Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

The Jeep sped away briskly, past the walker hordes and directly into the town of Wickford. Jon swerved the Jeep into an exact parallel park in front of the pharmacy. He ripped the pistol out of Matthew's hand as soon as he got comfortable, not thinking about his actions in the slightest. With a step onto the dashboard, he blasted exactly three shots into the air before screaming out.

"Okay, I don't care who the f**k you are, but there is a horde of walkers down that goddamn road!" He jabbed his hand out in the direction out of town. "I don't care if you're hungry, dead, or have lost you're goddamn mind! All of you motherf***ers are going to grab all the sh*t you can in that pharmacy and all the injured are getting in this Jeep and we are rolling out of here before we all die! You f***ing stall and I will shoot you myself!"

Jonathan Taylor closed his mouth, out of breath and cheeks blasted red. He swallowed his spit, breathing in immediately after. His eyes drew to his gun and stared at it for a moment.

He could end this entire nightmare right now, maybe Mom is on the other side.

His breath ran ragged, struggling for air, gasping for oxygen. Jon dropped the gun in the backseats and swiftly sat down, gasping for air as he hoped that these idiots would get a move on.
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John turned around, hearing the gunshots, confused. He smiled seeing the face of Jon. He placed his hands behind his head. "Chill man, why all the rage? We're all friends around here, and everything will be fine. Unless, of course, some idiot starts to shoots to the air attracting every walker in a three miles radius causes our death. You'll get your supplies, and we'll get out of here in a second", he smiled to Jon and turned back to the woman in the door of the pharmacy.
Aylaela paused, watching the man in front of her with wary eyes. So much was happening all at once, suddenly alleviated by the Jeep's sudden appearance and Jon shooting into the sky, a crazy sight to behold.

His words shocked her, seeing a hardened slightly crazy, but who wasn't, man who took the lead. To the stranger before her, Aylaela gestured to the pharmacy, "All yours buddy." With that, the girl went back to help Sam and Lia if need be, though neither seemed to be going to the aid of the form beneath the shelves. Looking to it, she saw what was truly there, a threat to the small family she had acquired. If the new man or Lia wanted to help the person, they could, but the girl resolved to get Sam into a vehicle as her top priority.

Taking his hand, partially to get him moving and to stead him, Aylaela began guiding him out the door with a firm hold. Finally outside, the girl looked around at their group, realizing there didn't seem to be any real danger other than injuries. She dropped Sam's hand in shame, having acted so rashly when she thought they would be in immediate danger.
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Cynthia smiled, then followed close behind Braeden as they approached the group. She still kept her hand wrapped around her gun, which was still waiting inside her hoodie pockets. She wasn't exactly itching to shoot it, but she does like to every once in a while. But, Y'now, on a walker, not a person. She just vaguely remembered the time that she had accidentally shot a strand of Braeden's hair off.

Cynthia almost laughed at the thought, but then remembered that she was supposed to be serious. Very serious. Serious. Yes. She didn't want to get them shot. Couldn't ever live that one down. Ha! She had made a joke in her mind. Who would've guessed that a ten year old would make a joke like that. She kept walking with Braeden, but then she heard the roar of an engine, and then a hummer pulled into the town, in front of the pharmacy. An angry man came jumping out and yelling, dropping orders and swearing. A lot. "What are we going to do Braeden?"


"What the hell are you doing Jon?!" Matthew suddenly realized that his gun had been snatched away from his hands, and now he was waving it around like it wasn't a dangerous weapon. Jon had gone insane. Batshit, f**king insane. He had stole his gun, and now he was threatening the people in his own group?! "If you're trying to lead these people you don't threaten them! That just causes mor- uh, wh-what?" Matthew stopped in his tracks. There was a little girl standing over there.

The little girl was looking back at him with her mouth wide open.

Matthew realized he was crying. He was crying. He hugged Cynthia with all his might, and she dug her head into his chest. She was crying. He was crying. "Cynthia, oh my god you're alive. Oh my god, please. Please never leave again." Matthew attempted to hold back tears, but he couldn't. He just kept holding onto Cynthia, like she was the only thing left in the world.

Jon would be dealt with later.
Cloe had bandaged Ryker's leg and relieved Evan of his task to apply pressure. Shirtless and out of breath he cringed when Jon lost his marbles.

The horde wasn't chasing them as far as he could tell, it was a half hour drive, those fools couldn't walk straight for three seconds.

He jumped out of the jeep yanked the door of the drivers seat open and pulled Jon out and onto the asphalt. "Simmer down. You're imagining things!"

He almost regretted having saved Jon and made his point by kicking him in the gut. "The walkers are gone. We have supplies here. We can live here. I am not letting you take our chance at peace!"
Braeden stepped back from the sight, mission fulfilled in a way he had not expected. The man from so long ago that those bastards had shot was here before them, resurrected from his injuries, though he couldn't remember for the life of him if the father had not had a hand before. Taking a deep breath, the man's hand slide from his gun to his side, not seeing a threat in this reunion.

A slight pang touched Braeden's heart as he watched the two, crying together in eachother's arms. He would miss taking care of the small girl, wishing not for the first time his family was with him now.

As if summoned by his thoughts, before him his sister came charging from the pharmacy in front of them like some kind of avenging angel in her purpose. Though attached to her was another male, the hand was quickly dropped once they were outside.

"Aylaela?" He called tentatively, his voice almost failing him as he called to the sister he thought he would never lay eyes on again. The girl whipped up her head, jaw dropping at the sight before her. Tears came to Braeden for the first time in forever, spilling over as the girl's body slammed into his, and he gripped her tightly, burying his face in her shoulder that smelled so much like home. The man choked out his next words, dreading the answer, "Mom? Dad...? Claeria?" He asked, pulling the girl back to look into her wet eyes.

She only shook her head, lip quivering at the thought and more tears spilling down her cheeks. Braeden pulled his sister back to his chest, tightly holding her in his arms.
While putting various kinds of medicine inside the quiver, he looked at the people around. No strangers to him, that was good. He yelled: "Somebody please get a goddamn box". He heard the boy outside and a confusion restarted. He went outside, smiling to the girl on the door. She was better at close sight. He turned back to the boy. "Hey douchebag", he pointed to the boy with his finger. "Did you actually just said that you guys can live here? You really can't be that stupid. Let me just set something straight: There's no place to live. Accept the fact that this things can break down every wall and maybe you'll actually get somewhere".
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Lia watched Aylaela lunch herself into a unfamiliar boys arms. She shrugged and mumbled things about her birthday. She giggled to herself. She sat up pulling her knees to her chest looking at the chocolate bar she found

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That ballsy kid had pulled him onto the pavement, telling him to calm down, everyone was telling him to calm down, but how could he. That horde wasn't exactly that far away, was it, and there was all these people and Ryker had lost his leg and now he was crying.

Jon was on his hands and knees, tears falling onto the ground, he couldn't just keep his gob shut, speaking between sobs, "I just can't handle this anymore..."

Now this ***hole was yelling at Evan, it sent Jon over the end. A foot up first, then he stood up. With a finger, he jabbed at this new man's, "Do you wanna f**king start something? You better apologize to Evan before I reconsider my previous idea of shooting people."

It was official, he had lost it completely.
John went mad, his face turning red. "Not my bloody fault if you guys are actually that much of dreamers. F*ck it. I'm out of this. Have fun with whatever you guys decide to do, but if you keep getting that careless, the kid won't last for much long and...", the face of John turned back to normal. He looked at Evan. "Sorry kid, I guess we're all a bit out of control".
Evan stormed up to Jon and grabbed him by the collar. He had to stand on his toes to reach the man's neck but he didn't care. With all his power he shoved him into the jeep before he would hurt anyone else. "Look at me!" his face was red with emotion and he knew not whether to cry or be angry. "Look at me! You don't understand...I don't understand why this all happened, why we're alive! I-I don't want to live like a coward, I don't want to be scared anymore. This is a good place, there are supplies here, there's people here. What are you afraid of? Jon, I saved you, I came back for you! Can't we try to live together?" as soon as his rage had ignited it had now extinguished and he feared Jon's retaliation, if it would come to that. He shot a look at the stranger who said it was hopeless. "That goes for you too. Are you two even adults? Giving up so easily?" He let go of Jon and pointed his finger to the forest. "Look. Look dammit! No walkers. we're save here. You're going to sit down now, right here until you've come to your senses again, is that understood?"
"Hold on a second Cynthia, I really need to deal with this situation. I promise I'll be right back, ok?" Matthew stood up, and looked over to where Jon was yelling. His face grimaced, and he grew angry. But Matthew knew he had to keep his cool. He had to.

"Jon, look, Jon, calm down!" Jon was going insane. Batshit insane. "Jon, listen! You need to stop this right now!"
Jon was more surprised art Evan's ferocity than anything else. He understood every word he was saying, his senses were coming back to him. Matthew was right, they all were right.

He rubbed a hand over his eyes, wiping the built up tears away. With a deep breath in, he started, "Okay, I know you don't have to listen to me, but.." he drew it more air, "There's new people, both of you please get everyone in the building, get them seated, pass around some food, whatever, let's get everything sorted out."

That was it, that was all he was gonna say.
Evan backed down and looked at the wreckage of a man before him. It had worked, that suprised him more than anything. Jon had regained his senses. Silently he picked up his blood soaked shirt from the jeep and put it on, he didn't have anything else.

Part of him wanted to walk past Jon, but he couldn't bring himself to it. For once, he felt listened to and it was the best feeling. "Thank you Jon," he said as he hugged him briefly, pressing his nose into the man's chest. Then he broke the contact, "will you help me carry Ryker inside?"

Cloe left Ryker to their care and saunterex after Neri. Evan looked up at the darkened sky, the rain was washing their tracks and scent away.

Everything was going to be alright.
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He looked at Evan. He smiled when he saw how the boy was still so hopeful. "It's a nice way to think kid, but have you looked around? I'm not giving up. You're not giving up. None of us is giving up, but settling somewhere will never work. I believe more than 70 percent of our kind is now monsters like these. Nobody can make it staying in only one place", he looked at the floor, remembering. A tear escaped his eye. "Trust me I know. But, you guys do seem to deserve a rest, and walkers won't be here 'til at least eight hours from now". John returned to the pharmacy, turning his back to Evan, trusting in the boy and seeing that the raging man was thinking better. He pulled a rabbit out of the quiver, still with all the fur, and throwed it on the ground. "Here's a meal for whoever interested".
"That includes you too." Neri mumbled as she walked passed them and left the rain for the dry store. She was exhausted, she wanted to lay down somewhere and not wake up for a few days or maybe ever. Not because she wanted to die or anything, she was just damn tired these past months of hell on earth. She was almost always frustrated or angry about something and it had come to the point where she was tired of doing that.

She leaned against the the closest wall to a window and slid down it to fall seated, wheres she decided to stay until she was hungry enough to get up and get food or fall asleep.
After their teary reunion, the siblings broke apart, Braeden laying a protective arm on his sister's shoulder. Had he know she was in the pharmacy, only a street away, he would've come without prompting.

Now, he watched the event play out before him, the man losing his control and the father and a kid stepping in. Aylaela attempted to move forward, no doubt to help, but he kept a firm grip, keeping her beside him. What had his sister gotten herself into? Braeden placed a reassuring hand on the small girl's shoulder beside him, all that time protecting the child not easily brushed aside.

Quietly the man turned his head to Aylaela, voice at a whisper, "We should go, these people don't look good." Braeden was hesitant to trust anyone he didn't know, having seen what humans were capable of.

His younger sister looked up into his icy blue eyes, a fiery look within her own, "These people are safe, and their my people too. We can't just leave them." She said, matching his quiet tone.

Sighing, the man looked over the group with wary eyes, "Fine, but if this doesn't work out, we're leaving." And with that the two headed indoors at the call, separating but standing close, not eager to be apart after so long.
Evan had hugged him. To him, that was trust, there was a mutual feeling of care between them and he promised himself then and there he would never do that again.

The world had gone to hell and the least he could do was not echo the madness.

Nodding in answer to Evan's question, he stood up, climbing over the backseats and pulling up Ryker by the man's arms, Jon's chest to Ryker's chest. In a quick moment, he hoisted Ryker onto his shoulder before carrying him into the pharmacy. "I've got it Ev."

He set Ryker to sit far enough from the entrance so that the others could tend to him. With that final act, he sat down behind the cash register. He would get up later, right now, he needed to rest.
"We're all friends again. That's good." Matthew looked at the poor broken man. "Jon, look, I'm sorry this is happening to you. Look, I understand. I understand why you're angry. It's just... Everything. But you can't let it consume you. You can't merge with this world. You have to keep what remains of what you used to be. It's hard, I know. But, I guess you have to try hard in this world. Look, I'll help you two bring Ryker in, but then I have something I gotta look into. Ok?" Matthew walked over to get Evan, but was stopped by a tug at his hoodie. Cynthia. Matthew looked towards where Ryker had been, then realized that Jon was picking him up and carrying him away.

"Can I meet them?" Cynthia asked, but Matthew shook his head. "Not right now, it really isn't a good idea. I'm sorry, maybe in the morning, when the rain stops. Ok?" Cynthia nodded, and Matthew rubbed her head.
John walked around the pharmacy. He was starting to think about his wife, when he saw a shelf down. He looked under it, and was breathless. There was a boy under it. He shouted "F*ck! Hey everybody, get over here!" He tried to lift the shelf alone, waiting for help. The shelf was too heavy, the boy was almost dead, already unconscious.

"Wake up, goddamit!!!"
"Oh no. Cynthia, come on let's go!" Matthew and Cynthia ran around the corner, then into the pharmacy. John was trying to lift a shelf off of a kid, and was desperately calling for help. Matthew grabbed one side and began lifting with his one hand, and then Cynthia ran over to his aid. They kept pushing, and pushing. Why was the goddamn shelf so heavy? Finally, the shelf came up and off of the boy. Matthew ran over to him, and started pulling him out. The shelf dropped back down where the kid had once been, while Matthew started breathing heavily on the floor, and Cynthia leaned over and held her knees.
The rain tick-tacked peacefully against the roof. Everyone was inside, everyone was save. More people had joined, unknown faces. A young girl and another boy, moaning and squirming, caught his eye before he returned his attention to Ryker. Matthew seemed to have the little lad covered.

He couldn't tell if the boy was unconsious or not, so he grinded the antibiotics between his fingers, opened Ryker's mouth and sprinkled the medicine on his tongue. He fetched a bottle of water and made him drink some. For a second he worried Ryker would choke on the water, but he didn't. "Stay alive will you," he sighed as he did his best to make a cushion for the boy out of some clothes he had found upstairs.

He considered himself dammed lucky that there were no walkers on the first floor, as he had walked up unarmed and dazed by the events of the day. After he had taken care of Ryker, he went into the small bathroom and looked in the mirror. He hardly recognised himself. His hair had darkened and plastered itself to his forehead, his shirt was different shades of red, Ryker's blood, and his jeans were even more torn up than before. He tried the water tap, much to his excitement it still worked and he washed his face and chest before he shared the goods news with the others. He found an oversized t-shirt in another room and exchanged it for his own. There were a few beds on the first floor and with the help of Cloe he carried Ryker upstairs.

No sooner then he'd done so he dropped into another bed and fell soundly asleep. He'd never worked so hard in his life.
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Matthew, Cynthia and John had grabbed the kid and brought him to the pharmacy. This day had really sucked so far. There were too many new people, the group was using up all of their supplies on these injuries, Ryker's leg was chopped off, and then Jon had gone insane. Matthew sighed. At least he had found Cynthia. Maybe this was actually the best day of his life. He had found his long lost daughter again. And that was all that mattered, right?

Matthew smiled at her, as they carefully placed the kid on a bed. All in a day's work. He looked up to the man, and nodded slightly. "I think we're headed off to bed. This has been a hot of a rough day. But I'm sure it'll be fine tomorrow, eh?" Matthew wasn't too sure about his statement's hold, but maybe it would be a good day tomorrow. Yeah, and maybe unicorns would come from the sky and kill all the zombies.

At least he still had Cynthia. Eventually, they found room in the pharmacy where Evan was also staying. Matthew found a sleeping bag in one of the drawers, and with Cynthia and him back to back, they went to sleep.
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