylaela looks over her shoulder, finding them alone in the pharmacy other than Lia, who was off on her own. "Do you think we should go after Evan?" She asks quietly, not sure how the newcomers would react to her plan.
It all seemed to happen so quickly. Matthew had been talking to him then suddenly he was bit. Nothing dramatic or exciting. He'd dropped his guard and the walker had taken a chunk of his leg end of story. He fell and a second later he felt the bite of steel. Good god not like this. The thought ran through Rykers head as his vision faded.
"Shit shit shit!" Matthew had cut Ryker's leg off. There was so much blood, and then Neri had shown up and given him bandages. Matthew remembered tying them up while Ryker was screaming.

He had cut off his leg.

He then pulled Ryker up over his shoulder, and looked to the area that Neri had cleared for them.

Had cut off his leg.

He dragged him by on his good arm, as the walkers closed in around them like an ocean closing up.

Cut off his leg.

Matthew made it to the van, and saw Jon, Cloe and Neri waiting there for them. Neri quickly grabbed the door, and Matthew began pushing Ryker inside.

His LEG.

Matthew had cut off Ryker's leg.

What the f**k did he do?!
Kenny walked into the small town clenching the switchblade his father gave him ever so tightly. He crept down the side of the road trying not to make any noises. As he got closer to his destination he looked down pulling his sleeve up exposing the indention of teeth marks where his flesh was broken. "Damn bite marks." He mumbled. As he got closer to his destination he started to hear voices. So he stopped.
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Sam breathed slowly as he allowed her to enter such close a proximity. It had been at least a year since he had been so close to anyone, let alone a woman. Factoring in the conditions of their current situation, he had no active intentions of pursuing Aylaela. But he couldn't stop thinking about her. Aylaela's fingers were worn, probably from the wear and tear of an apocalyptic Earth, but they were comforting as they touched his face. They reminded him of a piece of paper, repeatedly crumpled and distorted, until it's sharp dents had been bent in every which way. She tended to his wound and he became lost in her eyes.

"Sam?" She asked him. He snapped out of his daze. She had asked him about going after Evan.

"Evan. As much as I wanna go after him, I know it'll be useless. He's young and reckless but he's making his own decisions. I guess it's up to him now to endure the consequences. He'll come back, I'm sure." He said in an attempt to comfort them both. Sam took her hand and guided it to a spot of blood she missed. "Just a spot." He mumbled.
Holy. Sh*t.

Ryker's leg was gone, just gone, he couldn't even see the bloody thing within the horde of shambling corpses. The bigger thing would be if he bled out, and died. That would make their first loss to the walkers, and Christ, he couldn't deal with that. With Ryker leaking blood all over the place and the walkers closing in, he had to move fast.

Jon climbed into the truck and turned around, helping Matthew pull Ryker into the truck. How the hell Matthew even picked him up with his loss of hand, he couldn't even imagine. With Ryker in, he pulled Matthew in before shoving himself into the driver's seat. Key already in the ignition, he backed the thing up immediately, with the vehicle being jostled slightly.

Out onto the field, he assumed a position of telling people what the hell to do because no one else would do it if he didn't. "Evan! I want your shirt off your goddamn back, and Neri, I want you to put some pressure on Ryker's-" he stuttered, swallowing deeply, "bloody stump! That piece of cloth you tied on there is not going to be enough!"
Neri removed the backpack she had retained through the whole mess and dug through it pulling a bottle of water and bandages then handed it to Jon. "It's not much but it's better than using his shirt." She proceeded to do as told and placed her hands on what remained of Ryker's leg. The cut wasn't neat in the slightest and the blood-flow only made it look worse.
Aylaela stiffened at Sam's touch, dabbing at his forehead. The girl's mother had always berated her father, blaming him for the callouses and scars that marred them.

She looked down at him, finding his eyes focused on her old brown eyes, his a bright blue green. For the first time she considered if she fancied him, with his sweet acts and endearing brown hair.

"All," Aylaela paused, clearing her suddenly thick throat. "All finished, you're good as new." She said with a smile.
Kenny walked around the corner and didn't see anyone so he walked into the pharmacy. He started to get dizzy from the blood loss. Kenny didn't know anything about medicine so he decided anything would do. He looked around and spotted a bottle that read birth control. He smiled. Kenny was too short to reach the top so he climbed up using his one good arm. When he got to the third shelf the shelf started to list. He tried to keep his balance but he couldn't the cabinet fell over and pinning Kenny under it. He screamed when one of the corners of the shelf dug into his flesh. He tried to move but couldn't.
They had made it. He'd corked up the rifle, it had jammed on the last bullet, but they had fucking made it.

Ryker was bleeding out. Jon had hardly moved his lips before Evan had his shirt off. He more or less dived onto the backseat and pressed the gray cloth against Ryker's stump. Within seconds the cloth was soaked with hot blood. Bandages or not they had to keep up the pressure. He wasn't a bloody doctor but he knew that. And so he kept pushing hard and ignored the ice cold rain that splattered on his skin.

"I didn't steal this shit car just to have you die on me! Do you hear me? You’re staying fucking with us!" he ranted at Ryker.

His knuckles were white from applying the pressure and still blood would come through. "Get the bandages on," he hissed at Neri as he put his inconsiderable weight behind his hands. Why the hell was she throwing het stuff at Jon? He was driving and trying to get them out of this hellhole. "Come on lend me a hand here!" He was getting desparate now, so much blood, Ryker looked terribly pale and there wasn't a nurse among them to tell him what to do.

His infernal gaze crashed down on Cloe and he assumed his position as second in command, "Come on, do something! He's bleeding out! Matthew, keep those walkers off us, Neri you too! Cloe, get the bandage!"

He hadn't risked his life and left behind Aylaela, Sam, and Daisy just to watch poor Ryker bleed out. It was his fault after all. If he'd refused to take Ryker's assualt rifle, he would've been able to defend himself. A tidal wave of guilt crashed into his mind, no matter what he did, someone would always be fucked over for it.
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He had walked at least two miles already. When he walked close to the box from where the music still came out, weakly, he saw hundreds of walkers surrounding it. Bye bye old world. It was time for him to settle, and the only way he could do that was making direct contact with the group and hope they would trust him. It was weird that the walkers weren’t noticing , since he had the bow and the quiver on his back and the small axe on his hand, but they just didn’t seemed to care. Only the smell mattered, and the sound, which wasn’t a problem for him, who was always so quiet.

Far away, he saw a pharmacy. It would be good to check it, see if there was something that hadn't been looted yet. He just had to start his inventory again, make an emergency kit, gather supplies of all kinds. As he got closer, he heard something. Maybe voices, maybe something falling. Maybe it was only on his head. The walkers were calm nearby. He was just outside the pharmacy, and then heard it more clearly. Voices. Well, it could still be only on his head. He knocked on the door three times, firmly, as some sort of intimidation.

"Hello, is there anybody in there?"
Sam grinned she finished patching him up.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." Sam spoke. For a second, he was frozen. He sat still, just gazing at her like a curious explorer to the night sky. He imagined her freckles as stellar objects. Facial constellations. Her birth features like cosmic connect-the-dots.

And then he heard the door knock. Sam realized he was still holding her hand, as if he subconsciously didn't want to let her go. He quickly released her fingers from his nervous grasp and apologized.

"Sorry, you might need that." He add with a chuckle. Sam looked in the direction of the noise, hoping someone else had heard it to.

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"Hey!" Lia sat up and looked at Sam and Aylaela. "You two should kisssss" she made kissy noises then laughed

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Kenny cursed under his breath and then yelled "Help!". The shelf started to dig into his flesh more. He started to whimper."Please." His vision was getting blurry. He thought about how stupid it would look if he died from trying to binge on BC, to numb his pain.
Matthew had pulled out his gun to deal with the walkers now, as the machete had started becoming less efficient. Bullets fired through the air, whizzing straight into the walker's heads and bringing them down. There were too many though. Between him and Neri protecting the truck, they still couldn't put a dent in the herd. Matthew realized that the hummer was starting to move, so he ran and jumped inside.


"So, Braeden, when are we going to go and check on who those guys are?" Cynthia sat inside the corner of the building, looking at the man who was once her enemy. "We are going to see them, right? I mean they seem friendly enough." Cynthia looked at him with her eyebrow raised, then peered out the window again. "I mean, if they were dangerous they probably would have killed those two men who walked up." She put her hands in her hoodie pockets and looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

They hadn't failed her yet.
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Aylaela hastily backed away from Sam, placing the bloodstained cloth on the counter. Lia didn't help by adding her two cents, causing warmth to flood her cheeks in a blush, such thoughts not having evaded her. The knock on the door startled the girl from the awkward situation, causing her to pick up the tire iron left on the floor.

"Yeah," she said with a hesitant laugh, pulling the gun from her pocket and placing it beside Sam. "Go ahead and hold onto that for Evan?" She suggests, glad to be rid of the weapon that weighed heavily in her pocket.

Before she could do anything about the door, a scream pierced the relative quiet of the pharmacy, a shelf having fallen over onto a form. "What the..." Aylaela said, shocked that anyone else was inside with them. A cry for help rang out and the girl pointed to the fallen shelf. "You two, can you handle that?"

Turning, she faced the door, twisting the handle, pushing it outwards and backing up quickly, holding the weapon in her hand like a bat. "Can I help you this fine day?" Aylaela said to the stranger on the other side, the sarcastic remark slipping from her lips as a release of the tension that had building in the girl's shoulders and neck.


Braeden sighed as the young girl began talking again, seemingly having an opinion on everything. He looked across the street where the two were hiding, watching this other group. They seemed friendly, but then again the last group he was with had seemed friendly at first too.

Looking back at Cynthia to tell her no, he saw her giving him that aggravating look like he was the only one who could solve the problems of the world. Shaking his head he muttered to himself, "Everytime."

"Okay, we'll check it out. But stay with me, alright? If it turns sour, we're out, got it?" He asks the girl, looking across the street once more as he stands, hand on his gun in preparation for the worst.
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John analyzed the woman on front of him. Interesting. He forgot the name he had given to her on his notes. "You could help me. You see, it's kinda dangerous out here", he smiled. "Couldn't you help a fellow on these hard times? I could use a few antibiotics, if you have any. And that's a far is at goes, just let me in, I'll grab a feel stuff you won't be needing anyway, and then I'll walk away", he pointed at one of the shelves. Just now he stopped and smelled the horrible scent that came out of him. He was disgusting, and had a sudden urge to puke. But he kept controlled and looked back at the woman.

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