Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

The man walked off, letting them be oddly enough. Aylaela lowered the gun, never having taken the safety off the weapon, and tucked it into one of the many pockets of her cargo pants.

Aylaela placed a light hand on Evan's shoulder, a mirror of their previous situation. "You did well," she told him quietly, seeing his unstable state.

Then she turned her eyes to the other girl in the pharmacy, not particularly seeing a threat in her. Though the reassuring weight of the weapon in her hand may have influenced the thought. Evan voiced his question and Aylaela waited for the answer and possibly even a name, scanning the area for supplies.
Suddenly a boy entered the shop, commanding her to get down. The safety still clicked, she as if it was a reflex picked up the gun and pointed it at him. Nathan negotiated with the boy and girl for a while before he got him to put the gun down. Daisy dropped hers a bit, and replied, "I'm Daisy. Been holed up in this Pharmacy since yesterday. I'm alone. Dad was killed three months ago." She kept her eyes steadily on the boy, who reminded her vaguely of her brother.
"Evan? Are you okay?"

Lia's voice was faint to his ears, like a distant call in the mountains. He turned around, trembling visibly, wanting to say her that of course he was okay and that she had little reason to worry about him. And yet she did. Out of all people, he hadn’t expected her to voice concernt for him in a million years. But she had. She offered him help in spite of the terrible things he’d said to her.

"You did well,"

The rifle fell uselessly to the ground. He'd been nothing short of ingrateful to all of them, but to Lia especially. Slowly, he turned around to face her. “I don’t know Lia,” his eyes flicked up to the ceiling and remained fixed on it, as if it could resolve all his worries. He shut his eyes and gagged. Cruel. He’d been so cruel to Lia, he’d judged her and done her wrong. Short straw wasn’t a nickname, it was a mock name, he had to restrain himself better. His gaze was trained on the ceiling still as he didn’t dare to meet her eyes. “I am so sorry Lia. I am so sorry for what I said, so sorry for everything. You were right to be mad.”

He barely heard the girl who introduced herself as Daisy. She kept her eyes trained on him and he returned a hazy gaze until she became a blur. They'd lost Matthew, and Jon, and Ryker, and Neri, and all the others, it made him sick to his stomach. Matthew had warned him against his recklessness and he had dispelled it like some old fool's ramblings. He'd been right, but he was gone now, along with everyone else. There had been too many walkers and too little ammo. Already he could imagine a turned Jon clawing at him, biting his leg off, or his arm. He stumbled to the side, clutching one hand to his stomach. Hunched over he made his way to the farthest corner of the shop and puked. All the horror, everything he should've felt the last two weeks left through his mouth.


His heart skipped a beat. Had Sam been shot? He looked up at Aylaela and Lia for help, he couldn't stand to take the lead anymore.
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Lia went to look for more inhalers to stock up on. She needed more. She hopped behind the counter and rummaged she found multiple ones of hers. She smiled and put them in her backpack

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Nathan checked a few houses and then he found one with a garage. "This could be interesting" he says. He knocks the door off its hinges and turns on hi flashlight: the house is pitch black. He looks around and lets out a muffled yell as he finds that a room is filled with body parts and gore. There where at least 4 walkers feeding off the corpses. He lifts his gun to hip level and lets out a volley of rounds at the walkers, killing them instantly. He picks through the gore, holding back the urge to puke. At last, he finds the keys to the garage. He opens it and, to his surprise, he sees a military class HMMWV (humvee) perfectly intact. He climbs on, turns the ignition key and the car starts. "Well, at least I have some good luck today" He crashes right through the garage door and drives around, remembering his intruction back at the military school.
Sam leaned on Lia for support. Everything seemed to be spinning as they walked towards the entrance. A large object, a blur of black, green, and gray whooshed past and Sam almost jumped backwards. As they found themselves inside the pharmacy, Sam looked back just in time to see someone in military dress walk down the street. He was thought he was seeing things. Sam just shrugged.

As they entered, he saw Aylaela, facing the medicine counter, her back towards him and a single even brown braid ran down her back. He saw her handle Evan's gun and he almost laughed. Aylaela, with a gun? He imagined the nervous fingers of a little girl's first piano recital, hovering over the black keys like he imagined Aylaela with a trigger. He dismissed the thought and looked around some more.

The pharmacy, for the most part, was empty. A few boxes here and there. A transparent Mandarin orange colored bottle spilling its contents across the tiles like the result of a game of Jenga. Evan carried an assault rifle that looked almost as large as the boy's torso. Sam rested in a chair as Lia went to look for something.

There was another girl in the pharmacy, one he didn't recognize. As Sam came to, he heard several gunshots in the far distance. Probably the military person, he mused. Sam stood up and asked openly, "I miss anything?"

Sam flinched as he heard a gunshot, this time close by. His hand automatically went to the back of his jeans where his pistol was. The metal of the firearm was almost comforting.
Aylaela watched as Lia walked past her into the pharmacy, hopping the counter to find God only knew. Did she just decide to leave Sam wounded and to his own devices? Evan began to apologize to Lia, seemingly out of the blue, but she could only smile lightly, proud he'd taken the higher road.

A shot rang outside of the pharmacy, causing Aylaela to whip around in a moment of ind panic for their member left outside. Though Sam was only sitting within the pharmacy, slightly pale with his brown hair plastered to his forehead in a sickly sweat.

Another round went off, startling Aylaela. Was that military man practicing his aim? The girl frowned, even more on edge than before in this too quiet town.

With a last look at the new girl, Daisy she had said, Aylaela walked over to Sam as he stood. He asked his question and she sighed, explaining their hasty retreat and how they ended up here in quiet tones, wary of the teen nearby.

"How about you sit and I'll try my best to fix you up, hm?" She suggested, worried that the wound left unattended would be trouble.
(Herd posts get their own soundtrack :P

Where was Ryker? Matthew couldn't see him anywhere, he was just gone. Matthew shook his head, as a large abundance of walkers were pouring into the field. He began smearing more walker guys on him, then looked at Jon, Cloe and Neri. "We walk like them, and we sound like them, then we should be fine." The walkers were now passing them, completely ignoring their "fellow zombies." Matthew turned around, and began limping with them. He turned around a tiny bit so he could start heading down the road.

They were watching him.

Matthew turned again so that he could start following the herd again, and hoped that the others would follow suit. There were so many walkers. Thousands of them, in this one field. The military music was quite loud, so it very likely attracted many zombies. Not to mention the gunshots, and of course the Crawford residents.

Matthew continued walking with the herd. He had to act exactly like them just so they wouldn't notice him.

**** everything.
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When Nathan was pleased with his driving, he decided to pass by the pharmacy to warn the others of the walkers in the city. He drives as fast as he can to the pharmacy, engine blazing. He stops the car abruptly as he jumps out. He walk-runs into the pharmacy and says "There are actually walkers here. I would not stay"
Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, he wobbled back to the counter. "We have to go," he said to the girl, his voice raspy and dry. He grabbed some aspirin, antibiotics and some other medicines which he couldn't identify. He poured the pile of pills and plastic jars onto the counter. "Do you have a bag?" he asked the girl as he brushed a drop of sweat off his brow. "If you're alone, you should come with us. Being alone is the worst." He turned away from her to sneeze.
Sam stepped backwards only to stumble back into his chair. He said, "Naw, I'm fine. Really. It's not that big of a deal." He wiped a bead of sweat off his eyebrow and stood up again.
Aylaela locked her jaw, deciding not to pursue it, at least not right this moment. She observed Sam's shaky movements, unhappy with what she was seeing.

Sighing, she headed outside to grab her bag, encountering the military man with a car he must've grabbed. At his words Aylaela snorted, "There's walkers everywhere, it's just a matter of avoiding them."

Retrieving her backpack she pauses, looking back at the man, "You could stay with us and help if you like, we need supplies, and another car wouldn't hurt either." Aylaela offers, knowing that if they were to find Matthew and the others, they would need another vehicle to hold them all so something like this doesn't happen again.
Lia got all the inhalers over the kind she needed then jumped over the counter and walked back over to Sam to see if he's okay then looked at Evan, "are you sure you're okay bud?" She raised an eyebrow.

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John felt an urge to shout. He was walking on the woods, and never felt more alone, with only the smell of dead fluids over his body. He left his backpack as a bait, and forgot all the food, the notepad, his “emergency song”, the pen... All of his notes were gone. All that was left with him was the bow and the quiver with his six handmade arrows, the small axe that he now carried on his hand, the military knife on his pocket, the lighter on the other pocket, the revolver, still stuc k on the back of his pants, and the dead rabbit, inside the quiver. He was tired, maybe it was already time to set camp. All the walkers where gone, following the sound of the military song, that was getting weaker every minute. He sat on the floor, leaning on a tree. He took the rabbit out of the quiver and the knife out of the pocket and started skinning it. He heard the sound of leaves crushing next to him. The image of his father appeared, coming out of the woods. John stopped skinning the rabbit. His face assumed an enraged position, like he was ready to jump at the illusion of his dad at any minute.

“Are you happy to see me, son?”, his father said, with a psychopatic smile on his face. John didn’t answered, and started to skin the rabbit again. “Tell me, what was all that bullsh*t up there? The military song on the box? Trying to be a hero now John?”, his father kneeled next to him, as he was cutting of the rabbit ears. John tried his best not to look at the illusion. “You’re not real”, John said, returning to this usual calm and controlled emotions. “Indeed, I am not real. It must be your brain just trying to tell you something. Self protection, perhaps. That thing you just did, it was something really stupid. You’re still in great danger, with all these walkers in the wood, way more than it was before.”, his dad still smiled with a joyful craziness. “We’re all in danger, we’re the danger”, said John, while crossing a stick through the rabbit body. “Your time’s coming John. Your value on this equation is no longer useful. The walkers will get you before you can see them coming”, said the father, laughing loudly. John laughed. “Not if I can get them first”, John mumbled, smiling. The illusion of his father disappeared. John gathered a lot of dry leaves and lit them up with the lighter, and them throwed dry branches in it. He placed the rabbit on a stick over the fire, and watched it burning slowly. In his head, he wondered how was the group doing. Things would be harder now. He lost the binoculars and now would have to find another way to watch them. Would be nice to check on them after the meal, starting for the most careful ones, the responsible ones. He was ready to take a walk, after all, he was full of walker blood and guts all over him. It was time to look in their eyes.
Daisy got cautious as the boy came closer to her, but he seemed sick so she let him take the medicine. "Yeah, it's stock full of food and medicine." She pointed her thumb backwards towards her backpack, hopping off the counter. "Well, who's 'us'?" She asked this tentatively, because Daisy didn't trust many people, and the more people, the more chances to be betrayed. She thought of her father, getting ripped apart, his wide eyes staring at her as he screamed for her to go. She remembered her neighbor, looking at her without even a shred of guilt as he sprinted off. She remembered grabbing the photo, and leaving. For good. Bringing herself back to reality, Daisy blinked. She hoped he hadn't said anything.
Nathan chuckles at the woman's offer of staying with the group. "I'd love to help you, really. But I'm positive most of you don't trust me. I'd love to tag along, for being a lone wolf does get back to you and you can end up going mad. But before you let me come with you, you should ask the other members of your team."
"are you sure you're okay bud?"

Evan shook his head, then shrugged. "I am feeling a little nauseous, but I can walk." He looked at Lia, the faintest of smiles curling his lips. "Thanks though," he said softly.

"Well, who's 'us'?"

The girl looked a little flustered. He couldn't blame her, he hadn't been eager to trust Sam and Aylaela either, but now that he did, he never wanted to be alone again. "Us is, well us is alot of people, but we got split up so now us is Sam," he pointed outside, "and Aylaela, and Lia here." He offered his hand to her, "I am Evan. Look, if I was an enemy I could've shot you a thousand times by now. But good people have to stick together, right? I travelled by myself for a while, I know how much it sucks."
Aylaela nodded slowly at the man's answer. He seemed intimidating, but good in his intentions. "I think I'll do just that," she says, heading back into the pharmacy.

Aylaela scanned the small area, seeing Evan talking with the two girls and in a good nature as well, which bodes well for their small group. Her brow furrowed as she looked between Sam and Evan, seeing that each seemed to be under their own weaknesses.

"The man outside, the one in the military, he has a car. And I figure he's as good as any to have with us right now honestly," she says, seeing as their group right now was three females and two sickening males, not exactly what one would call strong.

He held out his hand to her, and she took it, shaking it gently. "Nice to meet you Evan. And yeah, I guess." The way he talked, reassured her, it was like he was her brother reincarnated. She smiled for the first time in months, and nodded. She looked at Aylaela outside, and Lia inside and nodded once more. Readjusting her backpack, she opened it, and pulled out a candy bar holding it out to him. "Fancy a candy bar?"
"Nice to meet you Evan. And yeah, I guess."

"Good," he replied with the best smile he could muster. Only through sheer force of will did he manage to stop himself from sitting down right there and then. The ground was spinning underneath him and he felt very tired. He couldn't recall the last time he had slept, but it was too long ago, and his body was beginning to object. "Nice to meet you Daisy," he added weakly.


Evan turned at a snail's pace. "It's as good a plan as any." The mention of sitting down in a car made him yearn for it all the more, he had a feeling his legs would soon give out underneath him. Was he getting a fever? He didn't feel particularly hot or cold, just off-balance, as if someone had been tilting the plane of the world. He was just about to say something about getting food and water first when Daisy handed him a candy bar. He smiled thankfully at her and stuffed it in his pocket. He marched in and out of the store three times before he had transported all the medicine into the trunk of the jeep. When they were all outside and ready to go he offered to share the candy bar with everyone as he leaned heavily on his rifle.
Daisy followed meekly, noticing Evan was sick, or at least, looked sick. When he was sharing the candy bar, she waited 'til he was alone to ask. She walked up gingerly, and whispered, "Um..are you okay? And I wouldn't say yes, because you look like you're about to collapse and you're leaning on your rifle." She glanced down at his rifle and back up at him, and eyebrow arched. While she waited for him to reply, she looked around at all the others, not very many here. She wondered how many more there was, and what these people were like.
Sam sighed quietly. He almost wanted Aylaela to tend to him but he withdrew. The world wasn't the same anymore. The simple ideas like love and romance had died away with the rest of the world. Sam gnawed at the inside of his cheek as he watched Aylaela walk away, looking unsatisfied.

He remembered something about human touch he read from a book in AP Psychology when he was still in high school. The author, Fran...Something, said that human touch was powerful. Sam remembered bits and pieces of information like the release of hormones, dopmaine something or other. He remembered his teacher, Ms. Little, an ironically tall woman, pacing around the front of the room, using only 5 sometimes 4 steps to get from one side to another. She was a giant, but she was a kind giant.

Sam followed in pursuit. As he came up to the entrance, he saw a large Humvee pull up next to the pharmacy. It was the military man. After an exchange of words, it looked like they were all going to go together. Evan, Lia, Daisy (he heard her name was), Aylaela, and him. All in the large vehicle. Evan seemed a little sick. He went up next to him as Evan explained his thoughts.

"Nice Hummer." Sam greeted the guy in the gas mask. He showed no threat and Evan, the most paranoid of them all, showed not the slightest of suspicion.
Nathan smiles and says "Thanks, found it in a garage not too far from here. I have not the slightest idea of what it was doing there, but I'm glad it was there." he remembered all the gore from the room where he had gotten the keys and it made him feel dizzy and made him want to puke... again. "Don't ask me how I got it though. It was not pleasant." He holds out his hand and says "Names Nathan, by the way."
"Um..are you okay? And I wouldn't say yes, because you look like you're about to collapse and you're leaning on your rifle."

Even though he hardly knew her, he found it easier to tell the truth than to lie. For some reason, telling the truth to strangers was so much easier now. Maybe because the truth was what often kept them alive. He shook his head in reply and slung the rifle back over his shoulder. "I am just tired," he said, which wasn't a lie but neither was it the full truth. He stared straight into her dark eyes, "I am scared," he admitted.

He flinched upon seeing the military man again, but Sam seemed to trust him so he suspended his judgement. Drawing from his last reserves of energy he cleared his throat and turned to adress the group as a whole. "Maybe we can get some food and water supplies too, then sweep one of the houses. I can do with a good night's sleep," he proposed.
Lia looked at Nathan and Evan. She smiled and thought accidentally speaking out loud "we could use the jeep and the hummer to get the others!"

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